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tv   News  RT  October 10, 2018 2:00pm-2:23pm EDT

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he been writing columns for the washington post people said that it would be a monstrous and unfathomable ags if he has been murdered and with this much attention on the case we're bound to find out more sooner rather than later donald trump has just how talks with saudi arabian officials over the journalist mysterious disappearance he had still denies any involvement earlier the u.s. state department stated that they've spoken to their saudi colleague about the incident because shockey has spent the past year in america increasing concern over the fifty nine year old's welfare seen pressure mount on washington from all sides including american journalists. it's nearly
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a week it's wein first reports of this disappearance and that statement from secretary pompei oh are you assuming that taking time to put out a statement means that the state department has not been doing anything is that your assumption of what was the state department doing the state department was engaged at the highest levels and also at the working level and having conversations with saudi government officials and i'll leave it at that and so what was the reason that behind that delay in statement i mean i wouldn't i wouldn't call it a delay why has not secretary pump aoe said that if the reports are true and the saudis our allies turn out to be cold blooded killers that there will be repercussions we're going to wait until the facts come out and we call again for a thorough and transparent investigation there be repercussions again let me say this one more time i'll leave it at that i don't have any the i don't have anything more for you on this today last time i'll say this i don't have anything more for you on this today i don't have anything more for you on that when i do i would be
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happy to give it to you. the executive director of the bone paul peace institute told us donald trump needs to tread carefully of the his response will risk alienating a cane at least part. the president is in a very delicate and precarious situation because on the one hand he's tied his mouth to a degree to moderates and some of the crowned prince of saudi arabia so he's going to go over there and he's going to start accusing them of murdering cautionary that he's going to fight his middle east policy in a shambles so he's in a very delicate situation i think it really underscores the toxicity of the u.s. saudi relationships which we may actually see being an ravelled as was. as brett kavanaugh his his first arguments as a u.s. supreme court judge the bitterness and anger of his opponents over his appointment remains as always there for more print takes a look at how it could have a long lasting political repercussions. after
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a great deal of controversy brett kavanaugh has been confirmed on to the u.s. supreme court as a justice now as if all that controversy weren't enough we now have donald trump throwing some fuel onto the fire on behalf of our nation i want to apologize. to bread and the entire kavanagh family for the terrible pain and suffering you have been forced to endure that's after civility disappeared as certain elements just wanted to stop brett kavanaugh in the twitter verse things got particularly ugly a late show writer boasted about having ruined kavanagh's life whatever happens i'm just not bieber and brett kavanaugh and i and furthermore we got a google exactly i had to delete the following tweet you are finished g.o.p. you polish the final nail for your own coffin you all to hell it wasn't just on social media things got pretty nasty in real life with activists harassing senators
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and it turns out that some of them were actually on the clock getting paid while they did it. there were people who are paid by organizations like ultraviolet to to try to harness that energy in a way that would make the viral moments that we ended up seeing on the right wing the favorite buzz word was mob the mob descended on capitol hill they have encouraged mob rule mob rule the room of the mob conservatives utilize the chaos in the capital in order to rally the troops and raise money like after ted cruz got harassed in a restaurant by activists. to be. relieved they're not married. you gave it cruz's campaign says that the viral video boosted support and donations some experts are saying that this mob strategy is backfiring
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their tactics it's hoo ha they in so republicans and so you know if independents even more than the prospect of impeachment those we've used everywhere because he's effective. and other republicans who are running for office are following suit with finding swing votes as it turned off by how cavanagh was treated and we're responding now brett kavanaugh is confirmed he's on the supreme court that confrontation is over and it's starting to look like not only did the democrats lose but they alienated a lot of people in the process. r.t. new york kavanaugh saga has provoked strong reactions all round with plenty of celebrities weighing in to sharing their views that millions of social media follow this in the fans and he looks at how even a simple tweet from the stars can stir things right up. today here to tell you about taylor swift no it's not that i switched to m.t.v. she's out there in the top political headlines because taylor basically just said
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she'd vote for the democrats. this is serious news and one taylor swift fan is disappointed it. well haters are going to shake shake hate hate hate hate hate guys from the right wing cam our ways are sharp now taylor swift is a traitor they're saying but just a little while ago people on the left were telling her off for being too politically lazy not only is the voice of miss with a mighty enough to sway an army of young voters you might well see her let's say out the united nations in a few years we've been there with some other celebs i'm not here as an expert we have failed the writing of. plays let us not fail them again there is no turning
