tv Cross Talk RT October 9, 2018 8:30pm-8:56pm EDT
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he's an author and a freelance journalist who writes frequently about the middle east eastern europe and the us constitution in philadelphia we have kathleen arnett she is a veteran and political commentator and in los angeles we have ron blown he is a comedian frequent guest on the jimmy door show and the young turks as well as host of his own streaming show get your news on with ron all right crosstalk rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it well ron you know i'm going to go to you first because i always go to the person that got up early as for this program here in los angeles and you look great i think you got a lot of coffee and you i came out and you know i came across an article here white women comment get your people they will defend their privilege to the death it was about by a woman name alexis. and she writes white women benefit from patriarchy by trading in their whiteness to monopolize resources for mutual gain white women are expected to support the patriarchy by marrying within their racial group i could go
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on and on this is gobbledygook but it's in the new york times this sounds like progressive racism or progressive tribalism take your pick what do you think ron. well i'm not familiar with that article i've never read that article so i can't really speak much to an article i haven't read a sense of it i gave you a sense of it sure yeah i mean i don't yeah i don't really know like what dad is supposed to be good at that oh you have to benefit from the patriarchy or this or that or you have to. yeah i mean i again i'd have to read the full article to have a way to speak on it but. but yeah i mean as far as tribalism goes i mean i do think we're in an age of alter tribalism on all sides of the aisle on the establishment side and then over on the right as well and then and then some on the left to sell and as a result it seems like we're kind of in
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a we're kind of stuck in neutral as a country ok kathy i don't think so i don't think the word neutral is approved i think it's deadlock and it's getting worse and worse kathy you want to jump in there as a whole point of the program go ahead as i did because i would be agree that bad article yesterday in every single since it was inflammatory and racist i talk about it intolerant it's honor and quote unquote left but you know if i recall correctly he even went on to baghdad. that trying to equate am was awfully accused of rape is not a quibble and a woman who is actually being raped or wanting to lose that alleging that she's been raped well kind of you know darcy's that was. taken that is not being falsely accused being sometimes not of as someone who has been raped or someone who
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is alleged to have been raped now it is just it detrimental to my young man are being a hue be accused of rape. as it would be but oh yeah and a well liberal progressive sloppy thinking i know science friday well they tried the same and they live in europe you know it's ok to be bosnian here because we're making up. women who have. had to convert. and culture and math and that's the crazy ness of the rat ok ok well cathy you brought up the word craziness here let me go to daniel here i mean you've written about this here i mean what accounts for you know. after the process after the nomination process was complete then we started a completely different asymmetrical process that is not founded in law and not even in common sense but this simply rage this is what we're seeing is rage and it's not
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it's mindless rage i would say go ahead daniel. well first of all i agree with kathy except for one point what she's describing is really is truly crazy but it's not left wing craziness is an example of how the democrats and liberals and feminists are rushing to the right there a gauge and i headlong race of the republicans to see who can get to the right fastest real leftists believe and uphold very strongly with the principles of due process and the assumption of innocence and i agree totally that a false accusation is very bad and the whether involves rape or or anything else doesn't matter at all that's very important to to withhold judgment on all the facts are in so that nobody is falsely accused now what we're seeing in america we're seeing an epic breakdown in politics america has a very old system of government is actually the oldest nation on the face of the earth its government dates back to seventeen eighty seven one catherine the great
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was still alive for example there was still a holy roman empire there was still a papal state in italy and there was still a monarchy in france that form of government is with us still today largely to a great degree unchanged and it is in an epic breakdown and that's a breaks down the country is going mad and all kinds of crazy currents are being unleashed and that includes this kind of weird strange tribalism and bizarre logic which says a false accusation is ok if it involves rape it's just completely bonkers but that's where american politics are heading ok randy kathy real quick you want to jump in there go ahead. i just want to hear you. and i think we really have to get our minds around the democratic party. i'm not hearing.
