tv News RT October 10, 2018 2:00am-2:23am EDT
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turkey accused. of murdering a dissident journalist on its soil the u.s. gets caught in the crossfire over its response are you assuming that taking time to put out a statement means that the state department has not been doing anything. also ahead in the program france is accused of allowing a toxic past this side to be used on its current territory of martinique islanders say parties should own up to poisoning. there's anger over the treatment transgender student sidelined in an emergency drill over
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confusion about whether they should take cover in a male or female locker room. twenty four hour news live from moscow this is our international welcome to the program i'm you know neal our top story u.s. state department officials say they've spoken to sunny arabia over the mysterious disappearance of a dissident saudi journalist jamal who spent the past year in the u.s. was last seen visiting the saudi consulate in turkey over a week ago and his fear to have been killed increasing concern over the fifty nine year old's welfare has seen pressure on washington from all sides including american journalists. it's nearly a week it's ween i'm his first reports of this disappearance and that statement
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from secretary pompei oh are you assuming that taking time to put out a statement means that the state department has not been doing anything is that your assumption of what was the state department doing the state department was engaged to at the highest levels and also at the working level and having conversations with saudi government officials and all even if so what was the reason behind that delay statement i wouldn't i wouldn't call it a delay why has not secretary prime pale said that if the reports are true and the saudis our allies turn out to be cold blooded killers that there will be repercussion ended up saying on the right wing the favorite buzz word was mob the mob descended on capitol hill they have encouraged mob rule mob rule the rule of the mob conservatives utilize the chaos in the capital in order to rally the troops and raise money like after ted cruz got harassed in a restaurant by activists. who are. trying to be.
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relieved of their father and married only. cruz's campaign says that the viral video boosted support and donations some experts are saying that this mob strategy is backfiring. their tactics had to haul that in so republicans and so know if independents even more than the prospect of impeachment we've used to everyone because he's effective. and other republicans who are running for office are following suit. fighting motors turned of by how come when i was treated and we're responding now brett kavanaugh has confirmed he's on the supreme court that confrontation is over and it's starting to look like not only did the democrats lose but they alienated a lot of people in the process. r.t. new york. yet the scandal certainly did provoke strong reactions all round with plenty of celebrities weighing in to sharing their views with their millions of
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social media followers loyal fans will it lead to trying to now looks at how even a simple tweet from the stars can stir things up. today here to tell you about taylor swift no it's not that i switched to m.t.v. she's out there in the top political headlines because kaylor basically just said she'd vote for the democrats. will. this is serious news and one taylor swift fan is disappointed. well haters are going to shake shake hate hate hate hate hate guys from the right wing cam are razor sharp now taylor swift is a traitor they're saying but just a little while ago people on the left were telling her off for being too
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politically lazy why would anyone care about what the. what kind of question is that not only is the voice of miss with mighty enough to sway an army of young voters you might well see her let's say out the united nations in a few years we've been there with some other celebs i'm not here as an expert we have failed the right thing to perform plays let us not fail them again there is no turning back it will be more and more up to the likes of oscar or grammy winners to fix trouble around the world like issues with sudan we are here to ask it's a very simple to use for the government in khartoum to stop did we kill you. and children rate being the stuff. mr clooney actually got detained for that your favorite t.v. or music stars are all over the place with their movements campaigns charities
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some end up in the news for their political messages more often then for what they're famous in the first place and damn it. within a matter of weeks society is not working the way you used to think me to for a sec sexual abuse has been institutionalized in this country i think women i think survivors i think men are are not going to allow this to continue and we're going to take back the house and maybe even the senate some of their efforts might crack you up a bit and what about free stuff about gender equality yeah you know it's when the law how can. we like. i'm so embarrassed right now where they meant to be funny. or most of them were and i will have mexico they.