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back it will be more and more up to the likes of oscar or grammy winners to fix trouble around the world like issues with sudan we are here to say it's a very simple food he's with the government in khartoum to stop did we kill you. and children stop raping them and stuff starving them mr clooney actually got detained for that your favorite t.v. or music stars are all over the place with their movements campaigns charities some end up in the news for their political messages more often then for what they're famous in the first place and dammit within a matter of weeks society is not working the way it used to. think me too for a sec sexual abuse has been institutionalized in this country i think women i think survivors i think men are are not going to allow this to continue and we're going
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to take back the house and maybe even the senate some of their efforts might crack you up a bit and what about free stuff about gender equality yeah you know it's linked to how can. we like. i'm so embarrassed right now where they meant to be funny. or. have mexico. but it all seems to be from the bottom of their heart. it's a pretty complicated issue. when the lines between politics and showbiz are blurring for good it seems just look at them. i think you're a great kid and a best friend. back at. your very handsome. very
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nice but if you thank you thank you very much thanks very much we'll see you tomorrow well. you will. brand obama. is that under their. ilk it's only natural that you know who is in charge of the oval office it's fun to make its argument that's just like you're fired you're fired you're fired you're fired you're fired we knew he was. when he walked in. a big tour is about to kick off in the united states starring former first couple the clintons which some are suspect is a precursor to heavy clinton preparing for
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a third shot at the white house. if you're looking to get up close and personal with bill or hillary clinton you're in luck bill and you know if hillary clinton are going on tour thirteen city tour with former president bill clinton former secretary of state hillary clinton. america is great because america is good. the upcoming total wrap up in may twenty nine teams around the time the twenty twenty presidential contenders are expected to start announcing their plans to run
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for the white house. she does not look presidential she doesn't have the stamina stamina tremendous stamina for every job i think about trump my youth allergic. to the basket of deplorable she's guilty is out what was his response. in the one nine hundred seventy s. these come down to i was banned in the usa just like during this period most started using it in martinique until ninety ninety four so the question is why.
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for years we have sworn i am in jail these past decides not one year old who was feeding us on the regional health agency officials knew and no one did not look nation this is very. soon it's not possible to get an estimate of the number of patients who are victims of florida economy will you be the priority is to determine the number of farmers who were working in the banana plantations i don't know hundreds and many of them have died of prostate cancer many have premature babies why did they let french people sleep be to be to take chairs because they contaminate but be let off the same taters to the same period. when one is aware that upon talk just talks like a stone hughes says that is assassination such as model the french state is complicit in this assassination because they will slice the nice talks with.
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the use of the state must take its share of responsibility for this belief must make progress on the path for abrasion and project i hope that collectively we will put our efforts towards zero korda cold and food that's the only thing that makes sense to please the fetus were not wants to facts are there and deleterious then it is unfortunately irreversible shock i expect the culprits to take responsibility and face the consequences. for. the global chemical weapons watchdog the n.p.c. w. is currently holding talks on possible measures and funding that would allow it to apportion blame during its investigations the head of the russian delegation at the a p c w though has slammed the idea and called it a political tactic and this is here is across the story. this is happening at a session of the o.p.c. w. where russia is in fact expressing very strong opposition to the idea of the
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organization for the prohibition of chemical weapons being able to assign blame and point fingers outside of the usual scope that has existed until recently where they investigate the use of chemical weapons so this is something that russia says is in violation of international regulations specifically taking away the poor this parag from the united nations security council which is essentially in charge of dealing and ruling on issues of war and peace here is some more detail from the russian envoy to the o.b. c.w. . we believe that the potential decision on the o.p.c. budget which you cording to the secretary its plan should increase by four million euros is illegitimate it's a direct outcome of the decision taken in june we believe our colleagues are planning to use the money for granting power to the a.p.c. to identify the guilty and we believe that decision should be blocked all of this
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comes at a time when we are seeing a sort of anti russia euphoria and a wave of believe being assigned against russia this has all come up this summer where the u.k. had the initiative to put forward this idea of allowing the o.p.c. w to assign blame as part of its work and we know that eighty two countries out of one hundred ninety three members of the o p c w had supported this idea where twenty four voted against it and twenty six abstained and the russian envoy to the o.p.c. w. also pointed out that according to him the script hall accusations are baseless he talked about how neither the o.p.c. w. nor porton down were able to assign the origin of the novacek being talked about he said that he thinks there is no doubt that poor. down has previously worked and continues to work with not the chalk type agents he's also denied any accusations
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made against russia just last week trying to blame it for attempting to carry out a cyber attack out the o.p.c. w. . a french news agency a.f.p. has found itself being targeted on twitter for publishing swedish environmental research which suggests having one less child could reduce people's carbon footprint it generated a remove sarcastic angry tweets in response. to the news agency distance itself from the research pointing out that it was simply reporting the information of others people in paris shared their thoughts with us about the study. i don't think we should stop having children just for the sake of
