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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  September 29, 2018 6:30pm-6:57pm EDT

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the coast of a state filled with. florida. it's the hoa to overstate how horrible the red tide has been for florida life is dead businesses can't pay bills people are getting sick and even the face eaters have had to pick their victims for more carefully. than they used to so in the state government is trying to both warn people about red tide and yet play it down at the same time hi i'm rhonda watkins i'm with your county pollution control i bet you have the same questions that i had so hopefully i can answer some of those for you maybe dispel some of the mist that you keep hearing about red tide so does that mean if there's red tide you can't go to the beach no because you have to have three things happen for you to feel the red tide at the beach you have to have a high enough red tide level you have to have wave action and the wind has to be blowing in your direction. you know. and order to get sick from red
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tide there has to be red tide and then there have to be waves and wind at the beach . where does that happen if the fish was acting normal when you caught it that means you didn't see this big group or someone at the top and acting weird and you just and that it unfolded in actually you caught it by hook and line and it put up a good fight and it looks healthy eating that muscle tissue is fine if it put up a good fight. whether i ingested neuro toxin comes down to whether my fish had a good left jab or not out of it and if it was acting weird what the i don't know i think but what if you go i saw him buy and hot dogs but not hot dog buns is weird but. you would believe this ten pound bass i caught it was just sitting in a one chair smoking a cigar. right of this video as well as the florida fish and wildlife conservation commission says that swimming. a for most people however the red tide can cause
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some people to suffer skin irritation and burning eyes gray may cause a rash and burning on eyes but then i'm on it in a let's see what happens. this isn't the only activity i treat like that is sex ok . nothing else. funny they're not really mentioning that according to the national library of medicine in humans a significant increase in self reported respiratory symptoms has been described as a recreational an occupational exposure is to florida red type aerosols as in the air ok so rash is burning eyes respiratory symptoms all due to the noro toxins that are invading your body but go swimming you know you might want to send your dog in first to see if he washes onto the shore with the legs sticking up if you have a dog in those red tide it's not a good idea this take your dog to the beach never bar and do not bring
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a good dog or write anything grieving will die a horrible death except you and your kids are your all five. of the five going for the dog. not only is all the local and national media coverage understating the harm to humans understating just how many millions of marine animals have died but they're also not talking about the human causes of red tide governor rick scott who did declare a state of emergency doesn't want you to know that he and his corporate buddies helped create it eight years ago three key state leaders fought bitterly against stricter limits for the very pollution now sliming south florida some people may say red tide is naturally occurring yeah so is anthrax all right and radiation and pig genital warts ebola media are located garages grizzly bears explosive diarrhea. look out root canals rageaholic police officers and groan but
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here's the ice takes six record to rush limbaugh no occurring naturally. just because something is the actual doesn't make it good or fun or right or just you know you know just because something is natural doesn't mean it can't be weaponized by psychopaths and the corporations that are funded by. anthrax the ban was naturally occurring all right but then it was weaponized and sprayed at us through our radios. as julie house from and said at the fourth floor to phoenix to red to ive is a natural occurrence but the polluted agriculture runoff super charges it and rick scott and many others fought for this governor scott got his department of environmental protection to convince the e.p.a. that florida should set its own regulations for sewage manure and fertilizer the other thing both florida authorities and the media keep hitting home is red tides
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were documented as far back as the seventy eight hundred and along florida's gulf coast in the eighteen forty s. just because something existed a long time ago also doesn't mean it's ok there was a naturally occurring organism first spotted in florida way back in fifteen thirteen that then grew out of control and killed almost all the native americans is. the right man at the right moment. and past decides to not work against it. that's right positively oh it was the first neuro talk home. but. it wasn't enough for these goons to only destroy it florida's waters in one of the most brazen moves bondy and scott filed legal action in two thousand and fourteen to block cleanup of the chesapeake bay and in case you're wondering the chesapeake bay is in maryland and maryland all right. these people are so psychotic
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they want to make sure other states east coast of collapse along with there's going to be kidding me that there would be like if your husband really let himself go so you demanded all peoples husbands stop working out if i have to deal with the front of everyone i do know that a. long story short the waters all florida are awful and dangerous and millions of wildlife are being killed and the size of this red tide is not naturally occurring florida is a petri dish of runaway unfettered corporatism we will continue to see this everywhere eco disasters based on a system that puts profit over all else instead our beaches should have a right to life our rivers should have a right to life our forests should have a right to life we have the ability to create a sustainable world and we're running out of time to demand it come to the walk you
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thank. well the only can i like take the news from behind the robert f. kennedy humans are a human rights group announced that it will bail out five hundred inmates from rikers island these are people who have not been convicted yet of anything and are in prison because they can't pay bail many say the bail system only punishes poor people who don't have the money and shore shore there are no wealthy people at rikers island but that's because if you are wealthy then you are by definition a good person like we can all agree on that all right think about it when was the
