tv Boom Bust RT October 9, 2018 9:30am-9:53am EDT
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and pays homage to america china russia iran africa can name it they're all saying now we want markets elizabeth example it's marketplace they wanted for it we wanted to trade directly bilaterally we don't want to be part of the globalization anymore . you know world is a big part of the market and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for washing clothes for watching the hawks.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm parked children welcome aboard we're glad you're with us coming up today the saudi journalist who writes for the washington post we told you about last week may have been murdered according to officials as increased global tensions rise related to the matter what does it mean for economics and business we'll get to that just ahead and we go to paris to take a look at efforts to move businesses including big banks and others from london to paris in the light of breakfast breakfast and later kristie i have counterpart tells us about her novel an interesting crypto enterprise all that ahead let's go. leading our global report today news that truly impacts the future of all of us now living on earth and our grandkids and everybody else our prospects for. in the
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change global climate the royal swedish academy of sciences was awarded this year's nobel prize in economics sciences to william nordhaus and paul romer for their research into public policy interventions to curb the profit seeking processes that have our planet on path to catastrophic climate change the academy said the two professors significantly broaden the scope of economic analysis by constructing models that explain how the market economy interacts with nature and knowledge and that they have addressed quote our times most basic and pressing questions about how we create long term sustained and sustainable economic growth mr nordhaus is sterling professor of economics at yale and mr roemer is that new york university on the science the u.n. intergovernmental panel on climate change or i.p.c.c. today warned that our species only has about a dozen years left to take urgent transformative action to avoid absolute climate catastrophe the i.p.c.c.
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says time is quickly running out to hold global warming to one point five degrees versus two degrees of voiding global death to coral reefs and cataclysmic consequences for humanity. the chinese central bank officially named the people's bank of china has cut the reserve ratio of deposits that banks are required to hold for the fourth time this year that means more money is freed up in china as interest rates will be cut by one hundred basis points by october fifteenth lowering the reserve rate is a standard policy move to encourage lending and it also increases capital into the economy the central banks policy change is expected to make roughly one hundred ten billion dollars in additional capital of ailill for lending the policy announcement came at the end of a weeklong patriotic holiday and suggests that chinese leaders are looking for policy options to weather the continuing turbulent turbulence as global trade tensions continue. and last week we told you about
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a former saudi journalist. who disappeared after entering the saudi consulate in istanbul turkey trying to get a marriage license well now reports from turkish authorities are that the worst case scenario feared by many has they say occurred that mr is dead killed in a consulate in the premeditated attack if this proves to be true it raises all kinds of questions about future relations with the saudis and how that might impact their qana me and others here to help us understand more about the circumstances and what it may mean for international relations business and finance our conservative t.v. and radio commentator steve malzberg and ali all of the men who are pleased to have is the director of the gulf institute thank you both for being here steve let's start with you give us a brief summary we spoke a little bit about this last week when we were talking about saudi arabia but where are we with mr kushner disappearance well of course. it was
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a saudi journalist who was very supportive of the monarchy and then when the prince started rounding people up and putting them on the house arrest without due process about a year ago including his cousins and businessmen and intellectuals you name it he started writing negative things about the kingdom he left the country on self-imposed exile and about a couple of weeks ago end of september he went to the saudi embassy and istanbul turkey because he wanted to marry a turkish girl so he wanted to get the proper papers they told him reportedly come back next week and they gave him the day which was last tuesday so he went back and his fiance and best friend said he went and he never came out there are a lot of people now saying this was premeditated the saudis sent a team there to take care of him to kill him they deny that the turkish authorities are saying he's dead and so we're just awaiting word on where we are but it looks like the worst has. happen to him steve there are some calls in the us by senators
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and others to say you know we should start to sever ties in some way with the with the kingdom i'm not sure how likely that is to happen given that you know mr trump president trump's first foreign forward for a nato meeting back a last year was to the saudi arabia although recently i guess he's put some trying to put some pressure at least rhetorical pressure on the kingdom to bring down oil prices could maybe look in the mirror to the u.s. for that too but what are your thoughts about whether or not steve anything will be done with regard to the u.s. policy towards the kingdom i just don't see it you know under obama the saudi relationship was strained with the u.s. doesn't donald trump considers the saudis. a big ally in the fight against terror in the middle east and of course we have a common enemy in iran they even prove their relationship with israel also over iran you do have senators bob corker he's the chairman of the foreign relations
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committee in the senate he's already said he's met with the saudi ambassador to the u.s. to get answers you have senator coons that murphy two democrats on that committee tweeting out today their displeasure they want answers but i got to tell you i think we could point to turkey turkey has one of our pastors an american pastor by the name of andrew bronson they've been holding him and turkey will not release him so we put some sanctions on turkey i don't think this is going to result in as tough a penalty against turkey. or tough a penalty against saudi arabia that we did against turkey this is not an american citizen he's not a religious figure and so far donald trump and the administration have basically said not much when it comes to the crackdown that the prince has been exhibiting in his own country to square to you know discontent and bad bad press and ali. what's your take on this and then i want to talk i want you to talk if you