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whether someone if they are trying to make us back to the days of harvey is somewhere a whisper out of it literally destroying your own life or are some nice day trying to take us back to the dark days of the jim crow laws i grew up in the very deep south and i remember this story for example in a young black boy who was brutally beaten drug and dragged behind. because a white woman made a last allegation he was trying to talk to her or in alabama did not. always blabber weighs eighty twenty five of them will receive a death sentence because two white women last week accused her raping them and this is and this is where the democratic party the radical democratic party the rat lab will try to take us back to his way our value with the presumption of innocence now
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my life could be utterly let me and let me go to los angeles run how do you know you want to die the democratic party but peter ok daniel real quick a little good around here democratic party is not a radical left party sorry well that's really the point ron you know i don't have to go to rowan ragout up really early for this fear of ron a lot has been said go ahead in the aggregate. yeah i kind of go yeah the democratic party is not a radical left party they're not even a left party in my opinion i would describe them as a center right party. and i think that's kind of the when i say we're in neutral you know the best kind of what i'm referring to you know going forward when we're looking towards the midterms. you know people are saying there's going to be some blue wave i do think that trump fatigue is going to be enough to pick up
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a little on the democratic side but as far as framing a messy. jen framing policy positions and framing boyd is in actual opposition the democratic establishment has not done that they largely have not done that. so when you don't really have a real opposition in our politics which i would say at the establishment level we really don't have. you know you just kind of have. the nonstop echoes fear of the media that we have yeah daniel daniel is absolutely right and ron and cathy here i mean the democratic party isn't a radical party but it is embracing these radicals their tactics and their rhetoric ok because i think they're afraid of it as well ok i think cathy brought up mccarthyism i mean this is what's going on there's very few people willing to stand up to what is really mob of politics by fringe groups ok go in there you'll be
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going to danielle i'm going to daniel curse go ahead yes it's a go ahead yes i mean but it's that's not it's when you say it's a radical it's important to emphasize it's radical in the sense of the radical right the democrats are essentially adopting right wing new your mccarthy guy policy yes and which they are tossing out the presumption of. innocence overboard this is very dangerous they are a center right party which is moving further to the right so we have two right wing parties and the country welcome to the right the same way brazil is ok and so this is this is completely outrageous to try to level with us ok hang on cathy hang on the skype there is a little dodgy there about kathy i think with what daniel is saying is that both parties are adopting the same kind of tactics i think that is very very true ok i'm not and i think oh oh absolutely absolutely i mean right the.
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present and bill is simply trying to do you miss it. on average in an emigrant are all whose meaning is resist. now we have you now do you mean like when you mean like a fast track fifteen of his judges so they could go on vacation soon or that's the type of resistance you're referring to but what about what about what you would about when they get your. ass for that's nothing to do with the presidency back to the job or contract you know rather not how quickly you said. hang on guys don't talk over each other ron you get the last twenty seconds before the break go. well you know the democrats you have to really were mad at the idea that the democrats are really resisting trump i think is nothing short of absolutely comical they're assisting him and so many ways where you aren't even an
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al rates are. ok there. are cases every day on the politics i want to jump in here after a short break we'll continue our discussion on chaotic politics dave with art to. give us a static cling to this idea of the u.s. dollar reserve currency empire they've built over a post world war two era where everyone gets into debt to the america and pays homage to america china russia iran africa good name and they're all saying now we want markopolos argument trump wants markopolos up he wanted for it we wanted to trade directly bilaterally we don't want to be part of the globalization anymore.
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this is. so they need to actually physically pulled it out of the ground he would have well well well well well. there's a lot of money with the oil and with that comes. a lot of a lot of people from all over the country. if you don't make a hundred thousand dollars a year. as a minimum there's an issue. here in the. they were all sixteen hours a day hard work well work is not easy work and so they want to relieve their stress and how do they relieve their stress these men moved back out like he's the man that comfort these men that. people have been murdered up here people can raise their massive drug issues up here give a boom you have everything else that comes along with money.
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in a world of big partisan. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. welcome back to cross talk we're all things are considered i'm peter reminder we're
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discussing chaotic politics. ok let me go back to daniel here let me get another quote for the program here. came out on twitter here and one of the writers for the not so funny late show with stephen colbert a woman named ariel duma wrote whatever happens i'm just glad we ruined brett kavanaugh life react to that daniel i mean is that juvenile and destructive mindless and really unhelpful if it's really mean spirited i think that's what i see when i see a good part of the left go ahead daniel. well first of all i wouldn't agree this woman is on the left but i certainly agree that it's mindless mean spirited vindictive etc but the point is that you know is that it's replacing it has
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replaced any kind of substantial discussion as to why is to what really else this country american government isn't break down not because the donald trump or because of brett kavanaugh it's breaking down because ancient constitutional machinery is breaking down americans think they live in a democracy they really live in a minority dictatorship with the ancient constitution centrally empowers minorities the electoral college the senate the house of representatives to lord it over the great majority of americans who want a more sane society this is the really important point and ron's point about the resistance is actually absolutely correct the only resistance we see out there is that the democrats are mobilizing the cia and f.b.i. and order to attack trump from the right by stirring up war fever against russia it's utterly not the structure of and that's only going to have negative
