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tv   News  RT  October 9, 2018 1:00am-1:23am EDT

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concern in washington over a prominent journalist on regime predict who's been missing for more than a week strongly. in his disappearance. also coming out this. leading french and italian euro skeptics team to take on brussels chiefs the enemies of europe. brett kavanaugh is confirmation as a u.s. supreme court judge sees a shift towards white women even though the failed to find evidence to corroborate sex assault cling. to hero's welcome for a record breaking mixed martial arts champion. madoff as he returns home to
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russia's republic following victory over irish superstar color in a plush. fight. coming up from our international news center this is r.t. welcome wherever you're joining us from you know neal we will get your headline stories in just a moment but first ten people we are hearing have been evacuated in north ukraine after explosions on a military munitions depo there are no details yet confirmed whether there are any casualties or otherwise we do know that the ukraine defense ministry says the explosion happened three thirty am local time the middle of the night in the gulf.
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region restrictions are in place across the region along the russian border with rude unreal traffic halted on day twenty kilometer. exclusion zone has also been imposed a local crisis center we know has been established to as we say there's no details yet as to be cause either of the explosions are website r t dot com is keeping abreast of developments some witness videos there as well we'll also be keeping up to date with this story here on our to international. there's concern over the fates of a problem in saudi journalist who has been missing for over a week now regime critic jamal khashoggi he was last seen entering a saudi consulate in turkey both the u.s. president and vice president say they're worried i am concerned about i don't like hearing about it and hopefully that will sort itself out right now nobody knows anything about it this is
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a pretty sad story i do not like. deeply troubled to hear reports about saudi arabian journalist jamal khashoggi if true this is a tragic day violence gives journalists across the globe is a threat to freedom and the press and human rights the free world deserves answers all saudi arabia has dismissed reports that he was killed in their consulate in istanbul and say it has launched its own investigation into what occurred well the tranquil has more now but surrounding the journalist disappearance where is journalist jeanne what happened to him. for an entire week nobody has been able to answer that question and best to gators on the ground who might be the closest to solving the riddle believe he could have been brutally murdered behind the walls of the saudi consulate and its stamboul alleged details of how it was done and clude sending over
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a fifteen man hit squad from the kingdom to make sure the man's dead anchor was shocked something so horrendous could have happened in istanbul this person is a journalist she went to the consulate to complete the paperwork needed to marry his fiance his fiancee stayed outside the consulate and he went in alone who was responsible for demonstrating that this person made his way out of the building obviously the consulate is responsible for that you have cameras there of course you do so you have to prove that he left the place why don't you do that you should prove it riyadh says it's got nothing to do with it all the claims are absolute blogs an official at the consulate general of the kingdom of saudi arabia in istanbul dismissed the report by reuters which cited turkish officials the saudi citizen jamal khashoggi was killed in the consulate in istanbul the official strongly denounced these baseless allegations and expressed his down to that they came from tokyo officials they were informed of the investigation or authorized to
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come. on the issue saudi kingdom is transparency record has been poor to say the least but in a rare display of openness there officials even invited warders on a tour around the consulate. jamal ji lives and works in the u.s. but to obtain a license to get married he had to see saudi officials is definitely been to the consulate twice on september the twenty eighth and last tuesday that was when he disappeared now here's what's crucial mr has saudi writes about the saudi government and it's not exactly glowing actually had been worried something bad could happen to him before the second visit to the consulate the journalists left his cell phone with his fiance with instructions on what to do if he didn't come out soon the woman called turkish police four hours later when jamal was nowhere to
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be seen saudi officials say his stay at the compound was very short they were sure the journalist vanished once he stepped outside now they're looking for him to mr his fiance is full of hope he's not been killed but kidnapped rather. the story's been picked up by media all over the world one of the newspapers jamal wrote for the washington post came out with a blank column where they were supposed to print his piece but that hasn't helped there's been no trace of the man so this is outrageous that he's been somehow disappeared the administration needs to demand he's a release it is absolutely an acceptable and a further sign that this crackdown on free speech is getting more serious we should probably be rethinking the political and military blanching we've been giving the saudis what if the journalists never found alive donald trump's latest all related comments have already made washington react relations somewhat complicated the
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disappearance and the possible murder of jamal. may well make them much more tricky . well we got reaction from turkish analysts on wall for journalist disappearance could mean for relations between saudi arabia turkey but i understand this then the two states are not willing to escalate the situation because if one of them will release such c.c.t.v. records it means that they are going to provide concrete evidence and with this kind of a concrete evidence and new diplomatic crisis will be inevitable between the two states and as far as i understand and now they are trying to find a proper solution in order to end this crisis is very much complicated because as far as i understand it took his administration refrains at all costs to be to become to engage in a direct confrontation with the saudis while the turkey's not refusing it to
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release t.v. footage there is thought of formal investigation going on in they don't want to show their hand until the formal investigation is done i'm assuming it's going to be wrapped up in a day or two according to what turkish media is reporting but you would think that it would be in the saudi's best interests if they have any footage of him leaving to release it instantly because the amount of bad press this is causing for the saudis is incredible and you would think they'd want to clear their name i mean if i was in their situation that's what i would want to do. all right on to another of a headline stories this hour two of europe's most controversial stablish when politicians are teaming up to take on brussels the italian interior minister france's right wing national rally president of the european parliamentary election in their sights on accuse each chiefs of being the quote enemies of europe.
