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tv   News  RT  October 9, 2018 1:00pm-1:21pm EDT

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tensions over reforms boil over in paris as clashes erupt between police and demonstrators in a fresh test for the french president's administration. plus the u.s. president confirmed. to the u.n. nikki haley is resigning. controversial website claims it has identified the second suspect in the. form of double agent. russia reacting to findings thrown out by various media. and russian football is all in trouble for allegedly assaulting
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a government official in a cafe and another man on a moscow street both incidents took place within a few hours of each other. it's eight o'clock here in moscow and you're watching international live from our studio with me in a deal with you to welcome to the program. police and protesters have clashed in paris as thousands take to the streets against large scale labor education and transport reforms by president micron discontent has gone nationwide and more than one hundred demonstrations have been held across the country. has the story. coming together to show that there are those policies. of the two to be passed over
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the next two years hold the microphone presidency this was a false union protest one of around a hundred across france and there have been a number of skirmishes between some of the protesters and the police some protesters throwing projectiles at the police including students at clawson bottles and smoke grenades and the police coming back with some force and detaining some of those protesters aiming to stop this protest when turning as violence as we saw with some of those earlier this year only made the first many people all very unhappy they're very angry with all the cs of the michael government saying that the reform cities mean passing on the reforms expects the past one could just roy operate the old french society this is what some of the protesters to be telling us they're threatening something we are outraged revolted by what he says about a population hardship it proves he doesn't know his country properly improves above
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all existing in what he says the american. micros like the bankers chief compromise with workers over his shoulders of the employers also goes against retirees like me and the general public don't give a return to our pension has not stopped trink i'm really mad in my work two or three most of the other things that people have been talking about a on the streets how they think the president sees out to touch reality and how he could chase a bunch in a twenty two members of the public he's been described many times of being the president of the rich but some of the things that have hurt the people here who are some and get some of the comments he's made over the last few weeks including telling the unemployed god knows that if he just pushed the streets he would be able to get a job in a bar or cafe you know one of the things he said in the last week was a pensioner when he suggested they should take that money not to the book of the founder of the french publication. to go on and just stop complaining this is what
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he said to keep his children sort of general shoulder told me you can speak freely the only thing we don't have the right to do is complain because you would be different if everyone did the same what is clear is that the b.b.c. come out to the streets here in paris and of course france readily and happy with the my presidency and they want to do everything to ensure that their voices are heard willy's voices be heard well it's not sure the protests of modern michael's presidency over the last seventeen months or so he doesn't seem to have taken any new just a look changed course and he says he is carrying out the manifesto that he was elected on but the people here say they want to just stop it to change course immediate needs to speak on t.v. . joining me live now to discuss this further is professor author and political commentator thanks for coming on to the program now that seems to be know
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when to protest since my contact often seems failed he seems to fail to connected with key segments of society notably workers and the middle class what do you foresee about this. you're asking me is whether. the eighteen mccoy is very unpopular on the other hand these demonstrations don't affect him very much because they're not very large and they're happening during the week and it's just such a one time shot is just one day and i don't think people believe that that's enough to stop michael and also the emphasis on not quite in his honde because behind him there is the european union and what he's doing is basically being dementing the reforms that have been demanded by g.o.p. in union hands and to eating another leader would have to do the same thing unless he would have to break with the european union which nobody wants to do needle mccall no it's a position so unless unless they're willing to face the european union and see what
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they want to do with respect to the map and of the european union i don't think they're going to get anywhere yeah i mean you know he certainly has had to deal with a lot of protests and you've just said that he's not affected by them but surely he is being affected by that i mean he's saying that he's delivered what he said he would deliver in his manifesto but do you think he's prepared to continue with these protests and to deal with them. well i don't know if you see there's not much you can do i mean. within the i mean the european union you know in whose is feeling sick relation of. capital crucially capital goods can go out of the european union and outside of your opinion and also we know restriction whatsoever so of course if you try a lot of the great deal of these asian all the world's good work bench work. well.