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sure but it all seems to be from the bottom of their heart white americans. from. what. i think they have a decisive president. they. there's a kind of miracle that's been pulled off in the last two years which is the same miracle that you could you could just as fairly say. or too slow moving when the lines between politics and showbiz are blurring for good it seems just look at them i think you're great kid and best friend. back at your very handsome. very much but if you thank you thank you very much thanks very much we'll see you tomorrow well ok you well.
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read obama yeah. oh is that. i. it's only natural that you know who is in charge at the oval office and you may get fired. you're fired he'll fire you're fired you're fired you will fired we knew he was. when he walked in. the rest in part. against wolf they call the government's destructive social reforms. something we're referring to when he says about
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a population. groups who doesn't know this country who's. doing what he says. much was like the bankers chief point with. retirees like me and the general public. our pension does not stop a trinkle i'm really mad in my work to do you really. think so i think he's just a grandson of general charles who told me you can speak freely the only thing we don't have the right to do is complain the country would be different if everyone did the same.
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a us school is under fire after it separated a young transgender student from classmates during an emergency lockdown drill for a gun attack teachers out the middle school in the state of virginia couldn't decide whether the people should take cover in the boys or girls locker room so was kept away bt rights groups say the stuff should be charged with emotional abuse during an event that prepares children to survive an attack by actual assailants she was treated as if she was so much of a danger to peers this she was left exposed and vulnerable or school authorities are now pledging to review all protocols and procedures to make sure all children are treated with dignity and respect in future well how to handle transgender issues as something schools and several countries are grappling with starting a hawkins discuss with spoken radio host john gaunt and veteran l g b t campaigner peter tatchell. what do you make of the way the teachers handle this incident and
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separated the students during a drill now if this had not been a drill if it had been a real live incident of a terrorist attack upon that school i fear that as the teachers debated with the trans people where to place them. the backers and forwards the discussion probably were ended up with they would have all been exposed and could have all been potentially killed everybody is treading on eggshells around this subject so you're probably correct that the school was worried they would get accused of transphobia ole whatever they want to call it this way the main thing is in this kind of situation get the kids to a safe place you know this is just a trans people again trying to dominate social policy trying to change the world into their way of thinking doesn't have to be segregated to boys and girls that's not necessary just get the kids whatever and whatever their sexuality get them to
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a safe place protect the kids that comes first the most important thing is that we understand and accept the right of trans people to live their lives with dignity respect and with out living in fear the whole idea of equality is that we all have equality what is happening at the moment which is that militant trans all around the globe is they trying to dominate the agenda on every single subject they're trying to make as will whether we like it or not accept trans women as if they're all real women trans not be needs to calm it down a bit the militant ones anger and perhaps even extremism is the cry of downtrodden oppressed suffering people but they lash out because i don't think we should stop having children just put the sake of the environment i think it's a rather moronic thing to send down and soon i think we are in a rival land. other things which. i find this idea shocking. is
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a personal choice a little to allow anyone to come and tell me mr you have three kids that is too much you should have just among all none of the school to save the planet is beyond the pale and can't just tell people hey stop making babies that's now and those who sat me must have smoked weed or something that was not normal and what allowed our freedom. what kind of country can imagine its future a green future with no kids i mean we might as well all stop breathing and make a green panic once again but then there would be no more human beings of course this is shocking because i do think that they're afraid the french love their children to like children and in no way go with you because even seeing them that they have to reduce their carbon footprint or be more environmentally friendly if that means having less kids i think that's the worst argument that you can you can expose if you want to defend the idea of very much today why is the a.p. not talking about pollution in france by major french corporations those are real issues if you want to reduce pollution in france today french people are concerned
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by the environment but telling them all was said in that the solution to one of the ideas could be having less children are comparing major countries which are polluting with just trolleys having kids is i would resist really say preposterous this makes no sense and i should day he should be quite ashamed of what it did. the locals on the french island of martinique in the car abandoned say their health is at risk because of a toxic pesticide the chemical is banned on mainland fronts but i wonder say it's being used on their bun on the plantations for decades and can cause major illness r.t. visited martinek to hear from a cubs. in
