tv News RT October 10, 2018 8:00am-8:30am EDT
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deepens between turkey and saudi arabia over a dissident journalist disappearance the u.s. no get caught up in the diplomatic crossfire regarding its response. are you assuming that taking time to put out a statement means that the state department has not been doing anything. to this france is accused of allowing a toxic pesticide to be used on its caribbean territory of martinique island this is a parish should hold up the poisoning their land. for years we have sworn an inhaled these past decides not one you know to. and the regional health agency knew officials knew and no one in the population. understand grover the treatment of an
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american transgender students sidelined in an emergency school drill over confusion if they should take cover in a male or female locker room more that story coming up so. they're putting a pretty for this next thirty minutes of news here from r.t. international it's three pm this wednesday afternoon in moscow with me kevin owen first the developments regarding the dissident saudi journalist who went missing in turkey more than a week ago security video has been obtained by a turkish t.v. channel now which shows jamal khashoggi entering that saudi consulate in istanbul he hasn't been seen since more details from our senior correspondent. new details and accusations are emerging with the disappearance of a dissident journalist after he entered the saudi consulate in istanbul days ago we
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saw c.c.t.v. footage apparently showing jamal the shuggie fierce critic of saudi arabia entering the consulate new footage released by turkish media shows a black vehicle with tinted windows entering the premises of the consulate shortly after and leaving just minutes later the predominant theory echoed by both turkish and foreign media is that he has either been kidnapped or murdered and that saudi arabia is using the confusion to shift blame the use anonymous social media accounts to blame turkey and imply that turkey is behind the disappearance of shogun they are trying to say we murdered him but we would put the blame on another country meaning turkey saudi arabia has since allowed both journalists and investigators into the consulate to show that. isn't there days after his disappearance although considering that all they really have to do is show him
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leaving who's responsible for showing that this person made his way out of the building obviously the consulate responsible for that you have cameras there who should do so you have to prove that he left the premises why did you do that you should prove it the b.b.c. interviewed mr just days before his disappearance and they asked him whether he would ever return to saudi arabia i hear. of a list of a friend who did. commit in the towards to be at least to make you feel as you do mr shoghi who has more than a million followers on twitter has been a strong critic of saudi arabia for what he says is censorship and human rights abuses and has recently been writing columns for the washington post the paper said that it would be a monstrous and unfathomable active he has been murdered and with this much attention in the case where bound to find out more sooner rather than later.
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riggers if there were u.s. state department officials say they've spoken to saudi arabia over the journalist mysterious disappearance because shoghi spent the past year in the u.s. increasing concern over the fifty nine year olds well for as seen pressure mounts on washington now them from all sides including american journalist. it's nearly a week it's wean i'm his first reports of his disappearance and that statement from secretary pompei oh are you assuming that taking time to put out a statement means that the state department has not been doing anything is that your assumption of what was the state department doing state department was engaged at the highest levels and also at the working level and having conversations with saudi government officials and i'll leave it at that and so what was the reason behind that delay statement i wouldn't i wouldn't call it a delay why has not secretary powell has said that if the reports are true and the saudis our allies turn out to be cold blooded killers that there will be
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repercussions we're going to wait until the facts come out and we call again for a thorough and transparent investigation or be repercussions again let me say this one more time i'll leave it at that i don't have any i don't have anything more for you on this today last time i'll say this i don't have anything more for you on this today i don't have anything more for you on that and when i do i would be happy to give it to you. we spoke to the executive director of the wrong paul pace institute told us still more leads to tread carefully over his response say or risk alienating a key middle east partner. president is in a very delicate and precarious situation because on the one hand he's tired his mass to a degree to moderate and solomon to the crown prince of saudi arabia so he's going to go over there and he's going to start accusing them of murdering cautionary that he's going to fight him in his middle east policy in a shambles so here's in a very delicate situation i think it really underscores the toxicity of the u.s.
