tv News RT October 7, 2018 7:00am-7:29am EDT
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gravels. schools that. sits in the struggles of many couples. do with the push the political both of you out there to appear with all the. u.f.c. lightweight champion rushes in them are going to defend his title in his clash with irish superstar conor mcgregor a report from his hometown. also this hour with angry protests and disruptions of the confirmation vote brett kavanaugh is sworn in as a us supreme court justice playing very deep divisions not only within the senate but the whole country confirmation is a low moment for the senate. or the court. of the country
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exceptionally qualified. and among the stories making the week that was the west hit out at russia's g.r.u. military intelligence service exposing an alleged campaign of cyber attacks around the world including on the international chemical weapons watchdog. this is the weekly here on r t international where we bring you a roundup of the headlines that shapes the past week first. russia's undefeated m.m.a. fighter habib norman to me above has defended his u.f.c. lightweight title beating irish superstar conor mcgregor sports correspondent on the reports from the russian champs hometown.
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absolute scenes in my house because she needed to keep going you know a little while this guy says you can't be going to end up is still the champion of u.s.c. and these people are going absolutely bonkers right. but. it's important to know that most of these legal did not sleep tonight and they were waiting for the slight. it was pretty loud out there have to say out in the streets celebrating for many it has been not only a sleepless night but probably a sleepless week because the broadcast from last vegas started at five o'clock in the morning and many packed the cinema which was the main venue for broadcasting this event as early as two at three am in the morning.
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when it comes to the fight itself it was absolutely incredible how calm and collected. are going to have had been through that fight and he won absolutely does a victory in the fourth round after a choke on going to mcgregor was the most anticipated fight probably in the u.f.c. twenty five year long history a lot of controversy before the fight a lot of control over see after the fight apparently a scuffle between members of steam and mcgregor's team happened right after the bell right after claimed a clear victory but interestingly enough he walked off the ring before even being able to raise the belt about the set as a clean deserved winner that speaks volumes about you know the heat and the control of the cia around that fight.
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beginning on the top of the like chicken what do you think it will these days. comeback for good measure here's my aerial right there we. send the most like location location and then i come for you where you want doesn't matter there are only three. miles you. will get the money that song is called i'm going to chicken your life that is for me more than fight for the title more than made even the local news person.
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the no one slept tonight but you can expect that nobody will sleep here even today the party is on right now just on yes. let yourself do the reporting from a couch i live in dagestan with bob. brett kavanaugh has been sworn in as a us supreme court justice by one of the narrowest margins in the country's history while hundreds of people protested on capitol hill that's after the f.b.i. failed to find convincing evidence that cavanagh committed sexual assault senators who took the floor represented a deep polarization in the whole country. when the history of the senate is written . this chapter will be a flashing red warning light of what to avoid. truly. judge kavanagh's confirmation is a low moment. for the court. of the country.
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i just. don't see how we can put somebody on the supreme court. thinks that the president is above the law that very least we should expect a nominee for our highest court to be honest. i do not believe judge kavanagh has met the standard he puts his thumb on the scales of justice in all ways with a bias towards corporate interests i knew him as an honest and dedicated public servant i was proud to be at the white house. as the nomination of this exceptionally. i do not see an open mind i do not see fairness i see a partisan ideologues who will do traditional backflips to rule in favor of large corporations the powerful and the elite confirming brett kavanaugh to the supreme court before the road and undermined the court's legitimacy and continued to
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diminish the american people's trust in it. however i thought police arrested more than one hundred fifty demonstrators on the steps of the u.s. capitol in washington on saturday some protesters continually stalled the voting by shouting from the senate gallery and the chair u.s. vice president mike pence had asked for order at least a dozen times. the. sergeant at arms will restore order in the gallery. sergeant at arms to order the. sergeant in arms will restore order in the good.
