tv News RT October 11, 2018 11:00am-11:25am EDT
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rather a violation of safety rules cause the soyuz to crash land here is a timeline of how it happened about six hours ago this all kicked off. to land somewhere in northern tacet stand around seven hundred kilometers away from the baikonur launch site and there you can see the village people from a nearby village took videos there's pictures on our website let's take a look at our timeline on it and take a closer look at what happened. when
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now right behind me is located what's called the cause minot hotel and that's where three weeks before the. launch caused an astronaut we're staying in their final weeks before their six month stay what was supposed to be their six month stay on the i assess there was and it's also where we saw the team off as well as other cosmopolitan astronauts that were considered back up we saw them leave from this hotel on buses to leave straight to the launch site now right now the you know the cost not an astronaut nick ache and alex a change in their located in the hospital there find they're doing great they're still alive but they just want to put them in the hospital to make double sure that everything's ok and so we're going to have to see what's going to come out of that some people are saying they're. perhaps poised to be sent to moscow but we'll bring you updates as they come. well actually we're going to check out what's on your
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moscow next thanks for the update there bring us up to speed as you witnessed your and over in kazakhstan well meantime as he will go to moscow where those involved have had a real shaken experience but thankfully we think come out the other end of it just fine it's hard to imagine what family and friends of the crew have been going through some of the relatives already met with the cosmonauts where others are still waiting done the whole kit is a place called cities the basically world this is controlled. just spoke what thirty kilometers outside moscow is the law that is and it was basically mission control here. yeah that's right kevin this is where mission control is located where teams of engineers and commanders monitor the whole process of the launch many hundreds thousands of miles away in kazakhstan and baikonur where. dawn was just reporting that these incidents of course saw a very rare mention the first one in decades but when they do happen it of course
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causes a great deal of distress for family and friends and of course makes headlines very much as well nobody that i went to. three. cosmonauts astronauts inside such capsules heading towards the. only two forty three year old nick cave the nasa astronauts are colonel in the u.s. air force this was meant to be his first flight into space his maiden voyage and waterflood turned out to be the forty seven year old alexei of chin in a tenant colonel result of the colonel in the russian air force this was his second flight he was the commander in this case now as don mentioned the two space space men have been recovered by rescue teams they are in good health in baikonur having their blood pressure their pulse etc monitored in hospital after that very rapid descent the large amount of g. force they experience their awareness stand aleck's of should and has already met
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his mother in balkan or after you came down he hugged her with great relief obviously a great deal of worry for the family of their family also here at the space training center the command center waiting for the cosmonauts return expected late today or tomorrow morning or early afternoon from kazakstan i would manage to speak to suhaila exception in his wife earlier who expressed great relief at husband coming home safe and sound. i watched the launch on t.v. and then i got the news from my neighbors so you can understand my feelings at the time it was hard but the support of the team my friends my relatives they supported me so much you can be ready for that cosmonauts are prepared they get trained but the wives just stay down here in warri after an hour and a half i was able to talk to him he called and said that he was ok and we're going
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to see each other soon of course this is somewhat of a miracle but i want to see think you to the rescue team who designed the scape system. thanks to that the crew returned to life and not injured. but. second slides of course there are four legs and i'm first flight of the months of the year for nick clegg the nasa astronaut he was selected for this mission back in twenty third t.v. on the when it is two years of training before officially being given the go ahead for this flight this unclear when he'll be able to go and swore bit of to this accident nevertheless it certainly hasn't dampened his dampen his spirits this is a mission that he was really intent on completing his what he had to say. i think that i think i'm most looking forward to it is just experiencing my own adaptation to space i'm going to go up there and i'm going to float for six months my feet won't need to touch the ground they'll be all kinds of kids
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a logical changes that are going to happen to my body and i'm going to adapt to that environment there is also going to be every day something that surprises me i just want to try to absorb as much of it as i can and i've heard lots of astronauts and cosmonauts come back from space and say that the way you describe it never does it justice photos never capture the true colors of their so i just want to try to absorb it as much as i can looking at that window for the first time and just soak it all in. now we are waiting for information as to exactly when. and we'll return to mission control here to the space training center we understand it might be very late tonight or could be early afternoon tomorrow as well i think it all depends of course on the monitoring of their health on the beginning of the investigation as to what exactly happened that to cause this accident nevertheless
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family and friends are waiting here for them with open arms when they do return and will give you any updates of course as they come in as to when those astronauts to come back yeah all right dan thanks for that update from moscow star city there the coordination center where the head of the russian space agency is held the coordinated actions earlier of the international rescue to help the crew survive what could have turned in so easily to a potential catastrophe but didn't. use of words we really appreciate the actions of the group they remained absolutely who had it i've heard conversations between the operators they stayed very professional and who had to all together their actions have to have to ending the other conclusions will be late in. space law professor friends vonda dunc told us the highly trained crew knew exactly how to handle the situation. imagine that it's not so much the psychological shock because these people are extraordinarily well trained including you know being clear headed
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at the moment of danger and if you go back in history many astronauts and call small set say stranger situations and usually they're absolutely on top of their game in terms of being able to handle that psychologically speaking both during the event and off towards i find it unlikely that something there has gone wrong but certainly in orange face is something where as an astronaut or across the hall you don't have too much control over it's basically got ground control which is taking care of that part of the flight and then usually only off the separation so you have the actual commom there being able to take over and to to to recalibrate all the instruments to make sure that they're still in the right path and stuff like that and if necessary adjust the trajectory a little bit in order to make sure that they you know arrive at the space station at the right moment at the right place and at the right speed and all that kind of stuff. because he's cooperated with the u.s.