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we're not fighting against europe we're fighting against the european union a system that has become too old to tell a tarion or europe's baddies got together in a room to their campaign the next. elections the two who are both you that's not in the pen for france italy's matter wasted no time in criticizing. the enemies of europe or those who are entrenched in the brussels the enemies of the european people and of the happiness of the european people. who are fighting against the e.u. precisely to save their real euro. carelessness in fear and refused to leave their throat we're working to give five hundred million european citizens their futures back firstly the italian and french people well a pen and salvini have both been branded as populists by the mainstream media and also by their political opponents some have even gone as far as branding them as
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fascists populists like salvini in orbit want to create division by turning europeans against each other well that could be because both have campaigned against mass migration into their respective countries they've also campaigned against austerity measures imposed on them and they are hoping that the two thousand and nine hundred european elections could signal a sea wave of change and that their parties will be leading the charge on services or do we are at a historical moment this is history with a capital going to be written in may twenty ninth it is the emergence of a europe of nations a year of the best a year of protection next you will italy's selvi and he has been building his anti immigration bloc across europe for some time recently meeting with another one of the boys huh. it's prime minister viktor orban and it seems that the two have said
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that they will find together against any migrant stances from politicians they say such as he says emanuel not gone and it seems that this is a shtick that many voters like and seem to be viewing towards if you look at the trend over the last year or so there has been a movement towards these anti immigrant parties they've been good results for them in countries such as sweden germany denmark and the netherlands as well as in other countries some people are predicting that this trend could continue for them into those elections next year in two thousand and nineteen and it seems that these immigrant parties according to some analysts could reap as much as an increase of sixty percent of the vote. but the truth is that just the richest the children learn the rules are students. the.
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citizens are not trusting. the group. after the election c.n.n. invited people who voted for barack obama but not hillary clinton. or anybody for anybody nobody but you. and you are never going to get it and hillary clinton. did it. she scared me in america politics is often the case nowadays firmly tied to identity so ironic as it may seem perhaps not so surprising that self-proclaimed feminists and women's rights defenders now lecture women on how to vote and what to think what happened in the end what the outcome was and that's public shame is a it's a harmful thing it's harmful and any society is using people that disagree with your opinion to come out and you're shaming the rest you know i mean you see women attacking when. people attacking people on it's own
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a name of politics and to me it's it's laughable at the outset i mean it is it's hilarious to see that that's what you think is an appropriate reaction for something that was handled the way it's supposed to be handled under protocol and then going out and playing on you know how we're seen as a society. playing going on there. will staying stateside another kingly watch vote is the closer a mid terms race in new jersey where a leading poster has received an ugly call from a democratic party official after inviting republican rival of ball putin into his church now i just threw james compared america's political system to a political plantation and insists he invited both contenders to meet his congregation. so often the african-american vote is taken for granted and so i believe we should have had or should have. the ability to make a choice and so i decided to ask bob hugh going to come and let our folks
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hear what he's offering in the race as well as the same limitation when to senator menendez senator menendez has been busy and he decided not to take the invitation and so it was just as you go to a grocery store there's more than one loaf of bread on the shelf more than one. brand of braydon folks can make intelligent choices well polls show about the race for the new jersey senate seat is a dead heat between the two term democratic senator robert menendez and republican challenger hugh can mendez was beset by corruption allegations last year which were eventually dismissed but turned voters against him if he loses all november the sixth it could undermine the democrats' chances of getting the two seat net gain that they need to take control of the senate. ality is that this country is so
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divided and that some folks are just taking those at the bottom for granted and i think that that's all really a moral issue that has to be. challenged in this country we're not we're not just going to go and pull. the lever for anyone or anybody who doesn't have the interests of our people at heart. mixed martial arts champion habib norman demand officer returned home to a hero's welcome in russia's dug a stunning republic after beating. watching the hawks. make this manufactured to send to the public will. the ruling classes protect them so. when the final merry go