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the one nine hundred seventy s. this compound was banned in the usa they said during this period last died of using it in martinique until ninety nine before it got so the question is why. we're here is we have salt and jailed this case decides not trying here are too long it was five years on and there is no health agency you officials knew and no one there looted the populations and this is very bad. and it's not possible to get an estimate of the number of patients who are victims of the article on the priority is to determine the number of farmers who were
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working in the banana plantations i don't know there are hundreds of many of them have died of prostate cancer and many have premature babies. but why didn't they let arrange people eat this be shitty to us because they're contaminated but they led us even seem pretty tense during the think periods in martini that when one is aware that the product is toxic and still uses it is said is assess a nation that is mind that the brain state is complicit in the success in asia because it also wisely years of toxic prada. and so the steve must take each share of responsibility for this pollution must make progress on the path of for abrasion and projects i hope that collectively will put our efforts toward zero cornucopia in food that's the only thing that makes sense
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completes the feast we're not once did fats are there in deleterious then it is unfortunately irreversible. expect the congress to take responsibility and face the consequences. a big tour is about to kick off in the united states starring former first couple the clintons which some suspect is a precursor to hillary clinton preparing for a second shot at the white house. if you're looking to get up. with bill or hillary clinton you're in luck no if hillary clinton are going on to thirteen city tour with former president bill clinton former secretary of state hillary clinton.
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america is great because america is good. the upcoming tour will wrap up to make twenty nineteen around the time the twenty twenty presidential contenders are expected to stop announcing that plans to run for the white house she does not look presidential she doesn't have the stamina stamina tremendous stamina every time i think about trouble you to learn. the basket of deplorable she's guilty as hell what was his response to being rather have a puppet as president and no props today no you have the russian. it
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just to bring things back to europe at this hour finally a parade in east spain turned ugly and choose the as far right groups tried to disrupt the if it police in valencia to move in and confront the nationalists gathered in front of city hall to watch the parade the protesters the man did better financing for the region as well as recognition for the areas linguistic and cultural heritage valencia de celebrates the region's autonomy in which the state's flag is carried through the streets to a statue. you can james the first of all it's. all right to watching the hawks next gets the take of a former u.s. diplomat on the sudden disappearance of a saudi investigative journalist in istanbul a story seemingly getting more lurid by this is r.t. international.
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the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. crossing the most just as they would a simple i want to become lost and i want to ask some just about what if many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sites the drifter used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities the best person asked the man. on the seat or no i then had to press on i got a man a lot of class and that was that. they cannot watch as they are options to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house over forty gravels. fifty one fifty who could be about to do the job of a fifth of many couples won't kill with the push to political fumbles a few outputs of a few the hope of the. biggest manufacturer to sentenced to the public will. when the running closest
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protect them so. when the final merry go round lifts and we know one percent of. the time we can all middle of the room see. the real news room. but how do you so. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and she. wanted us. to go right for us this is what the three of them would be that. interested in the.
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greetings and salyut age. many times spiting for what's morally right in the face of institutional corruption can feel very much like a mouse fighting a guerrilla while standing alone in a field of official complacency for a small group of vigilant citizens in north carolina this is ben their true since first discovering their home states connection to the central intelligence agencies torture program and deciding to take a stand against it they formed the ten member north carolina commission of inquiry on torture because while presidents george w. bush defended it barack obama moved on from it and our own congress sat on it this brave group of citizens appalled by what was being done in their name shows to investigate the cia's torture program and its connection to their home state and
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now unlike their own senator republican richard burr the chairman of the senate intelligence committee who still to this day refuses to fully release his own committing committee's findings on torture the north carolina citizens commission have released their use in an eighty two page report titled torture flights north carolina's role in the cia rendition and torture program the report finds that local aeronautical company aero contractors transported at least forty nine individuals were forcibly seized without any due process in a matter that itself amounted to torture and cruel inhuman or degrading treatment preparation for rendition involved physical and sometimes even sexual assault drug and sensory deprivation rendition flights were experience of experiences of prolonged pain.
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