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tv   Documentary  RT  October 11, 2018 12:30am-12:53am EDT

12:30 am
that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in saying. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember in one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only boom
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bust. no. there was very eager cultural community it was mostly just cattle and farm on. the beach. you had this small little town called walk herd and then all of a sudden all of these people move in.
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this is crude oil and so they need to actually physically hold it out of the ground you know well well well well well well well well well well. in two thousand and sixteen we had a one billion barrels marco produced oil. said things that need more to cut a streamline phone the whole place the influx of man with a lot of money. before it's current you know just like all the oil field workers came flying you know by now for the boom right along with eighteen in the in the set and got. they work twelve sixteen hours a day you know it's hard work oil workers not easy and so they want to relieve their stress and how do they relieve their stress these men that outweigh these
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many that comfort these many sex. people have been murdered off their people been raped they're massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money. in. the. mornings when the losing go and i am the founder of for her north dakota i'm a victim advocate for those experience exploitation trafficking. when i first arrived to north dakota i had no idea what i was. walking
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into the ratio of men to women when i got here it was one hundred to one so there was one hundred men to every one woman. i've had it happen a couple times but i can remember specifically the first time it happened i went to wal-mart just to get some makeup or something and i was dressed in a turtleneck and boots and i was shocked because these two guys came up to me in the makeup department and said hey do you work the back roads and i was just well i'm a city girl you know so i'm like at the back roads and then i was like oh my gosh he's propositioning me obviously i think that at that time if you were a woman in willesden not married not visibly with another guy they automatically assumed you were here to work in prostitution because that was really the only two. people groups were the local women
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and then those working as strippers or in prostitution. and without waiting which was a total not way. well the. little man's but the other way it's called the other one a man is not a woman at. all. i would say that if you don't make a hundred thousand dollars a year. there is an issue. here to be. the war in the woeful just right to give it the best of the best people almost all of my guys were out so there's no question about it. and then i started up magnus. over two and a half years ago so i invented a couple of products introduced
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a couple of products to the oil field. i got lucky to be honest with you. issue with narcotics and alcohol abuse tell me about these connections between oil prices and the numbers of calls it's seems very clear we look at the prices when there are forty two years ago for a barrel of west texas oil now it's over seventy about seventy fourth today and we see that people are drawn to our area to support the oil industry people who are very busy and want to relax and i do i mean when i'm busy i like to relax also but then they'll jonah will drink too much sometimes and then the drug community comes in and gets methamphetamine and cocaine and other things and that cycle with drinking and the drugs when the people who are used to being busy all the time and they don't have enough time nothings to do in their own time the problems happen.
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i just think mostly pretend i didn't have and they can i mean and it. really starting to get. so it's hard knowing back in play tonight. think about it again you know i mean going to work and so hard to forget that part of my life. you are yeah it's very. pretty. and. i line arrays you run a year i not i can't believe i and then those in the house and. that's i am going to be like mom right now but have fun be twenty three be
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responsible you're working so hard. to know. i had an ex-boyfriend. and he worked on the oil fields and stuff he was working really long hours and so. deal with working those long hours he started doing drugs specifically crystal meth. in order to stay awake and you know continue doing its job and. stuff like. a half an hour. and he took the money. like all by myself in order to go i had nothing to what i had to do to survive you know if you have the choice of sleeping in the cold or doing what you got to do what are you going to do in the middle of all that. getting. one of her very first
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fires was actually a pimp a very prominent in the area that was sending a clear message to her that she couldn't work independent or the way that she was working and that she needed to be under his control and that scared her words or right now. i don't want to talk about him i just i feel like i don't. like i just don't want to talk about. her or. like fresh eighteen year old bubbly. this time that was gone. the light had definitely hit her just people men the post office i mean. just anybody dr is teachers these men that are going out and buying these are all people. and
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nobody knows because it's such a big secret. and without these guys these buyers this wouldn't be happening. without their. and their biggest selfish desires none of this would have. the ability to keep inflation jamie in the bottle is about bringing so we say prices going up across the board while it's just one of them we see interest rates rising at some slice there and we see the dollar eventually cracking and have a catastrophic collapse that's usually inflationary so prices across the board go up that makes that russia saudi arabia venezuela. their oil based economies they all benefit wildly from this emerging market takes the benefit of this and oil and gold gold started to perk up again but going of course would skyrocket two hundred thousand plus. the way to the
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united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. crossing the most. simple they want to become lost. but many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides of the drifter used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities best person asked than. most you know know i've ended up on i guess i'm in a lot of class and i want that. they have a lot of the options to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house. both of you who've got to be. a since it struggles of many couples won't. deal with the push to political spawn who will come all of you out there to appear with multiple.
