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tv   The Great American Pilgrimage  RT  October 7, 2018 9:30pm-9:53pm EDT

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yes i guess so so i'll go as ted kennedy i really did. everybody i'm steven both russia with task hollywood guy suspect a very proud american first of all i'm dressed as george washington and r.v. . uncle steve. boyd buzz this is my buddy max famous financial guru and we'll just a little bit different. there well no one knows about last but not least my larger than life. and aspiring star rio. with all the drama happening in our country i'm shooting the road have fun. meet everyday americans. all over. what's america to. see how things got so crazy i was naked. right. hopefully start to bridge the gap this is the great american pill each.
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time. it's day two in new england and steven makes his way to a historic restaurant to meet with a local vietnam veteran in a single father who was had more than a few obstacles to overcome. coming. from ghostly hi. good afternoon gentlemen how are you doing good what's your name. some steve just a real. piece pretty cool ah. you go this. history of. you can tell they're really impressed well you want to ask them for they need some help when you take him for a walk. thanks buddy yeah. he played to go right down there by the
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water. appreciate and bruce jr and rio set off to have some good clean fun. while you do it so bruce as i understand it the old no here is one of your frequent hangouts of my correct yes well. you're like me brother. you're a little smarter than maybe you look. back you this is heaven yeah it is it's fantastic to be some more about this neighborhood this town because we've been mean some of the folks and just the folks in massachusetts just seem so nice so nice that they have the self-proclaimed nickname mask. west minister of the town it's a very nice town it's very quiet small town as you see right now it's very quiet peaceful well as are you too except for that.
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the people got to eat burgers yes they did. where you're you born i was going one hundred forty eight forty eight hundred sixty six. close. nineteen fifty eight forty eight all not even close. here's a reason i'm just the host of the program yeah we can agree more when you go to school. in lexington school system graduated then got drafted it was nineteen i was drafted nine hundred sixty eight read i school. no kid i was too. drifted right into the military one nine hundred sixty eight take me through after the draft tell me the story i was drafted in the spring i went through basic training i went down to fort dix news. jersey dan i was in
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fort bliss texas for vance individual training and went from there to california and shipped to be an all in the same year and what aspect of the military was it was in the me i was in small it's a little. thing called quad fifties it was cool fifty caliber machine guns mounted on a turret which was on the back of a deuce of a half or five ton truck i know dennis. and what division were you in and all that she better be sixty fifth that till. now where did you go first in vietnam denying then i was shipped off to. and everywhere you went it was just nuts. i was on the front line ninety percent of my time. i was in ash valley i don't know if you ever heard of hamburg until. i was on eagle's nest which overlooked the valley we were
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surrounded one night and they brought off the magic dragon puff the magic trick it . was a c one thirty seven napalm c one thirty had many guns and the whole underneath of the c one thirty full of ammunition. that told you i was just to shoot just to shoot everybody back to protect you guys you know they shot all night and then when they ran out of ammunition they brought in cobras and they shot . they were our only protection. and then i guess they drove the v.c. away and then they went up i think to hamburger hill and then that's when that whole fiasco studded their boat hamburger hill. and then were you outside of the hamburger hill sonority or did you have miles away. they had us around.
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it was an e.f. force coming in with puff and helicopter. is another hill. i don't know of couple of miles away that was overrun before i came out to this particular. position and. they lost almost everybody on that hill and then of course hamburger hill that was a massacre. we lost guys there didn't hear a lot of your guys in the whole movement all this we were ok we just hunkered down and lucky. a man. i don't believe in luck. i believe in god. absolutely now let's check in with real to see how they're doing on their.
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looks like it's going to. tell me the story you had some problem with a fellow soldier we were out on. had been. placed on the side of the mountain they give you fifty thousand. we. at the time. they were better. so they had a guy. as a. helmet and told. he. yeah. yeah. yeah.
