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tv   News  RT  October 5, 2018 5:00am-5:20am EDT

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the west. including. the. president. to address. the two leaders expected. straight. on the u.s. congress approves the creation of a new agency to pump money into infrastructure projects in developing. a move.
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joining us here on r.t. international on this friday we are live press conference with the prime minister president in new delhi in fact we are going to be there in just a moment it starts just about now here with international let's let's break into the program here. and russian president putin of course there live in new delhi now addressing the press office signing multiple agreements let's listen in.
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you'll be a. minister of the economic. model. number three between the. joint activities in the field of human spaceflight program to be exchanged by ms to. and. member of corporation between the indian and. could be a. little. fifth
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action plan full. implementation of cooperation area in the new. of the. department of atomic energy. apologies for jumping in here when i see international live pictures right there. various agreements being exchanged between top officials from the indian the russian side now in just a few moments. will be addressing the press but for now a quick preview of the past forty eight hours of events with. in general the scale of today's talks is massive everything from nuclear corp to multi-billion
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dollar deals between companies and to arms trade and that the latter is well is the most anticipated thing because india is expected to buy russia's as four hundred missile defense systems and it's important not only because it will expand new delhi's defense capabilities but also because it is a full political statement by india the united states they have a habit of punishing anybody showing interest in russian arms china was slapped with sanctions after it purchased russia's most advanced fighter jets and the same as four hundred missile defense systems and with india it is expected to be well quite similar here's how the russian industry and trade minister described the situation knowing india is no exception in terms of the pressure being exerted on them and at the end of the day it will all depend on how resilient a colleague saw in the face of this pressure i wouldn't venture to predict with a hundred percent certainty how india will act but judging by the talks with them
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surely some obstacles a lawyer will to rise but still the colleagues national policy is independent when it comes to making decisions on purchasing foreign military in fact threats against india already coming out of washington a u.s. general has warned that sanctions and deed on the table if india decides to follow through with the purchase of the russian defense system some see this as washington backtracking on the previous promise it had made to protect india against its sanctions so that's why this is seen as such a leap of faith on new delhi's behalf we also had a chance to speak to india's minister of commerce and industry who spoke of the personal chemistry between the two leaders and his own expectations from the gather . for change chemistry between this in fourteen and my prime minister has been extremely strong. and if you're walking really close the geopolitical. many issues each concerned with the country. it's my job as
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a minister of commerce and industry and a reason to make sure. that people who would need city support economically to industry to business he said listen to people in strong. so distant ph d. be happy to see that they're not just and the biggest delegation from militias in wouldn't it companies would be from india almost wouldn't are talking to each other so we feel that to be able to make business deals we were to find out more investments coming from that region benefit but the country i live now to new delhi with prime minister narendra modi now addressing the press let's listen i. have unprecedented very close ties very good relations. but if we want a more robust let's put in spurstow contribution cannot be exaggerated. i don't. gather together over two hundred businessman
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from ain dare india and russia. have a very frank. kind of cooperation in which the interests of both countries will discuss these matters which have to do with these questions together on a day in the in russia believe that the multipolar world and the multipolar relations should be reinforced in the world of changes that. in the interests of both states most states seek to fight terrorism seek to solve the crisis in afghanistan and fight climate change we call for a to many platforms such as the. and such multilateral organizations as g twenty and asked. international organizations for we
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should continue our mutually beneficial work coordinating our actions in the international arena we have been in we. are seeking to develop our trade to increase investments we've had the. quis ng the trade. by the twenty twenty five with a level of thirty billions while the investments are expected to rise to a level of fifteen billion dollars over the last year we've seen a twenty one percent rise in trade and this month we added twenty percent more if we will be keeping that base will not only me the darker it will out reach the target will go further than expected russian indian businesses that are in close contact they implement major. joined. projects indian delegation participated in that work are the same because becoming
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forum ends the far east forum and it is a pleasure for me to again invite prime minister to. within the next years let us start for him as the prime guest it will take place in september and your delhi with you moving but it's breaking the work of the annual forum you will be attending the you session so this forum discussing financial issues and economic cooperation the energy and has been the topic we paid a lot of attention to positively assess the implementation of the inter-ministerial meet agreement on carburation in that field russia is a reliable supplier of hydrocarbons way our working on
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a number of contracts. free gas from ross nav companies ensuring a steady supply of energy resources to india india even ports russian liquefied natural gas which is coming from second one. and india has a twenty percent share in that company will send the first delivery of the language she used in the spur of the agreement we also welcome be interests of indian companies. as they want to. be increasingly involved in doing business in russia in the far east we have a number of programs such as the far east are a good financial gas project in our the project which have to do with the. development of resources seeing the net siberia. and the continental shelf of russia discussed. the construction of the m.p.p.