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saudi relationships which we may actually see being unraveled as was. elsewhere today as bret covered his first arguments as a u.s. supreme court judge the bitterness the anger of his opponents over his appointment remains as role as ever caleb maupin takes a look next to how it could have long lasting political. percussions after a great deal of controversy brett kavanaugh has been confirmed on to the u.s. supreme court as a justice now as if all that controversy weren't enough we now have donald trump throwing some fuel on the fire on behalf of our nation i want to apologize. to bread and the entire kavanaugh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure that's after civility disappeared as certain elements just wanted to stop brett kavanaugh in the twitter verse things got particularly ugly a late show writer boasted about having ruined kavanagh's life whatever happens i'm
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just not bieber and brett kavanaugh and i and furthermore we got a google exactly i had to delete the following tweet you are finished g.o.p. you polish the final nail for your own coffin you all to hell it wasn't just on social media things got pretty nasty in real life with activists harassing senators and it turns out that some of them were actually on the clock getting paid while they did it. there were people who are paid by organizations like ultraviolet to try to harness that energy in a way that would make the viral moments that we ended up seeing on the right wing the favorite buzz word was mob the mob descended on capitol hill they have encouraged mob rule mob rule the room of the mob conservatives utilize the chaos in the capital in order to rally the troops and raise money like after ted cruz got harassed in a restaurant by activists. to be. relieved
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they're not married. he gave it cruz's campaign says that the viral video boosted support and donations some experts are saying that this mob strategy is backfiring their tactics it's who are they in so republicans and so you know if independents even more than the prospect of impeachment does we've used everywhere because it's effective. and other republicans who are running for office are following suit where fighting swing voters turned over by how come when i was treated and we're responding now brett kavanaugh has confirmed he's on the supreme court that confrontation is over and it's starting to look like not only did the democrats lose but they alienated a lot of people in the process ok look them up and r.t. new york you know kevin to saugus provoke strong reactions all round police celebrities weighing into why not they'll say share the views with millions of
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social media followers and loyal phones and connects them looks at how even a simple tweet from one of those stars can released things up. today here to tell you about taylor swift no it's not that i switched to m.t.v. she's out there in the top political headlines because taylor basically just said she'd vote for the democrats. will. this is serious news and one taylor swift fan is disappointed. well haters are going to shake shake hate hate hate hate hate guys from the right wing cam are razor sharp now taylor swift is a traitor they're saying but just a little while ago people on the left were telling her off for being too politically lazy not only is the voice of miss with
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a mighty enough to sway an army of young voters you might well see her let's say out the united nations in a few years we've been there with some other celebs i'm not here as an expert we have failed the right thing to perform plays let us not fail them again there is no turning back it will be more and more up to the likes of oscar or grammy winners to fix trouble around the world like issues with sudan we are here to say it's a very simple to use for the government to encourage you to stop did we kill you. and children rate being the stuff. mr clooney actually got detained for that your favorite t.v. or music stars are all over the place with their movements campaigns charities some end up in the news for their political messages more often then for what
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they're famous in the first place and dammit within a matter of weeks society is not working the way it used to. think me too for a sec sexual abuse has been institutionalized in this country i think women i think survivors i think men are are not going to allow this to continue and we're going to take back the house and maybe even the senate some of their efforts might crack you up a bit and what about. gender equality yeah. you know it's linked to how can. we like. i'm sick of our story now where they meant to be funny. but it all seems to be from the bottom of their heart.
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when the lines between politics and showbiz are blurring for good it seems just look at them you're very handsome. if you thank you thank you very much thanks very much we'll see you tomorrow well. you will burn obama. oh is that. it's only natural that you know who is in charge of the oval office it's fun to make it sergeant. you're fired you're fired you're fired you're fired you're fired we knew he was. when he walked in. because only french island of martinique in the caribbean say they're at risk
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because of a toxic pesticide the chemicals banned from spit island it's been allowed for use on the banana plantations for decades now and they claim it's causing major. listed . in the nine hundred seven this is this kind of ground zero as a band in the usa they said during this period class started using it in martinique until ninety ninety four so the question is why.
