tv Watching the Hawks RT October 3, 2018 12:30pm-12:53pm EDT
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so you know when the government something over five hundred over the course of the day five hundred samples of live anthrax priorities you know well. yeah i mean good as soon as they can but i mean i think we know that priority is ultimately shift about every six months on capitol hill in the pentagon about what should we be spending money on what's when it comes to safety it doesn't always actually meanwhile like this is incredibly unsafe and could make a lot of people say i think it's a priority is issue that just isn't as big of a priority because nothing but no really bad thing happened it was just not on the let steve it goes well i don't think it's an either or i'm with you on the anthrax to a great extent certainly you know we all want safety and i'll get to that in a second but they have to go after california because you can't allow a state to try to regulate interstate commerce that's against the law the f.c.c. the congress specifically gave the f.c.c. jurisdiction over the internet they didn't give california or the governor of
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a state jurisdiction over the internet so when it comes to following the law this is this is something that the justice department has to do and you know the. net neutrality that was thrust upon us in two thousand and fifteen the internet from its inception guys was going along great and look what it built itself into with very soft regulation clinton and congress decided at the time they're going to take a hands off approach let it grow and it was and now what this. neutrality was and what they've got rid of in california is that putting back in all rules that went into effect to affect ma bell back in the thirty's we don't need that kind of restriction or regulation i will agree with you that the regulation is based on very old standards and they're trying to take something like the internet and online services and turn and apply old pre. modern tech world
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rules to it and quite frankly it doesn't help business and it doesn't help that's why this sort of net neutrality is a basic idea that kind of got overtaken by a lot of corporations because then it became like a rallying cry and i don't know if either one of those is the answer i don't think you know like net neutrality is going to fix everything i have are i think there's need to be a rules but steve you know the states are arguing that the f.c.c. can't have it both ways on the one hand the commission claims it lacks authority to regulate not neutrality on companies like comcast and because as you said but claims it does have the authority to preempt state regulations doing that on these companies so let me ask you steve are most card carrying words i think this is all about fairness in two thousand and fifteen this country recognize gay marriage you can't be a diplomat from a foreign country and come over here as a heterosexual with your you know your partner. so why should you be able just
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because you're homosexual to be able to come here with your partner if you're if you're not willing to marry that part here and again there is a cavity out there is an exception as you correctly alluded to that if the country from where the diplomat is coming from puts states in writing that there are you know homosexuality is not recognized or is against the law or punishable by some kind of penalty in their home country they'll make an exemption provided that the home country treats you know the u.s. diplomat the same way they're looking for their diplomats to be treated here to me it's a quality our focus should be not on the united states doing this which is which only affects from what i understand about ten people but we should be focusing on these countries many many countries where homosexuality is punishable by death even not on this rule that the u.s. is changing and by the way when hillary in zero nine. this rule that allowed the
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diplomats to come over with their significant other. only homosex only only gay partnerships not heterosexuals they weren't included so it was discriminatory from the beginning and that's actually an interesting point that i wanted to make because i didn't think of this you know a lot was said about hillary clinton when she suffered secretary of state bringing those kinds of domestic partnerships to the state department which is great that employees before ogre fell actually went through that she was giving that but again in this situation it still puts the onus it's not making any but he changed but what it doesn't require something else in reality so as you said u.s. diplomats have to be legally married in order to go overseas to post with their partners so this policy now just mirrors what u.s. policy is you can't even if you have to be legally married in the united states and the answer to this was that the state department confirmed that foreign diplomats in the united states can get married in the united states all these people are worried can literally go to city hall in new york and get married and it will be it
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will be granted in most countries grant reciprocity to us same site domestic couple in fact the u.k. is actually bring that up the u.k. is passing a law and passing it so that opposite sex couples can also get domestic partnerships so let me ask you this is where i have a big why are we making state sponsored marriage and state sponsored you know marriage the key to a mystery of our relationships and that i mean this is a private contract between two people isn't this just showing how much we need to get the government out of our lives the most. well no i again i just think it's being fair because if it why should diplomats be able to come to this country with you know if they're if they're homosexuals or lesbian with their part with their partner but someone who's heterosexual can come to this country with their partner who would also get the visa why the visas only go to a special class of people here and to meet that special class of people as people
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who get married yes you don't get married you can't bring anybody you can't meet them by good people can't get married here because then they go home and it's against the law and i'm i'm sympathetic to them they might be killed in prison get fired who knows what so that's where our focus should be why do these countries have those repressive policies yeah that is a fascinating idea and that's where the focus should be but i do real think at the end of the day that i kind of lean more towards domestic partnerships over marriage because that that can cover everybody not just folks who want to say the states were married or things like that steve malzberg always a pleasure to have you on thank you so much work i would respond thank you both thank you i was going to break our watches don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we program facebook and twitter so your phone shows that are coming up author and educator d watkins joins us to discuss the latest controversy surrounding kanye west the thirteenth amendment as well as mikey collins make of the latest twists and turns there all this and more so stay tuned to watch.
