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tv   News  RT  October 9, 2018 2:00am-2:22am EDT

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a warning brussels asked two of the continent's most controversial umpty establishment politicians immigration bloc across europe for some time recently meeting with another one of the bad boys hungary's prime minister viktor orban and it seems that the two have said that they will find together against any pro migrant stances from politicians they say such as he vance's emanuel mack on and it seems that this is a shtick that many voters like and seem to be viewing towards if you look at the trend over the last year or so there has been a movement towards these anti immigrant parties they've been good results for them in countries such as sweden germany denmark and the netherlands as well as in other
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countries some people are predicting that this trend could continue for them into those elections next year in two thousand and nineteen and it seems that these anti immigrant parties according to some analysts could reap as much as an increase of sixty percent of the vote the trend that is the richest in national elections and longer a member states. knows the. citizens are not so trusting the longer globalise the group. is that you should. close. to you if you can majority of people into this kind of party. brett kavanaugh has been sworn in as a judge in the united states' highest court after a deeply contentious nomination process a brief f.b.i. investigate. failed to find evidence to support sexual misconduct allegations
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against donald trump's nominee but protesters turn died with some focusing their anger on the white female voters who voiced their support for calvin all this is how a new york times opinion article described them these women are gender traitors it seems that white women are expected to support the patriarchy by marrying within their racial group reproducing whiteness and even minimizing violence in their own bodies betray the patriarchy in your whiteness won't save you this blood pact between white men and white women is at issue in the november midterms. well in several articles laid off they cover more controversy as a fight against feminism pinning the blame on white women voters more not from washington correspondents america. rallies held hearings upturn but brett kavanaugh still gets the job so who's to blame mainstream media quickly found the scapegoat
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white men or to be more specific those who backed capital despite all his controversies notably numerous sexual assault allegations which nights these women are gender traitors they've made standing by patriarchy a full time job white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain these are the kind of women who think being falsely accused of rape is almost as bad as being raped we have motion opinion piece in the press with some even pending letters to women with dare to think outside their gender public shame in the media and these authors these activists using public shaming. of white women apparently white women that supported cavanagh's confirmation ever kratz painted the capitol case in binary terms you're either for or against women no other options and told the focus has all the angry women of the men who listen to women the intention is to take away women's rights
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it was a denial of justice for the women of this country however not all members of the fairer sex were convinced that his confirmation posed a extension threat to its rights in fact the poll suggests that capital was actually backed by almost half of white women in the u.s. it's not the first time women quote brainwashed by patriarchy are being blamed for the democratic party spill years in twenty six even most white women in fact voted for trump clinton even blame trial loss on white women leaving to men we don't do well with married white women and part of that is ongoing pressure to. vote the way that your husband. your boss your son whoever believes you should mainstream media were shocked after the election c.n.n. invited people who voted for barack obama but not hillary clinton. or anybody both for anybody nobody you are a woman and you are never going to get it and it will be. so i guess.