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order to get. donald trump has denounced the democrats conducted themselves by likening their actions to mob rule earlier my colleague neil harvey discussed the issue with scotty no hughes r t america's evening news host she thinks that cabinet is confirmation highlights the deep split in america head of november's midterm elections breyer with a pullback and said no facts matter we actually need to see what we have hard evidence on that might hurt long term the women's movement here in the united states as many women were supporting the supporting the accuser just because they felt like accusers had not been heard recently in the united states this is one year to the day of the need to movement happening on the other hand in the end people who needed to make sure that there was evidence and i think that's the reason why you saw so many g.o.p. senators who were might have been wavering actually go on and push the confirmation for do you think we can equate support for. support for trump and self they're going to try to whether that's true or not it's up to everybody i don't think this
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issue has won people over to cross over the lines and either before or against president trump it just shows how deeply divided america is right now and that's very interesting four weeks out from a midterm election for president trump everything right now is for or against president trump so there's no sort of i like him but i don't support a policy and it is truly a very partisan divided country and unfortunately as has come out recently a lot of the issues that came out this over the cabinet has been because of the media and the dishonest media here in the united states that we're showing on both sides putting out allegations that kind of show they had more of an agenda than just reporting the facts. earlier this week russia found itself confronted over the alleged activities of its military into. sergeant service the g.r.u. a number of western countries and international organizations called out moscow for dirty tricks targeting various groups including the international chemical weapons watchdog artie's daniel hawkins breaks down the details election interference and
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troll factories this information man hacking we've heard most of it before but the latest charge sheet against russia is all encompassing and endless there were hundreds of victims targeted by these russian criminals if they fly out international law in this way russia's indiscriminate campaign of cyber attacks violations of several u.s. criminal laws they will be exposed russia must stop reckless and irresponsible behavior of russian government needs to know they want to fully condemn this attack took it will be exposed and that will be consequences it seems every accusation of malign activity over the last four years from the downing of m.h. seven team to the water doping scandal has come back all at once united under a common name and symbol before it was often vague russian hackers agents or just putin but apparently we can now mean the end of the responsible for everything all along the g o r u russian military intelligence even specific names and faces have
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been linked with the alleged crimes seven individuals were indicted by the u.s. with four of them also accused the involvement in the netherlands o.p.c. w hack and three war already featured in robert mueller is continuing russia meddling probe this group of just sixteen people has certainly kept busy according to the latest allegations how can the malaysia airlines probe the o.p.c. w solsbury poising investigation and he don't get agencies from canada to brazil the u.s. election you name it the hand of the g.r.u. is never far away and according to some the allegations or refute. simple proof of russia's guilt in all other incidents here you have evidence of the russian military launching a cyber attack on the very organization the international organization in the netherlands set up to investigate those novacek attacks and why would you do that
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if you were the guilty party and as we've seen before there's no need to me tell you real standards of evidence remember when the n.s.a. was accused of spying on charts of the merkel back in twenty fifteen well the german federal prosecutor in the system had a legal burden of proof to be met to prove this no such luxury what rushes in the dock they're almost certain and high confidence from u.k. security services are enough to beat the drum for new sanctions and anyway the soviet era k.g.b. is long gone the image of public enemy number one is long overdue for an overhaul and this is the perfect opportunity to consolidate the perfect storm chemical weapons got a lecture meddling it's got doping it's got every other thing you can think of that the russians are guilty of and i think this cloud of accusations is its own purpose even though a normal rational people would say well why would they be saying these things unless they had some purpose and might i think it by throwing out individual names
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for example this sort of concretized as if somehow it makes it look like there really is evidence behind how hard is it for western intelligence services to get the names and job descriptions of various officials in the g.r.u. or any other government agency so i think that's what they're doing but it makes it sound like there's something behind it we may not know the whole truth all which side is hiding something but it's image a narrative which is important and the russians you know you bogeyman is becoming firmly embedded in public mindset. now it's not just the russian military that's having accusations flying at it apparently russian trolls are now turning fans against the last star wars film more on that later in the program. u.s. special representative zalmay khalilzad is on a trip to the middle east to coordinate and leave u.s. efforts to bring the taliban to the negotiating table however it doesn't look like
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they're willing to accept the offer especially considering the increasing control the group is exerting on the ground r.t. was granted access to a taliban commander and raised the subject. but if you americans never want to cooperate with the taliban and the taliban has never asked the americans again to cooperate against islamic state the americans are bombing us while we fight eyesore . the latest suggestion of direct talks between the taliban and washington came from the us state department last friday this is the ministration has made it clear that it is prepared to engage with and participate in the go with both the taliban and the afghan government if the leadership of the taliban doesn't want to negotiate with the americans there's never wanted this and the leadership of the taliban never gave permission to any member to negotiate on their behalf u.s. defense secretary james mattis had a meet and greet with the afghan president in kabul they finally decided to play nice in
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a bid to get the taliban down to talks but just one day before their words of peace washington dropped a big f. thirty five b. bomb on the taliban looks like the peace process is getting off on the right foot especially when the u.s. has for years led up to this moment promising both talk and terror i want to reinforce to the taliban that the only path to peace and political legitimacy for them is through a negotiated settlement to the taliban when their choices are to reconcile live in a relevance or do you have the taliban willing to come to the negotiating table there's no talking to the taliban we don't want to talk to the taliban we're going to finish what we have to finish so it's no surprise the taliban is reluctant to trust promises of peace and why would they seek it anyway in the past several months the taliban has made substantial territorial gains their spring offensive took coalition forces completely off guard seizing regions all over afghanistan
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over one hundred soldiers and police officers were killed in just one week of the offensive and that's not even counting last week's un report covering civilian casualties in battles between the coalition and taliban forces. over the last. i'm. going to get over. that with. america's two thousand and one invasion of afghanistan hoped to oust the taliban from power but what materialized it was a seventeen year long war the longest conflict in u.s. history and now fast approaching are monumental peace talks to be held in moscow between the taliban and the afghan government we can confirm we will attend the
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moscow conference we're waiting for a date and then agenda then we will decide what can be achieved from the conference if successful these talks could mark a step forward in a conflict that currently has no end in sight donald quarter r.t. . still to come in the program polls are open in bosnia and herzegovina which is holding its general election more on that after this short break. i would hope to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so would you want to be president and should. want. to going to the press which is what. three of the more people. interested
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in the waters in the. u.s. assign it playing to this idea of the u.s. dollar reserve currency empire they've built over a post world war two hero for everyone gets into debt to the america and pays homage to america china russia iran africa maybe they're all saying now we want markets close up even trump wants markopolos up we want to go for it we want to trade directly bilaterally we don't want to be part of the globalization anymore. you're watching the weekly here on r t international welcome back to the program
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and i'm not satisfied with the lovely disrupting the u.s. elections in two thousand and sixteen russian trolls have apparently now turned their sights on hollywood and the star wars franchise in particular. picks up the story. hey america they stole your election hey britain they stole your dream of a united europe democracy will never be the same because of russian memes thralls boughts well surely there is something still sacred in western culture off limits to the russians. oh no the kremlin folks even got their hands on star wars russian trolls weaponized star wars criticism as an instrument for information warfare with the purpose of pushing for political change this was from a real study by
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a brave jet i call or i mean who claims there's been a force that was fighting to make the last jet i fail wow thirty seven pages remember how the movie got booed at when those need fans couldn't forgive the director for spoiler alert killing luke skywalker and forgive him for going against all the tropes so dearly cherished by the fandom remember how the star wars lovers army even campaign to fund a remake well now you know who did it the sith sorry the russians had a great disturbance in the force as millions of voices suddenly cried out into the sun his son just to prove it the guy behind the research analyzed almost a thousand online messages for the director and his result was more than half of the hate tweets came from trolls some of them were russian.