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the environment i think it's a rather moronically thing to say that's absurd i think we need to drive less public transportation i find this idea shocking. it's a personal choice and you want to come until you have three kids that's too much you should have just one tool to save the planet that's beyond the pale you can't just tell people hey stop making babies that's enough those who said that must have smoked weed or something and it's not normal. what about our freedom. what kind of country can imagine its future a green future with no kids i mean we might as well all stop breathing and make a green pen it once again but then there would be no more human beings of course this is shocking because i do think that definitely the french love their children they like children and in no way who would be convincing them that they have to reduce their carbon footprint or be more environmentally friendly you know that
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means having less kids i think that's the worst argument that you can you can expose if you want to defend the idea of arming today why is the a.f.p. not talking about pollution in france by major french corporations those are real issues if you want to reduce pollution in france today french people are concerned by the environment but telling them all the sudden that the solution to one of the ideas could be having less children are comparing major countries which are polluting with just friends families having kids is i would resist really say preposterous this makes no sense and i should a he should be quite ashamed of what he did. as a roundup of the news for now i'll be back at the top of the hour with more but first here on out international we're going underground. join me every first week on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to get us all the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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and the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. crossing their fingers to us first a little simple they want to become lost a lantern of wonder glasses on the past but many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides of the refuse to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities the best person asked bank of mom. policy to hold on their hand at best when i get a man on a bus and what that. they have or what are their options to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house all over for the gravels. also be heard with the who can be bribed to do the job of the old since it struggles of many couples won't pull sorry deal with chance of putting food and bills and sparkles more fun
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for a few articles of what do the bulk of the. now imaginary towns in you want you're going on the ground within twenty four hours of us ambassador to the u.n. nikki haley and from as for appearing toward russia and iran of imminent war resign . coming up on the show drum bricks at the n.h.s. the scottish referendum screwballs o.p.c. w. what is there no end to moscow's reach and power in controlling international events and on the world mental health day we speak to disabled people against cuts about why the united nations could again be investigating the u.k. government over universal credit loss on the headlines that top interpol crime boss who got busted and the top breaks it is eco tet i've seen it it's probably all the
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more coming up in today's going underground but first it's ten years this week that u.k. labor prime minister gordon brown infamous for shortchanging the british taxpayer when selling gold has his chancellor alistair darling implement socialism not for the ninety nine percent but for the city of london will always remember the day when i received a call from the chairman of r.b.s. this was the morning that the shares had been suspended not just once but twice by the london stock exchange and he phoned me and he said look we were hemorrhaging money and i said how long can you last and he said well we're going to go bust the softer because millions of others who couldn't make ends meet for them and their families were given no such bail out to this from a chancellor whose boss gordon brown had lavished u.k. taxpayers' money on an arguably illegal war it's something alluded to by jeremy corbyn interviewed on t.v. as brown testified at the inquiry into iraq what we should be talking about is the principles behind the iraq war the process that led up to the invasion and the
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political as well as financial consequences eight point five billion pounds of british money has been spent in iraq already the policies of u.k. labor bailout pm gordon brown there being downed by german corbin speaking to this channel in twenty ten and if anyone thinks austerity is over soon into part two of the show one thing is certain though the u.k. has decided to slash spending on law enforcement officers with twenty thousand fewer police officers and twenty ten this is britain according to tourism in mainstream media has come under concerted attack from the biggest country on a. russia after u.k. failure to overthrow assad of syria russia now stands accused of attempting assassinations ahead of its world cup and hacking everything from the n.h.s. to bricks joining me is what a senior british army intelligence officer philip ingram m.b.e. philip thanks for coming back on first of all straight through the naming by the spelling cat organization of an attempted assassin using our team information unless well yes i understand the culture using r.t.
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as one of their intelligence sources so well done for working for them but you know i think the blink of investigation is a fantastic piece of journalism they've managed to expose the real names of these two individuals and i believe the british intelligence services will ignore them anyway but what they've done is the sure the amount of personal information out there is of it on the internet in league databases and elsewhere individuals whose personal security and their operational security should be protected hugely so i think this is a huge embarrassment to the g.r.u. and to president putin he said british intelligence you presume already were aware why did they not tell the british government so that they could sell to the dispatch board and say both of these people are decorated by putin himself well.


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