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for years we have sworn i had an inhaled these past decides not one year or two it was for yes and the regional health agency knew officials knew and no one in large population this is very. soon it's not possible to get an estimate of the number of patients who are victims of florida can you meet the priority is to determine the number of farmers who were working in the banana plantations you really don't know there are hundreds of many of them who died of prostate cancer and many had premature babies are you why did they let french people eat the sweet potato fries because they contaminated but they let us eat the same potatoes drain same period and. when one is aware that
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a product is toxic and still uses and that is assassination that is murder the french state is complicit in this assassination. because the roof writes the use of toxic products. and sabbat the street must take its share of responsibility for this pollution must make progress on the power for a ration and project i hope that collectively we will put our efforts towards zero in food that's the only thing that makes sense completely feast and we're not one state facts are there and deleterious then it is unfortunately irreversible wasn't i expect the culprits to take responsibility and face the consequences. of the last remaining militant hold in syria is on the verge of seeing a demilitarized zone put in place is the news we're going to talk about agreements on problems between the russian and turkish presidents were confirmed
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a little bit later let's get up speed on the river motion is covering the story for some more progress made than year. or year but we can say right now that we are at the crossroads a very crucial moment indeed many believe that syria's fate will depend on how things develop and progress regarding the evil of provinces in syria this is the last large area inside the country controlled by the n.t. government forces and clearly once it is resolved we may start talking about the end to the almost eight year long devastating bloody conflict in syria otherwise about its continuation so where are we now what is the progress according to the agreement you mentioned reached between near the gun and welcomed by the syrian government there are two major deadlines marking two major stages of this process first of all heavy weapons should be removed we join from this supposed fifteen to twenty kilometer deep net barf
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a zone in site. outside the province around the province by wednesday october tenth which she. today within next five days all the militants including ready called jihadists should also leave this area so that the. may start functioning properly as it is supposed and agreed to it is very hard to. verify. independently that used information but we hear from some opposition groups including those inside the province and those based outside syria from turkish media as well but the reason progress said it's huge on the ground tang's mortars rockets multiple launch systems have already been reportedly removed from this air raid that may sound like a positive achievement but we also know that not all of the radical extremist groups agreed to participate in this initiative so this is why everybody tends to
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speak about the success with a certain care we had a chance though to ask or russia's foreign minister sergei lavrov about what's going on on the ground and he sounded very optimistic let's take a listen to the rooms to the agreements are being fulfilled with our turkish partners having the main role they're actively fighting to get all groups to cooperate on information confirms that process is going on october the fifteenth is when the demilitarized zone is will start functioning but a day or two's difference will not matter the quality of the work is much more important and we support them. the goal of the ba'ath or so around a province in syria was first of all to separate the government forces and the groups fighting against the current authorities in syria including those affiliated with al qaida including powerful jihadist alliance once known as the nusra and now
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known as. the creator and also to avoid open military confrontation between them that. many a greed would be a devastating one the province is a very large province it's still home to many civilians including children even the un warned that a large scale operation would trigger a human need tarion catastrophe in the region so indeed it is a very crucial moment right now and within the next days we can say that the fate of syria will be decided maria thanks for playing this put it into context for us written off from central moscow coming up half the break which is just ahead don't shoot the messenger is the message of news agencies backpedaling after sharing scientific research and suggesting people can go green by having fewer kids we'll see about wind.
