tv Watching the Hawks RT October 10, 2018 12:30pm-12:53pm EDT
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but it. looks like. it's going. to the bottom. like you that i got. it's. welcome we're going to watch the market so i robot and joining us today for the voice of the people going up against the cia is a former cia analyst and author of third john kerry thank you for joining us happy to be here thanks for having me john with this is interesting story the torture program clearly you know despite the hard work of whistleblowers like yourself and others you know still leaving a poison in our country and to this day in the case of these contract you know
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planes that were being used in north carolina sparked a movement how common do you think these situations like in north carolina where they you know they can track forty nine individuals were disappeared by the u.s. government you know coming up you know with north carolina while the torture program was in use how common is this it's very unusual you know let me tell you something about this group too this is a really amazing group i've been associated with them since two thousand and fifteen and it started off as a group of retirees grandparents couple of professors an attorney or two and it became something of a movement what they did is they tried to be nice about it at first when they when they discovered that these flights had been taking place they went to the owner of the airport and they asked him to cancel his contract with the cia he told them to get off his property so then they began to picket in front of the entrance to the airport and they got nowhere then they began laying down in the road in front of the airport and. they made themselves such
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a huge nuisance that they got action but even once they got action they continued to fight and then they came out with this report we should be doing this kind of thing all across the country and we're not now it's hard work it doesn't just fall into your lap you really have to do you really have to dig to would dedicate yourself to it but it's doable as they've proven. quickly is there anything that can come from those. who have any legal standing is there anything that coming up with this isn't going to end the cia rendition flights but it can make it difficult enough for one airport owner so that other airport owners realise this really isn't worth my trouble and i'm not going to do it so interesting that you just make torture not worth people's trouble if you live through a how are you saying that would be about as sensitive as that sounds that really is the bottom line that's really how some pull it is and the report by the independent commission actually stated we are certain that the only way to overcome brutal
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chapters in our history is to confront them with honesty and integrity and to ensure that those responsible are revealed and held to account let me ask you how important is it that we do things like what this commission is doing and take a hard look at the torture program at the things that have happened over the last twenty years why is it so important for us as americans to do that that's hard it's a good question and such an important question and it's because even though torture is technically outlawed right now it's it's changeable the next president or this president can change it with the stroke of a pen and it's because the mccain feinstein and then while many of us myself included like to go around saying torture is banned it's the law of the land that's not really exactly true what the mccain feinstein amendment did was it said that u.s. forces u.s. officials can do all. only what's approved in the army field manual well the army
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field manual is an executive. document and so all we need to do to legalize torture again is to change the army field manual and because it's an executive branch document congress has no say so nor do the courts and so it depends on groups like this people like us to keep up the fight because otherwise we'll backslide we know congress doesn't have the the where with all or the desire i was going to say something less nice. to stand up and say no they've already proven to us on capitol hill that they're not willing or not able to respect the constitution or even our own international treaty obligations and so it's up to us at the ground at the grassroots level to to make sure that the government. the people on those flights were the same people black sites overseen by the house for those that are
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of the cia do you think like you're just saying you know a stroke of a pen could could change all this do you think we will see more of the torture program and how can the independent community driven activism make a difference in what and where the cia is allowed to do you know its dirty business when it's being dirty. that's tough you know and part of the reason why it's so tough is that so few of us have legal standing to challenge these things so what we really need to do is in addition to this grassroots activism we need to identify friendly members of congress from both parties the likes of of rand paul for example or just in a mash or a half a dozen of other people walter jones of north carolina this is actually in his district and so if we can join together with lawmakers who are willing to put their foot down or give a speech on the floor of the senate or the floor of the house of representatives exposing this kind of thing and reminding americans that this. just simply illegal
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that maybe we can get some action there. are there other folks who left the cia who you know look at your great example of someone who said you know there was something that i saw that i blew the whistle on and i paid the price for what ultimately i came out in the good i came out as someone who had a part other other people like that who could help these groups who. are or are out there the bad so know about there's a there's a great former colleague of mine by the name of glenn carle glenn was the head of the cia's interrogation program so he was in as deeply as anybody at the cia could be in and he had an epiphany and he said this is wrong what am i doing and he resigned from the cia wrote a book about the terrible mistakes that he had made by being associated with this torture program and what happened the cia's office of public affairs contacted every major news outlet and said don't you dare review this book and so something