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the director didn't just pay attention he shared the link to the study with his twitter followers. looking forward to reading it but what the top line describes is consistent with my experience online well some vendors got even more disgruntled when they said they found their own tweets in the research it was a bad movie highly unlikely that it was a dry run for bots to practice we hated this film too loved rolled one but were totally underwhelmed by the last time so much so that my oldest questioned if it is worth going to the cinema to see any more disney star wars solo did nothing to make me change my mind. very disturbing it wasn't disney not even the director it was the damn.
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polls are open in bosnia and herzegovina for the balkan states general election vote is widely seen as a test on whether the country will move towards integration with the european union and nato or remain entrenched in war era ethnic rivalries more than three million people are eligible to vote today electing governing members of a political system that's been branded the most complex in the world. let's go living in the small nation of bosnia and herzegovina the young unemployed and hoping for change. so you drag yourself to the voting booths that you confronted with what is possibly the longest ballot ever. for a country of just three and a half million this makes little sense to deal with into the complexities of its institutional sets out.
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there with me nothing is ever simple when it comes to bosnia and herzegovina the country with three of these three predominant religion i mean. even the warning labels on the cigarette packets come in three languages. let's go back a couple of decades. year after this june hit the airwaves yugoslavia collapsed following years of ethnic and political tensions. that led to years of war the deaths of over one hundred thousand people and a nato bombing campaign. in the process both me and that's governor declared independence in one thousand nine hundred five much of the new country visions lingered on gave rise to this kind of political system. split into two autonomous regions
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as the launch of federation of bosniaks croats and then what's known as the sort of public each entity has its own government parliament and police overlooking this chaos is a central government with a national parliament the rotating presidency you see there isn't just one head of state there are three. three. each ethnicity has its own elected president the trio effectively bind to make one head of state they rotate what is known as the road champus told you it was complex. that's a recap of just some of the news that helped shape the world these last seven days are the details on all of the stories and more head to our website our team dot com thanks for tuning in this hour. unfortunately the united nations security council and its approach to yemen is only
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to this into the spaceship in boise for every month or two months and then they resent it it's. when leaks in the air only and i mean but i mean into byzantines in the security council would make these statements which are always ready to. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you than. just manufacture to sentenced him to public wells. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the financial merry go round lifts only the one percent told. to ignore middle of the
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room six. million real need for. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. crossing the river most just as they would a simple they want to take on most of enter and i want to ask some just about what if many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sites the draft used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities best person asked dan commom. policy to point out how they are good at best and i get them in a lot of class and i want that. to happen they can't watch as they all choose to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house all over for the gravels they also view what is the hook to be about the government affairs it struggles of
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many couples won't. kill the chance of putting food impulse response both both up for a few outputs of up to the hope of the. just explain. what is it just us that's what it's worth my it's not space for but it's. for the first part of the words that. just look at. life from a downtown become a blogger he lives in a water company housing compound miles from anywhere in a tiny village that doesn't even have a name. but he is convinced that soon told that will change. the open last book here the minister mia for those they did you even knew so little good to business to books and speaking those also the to be
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a more some bread. you don't sweat you through it says that the mr. cossey. every day of the week the horror shows are up at six am to milk the cows. at least . three different careers and but be sure to book crossfire because the queen. would upset him mrs king is. toast if you talk to me it's help or support i'm going to ask you or if you. would need to be sure i'm gushing in an interest in. which one patron bush was much. the last.
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hope for a good thing to start. out slow. easy for home. for the last. month on the future of my. time stuart. not up with ice. for any portraits. i do pull off. a deal with the school for a little. motion more because of the prizes we get to first you believe it was this is us. and if this doesn't assume that you have only you. to do what.
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