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that i did it. she scared me in america politics is often the case nowadays i'm firmly tied to identity so ironic as it may seem perhaps not so surprising that self-proclaimed feminists and women's rights defenders now lecture women on how to vote and what to think what happened in the end what the outcome was and that's public shaming is a it's a harmful thing it's harmful in any society and it's using people that disagree with your opinion to come out and you're shaming the rest you know i mean you see women attacking women people attacking people and it's all the name of politics and to me it's it's laughable at the outset i mean it is it's hilarious to see that that's what you think is an appropriate reaction for something that was handled the way it's supposed to be handled under protocol and then going out and playing on you know overseeing a society of public shaming and blame going on there well spirit for two for breath
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coveralls nane sakes who have been holding a full time of it all along over the past few weeks although they have some sympathy. with what you say you've been through hill. and through hell and then some boy warrior this particular. grabbed headlines were for help and. to go yourself and his people embrace them. was never good enough to show his pals suturing drives a stadium and his home style and bags fans will follow suit look at the turn up to . the fighter who holds the longest unbeaten record in the sport's history our team sports reporter danny armstrong was there. at the stands a full as if it were
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a much they had and she irene and they all had to see one might not be an amalgam out of who had the victory over. the of the. idea was that it was was a thank you for coming here and supporting me thank you for sharing not sleeping the whole night i saw that in the city in all of the biggest town and right across russia many people would be much nicer and i hope i met your expectations thank you brother i thank you very much for coming i suppose he made by design this way i feel embarrassed because so many people are here to see and support me to pursue them and thank you very much my idea of the jury not fight here in my thousands and thousands of funds just as they hit inside the stadium were inside movie theaters restaurants wherever was showing a live broadcast they would absolutely crazy when he was announced the winner and
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happy but let's not forget the first russian fight said to him to use the championship and he defended the weekends in the best way possible the fight ended in controversy though and now michael mandel sparked a huge brawl after leaping out of the cage to confront one of connery's team for taunting him officials are yet to the side on a punishment mcgregor was also involved in a post fight alter cation when some of his rivals teammates entered the octagon and the clash ensued here's how i met off fall for our coach he's what. they say on a scale from one to five the fight was four plus but his jump out of the o.t. can cannot be assessed in any way. you know there's a discipline must come first i think i should punch him from the right or the left straight to the airport and say what did we teach you.
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the fight conforms to what we expected in the first round in the very first minute we managed to control mcgregor to pin him imposed the fight speed that works him out in the second round we managed to carry out that plan. discovering oil should be a chance to celebrate an economic boost maybe even the creation of thousands of local jobs but things have turned sour in the u.s. state of north dakota where the new oil wealth is being linked with a surge in drug abuse prostitution violence on wednesday here on our team we'll take an in-depth look. it was very agricultural community it was mostly just cattle and farmland. you had this small little town of walk herd and then all of a sudden all of these people move in. this is. so they
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need to actually physically can't get out of the ground. there are things that need more to cope. with whole lotta money all the oil field workers you know by now run along with taking the. guns. they work twelve sixteen hours a day you know it's hard work well work is not easy work and so they want to relieve the stress and how do they relieve the stress. these men that outweigh these men need that comfort these men. people have been murdered up here people been raped they're massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money i could ride around newtown and know that i was ok now i wouldn't even let my fourteen year old son run around town because i don't know who is here there's drugs. people who are
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trying to get these kids addicted to drugs going to look for the younger ones here try this take this smoke this. some things bugging scientists over a murray kid i grew a cultural research which they claim is a gateway to weaponize and sex not some other story still ahead after the break. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race is often very dramatic developments only really i'm going to resist i
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don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. you know world of big. lot and conspiracies it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking. it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. twenty minutes into the program welcome back a candlelit vigil has been held in the bulgarian capital for an investigative
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journalist who was murdered in the country at the weekend the details here europe correspondent peter all of. thirty year old investigative journalist victoria martin over was murdered and raped in the northern bulgarian town of. prosecutors say that she died following being beaten to the head and suffocated at the interior minister of bulgaria was in the city on monday now he used that opportunity to say that her killing had nothing to do with work as an investigative journalist however ms made an overt priest to give in interviews saying how she viewed well investigative journalism in bulgaria at the moment. the image of investigative journalism in bulgaria is very contradictory stronger women in corporate pressure on media owners and on to mediate insults more and more banned subjects systematically sidelining investigative journalist fronts timmermans the first vice