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like five people read the book it was a term book one of the best memoirs i've ever read but people don't know about it well if people like glenn can work with people like the members of the north carolina commission against torture we might really be able to put something together here so let me ask you this you know we talk a lot when you talk to people about being when you're anti torture which i guess is a saying that you specify we usually go back to what i get back a lot is this idea of well they're bad guys right why do i care what happens but the effect of torture doesn't just affect the person torture it effects everyone including the officer of the people involved indeed does this see i have any sort of program or set up to mitigate the damage of torturing people that cia officers could be privy to like you're going to get p.t.s.d. if they do they do anything to help. you're really on today was the question and
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the answer is no the job of a cia psychiatrist is not to make you well the job of a cia psychiatrist is to make you well enough to go back overseas and do the job that they spent a million dollars training you to do now as crazy as it sounds there is a cottage industry here in the washington area of psychiatrists and psychologists who specialize in screwed up p.t.s.d. suffering former cia people i know from firsthand experience if you can if you have a car and actually have a care and they're out there because cia officers are not getting the kind of treatment answer your exactly right tabitha as a cia officer you you witness terrible things in many cases you participate in terrible things and you know you're supposed to have a conscience right remember i said on this program the cia hires people who have sociopathic tendencies but not sociopaths because sociopaths have no conscience
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while the rest of us do have consciences and you can't live sometimes with the weight with the burden of what you've done you've done sitting on your shoulders well speaking of the burden that will be weighed on somebody when they're done nikki haley actually come on maybe you step down from the united nations today. pretty exciting the official explanation was that she wanted to break and change and wanted a change of pace and a break but i was wondering you know foreign policy. all of us here at this table i want to know what you think what is your your impression of why nikki haley is suddenly stepping aside and taking a break from i actually had occasion to speak with a former very senior member of the trump campaign and he told me a fascinating story. he told me that henry mcmaster who is currently the governor
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of south carolina and had been the lieutenant governor was the first elected official in america to endorse donald trump in early two thousand and sixteen and by the end of the year donald trump had won the presidency and the campaign contacted mcmaster and said what do you want as a reward and he said i want to be governor of south carolina well nikki haley was the governor of south carolina so what does nikki haley want the caylee wants to be president of the united states and she had zero foreign policy experience so what they did is they moved haley to the united nations to give her foreign policy experience and remake master now is a very happy governor of south carolina. healey only wanted to be you know in the position long enough to say she had been in the position and she knew a lot about foreign policy so now she's resigning she's going to campaign for republicans running for congress she's going to campaign for the president in two thousand and twenty she's going to make a lot of money in the meantime and then she's going to run for president in two
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thousand and twenty for. the creation of life john kiriakou always a pleasure to have him so i think you always a pleasure all right everybody as we go to break off watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the proper coverage of facebook and twitter and see our poll shows at our t.v. dot com coming up we look into the h.p.v. vaccine business and what the expansion of its use could be for your kids and the hubble telescope start to feel it's a little bit creepy all right stay tuned to watching the hawks. join me every day on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics or business i'm show business. i'll see that.
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when a loved one is murdered it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer and it mean when the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying the is just no really hasn't been that we're even many a victim's families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they've matter of us is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten thousand dollars for and happy each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be all for rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only boom box.
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thank. you. this week the u.s. food and drug administration announced that the vaccine to protect against h.p.v. the human papillomavirus would now be approved for use in women and men over the age of twenty five citing evidence that the vaccine could be helpful in preventing cancer in older individuals the centers for disease control and prevention estimates that over seventy nine million americans in their late teens and early twenties are already infected with h.p.v. of virus thought to be responsible for over ninety percent of cervical cancers so what could be wrong with vaccinating hundreds of millions of people again such a horrible virus why should we question the six as the popularity of this so-called wonder a vaccine well for one because the u.s. p.v. vaccine market is worth over two billion dollars and expected to grow to three and a half billion by two thousand and twenty five for two because the u.s.
