tv News RT October 11, 2018 5:00am-5:23am EDT
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this headline stories on r.t. international google the good sense for a briefing from the web giant admits it struggled with internet free speech control certain content adding that the likes of facebook and twitter to. israel block so u.s. student from entering the country over her political views is leaving academics worldwide are demanding she be allowed in. claims that a number of british fertility doctors are illegally letting couples choose their gender. for a fee sparks a debate between ethics and choice. people really only want to boy
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should we be forcing those people to have a girl by rejecting. on the basis of six and i think that six discrimination. you know neal good to have your company we will get to those headlines stories in just a moment but first some breaking news to bring you the program the international space station crew which has just launched from the baikonur cosmodrome within the past thirty minutes has been believed to have made an emergency landing just moments after rocket split from the rocket that's what we are getting and also in that program i talked to a cosmonaut and she she hasn't been to. space herself but she's been training for
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years as part of the cause of the team of the russian space agency and she's explained to me that according to again according to the protocol it should be fine i mean the emergency systems in action and then the whole module the whole the whole rocket we just lose gradually lose in the atmosphere and then they will parachute down on somewhere in the next step so if indeed the reports of some emergency situation on board are true then this is what's supposed to happen the russian cosmonaut and american they are supposed to be they will be fine and that's that's what we get a year we're just also getting a lot on this from. and i quote the crew is returning to earth below list stick descent mode teams are working to tain additional information from our russian
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partners yeah that's also what i've been hearing some of these space like you are covering the launch that recovery teams are in the air and on route to the predicted landing location you're talking about that there are a vast large area empty areas you know you wouldn't know exactly where of course this is going to come in but you would expect it to be in an area where hopefully they could get to the recovery teams quite soon quite easily and normally this is like this isn't an emergency in itself i mean searching for a crew because every time a crew is returning from the that's that's what happened in the parachute down on eventually and so now mathematically this should be. should be doable i mean mathematically to predict the trajectory of ballistic landing the way how nasa calls itself the ballistic landing of the crew so it's a vast again as you said it's a vast vast empty air. because the kuzma groom itself the launch pod is located in
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such a part of the world that is mostly empty so the syrian shouldn't be too difficult hopefully just also a line in this the last time there was an in-flight feel your of some sort of a soyuz crew back in one nine hundred seventy five you know more than forty years ago and all the crew landed safely in this case we're hoping that there's a similar situation double quarter our correspondents at the cosmodrome is joining us live and again don where we've just been piecing together some of the information some of the lines on this of course very difficult so soon after something this happens how have you discovered anything else what are we learning. well actually as you said about nasa contacting you about the emergency landing that was the latest news i heard from myself if you saw the live coverage we had of
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the blastoff before it seemed as though everything was fine the rocket blasted off it got into the atmosphere and the only thing with out of the ordinary was that there were reports within the tourists in the crowd that they were hearing a sound afterwards as the similar sounds to that which the rocket made while it was blasting off now that's that's only what people were talking about we don't have any confirmation but we'll of course bring you the any new details we hear here right back to you in moscow. live so when thank you thank you for that yeah it's a difficult getting those lines trying to verify what is what we are i have to say about the cosmos and also they are coming up with a lot of information on their twitter feeds and not trying to keep suppressed of what is happening. to the office here in this huge joining me as well of course just keeping an eye on this you're doing what i'm doing you're looking at the latest. feed all known this another lying just came in which may be significant
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tell us more about the yeah so apparently the already know at least that's what seems to be the case they already know the the approximate location of where the crew supposed to land so the emergency services the rescue services are already en route to the location and again for those who are just tuning in the procedure is. since it's an emergency situation the soyuz rocket has a special module that is designed for this very exact type of situations that is responsible for the emergency room of the crew so they will gradually as i've been explained they will gradually lose them gradually lose speed lose the velocity in the atmosphere and ballistically kind so it will be a ballistic descent that's what nasa he's calling it they will they will parachute down on shouldn't be too different from what space crews experience when they
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return from the i assess so that's what we're getting so this is the latest there is safe side one of the aspects of this we were talking about in the lead up to this is that the russian cosmonaut of chinon. is a scientist he was going up there with very lofty. ideals experiments in mind as well for trying to get tissue created on a three d. printer an incredible movement inside and start. in fact just before we speak in the doll quarter. r.t. correspondent who we've been crossing live to try to get a little bit more information although it is difficult on the ground there i suspect don what more do we know. well we just got confirmation from nasa t.v. that they. have commute they they've been in communication with the cars not in the
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astronaut they've landed in kazakstan and they're they're ok they're alive and emergency basically emergency forces are on the way it's it's said to take about ninety minutes for them to reach them but the point is that nasa says they know where they are they're safe and that they can get to them within ninety minutes ok and that's the latest line just. we will be crossing back to get more information on this and perhaps you you get it as well. also hearing again these are reports unfaithfully we can say this is that there are no reports of injuries to my crew as they descended to the kazakh step. igor that is of course what we were waiting for just confirmation that they were all right before the investigation before everything else comes after that these reports though. mr lexy of chinon. this
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seemed to be ok they seem to be ok also we're getting other reports the well indeed that the they are fine at least they're alive. people on earth actually talked with the crew on board of that so use rocket during their descent so they were constantly communicating with them and they actually watched them parachuting down again these are reports just as the funk that the apparently have already landed and again saying that it will take roughly an hour and a half like around ninety minutes for the crews for the rescue crews to get to the location of their descent so. just just into sorry you go but just what we're seeing here was in fact the moment when the transmission went let's see if we can have another look so this everything at this case was ok we had communication with the crew on board and then all of a sudden yet this. but this is the picture that you have got of growing control.
