tv News RT October 8, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm EDT
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saudi journalist vanishes in turkey with reports that he has been killed inside the saudi consulate. dismisses claims that russia tried to hack the international chemical weapons watchdog. saying that it was a routine visit to the. incident as a special operation by russian military intelligence. breaking mixed martial arts champion. returns home to a hero's welcome in russia's republic of dagestan. in the clash that was marred
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by a massive brawl. good evening. and. mystery surrounds the fate of a prominent saudi journalist who's been highly critical of the kingdom's will family has been missing for almost a week now after entering a saudi consulate in turkey have been conflicting reports over what's happened the world's media has been whipped into a frenzy over the story and he has more now on the journalist disappearance. where is journalist. what happened to him. for an entire week nobody has been able to answer that question and vesta gaiters on the ground who might be the closest to solving the riddle believe he could have been
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brutally murdered behind the walls of the saudi consulate and its stamboul alleged details of how it was done and clued sending over a fifteen man a hit squad from the kingdom to make sure the man's dead anchor was shocked something so horrendous could have happened in istanbul a prosecutor in istanbul is investigating the issue there is both a security investigation and an intelligence one it is extremely thorough the news that this incident took place in the country i knew to move for a long time so i still hold out hope good willing we will not find ourselves in a situation we do not want and still riyadh says it's got nothing to do with it all the claims are absolute blogs and official at the consulate general of the kingdom of saudi arabia in istanbul dismissed the report by reuters which cited turkish officials the saudi citizen jamal khashoggi was killed in the consulate in
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istanbul you fishel strongly denounce these baseless allegations and express his down to that they came from turkish officials they were informed of the investigation or authorized to comment on the issue the saudi kingdom is transparency record has been poor to say the least but in a rare display of openness there officials even invited warders on a tour around the consulate. jamal khashoggi lives and works in the u.s. but to obtain a license to get married he had to see saudi officials is definitely been to the consulate twice on september the twenty eighth and last tuesday that was when he disappeared now here's why. it's crucial mr has saudi writes about the saudi government and it's not exactly glowing actually had been worried something bad could happen to him before the second visit to the consulate the journalists left
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his cell phone with his fiance with instructions on what to do if he didn't come out soon the woman called turkish police four hours later when jamal was nowhere to be seen saudi officials say his stay at the compound was very short they were sure the journalist vanished once he stepped outside now they're looking for him to mr his fiance is full of hope he's not been killed but kidnapped rather. the story's been picked up by media all over the world one of the newspapers jamal wrote for the washington post came out with a blank column where they were supposed to print his piece but that hasn't helped there's been no trace of the man well washington's number one diplomat mike pump aoe talk to the saudi crown prince exactly a day after the mysterious disappearance they brought up all kinds of regional issues but didn't mention mr gee if we're to believe the state department that
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really does worry though some people on the capitol hill this is outrageous that he's been somehow disappeared the administration needs to demand hughes release it is absolutely an acceptable and a further sign that this crackdown on free speech is getting more serious we should probably be rethinking the political and military blanching we've been giving the saudis what if the journalists never found alive donald trump's latest all related comments have already made washington react relations somewhat complicated the disappearance and the possible murder of jamal. may well make them much more tricky . to heiko in another chapter turkish affairs expert television averse the police by providing no evidence but now both countries are hoping not to aggravate the crisis but two states are not willing to escalate the situation because if one of them will release such c.c.t.v.
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records it means that they are going to provide concrete evidence and with this kind of evidence and new diplomatic crisis will be inevitable between the two states and as far as i understand now they are trying to find a proper solution in order to end this crisis and that's why today the turkish foreign ministry asked the saudi consulate to open the gates of the consulate so that they can get in in order to search for we still don't have any evidence is. moscow has responded to dutch allegations that russian spies tried to hack the international chemical weapons watchdog with foreign minister sergey lavrov noting the claims were designed to attract maximum attention. discuss the incident with artie's medina caution of. the real incident took place in april last year but let me tell you that the real scandal unraveled last week when the government
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held the press conference that actually arranged into some kind of a high profile event and that particular press conference of the defense minister accused of russian citizens of an attempted cyber attack on the organization for the propagation of chemical weapons the minister even had a name for what happened back in april and called him a g r u operation well if you have been following the news in the past couple of months well you already know that g r u has become some kind of a bogey word to the west or thirteenth of april this year and carried out an operation to disrupt. operation targeting the organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons p c w. there was nothing secret about the visit by the russian technical experts it was a completely transparent and routine business visit well right after that
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particular incident the russian foreign ministry actually published a statement with the fool explanation of what happened let me just give you some details from that statement now of the ministry explicitly said that there was nothing extraordinary that the russian delegation checked in at the marriott hotel which is located very close to the o.p.c. w. had quarters the statement the ministry statement said that the hotel has been used by the russian delegations for decades as it is located just five hundred five hundred meters away from the russian embassy and that also explains the fact why there were so many russian cars parked outside also it was mentioned and that statement that the. it was very well aware of all these facts presented in that statement but still all has been portrayed as something from
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a spinal really now as you mentioned this has all been going on since april was there any reaction back then well back then actually there was no reaction from any side the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov even said today that back then it all looked like a misunderstanding. russians that were explored from the weren't given any explanations or any opportunity to contact our representatives in or embassy in the netherlands and were asked to leave it to look like a misunderstanding especially given the background there were no protests of warnings to us neither in moscow nor in the hague again the russian foreign affairs minister sergei lavrov said that the situation surrounding the so-called russian spies on the netherlands is a deceptive maneuver and that the story was made public especially i had of the needle needing between minister is so that the timing is not at all accidental.
