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tv   News  RT  October 1, 2018 9:00am-9:30am EDT

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i. i. i. as washington heads could be open to talks with taliban militants in afghanistan this hour are to track down the commander of the group who rejects the possibility of any negotiations. with the leadership of the taliban doesn't want to negotiate with the americans and has never wanted this and the leadership of taliban never gave permission to any member to negotiate on their behalf. turan says it's launched missiles against militants in syria it believes were responsible for last month's deadly terror attack on a military parade in around. us professes his love for the north korean leader kim jong un while pyongyang remains coyer of america's hostile sanction. and also wants to first anniversary of the catalan independence referendum these protesters today
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taking action across spain this break where rage of the crisis still in the still. by the just turned four pm here in moscow life in the arctic new center is kevin i am with you for this thirty minute news update top of the news feed this hour then after seventeen years of war in afghanistan the u.s. has once again hinted it's open to peace talks with the taliban widely considered as a terrorist organization however it doesn't seem that the militants themselves are willing to accept the offer especially considering the increasing control the groups exerting on the ground no days he was granted rare access to taliban militant command and raised the subject direct. the americans never want to cooperate with the taliban and the taliban has never asked the americans again to cooperate against the islamic state the americans are bombing us while we fight
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against isis. the latest just of direct talks between the taliban and washington came from the u.s. state department on friday. this is ministration has made it clear that it is prepared to engage with and participate in the go she is with both the taliban and the afghan government. the leadership of the taliban doesn't want to negotiate with the americans and has never wanted this and the leadership of taliban never gave permission to any member to negotiate on their behalf u.s. defense secretary james mattis just had a meet and greet with the afghan president in kabul they finally decided to play nice in a bid to get the taliban down to talks but just one day before their words of peace washington dropped a big f. thirty five b. bomb on the taliban looks like the peace process is getting off on the right foot especially when the u.s. has for years led up to this moment promising both talk and terror i want to reinforce to the child up in the only path to peace and political legitimacy for
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them is through a negotiated settlement to the taliban when their choices are to reconcile live in a relevant. you have the taleban willing to come to the negotiating table there's no talking to the taliban we don't want to talk to the taliban we're going to finish what we have to finish so it's no surprise the taliban is reluctant to trust promises of peace and why would they seek it anyway in the past several months the taliban has made substantial territorial gains their spring offensive took coalition forces completely off guard seizing regions all over afghanistan over one hundred soldiers and police officers were killed in just one week of the offensive and that's not even counting last week's un report covering civilian casualties in battles between the coalition and taliban forces. and as you've.
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seen in any just over the show all these was you'll see so you can no differentiate between dollars and going to since new industry is not the first time the going to do this at the earliest. time. for them. to get over. that. they're going to. america's two thousand one invasion of afghanistan hoped to oust the taliban from power but what materialized it was a seventeen year long war the longest conflict in the us history and now fast approaching are monumental peace talks to be held in moscow between the taliban and the afghan government but if we can confirm that we will attend the moscow conference we are waiting for the date and agenda then we will decide what can be achieved from the conference if successful these talks could mark
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a step forward in a conflict that currently has no end in sight donald quarter r.t. . around says it's launched a ballistic missile attack on a location in eastern syria the revolutionary guard claims it targeted the militant group responsible for last month's terrorist attack which hit a military parade and killed twenty five in the southwestern iranian city of. discuss the details of the roof and. we hear from the iranian islamic revolutionary guard which is the country's elite military force that has hade certain targets in syria that they claim are quote headquarters of the terrorists iran claims that the militants operate in that particular area. of the youth rate is are responsible for last month's deadly attack ordered to information from various sources this could be the region north all over the city of. syria not far from the iraqi border it's also not far from the city of has seen known as the last
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stronghold of the so-called islamic state militants in the region and we do not know about the casualties but we hear from the official teheran that the launch was successful as again quote a large number of the attackers what's hit so briefly the catalyst for this was the shooting the government shooting those people just last week yeah it was a very tragic event actually four and happened more than a week ago september twenty second to be exact during a military parade in iran a southwestern c.t. of. that parade was part of nationwide celebrations to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the end of iran iraqi eight year long war. era. we suddenly realised armed people wearing freak military outfits were attacking their comrades from behind the stage and then opened fire on women and
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children they were just aimlessly shooting around without a specific. and you didn't really see that. says the four terrorists who brought their guns to the area and hitting them several days ago on the cover is civilians to watch the parade then they went and picked up their guns and opened fire on people. this is the deadliest attack in iran in the last eighteen years to hear an accused the u.s. and particulary ettes allies among arab countries such as saudi arabia and the united arab emirates of providing the attackers with finances with weaponry washington tonight all the allegations so it's quite tense again in that region is true in international relations for us general working things the situations intensify because of moves to limit the rate influence in the region the strike by