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last time you saw a wealthy person who was not a generous giving risk rag full heart like johnny. gill in the wrong. because all the old person who cares for all humankind. you know we give the show would give the shirt off their servants back to a person currently on fire. god does not reward bad people with the wealth that is scientific facts. in the eighty eight hundred by a dude with mercury poisoning so sure bail keeps exclusively poor people locked up but it's only one of the crafty devices we have to lock up poor people there are laws against sleeping in your car laws against sleeping in public against camping against loitering when the last time you saw an investment banker get nailed by the
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popo for loitering and even if he is loitering outside the office of his favorite prostitutes the the. cobbs know not to mess with him because he has the secret badge that pro that protects the wealthy from arrest it's called a pocket square. no one knows no one knows how to get one of the babies. but there has yet to be an arrest of a pocket square to america not a nary a one and those without pockets where it's generally deserved to get arrested like the woman in our next story the drug administration was trying to help americans by hosting a panel about why we need to spend hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars to bomb innocent civilians in iran and what better to help average americans right i actually haven't done this i went to average america recently i actually went. checked it out i went to detroit michigan and i talk to every single out of work
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person in that town standing outside the k.f.c. . and they all said the same thing with a look not having clean water really rough not being able to pay for my kids' school supplies truly horrible but all of these issues would be solved if we just bombed the iranian people. what they all said what they all said. but invading another country takes planning and manufacturing of consent it takes charting a path is what it takes for the trump administration supported by our brave corporate democrats supported by them they got together some of their favorite war cheerleaders including bryan hook this is last week head of trump's iran action group they got together to show us the sociopath forward and they. and their lovely war party was interrupted virtually all of it by
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a nasty nasty woman. she needs one see here. our lives are this is you this did years hence their grandchildren if it is. out there how do you think we are today announced. ryan what. ryan who has clearly been well trained is going to his happy place. this isn't happening this isn't happening on the same parts on a warm day same parts of a warm day same parts on a warm day what. with that little pink tinkerbell made some interesting points she said how did a rock turnout how did libya turn out and i think i speak for all americans when i say i don't know the news doesn't really talk about right i'm not so i assume everything is fine over larry. we couldn't possibly have learned lessons about how
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to behave in the future. plus everyone knows we brought libya free douma we brought them free so what is this slave trade has returned since we collapsed there is society the point is we brought libya we brought the libyan people the freedom to have slaves all right. really having someone else in chains is what freedom is all about. even though captain hook there is quite good quite good with the happy thoughts he is unable to fly like peter pan and so therefore he had to set their wall tinkerbelle thrashed him to know until she finally did fly out of the room which was quite a lot of. nobody seriously anti-war voices like medea benjamin there and like those here on redacted tonight we must be dragged out of the room by our armpits lest our dangerous ideas infiltrate the public sphere holes. and that.
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way. and that brings us to this whigs so. christians doesn't. suppress the kind of material. i tweeted out to you guys last a week if you subscribe to our used two channel in the past check again now and see if you're still subscribed many of you wrote back that indeed you had been secretly unsubscribed some of you said that you were unsubscribed every time you watch your videos but let's be honest let's be honest a good thing you are being forbidden from following us anybody watching this show wants to fix america by knowing the truth that is not covered on the corporate media and try to stick. to the tough and strong. and trying to fix america by informing yourself is very anti-american all right. so
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by definition if you like this show your what's wrong with america ok and who better to be parted from you tubes than anti-american that's why i support you tube to make sure you never see our show in fact in fact anybody who's seeing this right now including you you repulse me you just you disgust me for watching me. so to teach you a lesson i'm replacing the rest of this episode with to believe that. being told we cannot airs who believes. we both don't have the rights and it's a crime against humanity but. i stand by my belief that it is far more patriotic for you to watch probable pedophiles with their faces painted like a parakeet. then it is to watch our show but if you insist on knowing about all of
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our content like the traitors you are then checks the word redacted to four four four nine nine nine to sign up for our free mail list or go to camp to die. i'd come but do not do that do i want to have any of your greatest quarterbacks are the top of. unfortunately cranial government destroys their country don't know maybe they don't understand this but they destroyed the country they lost not only crimea but they lost their own people in two regions crania us and russia they really have is toward a very deep roots and to cause this center trying just to show yourself that you
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are absolutely separate and different. from russians this is absolutely stupid the way this is the way to nowhere. this is. the church secret indeed just like priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moved to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice mustn't do that and if that's not the best yet intent then i think you'll hear about it tuesday's out