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and did he respond yeah good yeah see now it just goes to show you bruce these days you want to just give your kid a little spank on the bottom in the twenty first century there's probably better ways to discipline your children what i do is take the phone away of the tablet it works even better yeah you don't whack little bruce on the head with a tablet no. better when you're in somebody else's easy to hit somebody else's then you know you should probably avoid that as well my question is so. with you in and your comrades who are over there what do you do for down playing cards yeah basically. when you had the opportunity to go sleep because they would attack at night. and we would sleep during the day. night you could smoke because that would be zero in for the v a cause to shoot at you when they see the cigarette
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they see the flash and they just shoot. yeah and they shoot at that point so at night even if you smoke you smoke like this couple. so that they couldn't see the cigarette because that lights up a dead giveaway that could have been a big problem yes prescript now. eighteen years. you're a smart man. either they're doing laps around the restaurant or they've only traveled twenty feet in that time. a lot of famous movies about vietnam. and there's one movie that shows like this helicopter come in for some entertainment for the troops you know church parents one of them no. i'm sorry i haven't the only thing i didn't bring the playboy bunnies and the hamburger hill i know what they did was they
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brought to us so girls in to opposition. for i guess a half an hour and we're just stared in from like a hundred yards away you know we got to talk with them and they just were nice and they were just nice and it was just like sit down and just having a conversation so to speak because we didn't have anyplace else to go actually because the position we were at was on top of a mountain. and then they. lifted him back out. how long were you. active in vietnam that was the first tour i was always only there for one tour i extended my time so i could. get in early out of the service i stayed fourteen months. total because they only had two years of the service if you had eighteen months when you return to the united states to get out of the world and that's what you had enough. but you did just got lucky and just did
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what i posted i did the last two months. burning the what we used to call the and light the showers. was it me as well as out houses they had. fifty five gallon drums cut in half in under me and that's where you went to the bathroom they had holes. that was my duty the last two months. so you finished up the eighteen months. go lucky i got home and nine hundred seventy tell me about that. word that we got when we were still in vietnam as we didn't want anybody to know where you came from. because it was a very popular. so i went got my tickets. when i had my uniform on and then i took my uniform off.
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and got on the plane went home. i called my family from boston and they came up and got me. obviously there's a lot of bad memories. associated with. that being an unpopular war. so how long after you got home could you even start saying yeah i was i was i'm a veteran i fought in vietnam. and i would see. up until a couple years ago.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic to follow. what paul was a. kind of. saint paul i treat the same product but non alcoholic i have an allergy to alcohol. i break out in handcuffs. ok. my luck with. mine did too i don't drink any. just hope i get to convex sometime and visit you're good to your fishing. i'm sure they would be best friends speaking to best friends let's check in with rio and his new pal. on their thirty nine laps around the old mill.
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tell me about your son bruce he's walking in rio de pomeranian how old is he he's twelve. this big boy for twelve yeah he's growing like a we like to refer to them you know what's it been like for you the reality of bruce jr coming into your life and then how that's affected things up until now well it's been your single dad he has had some problems and that's why he's with me it's just been tough to. take care of him and then having cancer. my goodness you know whole cancer when i was in the service. i was exposed to agent orange. how long after that did you find out about i just found out. to see both a year and a half ago you were exposed to agent orange fifty years ago yeah so it was in my body all that time i didn't know. i just couldn't sleep one night when in the
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hospital. they did a bunch of blood tests and they came up with the fact that i had bone cancer the doctor told me that. i had only about a year to live because it was stage pool he asked me if i had been in the service and i told him yes then he wanted to know what branch were you when i said i mean he asked me was vietnam i said yes he said age and already i said really didn't look good i had stage four and i had to go in the chemotherapy treatments and. i guess the chemotherapy can really mess up my course. process and i was at the point where i didn't know who i was aware of it was i was double checking everything i was doing because i was you weren't sure if you forgot yeah i thought maybe i didn't have all the time and sort of dementia because my memory wasn't there how will you sixty nine i'm fifty one. and i got the