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itself has another dimension or another significance using this ballistic missile of eight hundred kilometers range it's like an iranian message to the just to see countries all of the you see cities within its reach the whole region is witnessing the rise in the tension especially that the united states is trying to neutralize the iranians block them from having any influence in the region western of the. freighters. after a roller coaster on off to promote relationship donald trump's open he professed his affection for the north korean leader kim jong il. i was really being tough and so wishing i would go back and forth and then we fell in love ok no really he wrote me beautiful letters and they're great letters that was trying talking to
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supporters over the weekend describing how he and cam have gone from it's complicated to in a relationship a tale as old as time isn't it too volatile world leaders separated by thousands of kilometers first of each other's throats then over time and numerous heartfelt letters magic happens so i've received two letters from. my personal correspondence magnificent very strong letter form incredible letters letters save one i showed one of the letters just to prime minister b. he said this is actually a groundbreaking letter so against all odds they're in love at least according to trump but the relationship isn't without its problems now is not the time to ease pressure verify denuclearization of north korean until such time as that occurs the economic sanctions the sanctions been put in place by the united nations security council will remain in place leaving one side or trust issues to the
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two general the perception that sanctions can bring us to our knees is a pipe dream of people who are ignorant about us but the problem is that they continue sanctions deepening our mistrust. but all hope may not be lost a second summit between the pair is still on the table but make no mistake about it there is real progress being made and we're going to continue to work at it and until the point in time where as the president says it we could be wrong it may not happen but until such time as we conclude we can't get this done we're going to continue to drive to achieve the progress continue the progress which we've already made but let's not forget how difficult getting that first date was well summit that is nevertheless the to put aside their differences and have a magical time in singapore.
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thank you. and well team trump year for more the north i could be straying kim has already met with his south korean counterpart three times and to add salt to that one president man with a pair of north korean hunting dogs by p.n. yang as a symbol of their warming relationship could this spell trouble in paradise for trump. independence campaign is a big block in l.a. today major motorways railway lines across the rest of spanish region of catalonia today marks a year since independence referendum that was branded illegal at the time by madrid's delays hundreds of clashed with local police in cattle and in the. protesters of making their way to the train station right on top of the roadblocks
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in the region's capital barcelona to the. so that a year on from the bid to succeed from spain the region of catalonia still remains in stalemate artie's view the culture never reports. a year after cats linus failed attempt to break away from spain the situation in the region remains deadlocked back than madrid called the referendum on independence illegal and refused to acknowledge it as a result of police crackdown on demonstrators left hundreds of people injured on the anniversary there are similar violent scenes on the streets of catalan as capital.
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and it read to seize on the biggest constitutional crisis and the country for decades and if twelve or twenty seventeen madrid to control of catalan government and put eight of the deposed members in jail and the oust catalan leader of fled the country to belgium with an international arrest warrant on his hat the spanish government dissolved the catalan parliament to control of local police forces and called for snap elections this measure we go to implement has a lot to do with the goal of holding an election in catalonia the region will have to hold an election within six months the minds engineers to hold it as soon as we recover but that didn't bring the relief madrid had hoped for and stats kathlyn poor independence party has held their absolute majority in the vote and put in power a hardline separatist leader bringing an end to seven months of direct rule from a treat and june this year spain welcomed its own new prime minister who adopted
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a softer tone towards cattle on air and offered the fresh start to negotiations on its status the catalan leader wasn't so flexible and insisted only on holding it legally binding referendum on independence the issue of the independence remains. divisive in the region with pool suggesting capped loans are almost evenly split on whether to stay part of spain. the truth is that many people feel disappointed because they thought everything was heading towards the final goal of independence yet despite some people feeling tired many of us are determined to continue forward . we will continue to fight for independence despite all the many difficulties we'll do day by day. i'm very much against it now is not the time for cattle on it to become independent for me it would be better to leave things as they are moving spain and we are spanish meaning now fear that failure to find common ground in catalonia would likely spill into and no other political crisis triggering another
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snap election sometime in early twenty nineteen catalan independence is a saga that could yet have another anniversary next october first the protest movement would appear to be more or less as strong as it was last year however polls show that less than half of counsel and support independence and they are very divided indeed on how to achieve it because last year when push came to shove the international community did not recognize the lateral declaration so at the moment there's a lot of uncertainty there so apart from a lot of demonstrations the situation is pretty much the same as it was considered a father to us in terms of that one there now coming up for the day's news after a ninety second break.
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that a petition. made it possible in this if god took the life of that instant civilians and by all means we can feel part of it even you know it all and. committing crime was this it is a national this is a lot of mistakes here as you mentioned and again also a lot of gruesome value. again
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palestinians are going on general strike today against israel's controversial nation state law which they say makes them second class citizens it states that only jews have the right to self-determination in israel but palestinian arabs make approximately a fifth of the country's population to some palestinian schools universities government offices and shops are closed in solidarity with them throughout the day we're also going to bring you special report on how palestinian resistance to channel not only through demonstrations but also another side to this through art.