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the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. who are still stuck there was a simple so they want to become lost and then turn the glass to some of the stuff but as many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentries science dressed used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities the best person to ask than. listening to point out and then the next time i get i'm in a lot of class and i want that. they can't what are they options to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house all over for the travels of both of you what is the who do you believe that the. affair fits doubleton many couples won't. kill the chance of putting food impulse response both of you doubtful to do
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with all of the. good. news is. the church secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it quite literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic church help conceal the accused priests from the police and justice system to that end of that's known as the end and then i can flip out at tuesday's out in. its path through. the.
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same wrong why don't we all just don't hold. any new world belief yet to shape out just they become educated and in gains from it equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. thank. you. it was quite the busy weekend for pop culture and politics sock watchers highlighted by a controversy filled saturday night live as former harvey weinstein golden boy matt damon cracked jokes about the drunken grab the s.l.t. history of recent testimony of supreme court justice nominee brett kavanaugh but it was a mocking hat wearing kanye west or ya as he's now known who took the controversy
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crown this weekend who after his s n l performance tweeted this represents good and america becoming a whole again we will no longer outsource to other countries we build factories here in america great jobs we will provide jobs for all who are free from prisons as we abolish the thirteenth amendment message sent with. abolish the third team amendment for those not familiar with that particular amendment that would be the one that abolished slavery that reads neither slavery nor involuntary servitude except as a punishment for a crime where of the parties shall be have been duly convicted child exists within the united states already placed subject to their jurisdiction kanye mediately followed up by declaring that he was tweeting specifically about abolishing the slavery as a form of punishment section of the thirteenth amendment which many say justifies our current incarceration system and that he was not referencing that section that abolished slavery in general i'm here to help us sort through the excuses justifications and our heads that are bones when politics and pop culture come out
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of this other educator do you welcome. always a pleasure or you can also have a. boiled boy. back in the news again. you know stirred up controversy for the trump support of this you know his tweets of the thirteenth the better but i'm going to put it to the table. is this just more publicity stunts that kanye uses to like raise himself up and raise up his profile or is kanye really believing in what he's tweeting and really believing him more than say so. i do think it's a good place to be put at this point in the game. country right now so it doesn't matter if it's for a put this to be on because kanye west is a cause it could have the power to pop ideas into society then show comes on around the clock it's a they're a billion dollar machine full of that information and we've got to realize you know look at the country that we live in this is america where
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a textbook company put slaves were actually great workers and interns so you know you have a guy who was influential in hip hop promoting and pushing the same ideas trying to make people think that you could just abolish the thirteenth amendment and then a few months ago and he said that slavery was a choice it's like trying to rewrite the american story from the perspective of the old press the make all press is look like great people will never be able to move these situations will never be given even properly attack president does the president just do a complex if you want to. exist right now to this day where we can all agree that the thirteen men met thirteenth amendment slavery where it states that it's legal for citizens convicted of a crime is like needs to be changed i think we can all of that staple agree that that part of that amendment absolutely needs to be changed and given the impact of the devastation the u.s. prison system must have on black america should there be bigger consequences for
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kindy is lack of clarity not just this usual round of like well who say it's a mistake to be honest i hear a lot of a lot of hoops he was young he was it was saturday night live. why do we excuse this kind of stuff why don't we make people own their words you know to the beauty of social media is you can use it to unite smart people get together into a fight against injustices and things like that you can take people from one side of the world and help them find their long lost family members on the other side. the world what makes social media toxic is a celebrity like himself who doesn't know what he's talking about all have an platform of being able to spread these false ideas that's where the problem comes in and it's no way to regulate that would judge that because if we try to stop them then it's not freedom of speech you know but if we attack a mistake everything you say sounds stupid which it is then we look like me people earlier today he just said that you know bron james should be in cleveland so he
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should build it so he can build a factory to put people to work and i'm saying like you said someone le bron james as many businesses are he employs people all over the world as a b. has a school that is going to work to not only build families in the community of akron when he comes from but to put them on a path to be successful. getting a proper education but then the final my final point is you can live in l.a. and have a factory in cleveland like people do all of the time of those easy is that you sell all of it and that they are not made in america they are not. going to be anywhere you want to downtown l.a. and. that is not going to cause that event a lot of they do that why are you crying about this when you're the guy if that makes these easier make them affordable there are still many i'm going to let you have the platform you can reach millions of people you just say anything so you know it's the job of the journalist and the job of the mentor in the job of the teacher is it's up to us to you know we have to