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worst dang memory bruce no kidding you just asked him that ten minutes ago if my kids and my wife make fun of me. i'm fifty one i'm going lord what lives did you just prayed outside yeah it's a a it's a you worry about it it's a little bit so in the times you got we got more to be worried about so we forget more yeah. and how you doing today good it's been four months since they had a stem cell transplant today. the technology they have the stem cell transplant see if i was diagnosed ten years ago would have been a death sentence what did you learn about that how how did this help you in addition to maybe normal chemo or any of that you go through an awful lot to get the stem cell done i went into the hospital they cut in neck and they put a tube down and they had three poor. so that they don't have to keep sticking you
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when you're in rusk but i had to lay in a bed for about six hours. and the. blood through a machine just goes in a circle and they take the stem cells out and they put them in a bag and then they freeze it. and then when you go to have the transplant i had three days of chemotherapy high dose chemotherapy then they take the stem cells so far out of them out and then they put the stem cells back in chemotherapy kills all disease and all the cancer in your body after their. when they put the stem cells back in those stem cells a cancer free to run so that when they put it back in. their strength and because the cancer has been beat back so what helps your bones get healthier and stronger faster is the rejuvenated stem cell yes. man in that something
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is if i told you. back from vietnam we could do something like that you wouldn't believe why would i believed i had cancer in the first place through veterans affairs and all that you have everything you needed you were taken care of. i had to fight for everything. as i've been going it took me quite a while to get recognition stating the fact that yes we acknowledge that you were exposed to agent orange. and that's what's caused the cancer and that you are one hundred percent disabled. and they finally recognize the fact. that's when i received my first check. and they're going to cover all those costs. i go to fish which is the next town over. go to the v.a. and they take care of anything and everything. fine that's the way it should be my
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friend. so is it accurate to say it's been four months you've been cancer free yes. that's. right well i've notice within the last. months as i progress on my treatment. what a difference i can now balance my check. i got lucky again somehow. miraculously the cancer didn't come soon or it just happened to come out whenever it came out like fifty years later. immediately go in and get the treatment in needed so that you can use it while they were able to do what they go into this mess up you know. it's nice to sense. that. you're at a place of peace it seems to me like you're content you're ok with all of it now
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you can just. do your best to take it one day at a time and stay in the solution. so to speak. as we wrap up our interview with bruce. stephen is distracted by a sound that spiritualism. these bikers are on a pilgrimage of the row and worked up quite the appetite. and it looks like bruce junior has finally gotten tired of walking steven's dog. my friend. here is here's my man real. things bruce educate you should you hang out a little bit if you like my body real he's the prince of the pilgrimage. you come sit here young man thank you so much. god bless you guys don't get up bruce you got to shake hands with the rio de janeiro. to.
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seem wrong. to me that he's yet to stamp out these things because that's ok and it gains from it equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. you asked to sign it playing to this idea of the u.s. dollar reserve currency empire they built over a post world war two era where everyone gets into debt to the america and pays homage to america china russia africa good name and they're all saying no we want markopolos up even trump wants markopolos up we want to go for it we want to trade directly bilaterally we don't want to be part of the globalization any more. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants.
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most just as the little simple they want to because most. of the last some just about but many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides of the drug used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities the last person asked the ankle mom. lucy to morrow i'll tell her the best one i get i'm in a lot of class and they want that. they have what are their options to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house all over for the travels. both of you what is the who do you beat up to deal with though since it struggles of many couples. who would trump the push to political bungles both of you up of approval for. the biggest finds in the u.f.c. history sees rush's head be pretty much gone madoff retain his times in the good
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style and is quantum of america but the bow tenzing tails and the last grohl we were pulled from the beats comes down. to. the angry protests on disruptions of the confirmation vote brett kavanaugh is sworn in as a us to clean court justice game bad deep divisions not only within the senate but the whole country.


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