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tv   News  RT  October 12, 2018 6:00am-6:31am EDT

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shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now watching closely watching the hawks. this hour's headlines stories a warm welcome for the struggle to survive thursday's aborted rocket launch they have now arrived. right. good. thirty three minutes of the men speaking to quick thinking crew were forced to abandon their malfunctioning spacecraft for a nail biting the said tour also ahead this hour. in the fight against faith.
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if we are fortunate enough to win back the house and or the senate that's when civility can start again america's election friction democrats and republicans fight dirty with voters deeply divided over next month's high stakes midterm. twenty four hour news live from the russian capital news room welcome to the program. the top story two are no died thanking their lucky stars right now after successfully escaping they failed launch of their soyuz spacecraft on thursday the booster rocket malfunction just minutes into their flight causing them to abort and return to earth after
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a dramatic rescue medical tests there was relief from friends and family as they were welcome back to baikonur. i am.
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yeah and you can just imagine how those hugs felt while the crew arrives a little bit earlier today at the star city training center located just outside moscow artie's maria finish the is there for us. starseed to us version to get a look in russian is where russian cosmonaut aleksey of cine has been training for months and months preparing for his second mission to the international space station now he and another crew member and merrick an astronaut a neat hague right now here are often there a lot of key escape as they call it the emergency landing in kazakhstan they will be checked here for the next forty eight hours we hear from the doctors that both space men feel very well right now both physically and psychologically but the product will require is that they their health conditions are more neutered for the
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next two days we know that some family members are also here of course every very warm welcome but the question many now want to know the answer to is exactly what happened on thursday a criminal case was launched and as paschal high profile state commission was also formed to shed the light on the cause of the incident on thursday we hear that they had open nasa and european space agency already offered their assistance help in the investigation we expect the first results by tolbert twenty foot already now we hear that separation system on function might be the cause of the collision again this is just willimon every suggestion they had of men programs the russian space agency eros cos most mr critical of provided more on what is happening right
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now to me soon if you are able to commission history roots were the first rocket fragments have already been found and the results are expected by between two through two were our systems to help analyze the reasons for would happen. until the exact cause of these student is found all the space flies must be. suspended but the very good news for both alexei if seen in the hague we hear from the head of course was that they will fly to the international space station next spring already. where american stars sooty these guys will fly we plan for their flight to be in the spring of next year just to remind you what happened everything appeared to be going very well with the launch but less than two minutes into the flight problem was we wanted to leave the booster rocket between the first and second stages separating and the emergency escape system immediately reacted to
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this automatically by separating the crew capsule and aleksei have kenyan and hague safely landed inside this capsule several hundred kilometers from the launch site in kazakhstan so it is very important right now to be careful in best to gating and in answering the question exactly what caused this incident. well the crew on board the international space station where the soyuz was hoping to get to had more than a bird's eye view of what happened and capture the moment on camera just take a look at this the breathtaking images were taken by the current space station commander alexander he and his team were readying to of course welcome their colleagues on board but could then only watch helplessly as they saw the incredible escape as they fell back to earth even four hundred kilometers up commander relief was palpable. i'm glad of that though france are fine thanks to more than thousands
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of rescue workers this day has again shown how great this so uses this by the fall start the group was safely brought back to earth space travel is stuff but we must go on for the benefit of humanity well when you've got more than half a million points of burning a rocket fuel behind you and a booster that's gone faulty you need to get away. for thursday's soyuz crew that meant relying on an escape system first developed in the nineteenth sixty's. it's a very dangerous situation and it's. in impressive. about the design and how they built the scape system that it works so very well but you're in a very volatile situation with lots of rocket propellant around you going very very fast very very high so things could have gone much much worse and it's just great
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that the escape system works so well well every moment of the brief tense flight was being closely watched rock as the a texas through what occurred. baikonur cosmodrome fourteen forty local time lift off in five four three two one engine and lawyer by doing the engine that lift up. the law and she is always the most nerve raking parts of the energy and stress involved the colossal rise of the respects and dangers at this time everything proceeding as the intended for today is quite near the two minute mark the first stage boosters begin to separate something goes wrong. all right and i think that if there is no time to wait think one hundred twenty one
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seconds and merge and see protocols engage with the magically the mission is compromised there are. insta get the crew away with. the families of the crew of the heads of course morse and nasa watch on as the ejection system jettisons the crew module away from the rocket boosters the for the tons of high explosive fuel detonate and we have been escape tower for history is now jettisoned the ballistic trajectory they're on is rougher than anticipated the crew is shaken and that's it let's stay conscious with room for a little humor. sixty. three minutes in emergency systems function as intended they begin they had to send back to earth within minutes
