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tv   Worlds Apart  RT  October 7, 2018 10:30pm-10:53pm EDT

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aps nowhere with such devastating consequences as in iraq half a century after the constitution granted iraqi women equal rights they face increasing pressure on how to dress what to do with their lives and when to marry their daughters off as the effort to democratize iraq resulted in the further subjugation of its women well to discuss that i'm now joined by han at the war a prominent iraqi human rights activist and founder of the amal association madame ad words good to talk to you thank you very much for your time. thank you now first of all let me ask you about the latest political development in your country five months after the national elections the major political factions have finally managed to agree on the three main posts in the country is that a positive development as far as you're concerned. oh yes thank you you know we were working for this election. we have seen the results of this elections
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which as you know get you know eighty three women being elected this is according to our court not to list them twenty five percent you know eighty three the top ten of women in parliament from the whole three hundred twenty nine seats so this is one of the things that a new course of the parliamentarian life would be started but this is it needs a wire meant you know the political. depends on the coalitions of the blokes on the you know the women or so we are looking for women participation more than before on the political issues on the change in the country and especially on the political reform now you've been a strong advocate for a wider women's participation you contributed a lot to ensuring those parliamentary quotas that you mentioned and yet i got the impression that during those latest deliberations over who is going to be iraq's
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next prime minister women's weiss's didn't register or at least weren't as loud as somebody would have expected was that the case. you know this is work one of our a problem that's we always say that women being not assigned in the high position in such an impediment or in the government so this is what we are advocating for the it's that's women should be elected as you know deputy in the of the president here of the parliament or the dead or in the prime minister or the president of the republic and you can see that woman has nominated to have said in the competition with the prime or the president of the country she'd go to the third to no one. from many from thirty there are ambitious women in our countries taking into consideration that women in iraq has been the first one to be assigned as minister
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when istead in nineteen fifty nine and drab and most of these women been really always say they contributed a lot in the political life some of them they were in the central committee of the party or in the leadership in many leadership of the parties in iraq but now we have seen that with the ups's with the very weakness of this state has to specially that the absence of this security system. we can us of the justice system the questions of the tribes and you know what are called the tribes and norms and traditions has been you know over. the rule of law. the status of women becoming more and down not in the advance one that we have really worked for that let me ask you specifically about one of those challenges because i know you're very proud about this problem entry quotas but i also heard people say that they do
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not represent a genuine political change there are people who complain that those many of those seats in parliament go to essentially patient cost. iraqi women and the legal standing there every day freedoms of drowse of movement of one ploy meant would it be fair to say that those who wanted to democratize iraq have actually taken far more from the iraqi women than they gave to them or you know we woman's organizations or a woman's movement we look all know is that women issue is the key issue for the did development in the country but for our politicians they don't think like that they always things that a one zero issue is a second that is shoe so forth for that so that we have seen the absence of you know safety for women absence of you know for you say the lack of education for women or of the like for being you know assigned in the i position
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not only in the political but in the administrations or in the economy field so what do we owe it to find how women these women portentious for the company development this is an issue which we have in what they are not in such way oh are politicians thinking about it or they are afraid of that and i can see now that it's over oh and women like nadia more she got this as you do woman chief good this noble prize this is it is wonderful it is an explanation for all iraqi woman that despite the. kind of situation that she has been under have done as she could do to stood up and she told the truth and she could know when the prize for peace and you said that it was an inspiration for all iraqi women but i also hope that this would be an inspiration for the whole iraqi people because she i guess far as i know
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she's the first iraqi in history to receive the nobel prize can i ask you though because one more question because you mentioned before that. male politicians are treating women's issues as a secondary issue but when i look at the iraqi politics i get an impression sometimes that they're actually using women's issues as a bargaining chip every time they have a difficult political situation they introduce some legislation that is designed to appeal to extremely conservative constituencies so it is as if women's issues women's freedoms is even a bargaining tool in in the political game do you think that's the case yes i think so it is something of that we can see to from that's we have our personnel to stack us low which was issued in one nine hundred fifty nine which was recognized as one of the advancement law in the arab region but they want to change it in the other way they want to change it to open the way for you know
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a sectarian way of marriages so it's reason if we go to the. to the sectarian ways so it means that they go off nine years can be amended or this nine years she has to be. said divorce sometimes this is it is included in the draft law that they have been they have been a present it in the parliament in two thousand and sixteen in two thousand and fourteen we are against such laws they will against their our campaign on domestic violence low and then we have you know the last year we tried very hard to pass this law but they prevent to put it for voting this is what we it is very our door that we are doing for you know getting any law for women benefit or for women you know the progress and when you speak about it they will say this is i want to try been our tribe in laws and they were decision it out and i think this is not like
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that because of their interest they want to be dominance in that you can see that we have no. polygamy. there are causes that it emitted to do it again or seventy's and eighty's but after that it becomes because of the absence of snow on because of the opening the door for let it off outside the course that has is really good as well madame ad where we have to take a short break now but we will be back in just a few moments stay tuned. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. just a simple so they want to become most incredible in the last one just about but many
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of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides of the drug used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities the best person to ask than. most you know know and then head up next time i get i'm in a lot of class and i want that. to happen what are their options to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house. if you've got to deal with a fifth of many couples. the push to put a bill both of you up with the approval of the. u.s. is trying to cling to this idea of the u.s. dollar reserve currency empire they built over a post world war two hero for everyone gets into debt to the america and pays homage to america china russia africa you can name it they're all saying no we want
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markopolos up even trump wants markopolos up we want to go for it we want to trade directly bilaterally we don't want to be part of the globalization any more. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth he longs to the rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent just last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per circuit per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business those who can afford to miss the one and only.
