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tv   Going Underground  RT  October 6, 2018 2:30pm-2:49pm EDT

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with speech in particular was great for lot of important free speech cases in the sixty's and he was. chairman of the index on censorship he stood up for the underdog and for risen as prisoners that riotous death sentences he shoot in particular and he did it mostly for free he was an inspiration to my generation and he died at ninety two still writing books he was a figure i think most stephen paul and in taking on the establishment which was why he was never a point to do you should have been a lord he had the intellectual. to be one of the finest judges perhaps the greatest inquiry did he unveil to us to leapfrog between israeli mercenaries and.
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to smuggle to to bring in guns from israel to fight to the right wing factions in south america and galileo rifles and the submachine guns were developed through the little british island of antigua at least british common law. he headed an inquiry which exposed this das to plead gunrunning to right wing factions in south america from israel image israel there of course getting on to the subject of the international criminal court in the ministration doesn't really affect israel. does because palestine has signed up and so there is a real question of investigating crimes against humanity by israeli forces against the palace. people and this is one of the reasons why
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president trump and his national security advisor john bolton who international with a passion have acted to be trump the international criminal court for fear they will make another rod for israel's back he rejects the national security advisor would reject the. because it was quite clear when he said that the international criminal court is dying before. has a hundred twenty three fully signed up members member states many of them american allies and water's a smack in the face for them is this a storm issue three despicable threat strength. if they dare to look at the allegations that come from american human rights groups ironically enough that in two thousand and three and two thousand and four they ran torture
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and death squads. but john bolton has a long history back in one thousand nine hundred ninety nine when i published my book on crimes against humanity he reviewed it for the moonie paper the washington times and the fanatically right wing paper and said this guy's a threat is a danger to america because he's arguing that america could should sign up to international justice which then was in its infancy but then the court was together in two thousand and two and by that time bolton who's never been to anything he has no electoral credence was an advisor to george w. bush and supported the. bill look both and jesse helms and jordan bolton got past. enabling literally literally enabling the american
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president to invade. the netherlands if they hold an american torture before the international court in the hague it was an absurd piece of legislation but each malice and the stupidity of the man and some of these are your colleagues people you work with very distinguished what if they are as well they're from or on a no fly list from for us there from leading european countries from if you like the civilized world the democratic nations of the world that have hitherto look to american leadership the obama administration was very supportive of low they never joined as was the clinton administration now they're being threatened with arrest i think that this may in fact rebound on america it may in fact stiffen western results to stand up to trump and stand up to
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this destruction of a wall based. order of rules you mentioned obama and clinton some would say that actually when prosecutor. question britain and the united states' role in war crimes in afghanistan or the war crimes. in clinton years it will also come into view. and of course the blair years but britain has done the decent thing and signed up to the international criminal court as has products russia has not now let me say surely signed to the room pulled out when they're pulled out but here is a great opportunity for mr putin's russia. america is now on a collision course with international justice. it would be
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tough i think for russia if it really wants to do splay a degree of civility and start with them and then look to the people murdering the routing and of course when it comes to politics in this country the thing it was the word going after all maybe was the telegraph going after german corbin's old friends and mentors michael fuji has drawn the labor party for being a russian agent here permit me to laugh because that's what britain did in one thousand nine hundred ninety five when the sunday times headed headed k g b. was our agent. now i acted for michael forte who was opposed to libel law he didn't he would always advise people not to sue used papers but when accused of treason obviously he had to sue and it was
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a very nerve racking thing to take all the sunday times because michael. he didn't have a great deal of money he had a little house in it. and his not just his money that he had but his reputation and his loyalty and integrity was up for grabs he would have to go into the witness box and face anything that the murdoch press could throw at him and i sued rupert murdoch personally because i discovered that murdoch welcome back i'm still with geoffrey robertson q.c. jeffrey you represented the brazilian contender for sunday's election in jail right now will it be a fair election now. is improperly in jail and improperly and contrary to international law convicted interruption wait
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a minute is still got an appeal. it is final appeal has not been heard and contrary to principle i was ruled by the united nations human rights committee he was entitle until finally could be good to stand in that election and he would have won it because he was miles ahead in the polls as per the constitution he can't run if he fails at one of the appeals which he did it he's final appeal. is yet to be heard and the u.n. rules that under the human rights international human rights covenant which has a provision for democracy under that right to democracy he was entitled to his primal appeal was dismissed to stand up to
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campaign and then to stand instead the judges who are part of a cost on up a cost which was determined to destroy him i'm convinced i sat through part of the trial that he was improperly convicted that he was not guilty of the allegations that he they were determined that he should not be stand for election so they put him in prison and they didn't allow him to campaign you've got to allow him to campaign on to he's finally convicted you've got to allow him in prison maybe even to do press interviews. the government refused and then they refused to allow him to stand and we have an election next week but if between a maniac right winger who believes in shooting people leading in the polls and just there is lula's at the last moment the workers' party which was lose party was
