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tv   News  RT  October 11, 2018 8:00pm-8:27pm EDT

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those. of you out those of you are. in one of the most serious space incidents in years a russian soyuz rocket failure forces a two man crew to abort their launch and for the international space station as their capsule crashes back down to earth. all right. good russian cosmonaut. and american astronaut nick pagan both arrive back where they did the journey started in kazakhstan biking or after their near death experience and it's been a real emotional roller coaster for relatives as some have already embraced their loved ones again while other family members are left waiting talks exclusively to the wife of the russian cosmonaut about her tough experience.
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they get trained but the wife just stay down here in the. broadcast. this is our international thomas certainly glad to have you with us. all right we continue our coverage of thursday's big story in kazakhstan where american and russian astronauts have escaped tragedy and their launch for the international space station in iraq and malfunction on the soyuz vehicle forced of the two man crew to abort their mission just minutes after takeoff and the emergency landing left spectators and families in total shock.
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all right unless you did a lot of. what you were doing it was and we have a tower for the sleaze now jettisoned russia's investigative committee says that they are looking into whether a violation of safety rules caused the saudis mishap we can take you through the failed mission using actual footage and animation here's what happened. to the touch. to.
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the scientists will you take the place of the international space station on the cake. please and you can. touch it. earlier the crew landed back at the baikonur cosmodrome where their dramatic journey all started to add two forty pm local time not later they will be
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transported to the cosmonaut training center in star city outside of moscow and if you thought things were going horribly wrong at nine kilometers above the earth would cause a panic apparently not for this commander. right i see that s. . six d. i see. some of it. the crew members remain under medical surveillance and they are wrestling up and well they're due to arrive back in moscow on friday or tuesday on the quarter reports from baikonur on the day's events. i'm standing here right now in baikonur cassock stand where earlier today cause may not alex a change in an astronaut nick cake had to make an emergency landing outside of the site use am s ten rocket launch that was supposed to make it into the eye assess
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now there was some trouble with the rocket and they had to make an emergency capsule landing a military parachute was deployed and emergency services arrived at the scene within ninety minutes of their landing and let's take a look at the timeline of events that led up to this. forward for the first.
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we were at the launch site doing live coverage of so i use m s tens blast off into the cosmos earlier today and at the beginning things seemed according to plan we saw the rocket go into the sky the tourists that were. watching friends and family other journalists they were taking pictures smiling clapping congratulating the crew on their successful blast off into the sky but then we started getting signs and unconfirmed reports that something was wrong for something that hasn't happened in over thirty years it's really a miracle that these two came out on injured and alive donald corridor r.t. baikonur we heard earlier from dr david brown who works at the european space
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agency's plato mission he told us the crew had a very lucky escape the g. forces they experienced significantly higher than than usual for launch or re-entry because of the trajectory they had to type it can force clubs away from logan because temporary blackouts. there are a lot of quite severe consequences so given the conditions in the capsule it's possible that they could do they could have come out of this much worse than they did i think we should all be very thankful. these systems which have been designed for just this eventuality have worked exactly as they've been designed to do you are right there is no such thing as routine space travel and while those involved have had a harrowing experience it is hard to imagine what family and friends of the crew have been going through some of the relatives have already met with the astronauts
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and cosmonauts while others are still waiting artie's daniel hawkins is at star city for us where the crew will eventually return. name student we've seen today is of course of the last one took place in nine hundred eighty s. some sort of emergency landing which put lives at risk nevertheless when it does happen that obviously hits the headlines it becomes the top story of the day and it's also of course extremely stressful and tough for the families who are waiting hundreds of miles down below for but all clear there was only three cosmonauts and astronauts in such a launch is going up to the i.s.a.'s today those only two alexi of the russian cosmonaut forty seven years old a left turn and colonel in the air force reserve this was his second flight into space or rather second attempted flight into space and forty three year old nick cage american astronaut with nasa he's a colonel in the u.s. air force this was meant to be his maiden flight and what
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a flight it turned out to be one to stand there in good health they're having their vital signs monitored in a hospital in kazakhstan a lexer of should and has already met his mother who was a white noise he was pictured hugging her earlier we managed to catch up with his wife who is here waiting at the space center for the eventual cause of all survival . i watched the launch on t.v. and then i got the news from my neighbors so you can understand my feelings at the time it was hard but the support of the team my friends my relatives they supported me so much you can be ready for that cosmonauts are prepared they get trained but the wives just stay down here in warri after an hour and a half i was able to talk to him he called and said that he was ok and we're going to see each other soon of course this is somewhat of a miracle but i want to say think you to the rescue team who designed the scape system thanks to that the crew returned alive and not injured. well we're about