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round. we can all middle of the room see. you. back with. a capital a vigil has been held in the bowl garion capital for an investigative journalist who was murdered the weekend with the details here europe correspondent peter. thirty year old investigative journalist victoria martin of a was murdered and raped in the northern bulgarian town of. prosecutors say that she died following being beaten to the head and suffocated at the interior minister of bulgaria with in the city on on monday now he used that opportunity to say that her killing had
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nothing to do with work as an investigative journalist however ms made an overt priestley given interviews saying how she viewed well investigative journalism in bulgaria at the moment. the image of them that's a good journalism in bulgaria is very contradictory stronger women in corporate pressure on media owners and on to media themselves more and more banned subjects' systematically sidelining investigative journalist fronts timmons the first vice president of the european commission has called for a full and thorough investigation into what led to the slaying of ms martin over he described as a crusader for clarity a someone who fought for freedom and campaigned against corruption she becomes the third journalist to have been killed in the in the last twelve months a car bombing last october in malta claimed the life of daphne cut in a. while in february of this year the slovak journalist chick was shot to
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death here in berlin where i'm talking to you from the german government it echoed the words of mr timmons saying that there must be a full investigation and we must find out what led to the slaying of miss might in other. discovering oil should be a chance to celebrate economic boost and maybe the creation of thousands of local jobs but things have turned sour in the u.s. state of north dakota where the new oil wealth is being linked with a surge in drug abuse prostitution and domestic violence on wednesday here in r.t. we'll take an in-depth look. it was a very cultural community it was mostly just cattle and farmland. you
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had this small little town of walk herd and then all of a sudden the whole of these people move in. this is. so they need to actually physically can't get out of those around. the things that need nor to cut a string. and. with a whole lotta money all the oil field workers can fly you know find out for them right along with taking the drug and the sex and guns. they work twelve sixteen hours a day you know it's hard work well work is not easy and so they want to relieve their stress and how do they relieve their stress these men that outweigh these many that comfort these many. people who've been murdered up here people been raped their massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money i could ride around
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newtown and know that i was ok now i wouldn't even let my fourteen year old son on around town because i don't know who is here there's drugs. people who are trying to get these kids addicted to drugs are going to look for the younger ones here try this take this smoke this. watch that unfold here tomorrow wednesday indeed the other stories we've been following today can always be fun r t v dot com more news views on the losses there but in moments here on our to international our latest slice of business on the markets it's been .
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm barque children's welcome aboard we're glad you're with us coming up today the saudi journalist who writes for the washington post we told you about last week may have been murdered according to officials as increased global tensions rise related to the matter what does it mean for economics and business we'll get to that just ahead and we go to paris to take a look at efforts to move businesses including big banks and others from london to paris in the light of breakfast and later kristie i have counterpart tells us about her novel and interesting crypto enterprise all that ahead let's go. leading our global report today news that truly impacts the future of all of us now living on earth and our grandkids and everybody else our prospects for survival in the change global climate the royal swedish academy of sciences was awarded this
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year's nobel prize in economics sciences to william nordhaus and paul romer for their research into public policy interventions to curb the profit seeking processes that have our planet on path to catastrophic climate change the academy said the two professors significantly broaden the scope of economic analysis by constructing models that explain how the market economy interacts with nature and knowledge and that they have addressed quote our times most basic and pressing questions about how we create long term sustained and sustainable economic growth mr nordhaus a sterling professor of economics at yale and mr roemer is that new york university on the science the u.n. interim government. a panel on climate change or i.p.c.c. today warned that our species only has about a dozen years left to take urgent transformative action to avoid absolute climate catastrophe the i.p.c.c. says time is quickly running out to hold global warming to one point five degrees
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versus two degrees of voiding global death to coral reefs and cataclysmic consequences for humanity. the chinese central bank officially named the people's bank of china has cut the reserve ratio of deposits that banks are required to hold for the fourth time this year that means more money is freed up in china as interest rates will be cut by one hundred basis points by october fifteenth lowering the reserve rate is a standard policy move to encourage lending and it also increases capital into the economy the central banks policy change is expected to make roughly one hundred ten billion dollar.


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