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tv   News  RT  October 3, 2018 2:00am-2:28am EDT

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this is a headline story china plays a more important role than the u.s. in the world today according to newly released data from a washington based think tank the same survey shows a lack of trust in donald trump's leadership compared to other world leaders. the daughter of a german right wing politician is disqualified from a portrait for her. verse it says the country's main opposition the right wing party its record. may the force be with few russian trolls are accused of swaying public opinion against the latest film in the star wars franchise.
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twenty four hour news live from moscow this is your international very warm welcome this morning to the russian capital and you know neal china is playing a more important role in the world today than the united states that's according to a recent poll by the washington based think tank the pew research center and it also shows that the chinese leader is more trusted globally than his american counterpart. what gets in donald trump obsessive has a made. the point to else. has been attempting to interfere in our upcoming twenty eight. election i've done a lot of business with china china's market distortions china china china china see through china i'm talking about china. and he has good reason to be fixated the
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rise of china is showing no signs of stopping with a nation poised to overtake america as the next world superpower polls conducted across twenty five countries show why the spread recognition that china is the emerging power with the might to more than rival uncle sam to china overtake the u.s. as the globe should be the learn when i think china will overtake the u.s. china's goal good chance of doing that their way above everybody else people underestimate him and he actually made the most powerful country now is certainly the united states but i think china will have the fastest of russia but here's the thing china may well become the most powerful in economic terms the people are not so keen on beijing taking the reins as the globe's moral compass and think the u.s. is still the best option is the world voice of reason trying to do what it's us would be in the heart of those scary. i lean more towards the usa for
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their democratic systems and human rights so i don't think it would be better if china became more powerful however ranking leaders on doing the right thing and trump is well down the list lower than china's xi jinping. oh you know sure. they lose. but that's not to say that trump and doesn't have those who hang on his every word taze huge in the philippines it seems most people there love nothing more than an outspoken well to mention provocative man in control and you don't even have to be able to hold a chew. you
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lose the minute you leave and in israel forget about it trump is the man pulling out of the iran nuclear deal and moving the us embassy to jerusalem has earned him serious brownie points and alienated a whole bunch of people too but we have i would say probably the best relationships right now with israel that we have or had a bigger explosion or always maybe ever before. oh. oh. with deterrence am netanyahu on his side trunk passes the ports but it's with china's when a song is coupled with america's decline does trump really have what it takes to remain at the top of the world pedestal how likely to think you need to succeed so
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i want. one. i don't think it's possible to be three zero the scale be made between one and five you know you know his influence around three come on let's be honest the trump is trump turning attention to germany now where the daughter of a right wing politician has been disqualified from a portrait contest after reading our ten migrant poem your stuff first. all. the little. even. though. what you just heard was part of a poetry competition that was organized in southwest germany by a council as part of an anti racism initiative the entry you heard was by.
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the fourteen year old daughter of a right wing german politician her controversial entry provoked this reaction in the hall was well despite that reaction she was disqualified from the competition in fact there were boos when it different when it was announced there has been backlash though her mother the alternative for germany m.p. nicola has said that their house had been dogged in spray painted with nazi slurs this type of reaction to a teenager's poetry isn't surprising in germany right now the political divide in the country hasn't been this prominent in recent times in fact we've seen a number of right wing demonstrations across the country that were really sparked into existence following the stabbing to death of a thirty five year old german man in the city of camden it's the two main suspects
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in custody a two asylum applications one from iraq and one from syria was of. was and all of this has played into the hands of the anti migrant alternative for germany party when they entered parliament just over a year ago and twenty seventeen with just less than thirteen percent of the vote they weren't really expected to build on not too much said. mazal here on your own state's law not. a man to serve. as a spitter in this kind seek it's. just months so. i know not tsunami thousands of our table. implemented in thailand not tsunamis it's your list of. the i'm good for misunderstood stock of on is often some troposphere
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theda. fast forward to now when the polls show that almost one in five germans is with alternative food germany the most recent poll showing that they would take over eighteen percent of the vote if an election with held today coming only second to the union of the c.d.u. and c.s.u. headed up by angle of merkel dissatisfaction with angola merkel's government is reasonably high here in germany but what these recent polls show is that if an election was to be held tomorrow well the chancellor wouldn't have enough votes to put together the current coalition government in a considerable minority among the german population is lost it's trust into the christian democratic union into the social democratic party end of the established politics and media system voting for the f.t. is mostly or even completely an emotionally driven voting those who vote for the a
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if he simply wanted to be clear we have lost trust in the it's established political parties who want to punish them and the most severe punishment for the political establishment is voting for the a.f.p. and this is how the things are going on in germany right now. firstly it was the presidential elections and the alleged assault on american democracy those russian trolls are up to something even more sinister they've had a galaxy not so far far away they're partly targeting hollywood and the star wars franchise. hey america they stole your election hey britain they stole your dream of a united europe democracy will never be the same because of russian memes thralls boughts well surely there is something still sacred in western culture are off limits to the russians.