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thirty five kilometers as we said outside moscow what star city here this is where the cosmonauts and astronauts will. a royal from kazakhstan it's about three and off four hours flight from there once they leave the assessment center once the medics upset them over and declare them fit to come back here their family families all waiting here i will give you any updates of course as they come in on those astronauts cosmonauts condition as and when they land back in moscow we spoke to leroy chiao a retired at nasa astronaut and international space station commander he went through what could have caused the failure and the experience for those on board. i think you are to a space station aboard so you struck it myself came back in this one capsule on my fourth mission and so you know kind of brought me back to what it's like being in that vehicle and imagining going through this kind of an emergency aboard because
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you heard transmissions the crew was very calm first of special and they did everything check right and so first and foremost of course we're all very pleased that the crew is safe and hopefully there will be one the way to the landing site and now it's just a matter of investigation in term of what happened what corrective action came in recertifying each a launch. even though it's early to speculate based on what i saw on the replays of the launch coverage right after the four strap on booster separated there seem to be more debris coming off suggesting perhaps that one or more of the strap ons may have hung up and may have caused some kind of a structural damage to the core and then as soon as you heard soon there after the it war was declared and. the crew was instructed to use the hand controller to engage the ballistic mode. in
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a case of this ballistic mantra you don't know where you're going because you know you didn't predict when you're going to have a problem have to abort and so that's why you just go into the spin mode this ballistic mode and you just take what you get you generally know the circle about where you're going to land and they kind of have some helicopters staged along the way for this kind of contingency and that's why the helicopters were able to get them pretty quickly and get them out of the capsule. for space exploration has ended in tragedy on a number of occasions over the years some with deadly consequences in one thousand nine hundred sixty seven technical problems during the landing of the so used one spacecraft resulted in the death of the only cosmonaut on board four years later soyuz eleven and three crew members were killed when their council depressurized astronauts had a fortunate escape in one thousand nine hundred five when their launch vehicle malfunctioned all of those involved survived nine hundred eighty six was
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particularly tragic with all seven crew members on board the challenger space craft to dying after an explosion and in two thousand and three the space shuttle columbia broke apart during reentry killing all seven astronauts on board. the risks of spaceflight have been made all the more evident today but earlier my colleagues kevin owen and we got a ton of went over the possible faults of the incident in baikonur and what probably saved the lives of crew members on board the design goes all the way back to nine hundred fifty seven that was the first prototype kind of working thing of a rocket that moved the first satellite man made satellite into space a groundbreaking event then through several iterations it became the way it is right now the current version of it was introduced back in two thousand and one and this is nothing like the original it's changed it is it has changed quite a bit for example of the space the urgency module that saved the lives of the of
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those two men today was introduced only nineteen sixty seven i think so ten years after the initial design no before that there was no escape known and the first man you're a good guy in fly you fly it when he flew into space there was no way back for him so the emergency rescue system detaches fires of the rocket moves the crew as far away from the rocket as possible starts the ballistic descent on earth then it detaches itself from the capsule and the parachute opens. it opens and well that's how it sort of forces they hit the ground with when they when they get down it's no different from landing when they return from the ice as but during the old flight nasa told us the experienced g. force of the round six or seven which is more than twice the norm but still as we've been explained as we've been explained by the as we've been explained by the
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former cosmonaut here it's nothing special really so it's not out of the ordinary so to speak because they are trained for this sort of this sort of you can even look remarkably well. now says that representative said the u.s. space agency will launch its own investigation into the rocket failure but stressed that it will be in close cooperation with russia. with regard to the investigation when you look back at the history of of failures on the russian side we always work side by side closely with the russians as they perform their investigation they give us the insight we need in order to to to be able to go through our own process here owns readiness review process that that culminates with a flight readiness review. retired russian cosmonaut alexander canning gave us his expertise on. that. when a launch vehicle lifts off the forces about three to three point five g. that's not too hard to handle when the emergency safety system kicks in it could
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increase to seven g.'s but that isn't too intense for a human we're prepared for about eight g.'s or even more. talking about how they felt at the beginning the forces continue and then after one hundred twenty seconds the boosters broke at that moment they experiencing gravity most likely in a second or two the emergency engine start working that's when the force increases rapidly the rest of it is quite routine a spacecraft is divided into modules and a casual land using its parachutes everything is pretty much automated the commander may not be in control of decisions he may not realize what's just happened as soon as something happens with the launch vehicle and it's a dangerous device it can explode at any time but automatic systems are reliable and can save the crew it's unacceptable to wait for human reaction to respond in this way the main rockets life in this case ended the moment the emergency system
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started its fall and it hasn't gone up enough to burn into the atmosphere when the boosters are being separated there are two possible options the first stage boosters either have been detached to talk or have to attach to and hit the second stage boosters i'd say the first scenario is more likely in this case they can proceed with their mission. hillary clinton says civility can only return when the democrats are back in power former obama a.g. eric holder has coined a new phrase when they go low we kick them without
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a doubt both statements can be dismissed as political banter as the midterms loom but it would seem no one can claim much virtue and civility in this environment. it's been too many times when i'm seein. cities but close. since the. terrorists you know it. said billions has been terrible really a more. than i was a few months back and the deal was a glimmer of hope in all of this.