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it's always been efficient for capitalist to move them on their they can do it and here there is no restriction so that's one of the problem of the of the union the other problem is do you feel which sets the currency if you wish a friend probably a bit higher than it should be so than the much higher than it would be for spain or italy or greece and so on so that's a problem for the you know for the french economy and. there is the relationship with germany with germany said the agenda in the european union and france gone during much as long as they don't discuss their issue of national independence and i think there is much going on there you see and the french are extremely i mean so much in the community with the necessity of the opinion that given the liberal unions don't want to freeze the problem or even asked what to do the cauldron doesn't problem using it what about what about the support from. his people who
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are meant to be supporting would like you know there are rumors that the prime minister had what philippe's leaving his position do you think this would sink a single wide problems with microphones cabinet. if he's going to you know he looks like he's losing the support of the people but. he's got to retain that doesn't. mean he's open to you he's saying and obviously there are lots of tension you see there to sit with you soon as one of these people. in the early space and then. in the eighty's very effective as we have seen when you go into these. you know these . look at the. tension there they're both of the tension you shouldn't complain because us how they're ones and who. is to be both just close just didn't find a job as you know new season of clues that is decoding and these very. well things got pretty rowdy in downtown portland it was after
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a vigil for an african-american man who was killed by a police officer now the vigil was peaceful but after the vigil concluded things got pretty rough people described the scene as chaos random motorists were being harassed let's take a look at some of the video that came out from the incident in portland. now in recent incept in september we saw ted cruz the congressman a senator from texas he was having dinner with his wife in a restaurant and we saw a crowd of left wing activists come into the restaurant and harass him and his wife regarding the brett kavanaugh confirmation that's the supreme court justice that
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was just confirmed amid a huge amount of controversy ted cruz and his wife were eating dinner and the crowd approached them in the restaurant let's take a look at what happened as the senator ted cruz and his wife were just trying to eat dinner. the. only. thing that was difficult to present was that the said that they have identified through social media. who the man has been described as the second suspect in this case he was initially presented as alexander patrol belling cat say his real name is alexander miskin they see he is a medical doctor who was recruited by the g.r.u. before two thousand and three and was taken to moscow by the year twenty ten they say he was involved in visiting ukraine and in terms of identifying who they were there were quite a few loopholes and certainly lots of questions here from journalists follow ups to
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what they had to say one of the things that were curious is they said. their first so-called you reka moment as they describe it was when the name alexander came into the spotlight and then they tried to find a man who was born on the same day and had the same name but of course you know that is a very very very common name so they had to connect those dogs by trying to find after finding one person with the same details trying to find a pos board photo or some kind of i.d. they said that basically when they did find something according to billing caps they couldn't really see exactly where they hit lock but we did get a copy of the document they said that this man had been honored with hero of russia by the president putin himself however when it was asked for some kind of proof of this they talked about some kind of granny who lived in the village where this
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character was supposedly living and one person they had found via social media had told them that this granny had showed the entire village where she lives a photo of this man being granted that honor by the russian president and when asked whether or not the. at least able to directly contact her they said she had vanished when they announced their event so certainly quite a few of these questions despite all of the headlines that these allegations have been making the russian embassy here in the u.k. have said that they have essentially been told by the foreign office that this is all part of freedom of public debate and that the u.k. government does not comment and we've also heard from official moscow say that they are essentially at this point tired of any leaks and speculations being made on all sides of the media and what they would like is official channels to cooperate on this matter let's take a look at this current state of. other issues christiane and some of the mention.