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oh no the kremlin folks even got their hands on star wars russian trolls weaponized style was criticism as an instrument for information warfare with the purpose of pushing for political change this was from a real study by a brave jet i call or i mean who claims there's been a force that was fighting to make the last jet i fail wow thirty seven pages remember how the movie got booed at when those need fans couldn't forgive the director for spoiler alert killing luke skywalker and forgive him for going against all the tropes so dearly cherished by the fandom remember how the star wars lovers army even campaign to fund a remake well now you know who did it the sith sorry the russians
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had a great disturbance in the force as is millions of us is suddenly cried out into the sun the sun just to prove it the guy behind the research analyzed almost a thousand online messages for the director and his result was more than half of the hate tweets came from trolls some of them were russian. the director didn't just pay attention he shared the link to the study with his twitter followers. mark. it wasn't disney not even the director it was the damn ski's. fighting fake news that's what we've heard from web search giant google pretty much right from the moment the first false reports. have to take the problem very very seriously we have to think about what we can do there we have very clear policies in place we've adjusted some of our policies we're moving really really fast with
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what we can control but the crusader itself is in the spotlight over all things fake an investigation by the u.k.'s times newspaper has uncovered the search giant allowing fake websites to buy advertising space under terms like fake credit card that works google offered the service for up to one point a click and has even been coming up with its own suggestions offering to buy a similar search terms to views what many see it as a breach of the company's core values we value honesty and fairness so we don't allow the promotion of products or services that are designed to enable dishonest behavior. google was quick to respond claiming over three billion so-called were blocked last year alone technology consultant bill muse sees most afeard resorts says are being focused on the most profitable areas and fact
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checking comes at distant second. i think it's notable that. we're looking at areas where they generate the most money for their own services and that is in the targeting of they have put a lot of resources into making the algorithms far more sophisticated where they have lacked sophistication such as in the identification of insight for materials inappropriate materials and some of the fraudulent activity that we're looking at today those are areas which aren't actually front and center in terms of their ad business and therefore there's been less resource put into these areas in terms of making the algorithms more sophisticated what we need to see is google and facebook and others stepping up and actually improving those algorithms otherwise they're going to face some fairly draconian regulation the scandal surrounding donald trump
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supreme court nominee is entering a new territory as brett kavanaugh but also three allegations of sexual misconduct his name and face are pretty much in every headline of the partisan battle it's being fought through fashion. supreme court nominee brett kavanaugh brett kavanaugh cavanagh judge dr christine blas a forty pool cues this cavanagh of sexually assaulting her when the two were both in high school. and never had sexual intercourse or anything close to a very high school or for many years after that in some crowd so it's probably a little in our work we shy about my experience. tried to hide that.
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i drank beer with my friends almost everyone did i liked. i still like.
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a for oil cloth followed within us said freeze from styx on a run with some remarkable accusations we break down that story in about ninety seconds. seem wrong. just told. me. to shape out just because educated and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground.