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in tight. and to put up a substitute which they have who's the former merits apollo and he's now pretty clips so it's likely to be a write off in a few weeks time probably between mu lose substitute and the evangelical shoot them in the street rigger who is. south america's donald trump as described by fear he's likely to be south america's president due to what is the condition of look when you were there in i think is an extraordinary figure this is a man who dragged twenty million people out of out of poverty even his enemies concede that instead he was stuck in solitary confinement because of the extraordinary system brazil has it's based on the old catholic inquisition
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where you get a grand inquisitor a man in this case called morro who was he was able to investigate to prosecute and to judge he was like the policeman who took off his helmet and put on a weed he was the one after lee biased who held the moon was guilty and i believe that was a false fight it is a danger to the lives i think what he's in prison at the moment so his humility but yes of course and i saw him not long ago and he is determined to fight on and i think. in a way he won he won the legal case at the united nations court to the human rights committee which decided that he should be allowed to
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campaign and allowed to stand and the government of brazil refuse to follow the orders of the united nations to the future president how does brazil and he is he was named the candidate of the will we will we could he do anything to set him free oh no doubt in in the i would hope that when the supreme court would deliberately delayed hearing the case when they hear it they will overturn the conviction will be a free man but of course too late to run the country ever wrote and thinking. well joining me now to go to the week's papers is journalist and writer but the u.k.'s leading independent news site the canary steve drop all steve thanks for coming back gone quite a few conferences resume brilliantly successful one according to many. had won the
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moment yes i'm not sure independent nonpartizan let's go straight to the anti corbin deputy leader of britain's largest labor movement or the largest labor movement in europe obviously he's writing about poverty presumably four million children once of course this is tom watson deputy leader of the labor party tweeted to die all over it and to jeremy hunt to ask what investigations are talking politics into russian attempts to influence the e.u. referendum it's time we followed the money under laws and how the stall inquiry into the supporting of about democracy so this is all about the ongoing allegations that russian have been hacking people left right and center i was a fascinating story that's unfolding actually when the accusations is that these russian hackers working. for the g.r.u. even hacked russia's central bank which appears to be slightly odd but so tolerant of the. bank so essentially saying the government isn't doing
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enough but what tom is also doing is applying pressure to jeremy corbyn on this because jeremy corbyn stance on this is fairly mute he doesn't really get involved with the whole debacle between russia and the west he takes a step back from it it seems to be obsessed by evidence. shocking i'll tell you that we have a job former security official from the british army coming on the show next week and he's saying also do we have to investigate russian influence over corbin mcdonald these people are clearly they won the labor leadership because of that we need a mirror investigation against corbett as well it must be yes i surely will be that is serious. i'm sure it is very serious in his mind it's kind of flimsy from a and if you don't think this is the key element of what we should be talking about with putin cause bricks and. i'd say if we're talking about people subverting democracy i think fair and fifty million on the side of a bus probably had more of an influence maybe than russia's dodgy place facebook
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ads let's hope the russians don't have that on the goblet of mcgregor fight today full employment though it's been a big theme with drazen made a speech of her supporters good things about diane abbott saying that they are the party of inclusive a tea this from the guardian about a hostile environment a kind of blows out of the water very so the u.k. threatens to deport grandchildren of the victor choke off the ins so this is a story for background obviously nine hundred seventy one britain booted everyone out of the child or silence and sentence of the seychelles because they wanted to turn it into what is now known as dagger garcia which of course the us military base which has been associated with rendition torture scandal over that's under the labor government consequently what we're now saying is this family perfect example in the pay. it's the grandchildren of a woman who was deported and whose mother had legal right to. then was in charge of the british citizenship and suddenly it's kind of no way that they have to leave the country now has echoes of the wind rush. for maybe.
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anything the conservative party and government asked about their wonderful stance on immigration but has apologized for the windrush scandal though they're not for the hostile environment but she has apologized for winter so you're being a bit of she hasn't always as witness can of course but it doesn't it doesn't detract from the fact that all these stories are one in the same if you like that we have this hangover within not only the conservative policy but also the civil service because it was by a big part of this and this is in this attitude if you like. anyone they consider less than them and with things. i mean this story is well thank you that's it for the show will be back on monday when we discuss u.s. presidential trumps trade balancing act with a former clinton white house director and a man once held by the f.b.i. under special counsel robert rule is investigation until that. monday fifty years to the day it's all the end of the washington d.c.
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riots and killed twelve people in the wake of the death of martin luther king jr. just. seem to be. looking good for the showing is that when. you think it will. be of the same silly. little of shipping. the. book did do. well look at the person you are still. i do know what the move. was the latest news in the bus. stop. the right so you have put.
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through some really strong. facts geysers financial life they say money to develop. a plan jesus this is a central plank support diagramming unemployment right now it's a stop to. the good. of all of you. feel. each. other. like i.
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feel. as i rage over brett kavanaugh supremum court nomination which is divided america and shows no sign of dying down bad the head of the final vote over his confirmation but coming out. police in france sawing goodbye plan through private security offices as the country wrestles with improving the security situation get me to come here is a real risk with these agents not having enough training.


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