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are welcome back to starting international now some other news around the world this hour when it comes to policing the web google thinks it knows what's best for us elite company briefing called the good censor outlines how it and other internet giants including facebook and twitter are grappling with how they sense or content and that it's done for our own good artes comments free speech on the web. ok google will you click like or is it a dislike i'm literally asking their bosses right now there is no way they'd turn their back on the solemn right for freedom of speech you'd think well some of what the guys at google have been busy with lately has been leaked. the report with a bunch of guidelines at the end is called good sense or get it they're really
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discussing censorship for our own good and point out that the concept of free internet i mean the online world as we've known it is utopian white why one of the reasons is the popularity of a german opposition party alternative for germany and pretty much the whole ride gig once controversial voices have been emboldened by like minded individuals and making their way offline so google is a platform for everyone could be a utopia too now the trend is to create what they call well order spaces for safety and civility with little regard for free speech. in which people are starting to realize that private companies control whether or not their speech stays up or comes down their report comes with a few visuals this one tells you that tech giants used to be neutral and now they've shifted to being politicized editors and publishers well you asked ford you
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didn't yes you did it's all in the report governments would also love tech giants to get more responsible among other winners advertisers who'd be protected from anything controversial you post with a flag any of my stuff is controversial i haven't posted much since my college days how far as the next web evolution step when users will be told really don't think anything is going nothing is going to happen that maybe people will be calling for something to happen nothing is going to happen. that does it for me i will be back in just under thirty five minutes of full of two news washington channels.
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what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. more some want to. have to do like to be for us that's what i'm up for three of them or ten people that i'm interested in always in the waters of our. city. when a loved one is murdered it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would
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prefer it be when the death penalty just because they think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying lose just the present and that we want even many victims' families want the death penalty to be abolished the research the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. we've been through this this isn't the way.
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this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance and the impact upon all of us i'm part children in washington thank you for being the board we appreciate it coming up today as markets around the world are reeling from yesterday and today's terrible tumbles we are joined by professor of economics america's at the university of massachusetts ambers richard roth to discuss and will ask him what and when will the next for i could financial crisis occur some say it may be starting now and there's more big media news as a fresh streaming service is just been announced and newsweek the iconic magazine is involved in an alleged fraud veteran media consultant host of the big picture here at r.t. america online book helps us take a look at the details and later we look at artificial intelligence and machine learning with rachel weissman of rebellion research all that directly ahead but
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first we had some headlines. yesterday and today's market actions have plunged the dow jones industrial average one thousand points and intraday today the dow was down six hundred ninety nine points nasdaq hasn't been this low since may and is down ten percent which is considered correction territory and the s. and p. five hundred is having the worst month since august of twenty fifteen and the lowest quos yesterday since july sixth and the volatility index the vix which some call the fear and x.'s trading. at the highest level since february and globally in china markets were down five percent at hong kong's hang seng the drop was three point five percent and in taiwan markets took a drastic drop of six point three percent tech stocks in japan were down four percent and even in europe the e.u.'s stock six hundred was down one percent that's
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the lowest level since february and while technology stocks took it on the chin more than other sectors all eleven sectors of the s. and p. were down with tech energy and industrials losing the most and utilities energy and dust and others fairing better than the rest for president trump part he blamed the market rout on the u.s. federal reserve here's what he had to say thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you it is thank you say thank you thank you thank you thank you other thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you their way thank that's no thank. you and here to discuss what's been going on in the overall economy and more is
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professor of economic emeritus at university of massachusetts amherst richard well professor great to have you back again thanks for joining us thanks i'm glad to be here so i have this theory and it's not some learned theory that i would learn in a class that you teach certainly but it involves reasons for a.


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