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the un report notes an appalling increase in the number of civilian casualties in afghanistan victims from bombings using improvised explosive devices or i e d's have risen twenty one percent in just the last year deaths from suicide attacks there are even worse forty six percent report share the story of a teenager injured in one such attack. i was taking part in a cricket match at the time after the game some of the guests were to give speeches but before those got underway i heard an explosion and saw smoke i saw my blood and realize i've been injured i started running there was a second explosion and i fell to the ground and lost consciousness it's inhuman to attack players of the game. seventeen years since the start of the u.s. invasion of afghanistan despite the war the taliban has actually increased its influence and now controls almost half the country director of the u.k.'s crisis research institute says washington doesn't want to admit defeat in what's been a failed invasion. well we're seeing the radicalization of afghanistan on almost
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the syrian model if you like ironically as the civil war in syria has wound there's been an increase in violence in afghanistan and it's probably the most violent of these conflicts in the world at the moment the use of these kinds of attacks is way both spectacular it's also very unsettling because what it does it shows that the afghan government and its allies the americans and british and so on can't really control the situations of britain and america from afghanistan recently through syria and libya and should have shown we're very good at destroying things smashing up our own but we don't we don't do reconstruction any more just look at the fate of mosul in iraq or rock or in syria the divided councils in washington i think probably trump would like to disengage from any of these wars which will cost sleep both money and men for the americans and not particularly successful on the other hand the pentagon doesn't want to admit defeat and the taliban of course since in that perhaps it's getting close to the victory on its turfs doesn't feel the need to talk to the americans but the taliban also may feel that talking to russia
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talking to the neighbors or afghanistan in moscow will help to create a situation we're. in a post war settlement in afghanistan will be acceptable to the neighbors. a controversial rightwing at the trump of the tropics as one the first round of brazil's presidential election and by a large margin whether jay or both or not it failed to secure the fifty percent needed to avoid a second round runoff is supporters of taking to the streets there claiming fraud as this high stakes election heats up for national. yes brazilians cost their ballots but we're going to see a second round as none of the candidates was able to get their fifty percent needed to win outright it is yet to early to say who will rule the country next but many predict victory will go to the current favorite they winner of the first round the most controversial candidate the so-called tropical trump mr paulson r o
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people have grown tired after twenty years of left wing government so narrow is not corrupt he is for family values and ethics he's our only hope and that is why i am here to do only one who is going to rein in care of our country will handle corruption improve our education system if he doesn't win i don't know what really happened i'm here to celebrate and i'm here because i'm hoping for a new and better brazil so who's both sonar and why did he become so popular it would be fair to call him a new face in brazil's political life confronting traditional approaches with fresh ideas and far right congressman former army captain both another is not affiliated to any major political power in brazil he's also famous for his hard stance on laur issues including a tougher punishment for offenders and controversial. just curious.