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welcome back to worlds apart with their practice human rights activist. madame adler before the break we were talking about the challenges that iraqi women may face when entering politics but over the last few weeks there has been
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a series of crimes on borders i should say women who had little or nothing to do with politics at least three of them were associated with beauty or fashion industry. do you take those murders as isolated cases or do you think they're part of a bigger trend you know it is really big things that we have seen you know they tried is a message not only to kill this woman or you know to put them in death but also it is a message for all iraqi young woman do with it draw voluntary from the public lives it is not because they are in a beauty salon or the fashion is or more dead but some of them they have you know one done for the humanitarian activities for the benefit of the poor people some one of them she was a human rights defenders she's working into civil society organizations and so this is it's a message for all iraqi women to with
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a drove voluntary from the public life and this woman they have really a wonderful zero to standing you know to nations who relations in the so in this society like they want and want she has in the instagram would've than two million followers let me ask you about her specifically her name was tariff hours and she was a former miss baghdad she as you said had more than two and a half million followers on instagram and i think her murder was the most brazen of all because she was gunned down by two mourners cyclists while she was driving her wide porsche convertible in baghdad i don't want to sound like a victim blamer i think that it was a huge horrible horrible crime but don't you think that driving while porsche convertible in baghdad was almost bound to stir hatred given the level of depression in your country. yet as i say this is because of the absence or the weakness very weakened us of the state security. the justice
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system you can see impunity on the crimes is very common in the country the judges that just. this is not taking you know really the place for. accountability of the perpetrators of this a crimes some sort of an organized plaut behind all of those killings do you think that's all posturing on his part or do you think the authorities indeed in trying to least you'll find out what happened and put an end to this is i don't know you know this is as i say. our state is not functioning it's not functioning as a proficient. corruptions inside this is very well. this is what's our delay you know when you lose the security with the state security. the tribes the protections for you already
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use you know other protections for the best in a life this is it is dilema for iraqis and we hope that their political reform should first first of it is to get you know a functioning professional security. to give you know insurance for iraqis to live in peace to live you know in safety to practice their normal life in a very proper now it's impossible to have a conversation about women's rights in iraq without mentioning isis or die or be very very extreme form of sexual violence that they practice the kind of violence i'm horrified to say that but that makes rape look like normal because these people practice things that you wouldn't even think about. in a normal society how do you explain that phenomenon that so many men in the middle
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east commit those horrible atrocities against women and children why is it so widespread we would understand it if it was one psychopath but that's the norm and seems to be so broad. saya has been under a violent environment for many decades and when does come you know as a terrorist you know going is asian and so on it was the topic the top of the when we have seen the sexual violence against women separate and when you after i always say it is not a military or security apparatus to eliminate diversion but the. the culture and the practices of die is in the in the what you call it it is separate all over the country is not in the name of guys but the this violent extremism is even among young people among know men how you say armed forces armed groups in the country
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outside of the. iraqi. does there are the tribal they are very heavy militarized there are even the corruptions this is all it's this conditions. you say purchase on the young people to use the weapons and to use violence and then in cloying men in their country they have drugs also is now is a problem is a very problematic among young people in this solves all of these issues it is really making suppressing the veyron and suppressing the violence because as i said the absence of the state apparatus this is will this is a playing more the role of you know in supporting violence everywhere and using violence against women against children and you can see it there from many cases of the domestic violence earlier this year you addressed the u.n. security council open debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflict and
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you were specifically talked about the women and children who isis fighters or die as fighters leave behind and who carry both the sexual and the crew. imminent stigma as being associated with terrorists what happens to those people after their suppose a house burns are killed or apprehend that. they are many of them they are isolated d.n.a. comes in the comes in salaheddin or in or in they know this is which we seen that it is what you call it a timing bomb if with they still going just in isolations you know. comes. very little said if he says for them trying to be in all the way is not how he said abusing them even sexual abuse against some of these women going go on and really have exposed this you know cases many of these cases and we say that
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even though about the children if we if we want to dry the terrorism terrorism and the extremism in the country we have to to have really take this this ferment is if the family if the member of the family accused of any action criminal action should be put into accountability but if they don't have any that's because of a member of their family has been involved in does they're not responsible for the third and they should really take. this stage should take care of that very much to make for them any application program we need to speak of the right of this extremist i'm on terrorism we have to care of these five thousands of people not one or two thousands of people families of ice's these families some of them there are very innocent then innocent children all of you know very very little years
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why we can't we treat them like them we have to get you know this is a humanitarian issue matter matter i absolutely agree with you thank you very much for being with us today on thank you for the very important work that you. ok thank you very much. i invite our viewers to keep this conversation going in our social media pages and hope to see you again same place same time here on worlds apart. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. scary dramatic to follow the only closely
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i'm going to exist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. this is crude oil. so they need to actually physically hold it out of the ground you know well well well well well well well well well well. there's a lot of money with joy and with that comes. a lot of a lot of people from all over the country. if you don't make a hundred thousand dollars a year. as a minimum there's an issue. here in the. they were told
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sixty dollars a day it's hard work well work it's not easy work and so they want to relieve their stress of how do they relieve their stress these men moved back out. he's men that comfort these men that. people have been murdered up here people can raise their massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money. and force you to the united nations security council and this approach to human is only to listen to the speech of employees that affords a month or two months and then that is introduced when nixon. i mean the minute to present him to the security council would make these statements which are always that if you do.
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the biggest find ten u.f.c. history sees russia's have be no go but retain his title against islands called the mcgregor with about ten zinc ales sunday mass brawl we were told from pepe tom. with angry protests on disruptions of the confirmation vote to brett kavanaugh is sworn in as a us supreme court justice saying bad deep divisions not only within the senate but the whole hung.


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