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say no you know kids turn to ash is off don't listen to call use music is not good anymore and you know that is the only thing worse than his music or e-mails ideas so you know we have to sound is this is this dusty at this point. yes that's kind of you know speaking of that speaking of justifications and excuses i want to. we've now had to sit there two weeks and i'm sure we're all like exhausted. kavanaugh you know testimonies and all of this kind of mess they might vote for him at the end of the week but what i want to ask you do what jumps out to you is kind of the the last hypocrisy in all of this the thing that no one's really talking about but it's like right you're in front of all our faces so you know when i think it's to me a race kid twelve years old. the way the officer described him as this dangerous grown man took his life i think of mike brown a teenager a kid he didn't even get a chance to you know experience manhood he got described as just
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a monster i think of trayvon martin how would george zimmerman who was obviously wrong you know you know didn't listen to the police officers when he told him to not pursue was able to paint this guy as this monster and they tried to you know find images. all in and try to distort them to make it look like this to me personally do you get that people like. you know he's a kid he made a mistake so what he people you know some articles that even list him as a rapist economist women attacker but they say he's a boy you don't want to ruin his life and you can see his god cavanaugh who's fighting to be able to score who's been caught more as are you guys no better than me multiple was this guy seems like he was every time he had hills you know we're missing what we know we can do you know we can't judge his girl for something he did he's a kid is not a kid like what he did you know suppose we have a high school but the fact is that he did it. a a lot of other things on top of
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that but there you go he just to be a boy he has to be a boy that made a mistake that's a girl that's going to if you go to a good school if you come from a good family and feel like this is classism minutes grayness and you see it everywhere there's this idea that he came from a good school he did all the right things he came from the right background that we shouldn't take that away from him while you have someone you know from the white house or something saying that dr ford should be responsible for her actions when she was fifteen. and this is that's where i'm like i find that we just don't have a clear understanding in our culture of like what an adult is and if you are black young man you are treated like an adult no matter what but if you're not and that brings me to the cap or next thing and then nike because i feel like there's a lot of hypocrisy on that side of saying like what who gets to be who is the victim and who should be let off but nike recently it was revealed that while they put out and did such
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a great thing of making you know just. the. political donations and all of that but they found out the majority of its political donations to to politicians in groups are mainly going to republicans are mainly going to groups that don't. green with what cabernet dead or again i don't believe in that. so you know. how does making of income that you like how do you come back from that how does this how do we separate the politics of business and the politics of politics so i do think it's important for us to acknowledge that those donations. as a company employees or people who identified as working from that. so we have. a million dollar check to the republican governor and he also gives a percentage of donation to the democrat in income the year before but what i will say i will i will say this. if nike wants to continue to move in the right
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direction we have to sit back and see how they respond to this you want to respond to this you know what so many ideas you can't just one is so sure where again this social justice bandwagon and you know trying to play both sides in a film you know well for we call the plan the fifty you can't play a fifty because if one side is happily advocating for children to be separated from their families if one side is happily advocating for building a super team a sexual tsotsis for the supreme court if one side is advocating for me is the end of xenophobia race is if you can say oh we want to support these people who want to make america a better place in real life and then try to play the other side too so if they want to continue in the right direction i think that it was a great step and as we see financially it made money so if they want to continue to you know be in control of the you know corporate responsibility we need to see how
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they respond because one thing we do know i've been a black whole life and everybody around me has been when i really wanted. to know but let's also not forget the remember that citizens united in the supreme court told us that money in the states equals free speech and so the. you can give money to anybody if they so choose and in that set up in that dynamic you can't criticize somebody for what they give their money to what what job they do because it's kind of i mean that's that's the argument right everybody is free speech you know that's the whole mess of citizens united but i got to say did thank you so much for coming on and always a pleasure and talk to. men can live with them can live without them or can we according to a study published in b. of c. biology the very first all female termite colony was discovered in southern japan researchers couldn't find a single male in the forty two hundred termite quality is even after counting for
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a year and a half but all female colony is how been documented in some ant and honeybees species both male and female terminates were thought to be necessary for a colony to survive the wrong sexual termites found seem to have a bald millions of years ago with an extra chromosome allowing them to reproduce without a male term and now science is telling us that males are not essential for the maintenance of some animal societies where they were once thought to be completely necessary but don't worry so ok guys it took the termites a few million years to learn to live without males so human men have a little more exams to evolve before we dismiss them entirely so it's ok. while i love the fact that it took a wife or you're to have to rely on that terrible job on you for joining us one that's got to be one of the worst jobs the royal we need to the code or the turnpike it's gone all the females on the rails with us from. the.
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betters are over to bury remember what it was world or about told them about so i tell you all i love you i am tired rolled with and on top of the these are watching those talks of a great day about the. america is a house deeply divided and division only continues the entire saga has turned into blood.
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backing out of a sixty year old treaty with the roman response to the un. humanitarian aid. the british prime minister. the king of saudi arabia that he wouldn't last two weeks without the u.s. military as the u.s. continues to accuse. king. protecting you might not be there for two weeks without us you have to pay for.
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