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they're both of you if you thought go too far we'll go through the. dauphine with poor. students and all of the new and old guard to good. job or you. have to understand the popularity of mr controller see let's take a look at brazil ahead of the election widespread nationwide corruption has become the biggest concern with former presidents jailed impeached and the current president under. investigation following fraud scandals many thought enough is enough next security with the murder rate at an all time high seven people were killed every hour last year economic challenges were just as serious with thirteen million people unemployed and let in america's largest economy coming out of a dramatic and prolonged recession people went to polling stations frustrated
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angry and tired. so there have been so many thieves and people cheating us and our country that's a disappointment to me. we need to brazil does better than those if not for us we're just sake of our children for your sort of people know what's going on and they feel unsafe even to walk on the street how can they be comfortable knowing they can be easily most worse at any moment. has ridden public criticism of the failing ruling party promising changes that people of brazil so desperately wanted suddenly say that with forty six percent of the vote in the first round he managed to convince the people that he's capable of fixing the problems while many others see it as a simple protest vote against the establishment and in this case south america's largest country may need to embrace an other trump type leader sitting in the hot
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seat. mixed martial arts champion there might get me out of his returning home to what's expected to be a hero's welcome in russia's republic of dagestan following a massive victory over column a gregor in the fight in las vegas holds the longest and beaten record in tournament history his win though you probably heard it was marred after the fire started a mass brawl at the arena in response to constant pre-fight mockery by mcgregor and his team about family country and religion. i reporter danny armstrong is in the capital of dagestan and they're all there preparing to meet the m.m.a. legend that the energy arena with thousands of devoted fans down a good i'll be on live i'm expecting a pretty special evening what that means atmosphere like that. ok i do apologize it's
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a fair distance and we have lost the line with danny but it is going to be an exciting giving hope that will get him back on live within the next fifteen minutes or so will certainly try to do. in the meantime on to other news now in the u.s. secretary of state mike pompei o hasn't received the warmest of welcomes from this chinese counterparts on a visit to beijing the chinese foreign minister lashed out at the u.s. over the trade war between the two powers and against washington arming taiwan. the u.s. has also launched groundless attacks on china's domestic and foreign policy we believe all these have directly impacted the mutual trust of the two missions and cons to shadow over the future of china u.s. relations. with the two countries have been at loggerheads for some bumps now over issues that of rage and trade tariffs through the sanctions against beijing for its purchasing of russian arms donald trump's also accused china of meddling in the upcoming midterm elections professor of law and government and dean at law school
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told brooks believes that trump's push for popularity at home is taken down this path with china. chinese imports in particular the united states is a as a real kind of issue it's of the energizes his base as much as any other conservative issue that he's got and so trump isn't talking about china as it were the bad guy in terms of trade for a long time in this and it's unsurprising to see the rhetoric ratchet up it's unfortunate to see this you have would seems to be at least progress of a kind of the meeting of the dictator in north korea meeting with donald trump you've got korea's story two to speak more together and lots of good signs there that are very welcome to then exercising in this way militarily with taiwan could have increasing not just the the rhetoric against china but
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piecing it would seeing the push for longer harder same sions against chinese goods not just kind of so that might destabilize what progress has been made in the koreas which i think is of critical importance but doesn't do i don't think the united states much favors either. ok we lost connection early we've got him back on the line now i said it's a dunny armstrong is in the capital of dagestan these are there we found the founders they're all getting ready to well could be successful returning champion and a legend how. done he looks great that was the atmosphere like. yeah absolutely fantastic as you can see behind me at the stands a full as if it were a much they. all had to see one would be the magneto you got that one saw stick victory over that one of a big and let's not forget the biggest name in sports at the moment and we've had
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jones you had a caucus and we've dances on the pitch at the moment we're always. yeah many thanks and danny just to mention it was a fantastic victory i don't think he was the favorite for this one get me out of so it was a surprise and plenty to celebrate for supporters. yeah absolutely nobody expected him to dominate the mcgregor as he did and submit him in the fourth round by really make that show a lot of being got a lot been said and got on to the fight and especially from the side of qana mcgregor had been as usual he was his cob collects itself in the press conferences and on the media was ever in the ring he was absolutely explosive keep economy gregg and many said he would beat him in a standup game would be is on the night to be shelled to ease as good
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a shot has probably anybody in the school certainly in the light weight division. where the difference was close on the ground in a physical round seat so mcgregor down and kind of beat the fight out of him so everybody was watching not here there was thousands hacking out the movie theatres . and they were all cheering on them there was a great relief when the referee finally stopped the fight and that carried on into the early hours of the morning and on the streets and now here. as we wait wait for heavy with the oh yeah they're going to teach you and he turns up in a moment of proving what i want to treat champney is with victory over mcgregor many thanks on the save for his sports editor danny armstrong i thank you. well that fights it was a great result from my get rid of but it didn't didn't scandal sparking a huge pool and let to sort of their out of the uk to going to confront conus coach