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call that is good couldn't call on the m.p.p. its first units being almost working if at full swing we're now discussing the construction of the thieves and the six units according to the arrangements were made in the field of fire technologists in india in the upcoming twenty years twelve units will be constructed we also discuss deepening our ties in the fields of investments and industry co-operation we discussed the machine engineering math tells agriculture health care from which you tickles by a technique by technology co and by cameco projects i think we have a lot of opportunities to launch major infrastructure projects russian railroads is ready to join the project to. the organized mortar in the railroad infrastructure in india russia will be helping our indian partners to. carry out their space program stross cosmos are ready to. kickstart
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india and manned space program to discuss in detail our military and technical cooperation for all the years russian media have been successfully cooperating in that area between our countries we see truly close you should have been official relations which are an indispensable part of our strategic partnership. with us you can easily put it comes to military and tactical cooperation is not only about the deals we work together producing military hardware and equipment we have constant guard between the general staff of our countries and ministries of defense as we work on enhancing the operational combat readiness of our troops for the first time. we've seen the participation of indian troops in. russian
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military exercises the peaceful mission two thousand and eighteen indian troops take part in russian military games the day by flaws as well as the competition and exercises by the mounting troops of russia this is an important part of our relations with russia india india i will always be in daken interests in the cultures and spiritual heritage of each other and the testimony to that fact is the russia indian cultural festival which is taking place across twenty two countries also in india there will be festival russian culture all these events will bring our peoples together even closer than they are today in russia over ten thousand the indians are acquiring an idea cation on the annual basis we've been renting it occasion for your church to over one hundred indians in
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twenty seventeen india has been visited by our. good and twenty thousand to russians. but we russian india have close or a similar approach towards many international and regional issues and that context we have agreed to enhance the quality of our copper ration working hand in hand on many international platform such as the united nations g twenty the c.e.o. and brics will be reinforcing security and cooperation in asia. be fighting together many challenges of today such as international terrorism direct traffic in turns border. that we touch upon such matters as the revival. of the economy and bring stability to afghanistan discussing our opinions in our assessments of the situation in the middle east i briefed my counterpart on the station in syria we discussed as you asian which was being created as
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a result of the unilateral u.s. decision to withdraw from the joint comprehensive deal. on the run and should like to think it is excellent of prime minister and all our friends from india for a very detailed and constructive talks i am sure that the outcomes will serve to further enhance our strategic partnership but enforcing the bonds of friendship between our peoples as. has been said will meet with members of the business circle and talented indian children and russian children from the serious educational center who were invited to come to india by his excellency prime minister and i also meet up with the president of the republic. suggested unama a number of initiatives to renew the publishing of russian and indian
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books. probably some other goals we've discussed today which have to do with the field of the community area and work these are very important projects we welcome these initiatives and direct people to people contacts will be facilitating the reinforcement of friendship between the peoples between the countries russia and india thank you for your attention. and there we go wrapping up the live from the russian president vladimir putin and his indian counterpart the prime minister narendra modi playing the host there in new delhi a broader spectrum of issues covered by both leaders at their press conference or addressing the press and others just very very quickly before we patch live to our correspondent who is. there one of the comments from modi he said that india and russia have a very frank level of cooperation and both but leave that the multipolar world should be reinforced in this world of changes and they're both working together on
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a broad variety of issues are seeking to solve terrorism climate change and working also with the s c o one of the comments from the russian leader vladimir putin that the s. four hundred contract has been signed the s four hundred of course the most advanced missile defense system in operation in the world that's you know what let's just go straight to our correspondent now on down off joining us live from their summit there in new delhi rory sushi here in moscow what about the highlights of the meeting we've just been listening to what can you bring us. both or you heard the man well actually both men a lot of has been said about how frankly cooperation between russia and india is a lot of really warm words and really if i was to you know list everything that has been discussed in the matter of just well not even full twenty four hours like what it's been like maybe eighteen hours well it is indeed staggering from space school
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to ration to trade to agriculture medicine but of course the biggest thing i would say the elephant in the room except everybody's see it and watching it really it's the as four hundred system this is the game changer in a way not simply because india is now india's defensive capabilities expanded greatly now which is by the way couldn't a concern for china and pakistan but also this is a bold political move this is a statement that the new delhi is making because while russian weapons of the ideal buying russian weapons is always full and flat with washington it has punished countries for buying the very same. defense system that india has poured for example china got so. with sanctions over its purchase and so now india is doing the same and it's not simply doing the same india is doing the same a threat after
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a warning from the pentagon that indeed the option of sanctions is on the table and it will be up to the u.s. president donald trump to decide whether or not to you know penalize. the art was ition so really now the next of the bull is it is interesting because it's russia in the making business but essentially now with the most anticipated reaction is not from the geopolitical rivals india could well at least potentially use this system against but from across the atlantic from washington d.c. as they're usually so unhappy when anybody buys russia's weapons. to use live at this presidential summit in new delhi thank you. the u.s. congress has approved the creation of a sixty billion dollar investment agency to fund projects in developing countries it all sounds great but it has led some to question what president donald trump's top priority is is it to make america great again or to challenge china his kind of
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model remember donald trump's plan to put america first i will always put america first america first america first rebuild and restore america's depleted infrastructure and i've been in construction and building all my life i love it. and i love the smell of a construction site right the roads railways power plants and water systems of the united states are still inside.


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