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tv   News  RT  October 6, 2018 7:00pm-7:20pm EDT

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common areas sworn in as an associate justice of u.s. it's you prepare course off the senate vote to confirm him and the protests and the democratic senators decrying there was. such a night sees the most anticipated mixed martial arts finds of the unit as irish superstar called him a great guy takes on russia's undefeated beat you know the summit deal in las vegas we spoke exclusively to beeves father ahead of the clash. everything that we wanted to see how we've seen restraint became the dividing lines as what was expected what wasn't expected was in the last forty eight hours you have seen large protests that
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happen in the senate building with celebrities and others storming the area many of them getting arrested we have over one hundred that were arrested on thursday night now you've got hundreds that have been arrested today and then forwarding on to today where you saw a democrat switching over senator manchin and voting in favor of the confirmation as reverse to senator murkowski who originally voted against the confirmation later withdrawing her vote once it was sure that it was not going to make a difference so there has been a few surprises but overall in the end it is actually the republicans have been pretty solid from day one as well as the senate vote this plays out in the court of public opinion it's been quite as theatrical do you think the week long investigation on top of that played into cardinals well actually i think that we await original thought once they went to the f.b.i. investigation i thought that would hurt that was being pushed by senator flake a republican who doesn't always vote with the g. . he that showed there might be some doubt that could move over however as the week
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progressed and the f.b.i. came out that there was no actual evidence to cooperate her storage in there was also other things that did not necessarily match up more republicans and democrats alike were not able to actually do what they were doing originally in the original confirmation hearings which was basically make this to be about a he said she said more about the drama they were able to pull back and say no facts matter we actually need to see what we have hard evidence on that might hurt long term the women's movement here in the united states as many women were supporting the supporting the accuser just because they felt like accusers had not been heard recently in the united states this is one year to the day of the need to movement happening on the other hand in the end people as needed to make sure there was evidence and i think that's the reason why you saw so many g.o.p. senators who were might have been wavering actually go on and push the confirmation through do you think we can equate support for true support for trump and self they're going to try to whether that's true or not it's up to everybody i don't
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think this issue has won people over to cross over the lines and either before or against president trump it just shows how deeply divided america is right now and that's very interesting four weeks out from a midterm election for president trump everything right now is for or against president trump there's no sort of i like him but i don't support a policy it is truly a very partisan divided country and unfortunately as it's come out recently a lot of the issues that came out this over the cabinet has been because of the media and the dishonest media here in the united states that we're showing on both sides putting out allegations that kind of show they had more of an agenda than just reporting the facts. on the most anticipated mixed emotion lost sight of the year is on saturday night in las vegas irish stock of the mcgregor takes an undefeated russian had beaten him a gold medal to use bidding to retain his well title but tensions over the boiling .
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well suppose correspondent he has traveled to dagestan have beeps native land spoke to his father and coach up. ahead of the big fight you can practice your fighting skills in sense on how to live with this installation it's called knock the chickens teeth out speaks a thousand words really about what people here feel about their own people who got me out of taking on the irishman called on my gregor in a big u.f.c. fight seems controversial to you that's nothing compared to the dark history between the two fighters. beginning on the top of this just like you can what do you think about this day.
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i hear my foot over the years. earlier and earlier we. send a message like location location and then i come back will you will you one doesn't mind that i'm. not really going to sponsor you. to get the money that i shown in the local market she can join that is for me is more than five hundred times more than me and even a little for me is personal. and to save the lives but keep going and maul these guys and i'm not going down a man's knowledge straight into the nose really. there are too
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many surprise about this fight the east versus the west the undefeated you have seen champion coming up against the man who once defected to boxing for a big money match the fire of corner mcgregor's verbal attack somehow beep and the icy cold response by the man from dagestan speaking of which we spoke to the father of the which told us that this was in fact an adopted tactic. everything that we wanted to see in habeeb we've seen in him restrained a clarity of vision complete tranquility not to step back will crack mcgregor mcgregor there's nothing scary about him and although it's just a regular fight we greg has made a huge deal out of this attracting a lot of media attention that's what he does what we need though is more positivity for young people a good role model for them to exercise more and eventually become fitter father was denied a u.s. visa and we'll be watching the match here along with thousands of happy most
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devoted fans this will be the main venue it's a cinema but on sunday morning at five am it will be jam packed with her closest friends and relatives but you know what it's clear where the allegiances lie here in dagestan but surprisingly elsewhere in russia not everyone is rooting for the russian fighter. but i've been going there. with a. semi by limbs are gone and i can't use because this is the that the better wrestler and it's the better than the boxer so yes i mean. when. you go it's not go as a corner where the boy is like on the up you know these two guys. it's like us players first us play is close enough do you know these could also lead to a clear divide between the protection of a little to those who can afford it and those who can't. see well french people
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have an equal right to security we want the public service missions to effectively protect people from the privatization of security because if it's privatized security will depend on the purchasing power of the french to defend themselves and protect themselves. also the officers are worried it will move fronts closer to the u.s. model a country all too familiar with gun violence so far this year they have been more than two hundred and seventy mass shootings in the u.s. mass shootings mass shooting in florida another mass shooting in a year of mass shootings because shootings continued unabated people are dying more people have been killed at schools this year and have been killed while serving in the military where the mass shooting generation while france understandably wants to make tragedies on its streets a thing of the past police have slammed the new plans and say there is
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a far simpler solution just give better back up to existing officers who are accountable to the very people they're meant to protect. at least three people have been killed and dozens injured in a massive blast in the syrian town of azhar next to the turkish border the explosion happens next to a place where fuel was stored causing a massive fire the blast damaged nearby buildings and vehicles the cause of the blast has not yet been determined but it occurred during renewed clashes between rival militant forces near a planned demilitarized zone. or brazil is gearing up for a pivotal presidential election that could see power swing to the right for the details for you after this short break.