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ouch while the news agency distance itself from the research pointing out that it was simply reporting the information of others people in paris shared their thoughts with us about the study. i don't think we should stop having children just for the sake of the environment i think it's a rather more on it thing to say that's a concern i think we all need to drive less public transportation which i find this idea shocking. is a personal choice of will not allow anyone to come and tell me mr you have three kids that's too much you should have just one or none at all to save the planet that's beyond the pale you can just tell people hey stop making babies that's enough those who said that must have smoked weed or something it's not normal. what
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about our freedom. what kind of country can imagine its future a green future with no kids i mean we might as well all stop breathing and make a green panic once again but then there would be no more human beings of course this is shocking because i do think that they're afraid the french love their children like children and in no way who would be convincing them that they have to reduce their carbon footprint or be more environment your friend and if that means having less kids i think that's the worst argument that you can you can expose if you want to defend the idea of violence today why is the a.f.p. not talking about pollution in france by major french corporations those are real issues if you want to reduce pollution across today french people are concerned by the environment but telling them all was said in that the solution to one of the ideas could be having less children are comparing major countries which are polluting with just french families having kids is i would resist really say preposterous this makes no sense and i should day he should be quite ashamed of what it did. so there. are u.s. schools come in for criticism for separating a young transgender student from classmates during an emergency lockdown drill for
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a gun attack teachers at this middle school in the state of virginia couldn't decide seems whether the people should take cover in the boys or girls locker room so we can do well together l g b t rights groups say the stuff should be charged with emotional abuse. during an event that prepares children to survive an attack by an actual sealants she was treated as if she was so much of a danger to peers that she was left exposed and vulnerable going to thirty's and i'm pledging to review all protocols and all procedures to make sure all children are treated with dignity and respect in future and i handle transgender issues is something schools in several countries are grappling with right now as daniel hawkins discussed an outspoken radio host john gordon also veteran l g b t campaign a peta tatchell. what do you make of the way the teachers handle this incident and separated the students during a drill now if this has not been a drill if it had been a real life incident of a terrorist attack on that school i fear that as the teachers debated with the
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trans people where to place them. the backers and forwards the discussion probably were ended up with they would have all been exposed and could have all been potentially killed everybody eases treading on eggshells around this subject so you're probably correct that the school was worried they would get accused of transphobia l. whatever they want to call it this way the main thing is in this kind of situation get the kids to a safe place you know this is just a trans people again trying to dominate social policy trying to change the world into their way of thinking it doesn't have to be segregated to boys and girls that's not necessary just get the kids whatever and whatever their sexuality get them to a safe place protect the kids that comes first the most important thing is that we understand and accept the right of trans people to live their lives with dignity respect and with our living in fear the whole idea of equality is that we all have
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equality what is happening at the moment which is that militant trans around the globe is they trying to dominate the agenda on every single subject they're trying to make as will whether we like it or not accept trans women as if they're all real women translate the needs to calm it down a bit the militant ones anger and perhaps even extremism is the cry of downtrodden oppressed suffering people but they lash out because they've said it was so much so i think they never given such a way that i agree that the debate should be done in zero nine john let me finish i didn't interrupt you i think are going to be. he should be conducted in civil terms gender is about much more than physical bodily appendages it's about genes for. the end state it's also going to new evidence about brain structures
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but some people peter do not believe and do not agree with that and some people say this gender nonsense has to stop why not give the person the dignity they deserve treat them with the way that we want to be respected you know we we all like the people who are actually about our nation it's not maybe getting there are not written it down you have a lot of a lot during your i believe that the your radical militant extremists men in dresses need to be stopped and they need to come down. i'll leave you with that for the conversation continued thanks for watching out see here in moscow it's kevin i've been sent back in half an hour. when lawmakers manufactured sentenced him to public will. when the
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ruling class is how to protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. i mean real news is. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. crossing their fingers just as they would a simple i want to become lost and i want to ask some just about what if many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides of the refuse to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities how to best person asked banco mom. most you know know how they are the best when i get a man or
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a westerner what that. they have or what are their options to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house all over for the gravels. both of you what is the who beat up to the. assisted struggles of many couples. who were choked up or to put impulse response both of you out of the popular culture but. joined me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure when i'll be speaking to guest of the world the politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then. later on. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business
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and finance and the impact upon all of us you me the guy behind the tree everybody i'm part children washington we're glad you're on board coming up today we talk trade both north american and global trade with lori wallach the director of public citizens global trade watch she's standing by and we take a long look at sony the japanese media electronics and entertainment multinational with which some say has many opportunities to once again rise to the top of innovation the c.e.o. of straw mark to work toward which joins us for that plus some say the indian banking and related non-bank lending system seems to be teetering on the brink of potential disaster artie's correspondent rachel blevins helps us understand the circumstances all that ahead but first we had some headlines let's go. in the latest data breach to hit the tech sector it has been revealed that google kept they made.
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