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president of the european commission has called for a full and thorough investigation into what led to the slaying of ms martin over he described as a crusader for clarity a someone who fought for freedom and campaigned against corruption she becomes the third journalist to have been killed in the in the last twelve months a car bombing last october in malta claimed the life of daphne cut in a. while in february of this year the slovak journalist chick was shot to death here in berlin where i'm talking to you from the german government it echoed the words of mr timmons saying that there must be a full investigation and we must find out what led to the slaying of miss madden of our. right moving on scientists are voicing their concern over research into modifying insects to spread viruses a pentagon project designed to protect crops it's
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a theory hollywood horror movies have already got to grips with. you haven't just released a transmissible virus you've released a disease the united states knows better than to return to a biological arms race the program may be widely perceived as an effort to develop biological agents for hostile purposes and their means of delivery which if true would constitute a breach of the biological weapons convention well the insect allies project began in twenty sixteen and is aimed at protecting agriculture but also includes developing an offensive response to quote threats introduced by state or non state and all with the help of insects let's go through it so in nature bugs are routinely spread viruses among plants but recent genetic advances could no laws
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scientists to customize those viruses by using modified insects to spark changes in target crops like tomatoes or corn making them more resilient to dry out or to flooding but scientists say it's like opening a pandora's box which once opened could lead to on predictable consequences now they suspect that the gene engineering could lead to on for seeing mutations potentially making plants carcinogenic the insects themselves could prove hard to control and there's the fear that it's a route towards biological warfare which is forbidden by the biological weapon convention those scientists behind the research say there's nothing to worry about . technologies dealing with food security and gene editing certainly do have a high above the most for transparency research ethics and regulating gauge mine and i believe insect allies means that raced on that we reach
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a fundamentally new ways of delivering more precise efficacious treatments through systems that can be read lead up to to confront a range of potential threats it is very very rare for a single gene to create such a widespread result in the plant mostly these things like increased year old or resistance to disease they require many different genes working in coordination and we don't yet speak the language of the genome so if they're claiming that this technology was a forty five million dollar budget over a few years it will solve those problems they're either highly naive or they're hiding something obviously these genetically engineered in six could be used as biological weapons there's no doubt that if you create insects that can insert genetic constructs and change genetic expression they can be used as weapons what's also interesting is that even if it were not being used as weapons it's
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extremely dangerous enormously dangerous to even release these at this point they're already releasing them in greenhouse and if there was an earthquake or some kind of problem where they released we have no idea how they might actually reproduce and propagate in the gene pool changing the nature of our ecology perhaps forever. trumps efforts to polish russia for its alleged election meddling could end up putting american consumers in the pocket. many i'm important to get more expensive since the u.s. treasuries imposition of sanctions on. an april fears of a. global shortage have been growing. upward pressures on the price washington officials have repeatedly punched the deadline for compliance with the restrictions american firms originally had to stop doing business with roussel by lee it tobar
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that was extended to mid november to a lot more time for talks with who sells parent company. but the spike the apartment determination of treasury officials to go ahead with the sanctions economic experts and critics say they are damaging to u.s. manufacturing and a strategic failure economist. may say is the penalties don't make sense from a financial standpoint. when the united states and now says that there will impose some sanctions. and the prices shot up by thirty per cent the americans went through i think they'll be in their lives the chairman of the company and the with because he's friendly with but isn't and. there is no i think any bases for u.s. sanctions anyway they aim to set of us in tennis whatever it is
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the. on the move but still want to keep up with the latest developments affecting your world today the are. you coverage available for download or you're watching r.t. international. the weight of the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. cause you've got us that's a lot of sympathy going to become lost a lantern i wonder glasses on this about but if many of them look for refuge in the
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so-called sentry sites the drifter used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities the best person to ask than. most it will have an effect on the government on class and what that. they can do what are their options to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house over forty couples because both of you what is the who beat up to the to go without a sit sit scramble to many couples won't vote will be. deal with the push to put in those those of you that those of you. with manufacture consent to the public will. when the ruling class is protect themselves. with the fine merry go round this doesn't mean that one percent.
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we can all middle of the room sick. greetings and salutations one one sued over ten major manufacturers for poisoning merican citizens you would think it would be for billions in cash but a new class action lawsuit against three m. dupont and nine other companies isn't looking for payback they're asking for the companies to create a panel of independent scientists tast was studying the effects of p. .


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