tv News RT October 9, 2018 6:00am-6:20am EDT
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record breaking mixed martial arts champion. he returned to russia the republic following a victory over. sixty m. in boston six pm in manila and one in the afternoon here in moscow this tuesday october welcome to our to international our top story of europe's most controversial. politicians are teaming up to take on brussels the italian interior minister says a rightwing national president of the european parliamentary election in their sights accuse e.u. chiefs of being the enemies of europe. we're not fighting against europe we're
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fighting against the european union a system that has become a tool to tell a tarion the enemies of europe are those who are entrenched in the brussels the enemies of the european people than of the happiness of the european people. who are fighting against the e.u. precisely to save their real europe. precariousness in fear and refused to leave their throat we're working to give five hundred million european citizens their futures back firstly the italian and french people well a pen and salvini have both been branded as populists by the mainstream media and also by their political opponents some have even gone as far as branding them as fascists populists like salvini in orbit want to create division by turning europeans against each other well that could be because both of campaigns against mass migration into their respective countries they've also campaigned against austerity measures imposed on them and they are hoping that the two thousand and
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nine hundred european elections could signal a sea wave of change and that their parties will be leading the charge on services or do we are at a historic moment this is history with a capital h. there will be written in may twenty ninth it is the emergence of a europe of nations a year of respect a europe protection. well italy's salvini has been building his anti immigration bloc across europe for some time recently meeting with another one of the boys hungary's prime minister viktor orban and it seems that the two have said that they will fight together against any pro migrant stances from politicians they say such as france is a man you are not corn and it seems that this is a shtick that many voters like and seem to be varying towards if you look. at the trend over the last year or so there has been a movement towards these anti immigrant parties they've been good results for them
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in countries such as sweden germany denmark and the netherlands as well as in other countries some people are predicting that this trend could continue for them into those elections next year in two thousand and nineteen and it seems that these anti immigrant parties according to some analysts could reap as much as an increase of sixty percent of the vote. of the richest in national elections in a number of states. citizens are not so trusting. to globalise the group. is that you should. do so because. giorgio. was kind. to another
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headline stories this hour brett kavanaugh has been sworn in as a judge of the united states' highest court after a deeply contentious nomination process a brief f.b.i. investigation failed to find evidence to support much publicized sexual misconduct allegations against donald trump's nominee but protesters still turned out with some focusing their ungar on the white female voters who voiced their support for calvin on this is how a new york times opinion article decided to describe these women are gender traitors it seems that white women are expected to support the patriarchy by marrying within their racial group reproducing whiteness and even minimizing violence indians' their own bodies betray the patriarchy and your whiteness won't save you this blood pact between white men and white women is at issue in the november midterms. well in fact several articles the controversy as
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a fight against feminism again pinning the blame on white women voters or washington correspondent. picks up the story. rallies held hearings upturned but brett kavanaugh still gets the job so who's to blame mainstream media quickly found the scapegoat white men or to be more specific those who backed capital despite all his controversies notably numerous sexual assault allegations which night they've made standing by patriarchy a full time job white women benefit from patriarchy by trading on their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain these are the kind of women who think being falsely accused of rape is almost as bad as being raped it is far from the only highly emotional opinion piece in the press with some even cutting letters to women with dare to think outside their gender public shame in the media and these authors these activists using public shaming. of white women apparently white women that
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supported cavanagh's confirmation ever kratz painted the capitol case in binary terms you're either for or against women no other options and totally focus has all the angry women and the men who listen to women the intention is to take away women's rights it was a denial of justice for the women of this country however not all members of the fairer sex were convinced that his confirmation posed a existential threat to its rights in fact the poll suggests that capital was actually backed by almost half of white women in the us it's not the first time women quote brainwashed by patriarchy are being blamed for the democratic party spill years in twenty six even most white women in fact voted for trump clinton even blamed her loss on white women leaving to men we don't do well with married white women and part of that is ongoing pressure to. vote the way that your husband your boss your son whoever
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believes you should mainstream media were shocked after the election c.n.n. invited people who voted for barack obama but not hillary clinton. or anybody. both for anybody nobody but you. and you are never going to get it and it will be. so i guess. i did it. she scared me in america politics is often the case nowadays firmly tied to identity so ironic as it may seem perhaps not so surprising that self-proclaimed feminists and women's rights defenders now lecture women on how to vote and what to think that's public shaming is a it's a harmful thing it's harmful in any society and it's using people that disagree with your opinion to come out and just shame the rest you see women attacking women people abducting people and it's all the name of politics it's hilarious to see that that's what you think is an appropriate reaction for something that that was handled the way it's supposed to be handled under protocol and then going out there
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and blaming it i mean that's all we're seen as a society of public shaming and blame going on there but spare a thought true for brett's cover noles namesakes who's been hoping it will fall talking about online over the past number of weeks although the about the sympathy . would you say you've been through hill. then through hell and then some boy why this particular thread cavanaugh is the world's worst celebrity spokesperson for beer boys like beer girls like beer i like beer so there's temperament problems there small scale credibility problems which are sometimes the worst ones i'm sure you accuse me of sexual assault. i did it yeah. this is a terrible time to be named fred cavanagh. welcome