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you know world's big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. and force it to the united nations security council in the suburbs to yemenis only to this into the space that employs it affords many months or two months and then they resent it it's when leaks that the erroneous and i mean that are meant to be sent into the security council would make these statements which are always that easy to.
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welcome back brazil will go to the polls within twenty four hours in a general election where a controversial right wing candidate is currently the front runner so that ample scenario is well ahead in the polls over form america south paolo fun and heads out with the other candidates also norah has been getting a lot of attention not least due to his controversial remarks which event him the nickname was the interim hawkins explains. if you're a file of drama and soap operas on a national scale you should be following brazilian politics it's got impeachments
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corruption scandals betrayals raising passions. it even comes with an r rating for violence it's a guilty pleasure addictive with its twists and turns and the season finale is just around the corner the country goes to the polls in a general election at this sunday is not want to miss if only to see the fate of the main protagonist meet jerry. labeled the trump of the tropics like his blonde counterparts his relationship with women is complicated but. joy at the problem. he shoots from the hip and is a fan of firearms. which is going as well were you still there both of you you thought girl above the rose as well as the bible apparently just look at his slogan cause. his supporters like
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trump fans admire someone who says it how it is. most now says what everybody wants to say the does not have the courage to say that's why i'm voting. number to my good how much i mean what he says in using the honest person he's back to your to you he's made it this far because he is not corrupt he's like family because he is ethical he is our only hope and that is why i'm here even those who love to hate can't stand him because obvious similarities to trump i think of the person world like car wrecks and even the never troubled protest movement is comparable to hash tag resistance in the usa uk. although the anti trump backlash never quite reach such fever pitch levels possibly because nobody managed to get to trump anyhow also naru has suffered for his
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straight talking even getting stuck. but at a campaign rally. both is like trump upgraded he takes things to a whole new level folks like you do the standoff in with bush. i think of the no no no no i did it. well this is my. go to school. no he thinks. it was pretty good but even those out haven't shaken his lead in the polls his trump like promises are playing their part no more government red tape put brazil first privatized state owned farms get real tough on crime at all costs and in a country that has a history of rampant crime and corruption has cool stuff found an audience
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population is fed up with corruption population is fed up with the konami crisis and crisis of representative each of the traditional parties so the very fact of bush is leading the race as a front runner is a sign of times here people really don't care what he actually thing about gay people or minorities or or human rights there really were one the change he involved is just change one can argue that his. is a. secret indeed catholic priests accused of sexually abusing children can get away with it literally i like to call this the do graphic solution so what the bishop needs to do then he finds out that the priest is is a perpetrator is simply moves him to a different spot where the previous standard is not the highest ranks of the catholic church conceal the accused priests from the police and justice. so sending
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that in two thousand as the i invent that i included tuesday's out in. itself is true. with lawmakers manufactured consent to step into public wealth. when the room in class is a project themselves. in the final merry go round listen to the one percent were told. to ignore middle of the room see. the real news is really.
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hi this is max kaiser there's the report later on the program i will not be talking to leonardo caprio bruce willis. yes we are still in hollywood this is downtown los angeles california it is now become not so much just skid row it's also hipster hill you know everywhere there is skid row in and the west coast of america you also have. seattle silicon valley and downtown l.a. you know one of the guys leading the whole silicon valley wave of hipster mills's google's eric schmidt accidentally discovers labor unions so you remember last week eric schmidt c.e.o. of google he tweeted let's find ideas that can increase the wages of one hundred thousand low and moderate income workers by at least ten thousand dollars delighted
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to support call for ideas for a unicorn for the middle class j f f's one billion dollar wage gain challenge now it's interesting because of course google and silicon valley exist due to government subsidies government subsidizes all the preliminary the primary technology that goes into an alpha component or darpa of course is the basis for google and so these guys are riding on top of government subsidies government essentially has provided this guy's with a guaranteed wealth and now eric schmidt thinking that he has invented this somehow magically from the unicorns out of the lollipops is talking about well how do we increase wages and again as i've said on the show many many times that yes unions are there to provide wage protection for workers and there's a choice people have to make either they are for. for unions and for centralized
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banks that provide subsidies to eric schmidt and google or they have neither they have neither unions or they don't have subsidies from the government for eric schmidt and subsidies for the business through social bank gifting of money so you have to pick you can't just have workers exposed to the market without any subsidies whatsoever but garrick schmidt google apple and jeff bezos announced got a huge subsidy from the government for a song like lives a la la land of unicorns and asked the question what can we do for the workers that were disenfranchised and who are dying on skid row who are becoming alcoholic drug addicts on our doorstep with such a nuisance you know he doesn't understand the first thing about it omics but he loves the free money he loves the handouts well he loves to feel good about himself a lot of people in silicon valley like to feel good about themselves but when put to the vote like recently in cupertino where apple is based there was a vote to have some low income housing.


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