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tv   Politicking  RT  October 5, 2018 2:30am-2:57am EDT

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aside limiting it to week i spent my lifetime trying to get victims to come forward to talk and testify it takes a long time to build trust to get someone to trust you enough to tell you their most vulnerable the most embarrassing secrets the things that happened to them that sometimes they haven't even told to their best friend or to their mom so a week is a very short amount of time especially for something where a position is so important where we're talking about a supreme court justice possibly being on the court for the rest of his life i'm sure the f.b.i. will do a good job the agents are not political this isn't like the senate where everyone has a political agenda f.b.i. agents come out looking at the facts but they need the time that they need to get it done i'm not sure a week is enough but not questioning doug ford not questioning dr ford actually doesn't bother me as much because we got to hear from dr ford we heard her sworn testimony under oath in front of the senate she's actually one of the very few
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characters in this entire sordid story that we've heard from the people i want to hear from our therapist from her husband from mark judge the number one person i think america needs to hear is mark judge and then there are a host of other people who were friends who were possibly at the party and then of course deborah ramirez and all the people at yale who may or may not have seen judge kavanaugh exposing himself to her all of those people have not had their statements heard and really need to be tested. all one hundred senators will have access to the reports but not the public what do you think of that. i don't think the public is going to be satisfied with that and i think in america we have a presumption of open and fair hearings in any courtroom in america you can walk in anyone can walk in sit down and listen to the hearings that is embedded in our principals in america so the idea that something this important and this public
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would not be open i don't think that's going to fly ok. well it's a couple of weeks ago trump. trump said he thought the doctor ford's testimony was very compelling. and yet it a rally in mississippi he openly mocked or what does you make of that i was so disappointed to see the president of the united states mocking a sex assault victim who fought through unbelievable fear to come forward and tell her story as a prosecutor myself i've been trying to get victims to come forward and tell their stories sex crimes are the number one most underreported crimes in america most women who are sexually assaulted never come forward because it's too embarrassing too shameful to do it and we've made great progress over the last few decades in getting women to come forward i think what the president did sets us
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back decades maybe even a century is a sex crime generally more difficult to prosecute. they're more difficult in the sense that they're more difficult to talk about for the victim if you're the victim of a mugging you don't worry about the guy who mugged you you don't say oh should i come forward i don't want to ruin his life you say this guy mugged me and you come talk about it but victims of sex crimes face a totally different dynamic a lot of times it's someone they know like in the christie in a ford in cavanagh case this was someone in her social circle this was someone who if she came forward could possibly like blackball her from social events or certainly would make her life embarrassing a lot of victims feel shame feel like it was their fault that it happened and it's not true but there is a definite process of telling them that it's not their fault so it's very hard in that way victims are dealing with
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a trauma unlike any other crime in carroll said that this was a giant left wing conspiracy and they were involved wouldn't make him. again the hard choices to judge cases that might involve the left wing right that's such a great point larry this started off as a sex crime allegation but the comments that he made in that hearing really bring up his credibility in terms of can be a fair judge of cases that are going to involve politics and a lot of the supreme court cases do exactly that you have voter suppression issues you have. equal rights issues and they come up a lot of times broad bipartisan groups so at this point i'm not sure if i was a part of some group if i would want to it's cavanaugh sitting and whether i'd be able to believe that he'd be able to render a fair opinion and in america that's considered almost as important as justice itself is the ability of everyone involved to be able to believe that this is fair
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and impartial i'm not sure people can believe that at this point now saying it was great having you we hope to have you again thanks so much for joining us thank you it's a pleasure larry turning now to our political panel they are some form of first secretary to hillary clinton a former u.s. navy officer he's presently vice chair for vogue vetch and principal of blue jacket strategy and gender then g.o.p. strategist former spokesperson for the california republican party they are both in new york city jen and other candidates that have been that none of those are acceptable to democrats amy kone barrett she's a catholic dianne feinstein herself said the dogma lives within you so obviously you can't be a catholic and be on the supreme court according to. these again there's no horror as a catholic as the same way whatever what it ridiculous and he's actually my point exactly
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my point and it's not ridiculous what's ridiculous is that republicans like senator lindsey graham voted for people like sotomayor who was hispanic. it was catholic and still voted for her and crossed party lines you don't see a single democrat today crossing a party line to support her i'm going to end it now i mean how many republicans voted for america and for the supreme court yeah well look look at looking at the list of trump's appointees up and down the path look at dr ben carson a very well accomplished surgeon african-american physician they don't like him they don't like nikki haley she's a minority female the son of a daughter of indian immigrants they don't like her nothing's ever good enough for them and i get a break down like peter jensen right there we'll have more politicking right after the break.