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to the club brother. try to be sure it was the last two years full of bull controlling european bulls is move on. get used to the twitter notifications. i feel your bro. between producing the beatles and writing game of thrones i'm surprised i haven't enough time to reply to this. my name really is is a phrase i know well. i'm so sorry. well to another keenly watched both the fast approaching crucial midterm elections in the us in an incredibly close run race every vote is being seen as a potential deal breaker for control of the senate and the traditionally democrat
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supporting state of new jersey is drawing focus and influential blockbuster seemingly threw his support behind the republican candidate pool show that it's well pretty much a dead heat it goes up and down between the embattled two term democratic senator robert menendez republican challenger ball but huge in the spike claims by menendez pastor jethro james insists he invited both contenders to meet his congregation so often the african-american vote is taken for granted and so i believe we should have had or should have. the ability to make a choice and so i decided to go in to calm and let our folks hear what he's offering in the race as well as the same limitation when to senator menendez senator menendez been busy and he decided not to take the invitation and so it was just as you go to
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a grocery store there's more than one loaf of bread on the shelf more than one. brand of bread and folks can make intelligent choices well the pastor also compared america's political system to a political plantation and say says community will not vote for someone who does not have their interests at heart. reality is that this country is so divided and that some folks are just taking those at the bottom for granted and i think that that's all part of really a moral issue that has to be in depth look. it was very agricultural community it was mostly just cattle and farm land. you had this small little town of walk herd and then all of
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a sudden all these people move in. this is. so they need to actually physically can't get out of. the things that need nor to cut a phone or a board. and. with no water money just like all the oil field workers can find you know find out for them right along with taking the drug on the set of guns. they work twelve sixteen hours a day you know it's hard work well work is not easy and so they want to relieve their stress and how do they relieve their stress these men that outweigh many that comfort these men. people who've been murdered up here people been raped they're massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money i could ride around newtown and know that i was ok now i wouldn't even let my fourteen year old son ran
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around town because i don't know who is here there's drugs. people who are trying to get these kids addicted to drugs are going to look for the younger ones here try this take this smoke this. something's bugging scientists over american i grew up. research which they claim is a gateway to weaponize ing in six stories and it's right ahead. warfare which is forbidden by the biological weapons convention well those scientists behind the research say there's nothing to worry about. technologies dealing with food security and gene editing certainly do have a high above the most for transparency research ethics and regulator in gage mn and
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i believe insect allies means that raced on that we reach a fundamentally new ways of delivering more precise efficacious treatments through systems that can be read lead up to to confront a range of potential threats it is very very rare for a single gene to create such a widespread result in the plant mostly these things like increased year old or resistance to disease they require many different genes working in coordination and we don't yet speak the language of the genome so if they're claiming that this technology was a forty five million dollar budget over a few years will solve those problems they're either highly naive or they're hiding something obviously these genetically engineered insects could be used as biological weapons there's no doubt that if you create insects that can insert genetic constructs and change genetic expression they can be used as weapons what's
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also interesting is that even if it were not being used as weapons it's extremely dangerous enormously dangerous to even release these at this point they're already releasing them in greenhouses and if there was an earthquake or some kind of problem where they released we have no idea how they might actually reproduce and propagate in the gene pool changing the nature of our ecology perhaps forever. dull trops efforts to punish russia for its alleged election meddling could end up putting american consumers in the pocket because all the money i'm in ports are about to get more expensive since the u.s. treasuries imposition of sanctions on the moscow based alimony and john wrists. in april fears of a global shortage of been growing operating pressures the price washington
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officials have repeatedly pushed back the deadline for compliance with the restrictions american firms originally held to stop doing business with roussel but a hard work the workers not used. and so they want to relieve their stress and how do they relieve their stress. these men that outweigh these men that comfort these men that. people have been murdered up here people to raise their massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money. with manufacture consent to public will. when the really close isn't protect themselves. with the flames.
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in the middle of the room sick. greetings and salutations when one sues over ten major manufacturers for poisoning american citizens you would think it would be for billions in cash but a new class action lawsuit against three m. dupont and nine other companies isn't looking for payback they're asking for the companies to create a panel of independent scientists tast was studying the effects of p f a s chemicals on the human body. the lawsuit filed this week by ohio firefighter kevin hardwick seeks relief on behalf of the nationwide class of everyone in the united
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states who has a detectable level of chemicals in their blood the if they are per and poly floor area class of artificial lab grown chemicals that do not decompose an air or water or even human body not even for the hoses of years p.f. they are used in fast food wrappers water repellent fabrics nonstick cookware like teflon cosmetics and fire fighting foam according to both the international agency for research on cancer and the us environmental protection agency p f a as are possible kirsan engines to humans this c.d.c. lists the side effects of p.f.a. s chemicals as they can affect the growth learning and behavior of infants and older children they can lower a woman's chance of getting pregnant interfere with the body's natural hormones increased cholesterol levels affect the immune system and crease increase their risk for cancer now with cities and towns across the u.s.
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