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wouldn't mind about the economy that the saudi economy i remember i don't know two thousand tanna levon i mean the g.d.p. was like off the charts you know i don't know eight nine percent or something so do you think anything will be done in this regard with regard to severing any ties whether or not to us or anybody else regarding this supposedly matter and secondly what would be the impact if so on the kingdom. the trumpet ministration the u.s. has never placed sanctions and the saudi government or the monarchy so i don't think this will make a difference yes shogi was a u.s. resident and the us could have found if they wanted they could find something to make they send f.b.i. team to help investigate this. the u.s. senators know they can say what they want but they don't make policy it's the state
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department and the president and the state department give a very basically definite those who can understand the diplomatic window is that we don't really care we are monitoring the situation they have no position on it meaning that they are referring to the saudis on this they have not supported their ally nato ally turkey which they did with the with the british regarding the accusations of russia has been killed in u.k. territories so they did not do that with with turkey so i don't think. anything will change it this is. not just a few minutes ago it is said to be a baby alive so we will see and wait because this is still a mystery and if he is that that's good news obviously for him and his family but. we will not see a change it to us policy because over and over. to this this issue mr hersh ok i
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wanted to say was not a dissident he was a loyalist all of his life even recently he pledged allegiance to the king he may have some grumbling with mohamed bin said munda mad king of saudi arabia but he remains committed to that he g.m. and he in fact opposed dissidents who wanted a kind of change order or a tremendous change of reform in the country so this is a case of a loyalist who turned. him in some way and he must have been used as an example to show other loyalists who are in the government that they cannot defect it's really an insurance policy against mass defection from the current to the. motor that kind of the government mr award for many years for certain parts of their own family and maybe he was doing that. writing and that we have i have no idea but nevertheless
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his loyalty i think what are against him when the decision was made to either to add us to him or to eliminate him yeah thank you ali and steve you know we have looked at growth in the kingdom and they've done ok but it's certainly suffered with lower oil prices recently and you've spoken before about the effort to sort of try and diffuse the reliance upon petroleum i mean forty two percent of the g.d.p. in the kingdom is from these petroleum reserves they've got the second largest reserves in the world but how are they trying to expand their revenues and their businesses steve well for instance a vision to twenty thirty which is what the prince's been big on almost as a distraction to what he's been doing with the crackdown it's an entertainment industry that stretches springing up all over so. arabia movie theaters cirque de
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soleil a big museum in park with six flags franchise inside it all kinds of comedy clubs and and street fairs which is very unusual in saudi arabia he's trying to appeal to the comes to attica. and in detroit equals betrayal. when something anything themselves will it's a party we choose to look for common ground.
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welcome back brazilian voters yesterday pushed far right presidential candidate arab oleson narrow to the brink of victory on the first round of national elections by also a narrow came in first with more than forty six percent of the vote short of the fifty percent needed to avoid a runoff in the second round mr ball sonera will face fernando died of the workers' party mr had died as a replacement candidate for the brazilian left where former president lula da silva was barred from the ballot by brazilian courts he is in jail as you may recall mr howe dodd has campaigned on the slogan it is. a dud though he is considered to be on the the right flank of the workers' party and has sought to privately assure investors that he will be not an adversary while some investors would love to see
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the right when others are wary of balls and arrows temperament the second round of voting on sunday october twenty eighth will test mr dodd's appeal to moderation against mr bollen arrows full frontal assault on people of color l g b t communities and the poor. and us labor news there has been a rare defeat and a vote among rank and file workers represented by the teamsters on a united parcel service contract indoors. by union leadership the tentative agreement to rejected by fifty four percent of those casting votes that would have set terms of work for roughly two hundred fifty five thousand workers at u.p.s.'s package delivery and u.p.s. freight over ninety two thousand votes were cast the vote no campaign was backed by teamsters for a democratic union associated with the teamsters united faction that almost deposed president james hoffa jr back in two thousand and sixteen leadership election. and
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over the weekend the u.s. senate confirmed president trump's pick of brett kavanaugh as a new supreme court justice as a federal judge mr cavanaugh demonstrated support for business and the financial sector in opposition to expanded supervisory regulation and against labor the once new justice on the high court in the highest court the us has a lifetime appointment and is seen as a pivotal person who made dramatically shift decades of precedent on matters ranging from women's reproductive rights civil rights gun laws and changes in the balance of power within the u.s. government with more authority placed in the executive branch and presidency including but not limited to the ability of the president to not be subject to subpoena the senate confirmation vote which came after a testy judiciary hearing related to allegations of sexual assault when mr cavanaugh was a youth passed narrowly by a vote of fifty to forty eight. no
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our chief correspondent charlie dubinsky told us how france is ever going to poach business from london once the u.k. is no longer part of the european union or surely. as the paris motor show revs into action president matt korn is using it to make inroads into luring business is away from the u.k. in the wake of breaks in his latest fear is towards the car making sector he's understood to have wined and dined top executives promising them more business friendly fronts so as he shifts up a gear let's have a look at some of the charm offensive is launched so far. london has long been you talk financial center but that could be a little awkward when the u.k. is no longer part of the e.u. and if there's one thing that might call the former rothschild investment bank and