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you should. put themselves on the line. they did accept it or reject it. so when you want to be president. wanted. to do right for us that's what the four three of them will be good. interested in the. show. live from moscow you're back with r.t. international russia's military house released a video of an earth offense system being delivered to syria it's being deployed there to protect personnel after the dawning of
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a russian military aircraft three weeks ago off the syrian coast we've got footage of a total of forty nine elements being handed over to damascus including four launchers that's no look at the. at the main information on this according to russia's defense ministry vs three hundred system has a range of two hundred fifty kilometers uncounted intercept several targets similar tenuously the friend or foe system will also government see that syria can identify russian aircraft the u.s. state department reacted to the s three ha. brit deployment saying it could
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escalate the situation in the region syria accidentally shot on a russian il twenty reconnaissance aircraft during the tank by is really find her jets the kremlin accused israel of using the larger russian plane as cover israel confirmed conducting the u.s. strikes but sees its jets were outside syrian airspace when the plane was and. you know in a quite extraordinary claim french authorities say before a plan by iran to bomb on the remaining opposition groups rally near paris they've now frozen the assets of iran's intelligence agency the u.s. state department lent its weight to the accusations to. we've seen what iran has done in syria we've seen right iran has done in other countries we see iran's devastation that it causes around the world as the world's us stop top sponsor of terrorism well as a backdrop to this or run itself accuse saudi arabia of sponsoring terrorism during
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a speech of the recent u.n. general assembly in new york everybody knows very well that saudi arabia supports terrorism and a very blatant and widespread manner in the framework of we key in two thousand and nine hillary clinton is said to have stated that saudi arabia is the greatest honor to terrorist groups around the world. or the wiki leaks documents also names saudi arabia as quote a critical financial support base for al qaeda the taliban and other terrorist groups political scientists come off the u.s. applies double standards and how it treats tehran than reality. why are the saudis not targeted and all the focus is on is on iran well the answer is very obvious so did the u.s. client state that purchases billions and billions of dollars of arms and
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furnishes oil to the western governments when we tend put take to it and immunize it from criticism. and report. to our cities in yemen and the humanitarian catastrophe there we don't have anyone including the french diplomats raising and i brought to a story that's getting a lot of attention public companies in the u.s. state of california are legally required to have at least one woman on their board of directors the law say it must be brought into actual force by the end of twenty a day and in fact with that number increasing to three in the coming years companies could also face fines of at least one hundred thousand dollars for not complying. well long awaited for many the bell has however provoked concern with the state's chamber of commerce saying it will prioritize gender over other aspects of
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diversity. creates discrimination now against other people in favor of women who might not even be qualified i mean you're talking about putting one woman in place there and now we're having to mandate that where there are many women in the workplace that have been working hard so rather than hoping for encouraging in the workplace there to be equal treatment of women who do a good job now we're just regulating than mandating it which is undoubtedly going to cause anarchy in the workplace is going to cause dissension among people perhaps amongst other women who have been working hard wondering why this woman got chosen just to meet a certain quota i think it's absolutely ridiculous to suggest that there is not a single woman qualified you know for the board of any public company in california i think we all know them and loads of women who are super well qualified in the question should be why haven't they been appointed to those schools already why have we put up with this outdated you know white male boys' club for so so loam i
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think there are a lot of people on boards in california and all over the world you want qualified and i'm afraid to say the vast majority of them all men it only causes tension to grow against women against the very party that they're trying to eliminate discrimination over and so that's going to end out only cause backfiring a lot more animosity against women not just from other men in the workplace who have been working very hard but from other women in the workplace who might not be chosen to fit this one woman quota type thing for women who aren't going to be doing that and so you know it's causing dissension it's really going against it and it's going to continue to backfire against that until we change who we are intrinsically as americans in the workplace allowing equal rights because there are deserving of it and not because a lot mandates absolutely california should and will in the back of the success of this legislation for the legislation that mandates that there be a person of color on board and then to put people of color and so on and so forth i think that's absolutely not conflicting issues it shouldn't be the case that women and people of color who incidentally many women are also people of color but we
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shouldn't feel like there's a sort of diversity. we all have to fight for it we should feel like we're all part of a movement that's working towards better balance on boards and working towards a future which people where companies like this belong to all of us not to a tiny you know pie on my island style corporate elite which unfortunately seems to be sort of you know a cop which no one can break at the moment. so dramatic scenes from south american are riot police have been deployed in chile's capital santiago to break up a student demonstration several arrests have been made and water cannon used against protesters. wow. wow. wow. thirty thousand thirty. two.
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the students are protesting a new call to express expulsion rule which he realizes those who attacked police officers and teachers are cause damage to educational institutions critics say it limits free speech and could be used to punish even peaceful protesters. all right we're back watching those hawks in just a moment then do join me again in thirty minutes time for all the latest global updates this wednesday morning here at r.t. h.q. in moscow.
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no you don't think so the soldier was killed i was ready to do a little. piece . of television. and i don't buy the stuff i love me. while i'm somebody doesn't know it's a mask you never know what's happening and whether they're shooting whether there's . mistrust the tibetans are. going to. be just like you know that into you but i'm addicted to sit with your middle class
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and in the muslims all these to deal with. this manufacture consent to a public wealth. when the roman club as protect themselves. with the famous merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. america is a house deeply divided and that division only continues the entire brett kavanaugh saga has turned into blood sport demanding each and every one of us pick a side we're in new territory and that place is called winner takes all.
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ratings and salutation. welcome to another edition of the united states of.


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