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for taunting in the gregor also in trouble after video emerged showing him punching her teammate and his father and she met him at the airport gave his reaction to those events. i didn't see on a scale from one to five the fight was four plus but his jump out of the article cannot be assessed in any way. that the discipline must come first i think i should punch him from the right or the left straight to the airport and say what did we teach you. the fight conforms to what we expected in the first round in the very first minute we managed to control mcgregor to pin him impose the fight speed that worked him out in the second round we managed to carry out that plan. and investigative journalist probing the misuse of e.u. funds has been found dead in northern bulgaria our correspondent peter oliver has
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been following this story for us peter what details can you bring us at this point . victoria martin over was found adding being raped and murdered in the northern bulgarian town of rosa it's understood that she meant for investigators that she was killed having being beaten to the head and being suffocated now the interior minister of bulgaria has been on the scene on monday and he has poured cold water over those reports that have been in the media and on social media that in over was killed due to her work in investigative journalism now ms martin over previously had given many statements including the one you're about to hear on her opinion on the state of investigative reporting in bulgaria. the image of the investigative journalism in bulgaria is very contradictory
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stronger women in corporate pressure on media owners and on to media themselves more and more banned subjects' systematically sidelining investigative journalist. well france timmons the first vice president of the e.u. commission has said that there must be a full and quick investigation into this killing he described. as a fighter for freedom and a campaigner against corruption she becomes the third journalist to have been killed in the e.u. in the last twelve months last october in malta a car bomb claimed the life of daphne. while in february of this year the chip the slovak journalist a young chick was shot to death. just here in germany where i'm speaking to you from the government of angular merkel has said that they also want to see a quick investigation to bring to light just who was responsible for the slaying of
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miss madden over as a correspondent in berlin with the latest peter oliver thank you for. the syrian war has been indiscriminate when it comes to wreaking devastation on people's lives but one tragic story about a thirteen year old girl from aleppo does have a happy ending. this is. funny my sister and her two children when i would side to buy some things got caught up into shalini sister her children dying and i was taken to hospital as if it when we heard the blast i told my wife may god protect the girls from that shell when we went outside to see what damage the blast because i saw the children's bodies what remained of them scattered all over the ground.
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there are not the bottles the russian military visited us they saw sandra and the state she was in they helped us to travel to russia where we've received every were welcome all the doctors treated us with care they gave my daughter percentage lags wanted to keep height of us as i was very scared but the officer even valera which visited me and supported me she brought toys to play together has become a friend of mine. a high school marching bands performance in the u.s. state of mississippi a spa dangar a student's and active holding policeman at gun point pictures show by members of the forest hills band dressed up as doctors and nurses and with toy guns the
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performance was delivered during a high school football game officials meanwhile have slub the show. this is unacceptable in a civilized society someone should be held accountable. why would any high school marching band ever need fake guns had they been performing this routine all year. making a complaint to the mississippi high school activities association as well as the forest hill and g.p.s. administration how could any administrator think that have timeshare was appropriate last night forest hills band performed a halftime show at brookhaven high school depicting police officers being held at gunpoint absolutely disgusting. incidence took a chord as it comes less than a week after two local offices was shot dead in the line of duty if jackson public schools has issued an apology. the band's performance does not depict the values in
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people in our community and was incredibly insensitive to the students families law enforcement officials and the entire brookhaven community for this we sincerely apologize to all and we pledged to do in the future. and we go reaction to the students' performance from former police officer dominic is a. i think it's unfortunate that we're not letting kids and juveniles high school students adolescents are not letting them grow up kids are the easiest ones a play off their emotions today's youth is an army for the future to an actor in them with beliefs that just aren't accurate and we're forcing them were and doc sure having them into being us soldiers into either conservative or liberal side and i think yes this is just the effect of false fed information and emotions that are pouring gasoline on emotions and letting them run while they're mashed that's nations poor kids they're being brainwashed they're being set into false that's all
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the incentive you need oil is in the youth it make the youth work for you i do want them to be more all the caliber. brings us right today if you join me for the latest in half an hour. time action or a time when you're watching going underground is indonesia after lethal earthquakes and failed warning systems. hosts the annual meetings of bastions of alleged economic hit man the i.m.f. and the world bank coming up with a sharp a clinton administration official lays out the threats to the trump presidency and the man one step to be trump's ambassador to the e.u.
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it's back plus spoken word on the civil rights struggle we speak to award winning poet sophie i think or the first while the media of nato nations continue to allege russia of unproven crimes its biggest economic bloc the e.u. continues to negotiate with defacto brics at rogue state britain so how will the u.k. deal with the usa as it threatens china with tariffs and iran with war all this i mean is the us media that appears to be at war with trump over everything from russia to alleged sex crimes and all this when your liberal i.m.f. was christine legarde today makes veiled threats against trump trade policy joining me now to discuss it is a former clinton.
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