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government gets millions of royalties every year from pharmaceutical giant smirk and. for helping create the vaccine and for three because of the book the h.p.v. vaccine on trial seeking justice for a generation betrayed by mary holland came back rosenberg and florio in it the authors reveal how greed may be putting children around the world at risk joining us from new york is the main author of the h.p.v. vaccine on trial mary holland director of the graduate lori in program at the n.y.u. school of law thank you so much for joining us today mary thank you for having me no mary kind of let's get this out the way first you yourself have spoken about the attacks against those who question vaccine safety i want to ask you what is it about vaccine safety that makes discussing it such a contentious you know same topic that everyone kind of loses their mind over. i don't know what makes this so impossible except that you. no the consensus is so
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strong within governments and the pharmaceutical industry and the medical community and parents who had to vaccinate their children according to mandate so and then there's other factors you know there's liability protection for the pharmaceutical industry it's a multibillion dollar industry that's grown wildly over the last forty years so there are a lot of there are a lot of factors that make this a very difficult subject for many different constituencies to address. one of the things that got out to me about your book was information regarding the clinical trials of of the vaccine the h.p.v. the gardasil which is now but as i explained has now been expanded to use for older americans and is being used in other countries as well as a reason. of questionable methods used for that what stood out in those because that is what we take as a what state right is looking at the end of the studies we tried it we see we know
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what happened so what stood out to you about what methods and things were used in the clinical trials that seemed to greet us or or concerned you yeah well so in the entire one of the book we focus on the clinical trials because that's the basis of everything and we were very fortunate to meet two young women in denmark who were clinical trials subjects when they were young women and one received the vaccine and one later learned that she had received the so-called placebo but both of them have struggled with serious debilitating injuries for the twelve years since they received more than twelve years since they received the vaccine they were lied to they were told that the one who got the placebo got say lean nobody got salient in the clinical trials and they were also told that the vaccine had already been safety tested it hadn't been safety tested when we took a deep dive in the clinical trials what we learned is that there were no. sailing placebos they only use what we called both people's. false placebos they contain an
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active ingredient the adjutant's is used in the vaccine so bottom line they never tested the vaccines they tested a part of the vaccines the virus like particles they didn't have the whole thing the other thing that's pretty scandalous is this is being sold as an anti cancer vaccine and it's absolutely true that human papilloma viral infections if persistent over many years can lead to cervical cancer cervical cancer is prevented globally with pap smears with testing and so selling this is an anti cancer vaccine is really false marketing right it was never proven to prevent cancer and even now it's never been proven to prevent cancer it prevents viral infections that could lead to cancer but they can be prevented through other means . you know we know there's gaps in the research of the h.p.v.
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vaccine so what is missing from the research that also jumps out to you the folks should be asking questions about what concerns you so there's two other things that really jump out one is that the up until now the primary target population and still going forward the target population are pretty teenagers and in the clinical trials the pretty teenagers were a tiny fraction of the people who are in the clinical trials pre teenagers are different than young adults and it was only studied and you know i under a couple of thousand pre-teen agers and it appears to us from the f.d.a. and merck information regarding gardasil that the vaccine they tried on the preteens is not the same as what was then put on the market as gardasil for you know gardasil now it's on the market in the u.s. is gardasil nine the other thing that jumps out there wasn't tested properly in the target population now does. being expanded to adults we have very serious concerns
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that people who happen to have h.p.v. viral infections at the time of vaccination or if they've already cleared an infection the clinical trial data shows they may be at increased risk of getting a cervical viral infection that's a big problem in other words the people who got the vaccine if they had an active infection they were at higher risk of getting lesions that might lead to cancer and there's no screening that's recommended for people who get this vaccine so that's a huge problem i mean we really the bottom line is this wasn't properly tested they need to go back to the drawing board if they want to keep something like this on the market the injuries from this vaccine are real there are thousands of reported permanent debilitating injuries and deaths from this vaccine in our book we have photos that are just heart rending of healthy teenagers who die or who are permanently injured from the this vaccine we think the real you know serious injury
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rates about one in five hundred that's a ridiculously high number for something that's being pushed on children around the world that is actually a really incredibly high number that is that is your books talks quite a bit about the financial rewards governments and corporations get from this vaccine how does the metal community protect this two billion dollar and warrior machine what are they doing the kind of insulate themselves and keep the money train coming. well all of the major medical institutions in the world the government medical institutions the food and drug administration the center for disease control the european medicines agency the world health organization they're all a hundred plus percent behind this vaccine and what's important in this country that most people don't know is once the centers for disease control recommends federally recommend a vaccine then the end of story was the guest liability protection they don't.
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have any litigation risk so people can't go if they're injured to a regular court room and sue so that's a huge incentive then when governments actually push these vaccines there's mandates kids can't go to school without them that's already true in three states you know they don't have marketing expenses and then you know they work very closely with legislators so they have people saying oh this is life saving this is preserving the health so it's very entangled. interesting one of the things that i think is a major issue is that in developing nations for those who are on the lower end of the financial spectrum vaccines are sort of unavoidable the only people who get to like say i'm not going to take them or keep their children away from suitably people who can afford to do so what is it about vaccines like this especially for something they like a lot of really good stuff people in north carolina fighting over their rights and finding out a little more information on things like vaccines and how you can prevent but
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there's options for people and that they don't have to just sort of immigration information is the key to finding truth underneath me and measuring how that works are everybody that is our show for you today remember going in this world we're about to hold your love the love so i tell you all i love you i am tired with your time to have a while and keep on watching all those hawks out there ever a great day all right everybody.
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