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you know no communication between the two terrifying moments for the families for anybody involved months of preparation for this to go into launch let's just confirm i get as much as we can if you're getting information you bring it to me as well i'm just looking at i'm just looking at the lines here from varying sources saying that the crew is daryn in the step no injuries as of now i would like to get verification on not of course that is just a number of sources that i'm reading a lot but that's the most terrifying aspect of all this you know well according to the authorities for me eight helicopters actually searching the area around the area and they are looking for the crew and indeed you you bring up a very valid point that for families this is a horrifying and absolutely saw crushing moment the life yes their life we are preparing for the program for the forty fifty minute program that we. in russia now
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online just before and during the launch we talked to the mother of the russian cosmonaut and his wife and obviously it was one it was a very touching it was a very touching point conversation that he talked about how they of course they're proud of the world of her son and of her. husband respectively while they're very very proud every time the they're very nervous and of course the biting on their nails every time the have to go to space again for an elective gene in. his second time to go to he's traveling to orbit so of course for. the emotions there is relieving right now it's really indescribable well that's the that's the thing is that when the launch goes off and you see it helping the pictures we've just been looking at our screen you just of course hope for the best. trying to get into some kind of contact with people as soon as you
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can. grit kind of relationship between these two i've just been reading about what they've been saying about each other of chinon said. that it was very easy to train with him and i think it's going to be just the same in flight and that was responded to alexi he is rock solid or temperaments mesh well together where both a little bit on the silent side but we see things the same way as well also he goes on to talk about simulator training saying that russian instructors through every failure they can think of us which you would expect to be the best possible kind of training for what happened today also while talking to the cosmonaut preparing for the first flight she knows of chinon in fact they share a common interest the play ping pong together because it's part of their training actually and. she described it to me. as
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a true russian warrior like. it was no one this is a direct quote from imagine that this you know kind of almost typical russian of fighting in the best sense of the word of course so he's a fighter and so he has been prepared for this hopefully he's taking it well he knows what to do after all he's the captain of the mission he's the captain of the sole use rocket he's the he's flying in the rank of the commander so it's his kools his decisions and so it's all up to him right now and so he's a man with experience so hopefully knows what to do of course he knows what to do but hopefully he i'm sure he's keeping himself in control and everything hopefully will be fine just tell us in a moment as well we're going to go to double quarter go live to the cosmodrome where the soyuz went off but just tell us in a moment why it's a two man crew not a usual three month queue that. an interesting aspect as well the old quarter as we
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say is alive there has just been taking in developments on the ground you know not very far away of course from where the soyuz craft took off and what is the what is the latest you have done. well here on the ground i recall it goes don of talking about the scrambling of helicopters and we did indeed hear helicopters sounds around this area and we could it's possible to say that those are some of the helicopters that either was talking about another thing we saw what looks to be a military vehicle driving around behind us as well as perhaps communications equipment that was that was obviously active but just to reiterate. reports are suggesting that the cause may not and the astronaut landed in kazakstan without injury they're both alive and emergency services are already scrambled to go get
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them and reports say that they were there to take ninety minutes from when they were scrambled to reach both cosmonaut aleksei chinon and astronaut nick haig now. so what the problem was of course as we talked about before some sort of engine problem on the on the rocket and if you were watching our life feed of the launch before it it seemed as if everything was fine the rocket went up into the sky everything went according to plan but something that some of the people in the crowd remember that that i remember noticing was that they they recalled a sound that they likens to basically the sound of the rocket going into the sky they says several people said that they heard that sound several maybe a minute or half a minute after so we don't know if that's you know basically them coming back into
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orbit or into the atmosphere but it's it's what people were talking about so basically the main thing is that reports are suggesting that they're alive not injured and emergency services are on the way we'll give you any updates as they come ok don quarter life. thanks very much for like giving us a firsthand picture of really what he experienced there within the past thirty minutes or so when the launch went off just another line on this before we go to a guest on the program according to reports nothing again i stress these are reports nasa t.v. is reporting that the crew is in good condition and are in touch with the rescue teams igor good news this is good news and also another reports we're getting here is that apparently the whole program of man to fly cargo flights flying out of russia will be reviewed this is a source this is the report we're getting on news wires ok well let's go now to
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our guest on the program. murat c. director of perl a geo wine who. got a lot of background in the space program just wondering if you can hear me at the moment. can you hear me. ok we're on the about a second yeah there we go we've got welcome to the program thanks so much for coming on a short notice in what is a very topsy turvy situation here at the moment how do you think what what is unfolding right now is going to perhaps affect the space program it's been over forty years since we saw something like this with soyuz how long could it get to to get this mission to the.