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and. this. is faith. thank you both thank you i think tank the atlantic council's digital forensic lab has been identifying accounts guilty of for an election interference and only. thousands of them in the run up to foreign elections such as and back sicko and in brazil. for election interference not at all you know people say that the atlantic council is hawkish because it's funded by nato the saudis and. i don't know about that. and i'm just news sources like alter net common dreams and the free thought project are being suppressed on facebook. well let's be honest here naming yourself freethought project you're
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asking for an. iranian new sources were deleted from facebook and anti-war voices too but those people are obviously bots obviously bots then that makes me a part knew it. so are we witnessing the merger of the national security state and silicone valley. you know what i hate last question. yes. i got new information i just tell you like our government hates immigrants turns out is a lot let's go to redacted correspondent john a photon also he can break it down for me. to do dog the trump administration's immigration policies couldn't get any more mean spirited draconian or downright on american. you'd be right i
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mean come on child attention really is scraping the bottom of what i like to call the horrendousness barrel of a trademark now there's something else under the new inadmissibility on public charge grounds rule immigrants who have used benefits including the medicare part d. prescription program the supplemental nutrition assistance program snap also known as food stamps or section eight housing vouchers could be considered in eligible for green cards yeah according to this proposed rule immigration case workers will be required to consider the use of public benefits as quote heavily weighed negative factors when considering which immigrants get permanent legal status and in certain cases immigrants will be forced to post cash bonds of at least ten thousand dollars to avoid being denied
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a green card. well i guess it makes sense seeing as the statue of liberty plaque does say. give me your well rested your rate your isolated only who are already breathing freely on their own and upon second thought don't even really want to immigrate here anymore because the us health care system is more then george clooney it is prime that i understand federal law i has always required that people seeking green cards prove they will not be a burden by needing cash assistance but the government has never before considered the use of other public benefits like assistance for food to determine status you know because compassion when opportunity good with other words we like to use to define ourselves as americans that are delusional. nearly one hundred million children in immigrant families could be affected by the
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policy changes according to a report by the kaiser family foundation that examined a draft of the new rule that was even broader than the one announced almost nine in ten of those children are united states citizens ok so let's say this a less broad new rule negatively affects only ten million children that's still awful it's putting immigrant families in the impossible position of deciding between receiving basic human needs or being kicked out of the country it's like when i was in high school i was put in the impossible position of deciding to see sublime in concert or three eleven both shows were on the same night in drastically different parts of suburban new jersey i'll loan understand the plight of immigrant families remember three eleven zuma zuma zuma zim's zam zam you know that we have always been down dan imus amazon the dims in. zuma zuma zuma soon zam
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zam know that we have both unfortunately bloomers of the restriction have already had it get them and people cracked immigrant communities as family. across the country have begun to drop out of the special supplemental nutrition program for women infants and children wic reporting fears that their participation will affect their right to stay in the country this is highly messed up but at least the policy change doesn't require congressional approval so that's lucky if you don't know what the word lucky means the only saving grace is that there is a sixty day public comment period before the rule goes into effect ultimately this won't stop it from happening we all know that but it is a chance to go to the unnavigable regulations doc go of and type some random into the search bar to see what props up. for results that seems low reporting from ellis island john f.
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o'donnell redacted. minds from the future next week you'll learn cavanagh brings in guy who spanked for ordering frat hazing as a character with. one week from now authorities searching for five hundred feral poor people that somehow escaped holding cell. and three weeks from now you'll learn. florida moves from looking like america's main supremest to actually smelling like you. know my wife jill sobule and several tesco santa cruz want to. thank you for the boys and use it is our thanks to split jack ford i come to get the details because we can i feel i want to thank god.
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that a petition would have played a pushable in this if god through the life of that innocent civilians and the home by only used the country you know was going to take even be in on a whole and evil. committing a crime was to say is that the national mall of the said and so what is it thirty one of the few months under again also a lot of principles and values. mother who used leaks laws lead guards.
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police. when your. mom doesn't preclude the biggest and most of the book and movie this a bug. tries to school students about some new yorkers. just for a little. unfortunate
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ukrainian government destroys their conclave don't know maybe they don't understand this but they destroyed the country they lost not only crimea but they lost their own people in two regions crania us and russia they. really have very deep roots and to cut. into trying just to show yourself that you are absolutely separate and different. from russians this is absolutely stupid the way this is the way to nowhere. in a damning speech at the u.n. russia's foreign minister lambastes the political blackmail economic pressure and brute force he says western governments are using to preserve their dominance.
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angry protests in barcelona with clashes between police and separatists just two days before the first anniversary of the region's independents.


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