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was. going to church.
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i would go with the best in. charge of a given country. at least for. anything. where looking for anything a vehicle or looking for any trace of a libya that we can find is very sociable likes to joke around with people and goals spend time with their kids. spend time with her friends. and when she's i mean all through two year old you know. well i was. eleven when i started running away from home and it wasn't out of an act of rebellion it was i had. experienced
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early sexual child abuse by the father figure in my home at thirteen years old i was at school one day and there had been a girl that had i had gone to school with who was a little bit older who everybody knew she had an older boyfriend and she started talking about her boyfriend and how he's just this nice guy and he spoils her and she can get anything she wants from him in he was having a party that night. and she said yeah it's going to be a lot of older people and my boyfriends really cool time in the night was going on and it definitely was older people thirteen i would have to say they were probably thirty's and forty's she came out i mean she said hey you need to go in the bedroom. and i was like why what's up and i just figured it was because they
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were fighting or whatever and and she was still with him and she kept going like go you know get in the room and i thought ok and then i saw the man and hand her boyfriend money so i went in to the room. and. sat on the edge of the bed and it was. darkly lit and. within less than a minute the couple walked in the room it's almost like a dream it's almost like a fog and all i could hear was like his voice instructing his person his lady on what to do and i heard kissed her and by the time she started touching me. i had just so seen it and so. they had sex with me. i couldn't understand why.
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my need for. it was always this it was sex. and. i just remember in that moment kind of how mean of attitude i was late. i was just like well there goes my search for. what's good in the world i guess there's no you know and i would have to say that's living my personality changed from being in the. rule. you know well if i'm in it if i'm that person i might as well be that person. and i was thirteen. i
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remember this from last year the throw in particular road but once i dare you to anything south of here that was all brand new to me. twenty hundred. zero zero he would tell me. and you were. confused. and when i was so drunk i was trying to sober him out you would usually. usually crack open a beer on the way on the way home from work and when you get to where you can wherever you live if you're going to market you just start drinking and then a lot of times we have to take a cab or one of the guys you have a truck there and we would all drive out of there there's a lot of testosterone of bars and was allowed there was a lot of fist fights. and they would just throw wads of cash flow it felt good
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it's not like they were receiving anything fact that are all these things and find her attractive did you know there is nothing that they have to swap in cash and he just wanted to throw it usually only four or five girls in the bar and most of the . products fifty or sixty people everybody was trying to get the same girl thank you very stationery every thirty dollars i was inspired tender. when i first knew him i was true grit i was really addicted to drugs at that time i did a really dark point in my life i worked hard to get me to go to my drugs get ready go to work go home to me it was just a they were thankful. i'm going to sing something that had never a good look at me and. i got to the point where i felt so sad and stranded that i did places that i'm back page. and i went and i went and i didn't post my picture because i was so no one. between melissa.
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but i felt that was my only way is by i could come up with a big chunk of cash really fast and. i guess maybe link there was that little voice inside my head that just say don't don't go through with that and i got you allison . it is and never went through with it but i just never forget having that place in that ad now is late how i got to this point. and it was after that they. just started working harder at regular jobs. i crawled out of the belly of all this and i was. i was i don't think i would have made it in another year if i hadn't met josh and and that's what a parent tells you you are an empowerment laith. i'm sorry most but.
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we're going to see. the reason for that lead doesn't seem all that. late is god when i saw you with my beloved curtain let them think. i was pretty that i would know that i mean you know that's horrible this is really emotional. for. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer it be no and the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found
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innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying who's just knew it was present and that we're even many of the dems families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be. the two going to be for us this is what the forty three of them or can't be good for. i'm interested always in the waters of our. best suit.
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and your own palin not come without a known fact that i am told paul enough. to know more i. will get. him from clinton there is a trade in young girls sold into an underground six. in the street sometimes the people who trust the most. of.
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our headline stories this is real blocks the u.s. students from entering the country over her political views leading worldwide are demanding she be allowed in. claims a number of british fertility doctors are illegally letting couples shews third child gender for a fee sparks a debate between ethics and choice. people really many only want to boy should we be forcing those people to have a go by rejecting the embryo. on the basis of that six and i think that six discrimination. to woman a step closer to space age hell.


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