2:37 am
there are. russian and like us. you know world of big partisan new laws and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
2:38 am
aeroflot russian airlines. the idea of freedom of speech is under threat speaking your mind can blind you into serious trouble now you are presumed guilty and must prove your innocence the herd moves and the sovereign individual is cowed into silence speech has been redefined as purchasing on. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. cause you're gonna
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tell us that's a lot of sympathy i want to take on most of enter and i want us to sum this up but if many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides the refuse to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities any black person asked bank of mom. policy to point out that it best when i get them in a lot of class and i want that. they have the water they all choose to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house all the political rivals. also feel that if they have to beat up to the go without offense it struggle to many couples . which have the pushkin political spawn host both of both of you up of up to the bulk of the. welcome back to politicking we're talking with peter kaufman former press secretary to hillary clinton former us naval officer presently vice chair for vote vets and gen current
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g.o.p. strategist foremost most versions of the california will probably can part. the only report is that this is a scary time the young men in american would you make of that peter. i think it is a special kind of sociopath whose main concern when hearing a report of a sexual assault is what am i going to do when my sons are accused of sexual assault that i was how he responded that's how his son john jr responded and i think it's very telling when you brag about sexual assault while running for president when you joke about it when you're accused of it in one thousand credible accusations against the president about sexual assault this is this is the world you live in and that's your main concern not for the victims not for your daughters but for your sons who inevitably will be accused of sexual assault gender using young men the most good should be concerned yes they absolutely should and look
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this is not the first statement to present trump made about this the first statement he made is that he felt for dr ford and he found her testimony to be emotionally compelling now look i will tell you this larry i've gotten more calls about this issue from friends that i haven't heard from in ten years that tells me there's an intensity here on this issue women soccer mom voters calling me asking me what did they do what do they tell their teenage kids this has an intensity and i think the democrats overreached here for the midterms i'll tell you why there was a september eighteenth poll an internal poll that was leaked from the republican national committee saying that they are in c. was very concerned because republicans just didn't have the intensity to get out to vote they thought the economy was going well they thought trump was doing pretty well and they didn't think anything was at stake quote unquote that has dramatically changed the thank you to the democrats please keep talking please keep
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holding these ridiculous hearings that look like the jerry springer show because it's helping republicans on the intensity issue i guarantee the next generic ballot . that comes out the intensity for republicans will be significantly higher than it was people are calling me and i phones ringing off the hook people are very worried about dying cry when my advice my advice to young men into the sons out there is not to sexually assault anyone and i'm and not your flared walking to and if you're scared walking to your car maybe just you know hold your keys in your hand sticking out that'll keep you safe. what do you make good peter about there only going to release the every report do one hundred senators but not to the public. i have some serious misgivings about how the f.b.i. investigation has been playing out the past few days there are reports are they only were allowed to speak to four people. there was an uproar over that so they expanded out in theory but talking to people who are involved who have information
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there are twenty to thirty people that have known kavanaugh throughout the years who have important important information who have been sort of out there talking about this stuff and none of them and been contacted by the f.b.i. so i don't know who the f.b.i. is talking to this seems to be really an audience of three an audience of three senators that just need a credible enough look. to justify voting yes and i and i hope it goes deeper than that because i have serious serious concerns about this nominee eugen well this is one area where peter and i agree so her a for that look i believe that the american public has been dragged through this along with judge kavanaugh and along with dr ford thanks to dianne feinstein in large part look i think the american people should see the f.b.i. report we're vested in it we we deserve to see the information that's been gathered on our potential next supreme court justice but good news larry washington leaks
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like a sieve i think we'll see it guard list of whether it goes to just one problem or probably in an hour yeah that's ok we'll start with you peter in your reaction to the explosive new york times report saying donald trump in gauged in dubious tax schemes former federal prosecutor was just with us and said that those charges are criminal if true. well i do feel in one respect it is an explosive report is it is incredibly extensive it's grounded in thousands and thousands of pages of private documents it also isn't terribly surprising to those of us who have known about donald trump going back to the eighty's he is a fraud he's a scam he never had as much money as he claimed to have it was his dad's money the fact that they would break the law to sort of transfer this four hundred million
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dollars from one generation to the next is sadly predictable these are the kinds of kind of crimes that don't get followed up on in america we should be looking at this this sort of thing and i hope that the the relevant authorities do look into this because it is extremely struggling not necessarily surprising to many of us but but definitely a very troubling and deserves deserves closer look and frankly explains why this man has been hiding his tax returns for years and refuses to release them like every other presidential candidate and president has done in history gen does it concern you. well no look larry it's not a crime in america to be wealthy it's also not a crime to to be a trust fund kid or to inherit finances friends money if you lie about it well that's true but but we don't know that i'll leave that to the investigators but but look in the same regard you know that it's not a crime to drink beer and party when you're away at college at yale it's not
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a crime to be a rich kid and some of this is just jealous jealous behavior by people who've never liked donald trump they think he's too brash they thought that when he was building skyscrapers in new york and they just don't like him so look this guy has been a one of the most investigated individuals not just by the f.b.i. the department of justice and special counsel miller's probe he's been scrutinized by the media over the last two years and i would say even going back ten years to the first time he thought about running for president so i can't imagine that there's any there there that journalists haven't already turned over a stone on but we'll wait and see i leave that to the tax attorneys and the investigators. all right what do you make of the new napster or are they going to rename it peter. well hopefully it's a positive a positive step where not picking fights with canada one of our closest allies