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i'm not sure that that's a question to me i'm here to speak about something else that might there might be confusion i'm not here to speak about the space program i apologize for that sometimes our wires do get cross when there is a live brick building but do you. you know that when you give your i personally you know but i'm certainly not i'm not a space expert thank you very much as we all are just with just with a lot of interest into how this develops you know thank you for that for now but let's just recap our breaking news here in our international. kroft going to the international space station around forty five minutes ago. some trouble we do know that a rocket malfunction during blast off forced a two month crew to bore its they had to make an emergency landing according to nasa t.v. that the crew is in good condition in touch with rescue teams that is a report from nasa t.v.
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would verify that the moment his mission crew in houston confirmed that the crew would be attempting a ballistic entry which they seem to of the rescue teams are heading to the location they're expected to be around an hour away right now any signs or of any updates and we will of course bring you up to date with the two man crew or russian commander alexi of chinon and u.s. flight engineer tyler hague i'm also joined in the suit by. don off who has been following developments has been following the launch as well the last few hours i mean fooling following. actually looking at the latest and apparently the director of the russian space agency has confirmed the crew is back on. the crew is alive and well we're not sure no information on the injuries but even if they are injured in any way does not see those significant wounds so
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just once again i want to stress this is coming from the director from the head of the russian space agency that the crew is back on alive and the rescue teams are indeed there will their search. the area. you should be approaching the crew right now as we speak there are four helicopters in the air getting to the crew so this is this is important now just to recap the launch how it happened because follow the beginning to and it seemed that everything was going fine until the force of the modules split from the rocket because we could overhear we could hear all the communications between the earth the people on earth and the crew inside the rocket and everything we could hear like everything's fine all systems normal about sort of all that sort of talk and apparently right before this second
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more jewel was supposed to to split or around that time some emergency situation happened this second module engines the shut down and the whole rocket went into the mode of the ballistic descent this is what this is what they call it the procedure is there's a special module built in the rocket that is responsible for this descent so they just parachuted down and earth and now we do know that they are on they are doing fine they are well and hopefully rescue teams will be getting to the crew very shortly let's put the very point because it is a very timely one to pass on the program. director of public whine a risk analysis consultancy that also a specializes on the space industry a welcome to the program i suppose just as our correspondent was explaining their cruise mission control there prepare for emergencies like this but what kind of
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effect do you think this could have on the monday launches which are slated in the next few months because it does go very much into the for things like this a lot of planning. very very adjusting to this launch. the big lesson with the engine is and i say they need to really assess what happened with this launch and why it fell and how they can prevent this from happening in the future no doubt that tests will be made to make sure this won't happen again if you don't ask a lot of pressure i believe on us to make sure things like this don't happen given that there it was a manned it was a manned action which couldn't risk life so this is something that needs to be taken into consideration many other space agencies will learn from this as well to make sure this happens to them so it's yet to be seen what actually happened what the thoughts were but as soon as they uncover that i think we'll be in a much better position at some of the launch just give us the overall picture here
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just how dangerous and delicate. an operation are such launches shall want you dealing with many different factors that all happening together engineers need to make sure that all that will come up with a working incision with each other to make sure this is the whole mission if not worst case scenario we could see if we can see it out of the structure we can see it in some confidence in knots and in space this is in the future best case scenario where they come back safely and. the outer space is something that. u.s. want to promote they want to make sure they do more of these launches to be successful not a space so every propulsion needs to be taken seriously to make sure no serious damage is done. it is known.
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