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and america when it comes to a soyuz and getting people up to the s.s. and goods the space agency's issued a statement on today's incident is the flight engineer is american nasa says it's more to trim the situation carefully adding that nasser is working closely with roscoe small says he put it to ensure the safety of the crew. well we're going to continue following the reaction to this big story and what may have caused that rocket to function as it did over the coming hours over the coming days r.t. dot com as well of course if you want more on that as well coming up some more of the day's news after a break a leg google briefing gives a glimpse of how far censorship could go take a look at that and more coming up. i've
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been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes have been each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long to the bridge each week six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and that point rose to twenty thousand dollars . china's building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is what one does that shows you can't afford to miss the one and only.
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this is us international. news away from what's happened in kazakhstan today and the launch when it comes to policing the web seems google thinks it knows what's best for us a link to company briefing called the good sense outlines how it more of the internet space including the facebook and twitter a grappling with how they sense a content these days and that is done for our own good if we're trying to reports. free speech on the web. ok google will you click like or is it a dislike i'm literally asking their bosses right now there is no way they'd turn their back on the solemn right for freedom of speech you'd think well some of what the guys at google have been busy with lately has been leaked.
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the report with a bunch of guidelines at the end is called good sense or get it they're really discussing censorship for our own good and point out that the concept of free internet i mean the online world as we've known it is utopian white why one of the reasons is the popularity of a german opposition party alternative for germany and pretty much the whole ride gig once controversial voices have been voted by like minded individuals and making their way offline so google is a platform for everyone could be a utopia too now the trend is to create what they call well order spaces for safety and civility with little regard for free speech. in which people are starting to realize that private companies control whether or not their speech stays up or comes down the report comes with a few visuals this one tells you that tech giants used to be neutral and now
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they've shifted to being politicized editors and publishers well you asked ford you didn't yes you did it's all in the report governments would also love tech giants to get more responsible among other winners advertisers who'd be protected from anything controversial you post with a flag any of my stuff is controversial i haven't posted much since my college days how far as the next web evolution step when users will be told what to post keep reading their. report and you'll see it coming companies should put their foot down when it comes to users this is the type of speech we would like to see here and you are part of a community when you join us google bosses once promised to come up with a way to make politics better just after mr trump made himself mr president i certainly find the selection deeply offensive and i know many of you do too i think
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it's worth be very vigilant on thinking about all these issues what can we do to lead to maybe a better quality of governance decision making and so forth we had our tea wrote an official ok google request on the report they didn't confirm or deny the document existed but gave an update on their commitments committed to free expression supporting the free flow of ideas is cool to our mission. well we have developed our own content policies we enforce and a politically neutral way and so seven out of ten americans think tech giants do censor political views hate good sense or google they're just not buying it i'm not surprised at all this is pretty much confirmation for many of us who have been talking about google consistently engage in this intercept of conservative viewpoints the piece the document that was released to pretty much outlines it all
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is a lot of opinion in there things that they consider to be are right extremist are simply just normal things that average people talk about a lie but you see the political by states in google they say one thing publicly but obviously they do different things privately is all about who is given a platform who's allowed to be heard and those that are heard are the minority and they're giving they're given loud voices by google facebook twitter because google facebook twitter agree with their particular points of view therefore they will be the ones that are hurt. political terrorism antidemocratic that's how u.s. base jewish groups and palestinian officials are describing israel's treatment of an american student of palestinian descent. and arrived in tel aviv a week ago with a valid visa but was held on arrival after being accused of anti israel sentiment
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is a middle east correspondent paula slayers. this is the closest we can get with a camera shooting going into the international airport which is just behind me for more than a week a twenty children old american students are all for the same has been held here share arrived with a valid student visa but was stopped up border guards and asked if she had if it even a member of the boycott disinvestment and sanctions movement the media is now she said she hadn't but according to israel's strategic to face ministry she was an active member and because of this in line with and his rating board was inactive last year she has been misused and treat that goal states that any foreigners who topically and knowingly participate in boycotts against israel can be refused entry and there are already fifteen people who have been denied entry under the saddle along with filed an appeal in the israeli judicial system but the court ruled that who refuse all of entry was valid she then followed a second appeal and the israel district court is due to begin hearing this on