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anymore i hope this is this is a movement towards common sense which has been missing in this administration. it is telling how sort of how trump. campaigned against nafta and now he's trying to convince his supporters that he ripped it up and basically replaced it with what was before it but it's it's a huge deal according to him again well there are some key elements to it you know this saves dairy farmers a great deal of heartburn especially in key states like wisconsin where we were hearing from farmers that that the current nafta which was hurt. them in a deep way and look i think this is as much about the two thousand and twenty reelection strategy and you look at what trump is doing in states like wisconsin with dairy farmers making sure they are whole bringing back jobs for american workers in places like the steel industry in ohio that's a key battleground state hate to bring politics into this but this is
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a lot of what is at stake in this is a lot of why trump tackled this in the first place is to make million american worker hole and to live up to his campaign promise the dairy farmers aren't being hurt by old nafta dairy farmers were being hurt by the terrorists the trump is threatening to to institute so he causes a crisis and then solves the crisis by going back to what we had before is it doesn't make any sense. well you're an interesting it's been interesting to watch the language that's been used by the left saying that he he's terrorize people with tariffs and that he's brought a needed trauma this isn't trauma and this isn't terrorism this is called negotiation the american people the american worker the american farm worker and the american steel worker have been taken advantage of for far too long the better part of seventeen to twenty years and president trump is doing the painful thing the making the needed choices to make sure that the american worker is whole again . jaguars are terrified at the prospect of donald trump's tariffs that he wants to
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institute they will lose a large large amounts of money well i think that's why you saw him put in the subsidies there for the farmers to tell me simple while we go through the process and i think the farmers as well as the american people understand what's at stake here they're willing to take a little of that temporary short term pain to help america get back on track and get paid what we deserve i'm glad that he's taking some steps to mitigate some of the damage that he is causing thank you jen drum this ridley's in the midterms you see it. i do actually especially in light of the cavanaugh hearings and the shenanigans that we saw play out boy i think senator graham put it very well when he said you want power i hope you never get it because this is exactly what the democrats would do not only do we have socialists on the ballot with the democrat party this year we have people acting as if they are totalitarian saying you know
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if you have a differing opinion than the democrats then you deserve to be shut down you deserve for your life to be ruined your family to be ruined and any chance of a future to be ruined so like i said larry the intensity for voters i think has changed republicans needed the push to get out to the polls and here we are at about thirty some days i think it's going to happen i think republicans are going to do all right. it's just it's silly to hear republicans complain like this democrats president obama nominated universally except except the accepted respected jurist. merrick garland he was never given a vote he was never given a hearing by republicans they played out the clock and they got lucky we didn't see any of these attacks on the old gorsuch certainly democrats stood up we didn't want you know gorsuch but he passed and they were not no stories about sexual assault or anything that you see with kavanagh this is not about
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a democratic attack this is about brett kavanaugh on who he is and certainly anyone every woman in america that watched the president of the united states on t.v. this week mocking the victim of a sexual assault will take that home they will digest that and i think that we're going to see a blue wave this november thank you both very much is always interesting and entertaining jen grandes and peter kaufman. thank you both. thank you larry thank larry and thank you the viewer for joining us on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page on tweet me at kings things and don't forget use the politicking hash tag that's all for this edition of politicking.
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teraflops russian headlines. you know world of big partisan through things a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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teraflops russian headlights. kind of financial survival job today was all about money laundering first to visit this convention the three different. oh good this is a good start well we have our three banks all set up here maybe something in europe something in america something overseas in the cayman islands it will do little these banks are complicit in north of congress to decide to give much coal and say hey i'm ready to do some serious muhlenberg ok let's see how we did well we've got
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a nice luxury watch for max and for stacy oh beautiful jewelry and how about. luxury automobile again for max you know what money laundering is highly illegal thank you so much kaiser of course. i. know you don't accept the slow drivers will bust was right to do a little bit. of television. and i don't buy the stuff i love me it. was somebody that had done no it's a mess you never know what's happening and what they're shooting whether it's here
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. and mistrust the tibetans are. going to. be just like you know that in the at you but i'm a because that's and in the muslim saudis clearly when the. this is. a church secret indeed priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the geographic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot were the previous standards not the highest ranks of the catholic
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church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice so something that is as old as the eye and then i think you'll hear that it used. this hour's top headlines when r.t. the west rushes g.r.u. the military intelligence service exposing an alleged campaign of cyber attacks around the world including all the international chemical weapons watchdog. between indian prime minister narendra modi and the russian president vladimir putin are currently underway in new delhi two leaders are expected to sign a multi billion dollar arms sales contract. and the us congress approves the
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creation of a new agency to pump money into infrastructure projects in developing countries worth sixty billion dollars it is a move reportedly designed to challenge china's similar initiative.


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