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he. exactly. has the blood looked up looked at the air. we were able to call fifteen hundred. shots in one day for a while he says my it's pretty sweet home most of the truth to those who go wow with you to those. who love me. one love them somebody. missed us that is. the logical that acoa the saddest of their lives. they're worth a call to. maverick have signed with. and
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we did it to show the world that we can make a funny thing that can make a guy. who come from a shot of the simple i was. going to get additional of the amount from uncle a lot when i walked out of the bar this was the orphan i'm going to tell you just from school is of course. i was one hundred people. will some of you who are like over and you will see that he said look i'm holding them. programs i have various times so the day footnote to this for israel sort of israel defends its options on the gaza border saying it's defending itself from violent protesters and the militant group. a vocal critic of the us military presence in japan has been elected governor of okinawa his victory the full putzing question
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tokyo's plans for the other. new air base coming up there fifty eight year old denny to mikey was eighty thousand votes ahead of the candidate this but by the ruling coalition right now to mark he was born to a japanese mother and a u.s. marine father whom he'd never met as governor he's pledged to continue with his predecessor spirit was firmly against america's military presence in the country many locals are strongly against any further expansion of the u.s. footprint despite what's planned there twenty five thousand servicemen and based currently in ok now are off of there are american troops in japan and locals complain about the noise from a crime committed by troops over the years we've been telling some of the stories of these two some also fear their homes could become a target in the event of a military confrontation so a lot of people the minds there about this let's go live to achieve my aggie who's in ok now an activist i gather is on the line hey the chief thanks for your time today hope in him we clearly with the new governor elected what changes are hoped
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for now why was to marcie's so appealing to locals. encourage. really any other minute and in fact. act that it actually from the governor and he has been you know what i'm actually in a different government but you know he. he let me in all that we are very very proud kreiger a lot. but do you know markie. he's a muslim to make up your mind is to stand. oh i'm the one that we'll. never. be real and he will stop. action. and not go. in the color of a cherry. it's not
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a very good line we've got to on for sure they'll just go one more question that i'm really keen to ask i'm sure of view is a keen to hear it as well these protests have gone on for a long time in the past despite what a lot of people are not an hour of got to say but nonetheless this new base is being proposed why are people in aachen i was so upset about u.s. military presence there in a nutshell brief as you can. doubtless believe. that well let's start with the o.p.'s very small. six percent or eighty of. them if you look at it so really yes but the government is not only of course she may argue we're going to leave it there we want the front of a chart be on the scenes in trying to get a slightly better line ok she may argue in our activists against sort of the
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signals of people there for our views and thank you for your time will come back to burn the seeds. all right let's check of some other news today and efforts by the french president to petroleum self as a man of the people of long been ridiculed by critics has been off documented now a recent photo from a trip to the caribbean fire them up once again this time the president saying posing with someone making a scene gesture no less. we can't even find words to express our indignation we can't tolerate this unforgivable there's almost nothing left those trips of dignity that got lost in the night of.
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the members of this because you. know. a small four for the fifteen year old boy who was told off and humiliated by mike ross because he didn't respect the presidency by calling him money. i hope in any case that my called that last from you have been called man on the one hand. on the other the presidency is implicitly undermining. this is showing that he is not a two faced this is the same a quote you just has a difficulty speaking the difference between the way he was six years ago what he really is and what he's supposed to be because he doesn't really know i mean he's got no training for this and he just thinks he could continue being having attitude
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. and. go out and have fight and then somebody is going to topple over his shoulder said don't forget that you're president of the french republic he's results after you're not half are not true at all he's got bad results concerning unemployment bad results concerning criminality immigration i mean all the indicators are read practically at the same time he's going out doing selfies as if he was some sort of rock star. the perils of being a politician in a well not know twenty four hour leave it there that's the way things look in so far this monday afternoon in moscow this first of october kevin always saying thanks for watching international.
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manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the famous merry go round be the one percent. we can all middle of the room. cooked a dish with. somebody with a showing of the. words mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamped each
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day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long for the old rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent minus minus two years some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember of one one business show you can afford to miss the one and only. know who is going to accept the slow drivers will start to leave a little it's. lucy
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. over television way. i don't buy the stuff i love me it. was somebody that had no it's a mask you never know what's happening and whether they're shooting little birds here. and this left out of the. saddle. just because of that interview but i'm a dick and said back then in the muslims well he's going to win the.
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and if you don't. eat. it. and eat. it if you. don't serve the shevardnadze of the united arab emirates growing economic and political influences brain cells everywhere in the middle east but will the quagmire of the war in yemen sink the new ambition of the tiny nation talk to the president of the emirates federal now.


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