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thursday these raids have repeatedly stated that she is not being detained and is free to return to the united states at any time she could fly back to the united states whenever she likes she decided to appeal and has been held in the facility for those refused and three the longest says not only was she not a member of the b.d.s. she would not have applied to study that in this rain if it did make institution if she was she's also promised not to do so in future now out of the israeli university people would do that where i wanted to she was supposed to study a mosque just a green in human rights has also come out in support of her and a number of universities kids have written the letter to the strategic ministry saying that if they default to open fainted from entering this would only bode make it to be for the country the issue again highlights the ongoing discussion over how israel handles critics against
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a sort of altie. site television. well the u.s. says it is aware of laura's case that it values freedom of expression but that it's for israel to decide on who to let into that country law professor alan harrell from jerusalem's hebrew university told us israel jeopardizing its international relations produces improper use of the poles of the meanest this case of these homes could do no. very seriously it will not register to israel universities because if they participate to the end of the demonstration or if they did this or if they do this there will have to reconsider the decision to come here and then on the top of many people find it so oh there will stop cooperating with israel because they want to cooperate with a country that would meet the. free exchange of ideas we this is a very destructive it's rejected you know and i think it's really economics of this case. two very extreme events including
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a straight to the decisions being awfully. final four for the policy and inspirational quotes for the most people of the social media timelines if you've got the time for it but choose your words wisely one problem at nasa astronauts learned that lesson the hard way after referencing british wartime prime minister the great winston churchill in a tweet and apologizing for his apparent offense only seem to make the matter worse as more goes if explains. scott kelly he's one of the few men whose name rings beyond our planet the u.n. champion for space a man who has in lightened thousands and through his fascinating experiments his charisma his achievements helped keep humanity's passion with space alive so imagine his surprise when he quotes winston churchill about the need to be kind forgiving when you win and is virtually stampeded with objection and criticism.
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churchill forgot to reflect on his decision to ignore india's plight in fighting the famine during his administration causing millions of indians to die on the street while stealing their grains and supplied it to british armies. he was a mass murderer of the records of the bangle family where his policies and decisions looked to have millions due to disease churchill was a mass murderer and the racist card scott kelly apologized and promised to do better did not mean to offend by quoting churchill my apologies i will go and educate myself further on his atrocities and racist views which i do not support my point was we need to come together as one nation you'd think that would have ended it but no what a time we live in now it was the british press the british people who were upset angry and raged how they're here apologize for quoting one of the greatest brits
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to have ever lived strange days make no mistake winston churchill who saved his nation his people from the depredations of hitler is now too controversial to quote . in europe day. tomorrow. in europe. but what if scott kelly self years entertained and educated so many what he has done to make him a hero. because my next guess is rocket man scott kelly captain scott kelly. today i want to demonstrate what happens when you cry and. how much more learned from life has to face. where does all of this leave
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scott kelly he posted his tweet a singularly divisive anniversary for america it's the sky every called columbus day by some indigenous peoples day by others where barack obama spoke of the. heat of splice it trumps been silent on it in these times are there any angels left was mother to raise a saint for her selfless charity or an abomination for her views on abortion was j.f.k. an icon of american presidency or and the moral womanizer worse than trump or is it something else we have created an atmosphere where discussion is impossible where every debate is so heated so will move tional so hateful that no one can agree that says a lot more about us in the present and it does about them in the past
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as a thought when this bulletin or much the way some of the world's looking so far this thursday the eleventh of october calls for the big story of the day that aborted soyuz mission to the i assess that dramatically ended but at least the astronauts made it back down there were not too much the worse for the experience we brought you exclusive pictures if you want to follow this story r.t. dot com and make sure to download our free up as well for all the headlines as they happen straight to your mobile device. it was very eager cultural community it was mostly just cattle and farmland.
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