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of the but in terms. of months of course in the company is the minimum you need to reach them and wished for. i think you do which included i think that sort of goes to part of a kind i don't mean make me more i'm. jimbo human evolution of critique from no. you know he. could have been us who instituted while the journalistic revolutions if we can call them that continue to be made it does seem to continue to be a major standstill in terms of figuring out kind of a common way to move forward with this story which continues at this point to be a lot of he said she said and certainly a lot of opposing opinions on how exactly and what had happened and in terms of these specific individuals that have been in the headlines recently. cheerleading russian football is a big investigated after two people were allegedly attacked in moscow within two
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hours of each other one a high ranking government official in a cafe and another in the street both victims were taken to hospital that whole case discussed with our sports correspondent. and i looked at those videos i thought somebody was trying to reenact the grand theft auto computer game in the streets of moscow but then it happened to be not just to footballers to star footballers now one of them alex other got caught in this leading strike in st petersburg he actually scored a winner in the europa league just a fortnight ago the others from class that are both used to play for the russian national team up until twenty sixteen they were in a strip club they went out of the strip club for some reason clashed with a man in the street who happened to be a personal driver of a t.v. host in russia now this man reportedly is in intensive care with a brain injury with a head injury they did not stop there after that brawl and we can see the video the man in the white hat is actually more according to eyewitness reports they went further they went to a cafe in central moscow and clashed with two visitors of that cafe the visitors
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were turned out to be public servants both relatively high ranking government officials. one of them also reportedly ended up in hospital with with injuries so you know indefensible actions and really really not looking good for these two footballers after this you know may have been central moscow and what's the reaction to incident been obviously a lot of details coming in on confirmed of them from various news channels saying there's now another incident on the train and you know other speculation. this is really stirred some heavy controversy as in russia indeed i mean the reactions have been overwhelming and they have been overwhelming criticism as well coming from the very top now let's listen to what the russian sports minister had to say about that but because of the victims have turned to the police there is video of the incident they cannot be any extenuating circumstances in this situation this is unacceptable unsportsmanlike behavior the casts a shadow on all russian football the words of five o'clock of our echoed in their
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reactions coming from the russian premier league and the both respective clubs senate st petersburg and cross that the russian premier league expresses its concern strongly condemns the hooligan behavior we believe that those responsible should face the strongest possible punishment there is no place for hooligans in football we consider any form of violence an acceptable and condemn we are certain that at the end of the investigation this incident will receive an appropriate legal assessment we're waiting for a legal assessment from the respective agencies but from a human and emotional point of view this incident only evokes both clubs have been relatively quiet about the possible repercussions for both players but the talk of the town that both clubs are looking into terminating these players contracts they're just looking at the contracts whether this domination is possible but let's not forget if they are found guilty if they're charged and found guilty of these misdemeanors they could face up to two years in prison each and that is definitely
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more serious than terminating a contract you know of course footballers are renowned for perhaps being party boys making some mistakes this is pretty serious there isn't and it's not the. first time i have made headlines is it yeah definitely you talking about party boys they went on a big party surprisingly after russia crashed out of the euro two thousand and sixteen championship they were caught filmed in one of the monaco's nightclubs with a lavish party with champagne. should not be doing even if it's not you know if it's outside of the of the pitch. court it was caught several times reckless driving in moscow his friend who was pictured in your wedding firing off pistols in the so they are pretorius for their misdemeanors but of course all that pales in comparison to what they did this last weekend and it's absolutely no chance that they will scrape any sort of punishment from that both players. have yet to comment on the incident if found guilty they
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could face up to two years in prison. for now i'll be back at the top of the hour with more on r.t. international it's been. survival let's take you to the story. repatriations to get the right to serve in the. military guys are.
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when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer and it means to live the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying who's just new leader hasn't been there we hear even many victims' families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families want to that's going to give them peace it's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. seemed wrong. why don't we all just all. the world get to shape
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out just to come to etiquette and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world from washington d.c. i'm parked children welcome aboard we're glad you're with us coming up today the saudi journalist who writes for the washington post we told you about last week may have been murdered according to officials as increased global tensions rise related to the matter what does it mean for economics and business we'll get to that just
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ahead and we go to paris to take a look at efforts to move businesses including big banks and others from london to paris in the light of breakfast and later kristie i have counterpart tells us about her novel and interesting crypto enterprise all that ahead let's go. leading our global report today news that truly impacts the future of all of us now living on earth and our grandkids and everybody else our prospects for survival in the change global climate the royal swedish academy of sciences was awarded this year's nobel prize in economics sciences to william nordhaus and paul.


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