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consequences and then go back to ron in los angeles you know one of the reasons why i like having you on ron because you're what we're one of the people that are progressive that always talks policy and that's where i think conversations get very very interesting you can disagree but you can you can hash it out here this is what this atmosphere right now i don't see any talk of policy in a serious way i can't think because many on the left don't have any policies don't have any real strong we are ideas on how to move forward because trump is just blinds their. blinds their thought processes ok and it's a lot simpler and easier just to say it's cavanagh is a bad person all white men are part of the patriarchy i mean that gets really stimulates a lot of people because it sounds cool but it's vacuous it really means nothing and it's as a form what i would call of hate speech go ahead ron. well i mean yeah you haven't seen much policy toxins twenty sixteen i mean i mean you you really haven't and
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democrats really haven't kind of taken a taken an autopsy of the whole situation i'm no fan of cavanagh i think he was an awful choice a i wish he wouldn't have been confirmed at all but you know you didn't see much policy same as you know everything that's been going on in the past which ideas and i think it's because democrats don't really have it and when i say democrat talking about at the establishment level there are some diamonds in the rough there are some people that are you know proposing some great ideas but those people are in the minority in the party and they're always expected to bend the knee to the establishment instead of the establishment coming to them and saying hey how can we keep our jobs because people aren't happy with us what can we do to keep our jobs it's not working that way it's working the other way around it's hey you have some good progressive ideas we don't want to do that and bend the knee to
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us or you're outta here it's completely backwards nancy pelosi not too long ago said if you know if the democrats get a lot of power in the midterms they wouldn't still pay go meaning that every time you wanted to do a policy you would have to pay for it with some other cut that basically kneecaps the idea of any progressive policies like single payer health care you know like a jobs program living wages or anything like that it kind of kneecaps that entire idea and that's what ninety two percent of the base wants you know kathy one of the things that so disturbing here is that we see the democrats and men and mothers on the left that essentially play are playing the race card and the sex card. and anyone that disagrees with them because it is ron paul and so. then there are not too many people are talking about policy if you disagree you're racist here
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is enough for when you're a sexist that is not dialogue but is not a way to do come to terms with the way the chaos it's all around us why do you think the democrats continue to play that card card yes yes and let me just say up all of that that you mention and then brought by the democratic party i mean well i mean after sarah listening to dan your mama said no and i will is no. bill is not a somewhat walk then you that twilight who will you start talking about. the constitution let it be clear that america does not exist apart from the constitution even our founder john adams that the constitution is made for religious and moral people in holy an adequate or any other kind of people meaning people who understand the difference between right and wrong and most of the things that we're seeing that transpire in our country today where we're not talking about ourselves we're not talking about the well i'm sorry and many in the republican
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party are talking about policy and money talk about straight with china and the rest of the world best policy when we talk about the nap that i'm doing now that policy when we talk about how we're glad to interact with iran and with other desiree like north korea and. so the more i talk about securing our border. so the right and represented by president outsmart is talking about policy all the time but then we have it you may not want to call it radical but there is a significant radical alabama we have senator her around her democrat ron why telling people that it's ok to get up in the face is that you are an elected official or basically anyone who doesn't agree with you and you resist as many were assessed this back wrong and that radical. and well i don't i don't know if it's radical but i'm so i do i'm certain that it's not productive daniel at all
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here where what's really quite fascinating to me as the midterms approach is that it seems to me the democrats are doing almost everything in their power to to push people away from it because there is this perception that the party is radical or won't stand up to radicals i mean all you have to do is watch the the airwaves i mean you could watch c.n.n. and this and b. c. and fox news see the same pictures and people are going to come to very different conclusions that's one of the interesting thing times that we live in here you could see the same things and draw radically different conclusions go ahead daniel . listen i love to bash the democrats as much as anybody i just hate the democrats i loathe and despise them but. we can't let the republicans are off scot free the republicans are a minority party that have used their constitutional advantages to grab control of all the major institutions in washington and now the supreme court they are using
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racial politics racial politics to to solidify their power. trump was elected by a minority of the people he still grab power via the. electoral college the senate as i said fifty four percent of the of the country lives in ten states which are overwhelmingly democratic but there are outvoted four to one by the easy percent that lives in the other forty states thanks to this ridiculous senate concept of equal state representation and the republicans have gerrymandered the house to the point where they now have an eleven percent advantage over the democrats a built in eleven percent advantage los angeles and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. a next time and remember.
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one else truths seem wrong. but old clothes just don't hold. the world to get to shape out just a few comes to add to it and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. when gold make good manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. when the running closest to protect themselves. when the financial merry go round lifts only the one percent.
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we can all middle of the room sick. i mean real news is. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. crossing government is to us that's the root of sympathy i want to take on most wanted us to some just about but if many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentries sides the refuse to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities best person asked dan commom. policy to morrow i've ended up back on i guess i'm in a lot of class and i want that. to happen but they can't watch as they all choose to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house all over for the gravels. also if you have to be who can beat out the deal to go without
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a fifth it struggles of many couples won't. kill which couple to put in bills and spawn both of you upwards of a few of most of the. politicians to. be put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president or injury. or something i want to. have to go right to the press to see what before three of them or can't be good that i'm interested in the waters of our . first ship. i think was not cool. this is going to. think when you look at the.
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