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news a thing or two about it's this sector one more big group paris europe last estimates three and a half thousand jobs from the finance and banking sector were transferred to the french capital from london others have suggested it could be more like ten thousand and in the longer term up to seventy five thousand bankers could end up relocating paris will no doubt welcome them all with open arms government has already been greasing the way by ending the wealth tax on financial assets placing a flat tax on capital income and giving french lessons in london to bankers and their families it's also promised to reduce red tape in the sector since taking office seventeen months ago mark corn has made a number of pit stops around the globe notably in countries such as india where he boldly declared that he wanted france to supplant the. u.k. is new delhi's partner of choice in europe but it's not all going to plan earlier
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this year a french advertising campaign british business owners to vote with their feet and to move to france was banned by the london transport authority but being too provocative and his government is being accused by some as being predatory when it comes to breaks it that was denied by one mistake he said it was all about making france more attractive all in the framework of competition. in paris. and we always enjoy it when cripps krypto and banking expert christy i joined us on the program the other day we sat down and i asked her about counterpart x. where she is a co-founder her response is about what they are doing is not only novel and innovative but they're also doing something ilo we're bringing transparency to the over the counter markets i first asked her to explain what counterpart does.
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right well i guess the best way to answer that question is what made us create counterpart x. the problem with is that we are actually a hedge fund and when we started this all around us trades gave us a lot of currency and they want to ask him first and decline into a theorem into all these all coins the problem was how do we convert two million five million ten million dollars worth of currency and to crypto currency well the only way to do that really is to go o.t.c. and so you called an o.t.c. broker and they give you a quote they give you a spread they charge a fee five percent for forty million dollars transaction that's astronomical you call up another broker and they called you a difference but you called a third broker you get a different entirely so that makes it a very inefficient process having to call three four or five brokers to find the best quote the best rate to get the best deal and for us it was really frustrating and being formally on the sell side i really don't like getting cheated on a bad deal so that's what made us craig. counterpart acts as a platform to make o.t.c.
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trading much more transparent than what it is today the market is very transparent you see all the volumes and prices and time and everything is time stamped but for o.t.c. trading no one currently knows how much volume goes on behind the markets no one knows the price is that all these deals are executed every single deal is individually negotiated and every single deal takes maybe days or weeks to actually execute so we streamlined that entire process by making the entire o.t.c. market transparent and i think you know the answer but real quickly why is there why the old to see why over the karen are the only place that you can do this big conversion to crypto i assume it's because there's no liquidity or not enough liquidity on the other exchanges around the world the problem is always the quitting because on the exchanges it's primarily dominated by retail traders who are only trading like one two maybe five big clients at a time but we're actually dealing with institutional who are demanding like ten million dollars worth of their clients fifty million dollars with a big client per trade so that makes it like very impractical to go through
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a market where you're good you're going to be buying bits incrementally hire and so what you what to do is bring transparency to the old to see the over the counter market in the crypto space right now so i think the regulators are actually like this because right now as you know they're trying to o.t.c. market is very untransparent all of these deals are cut on a telegram on slack on like even skype sometimes so no one really knows about these deals and they're very informal and done in the cryptocurrency industry because there is. what we're trying to do right now is we're kind of we're trying to standardize the entire process or brain big buyers and big sellers together at the same time at a mutual location every single day and online forum in order to conduct their deals in a very transparent way so everybody knows exactly what type of volume is out there and what type of price and so big buyers and sellers can meet every year how can you standardize. by yourself or you just standardize your products but are there
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others how is this working to standardize in the entire o.t.c. space where actually bring on board a lot of current o.t.c. players on tar platform so that they can actually transact with each other we're actually lowering their own fees because currently when you're trying to make a transaction you call up an o.t.c. bowker saying i want to sell forty million dollars worth of equipment that o.t.c. bowker will get back to you in probably about a week because that guy needs to go out and talk to another o.t.c. broker and say hey do you have someone willing to buy forty million dollars of million dollars worth of clients from me so they actually do you go in the background and try to find someone else so by bringing everyone together watching streamline the entire process by helping them out and chris do you have basic principles or sort of guidepost rules as it were for things that you hope to abide by as much as you can so what we're doing is we're kind of copying what we have done in the institutional equities market or doing in the form of a very open and transparent auction traditionally
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a reverse dutch auction and demonstrates as i say this hour we go live to the french capital pool. web site claims it has identified the second suspect in the boys in the form of double agent the script out of his daughter russia rules out reacting to findings throw it out why various media outlets. and russian install footballers are in trouble or they should be assaulting a government official in the confines of the streets both incidents took place within just a few hours of each other.
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