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a search and rescue operation is underway helicopters are soon borne powering towards the landing site while lexi makes families crazy and who is not realize that i watched the launch on t.v. and then i got the news from my neighbors so you can understand my feelings at the time it was hard this new telling what medical condition the crew were in what we might call luck others would cool professionalism the crew trained for years for this the technicians who engineered the safety overrides the rescuers and medics who arrived in record time cos most nasa teams wasn't that miracle but it was the next best thing when it comes through space nothing is left to chance as contingencies for everything sail safes protocols and provisions as checks double checks triple checks and so is this track record the best in the world proves it's
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as safe as can be but that only gets you so far space is after all the final frontier. yeah plenty people fascinating by water unfolding tipping former astronauts that we spoke to said that crews are always well prepared for such emergencies and praise the option and take for their quick thinking actions. to the space station aboard a soyuz rocket myself came back to us were used capsule on my fourth mission and so you know kind of brought me back to what it's like being in that vehicle and imagining going through this kind of emergency aboard but as you heard from the transmissions the crew was very calm very professional and they did everything right and so first and foremost of course we're all very pleased that the crew is safe and healthy they're able to walk away from from the landing site and now it's just a matter of the investigation to determine what happened and what corrective action
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needs to be taken in and then recertifying the vehicles for launch this was a situation that the crew were very well prepared for often it's almost impossible to believe that everything will go well however most of the time everything does go very well but we are prepared mentally things not going the way they're intended in this sort of event when there's no normally during the launch the crew reacted as they would in a simulator they practice their reactions multiple times in the simulator so they don't ask what's happening what do we do. ok on to more world news this hour a leaked google briefing earlier this week revealed how the internet giant others like facebook and twitter are increasingly policing which contents things online it seems they're wasting little time facebook has shut down hundreds of a current pages it accuses of being misleading let's get into this now with correspondent daniel hawkins who has been following developments do we know who's falling under digital x. here talk us through what we know who's usually the victim behind this facebook's
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been on a crusade to fight bots trolls fake news to stop interference and meddling as has been alleged in the us elections and democracy that's. not a new story this time though they've struck a little bit closer to home this what about eight hundred different accounts banned or suspended facebook has named only five of them but these are the sort of. what could be seen as trolls or very marginal pages some of these are very well known pages with millions of followers we have resistance river press they've got two hundred forty thousand eight hundred sixteen thousand followers they've been around for many years people use them to get news it cetera so these are quite prominent pages that have fallen victim and most notably they are also from both side of the political spectrum both conservative leaning pages and liberal leaning pages have fallen to this latest so-called purge and many owners of pages have said they're on shore why they've been banned or indeed what even the terms and conditions or terms of use of facebook or facebook has responded they've said that they have found in
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authentic behavior that something they've cited previously as a reason to shut down accounts and broken rules against this is what facebook had to say. well twitter has responded strongly people have said that facebook has been targeting independent voices independent media blocking out different forms of opinion notably at all of these pages have also been run have been banned rather on twitter so this seems to be coordinated now these accounts notably are run by some sort of you know russians in the u.s. or abroad these are run by americans in america for americans supporting and opposing donald trump and this is what some twitter viewers very angry about that
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this is in the run up to the midterm election why has this been happening this has been the response on twitter. first they came for alex jones and now facebook has taken down then big press for truth page this is insanity that has been one of the most inspirational and rational in the banon journalist of our era i don't believe facebook they're up to their old trick to sell american democracy this is a dangerous path to use social media as a weapon during elections they did the same thing during twenty fifteen twenty sixteen fascist book is censoring this completely now under the guise of being anti spam hundreds of anarchists pages shut down facebook purge. now as you mentioned this so-called purge is coming right on the back of upcoming u.s. midterm elections what's seen as a make or break for the democrats for republicans very crucial time in american politics this is another example of social media giants really stepping into
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a minefield of that battle between free speech versus fake news and many are seeing this movement itself as a form of meddling in the political process so it remains to be seen if any of those accounts perhaps will be on block there's a little as a result of this backlash or if facebook and other social media giants will go further by adding other pages from social media political discourse yes certainly turning into a big battle hawkins brings us right up there thank you very much. well indeed has done it was just alluding to the united states midterm elections are less than a month away with both the democrats and republicans appearing to grow increasingly animated and spoken and there's a lot at stake now you gov poll this week shows only a six percent gap in support between the two parties the tema krauts look to be the front in the moment forty seven percent they are setting and will keep market looks at how campaign protocol is being torn up in the current political climate. i may not agree with what you say but i shall defend to the death your right to say it
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now that used to be the favorite quotation of americans but not anymore civility is passe just ask hillary clinton you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for what you care about if we are fortunate enough to win back the house and or the senate that's when civility can start again remember back when everyone hailed this motto when they go low we go high. well now barack obama's former attorney general has adjusted it just a little machine always says that you know when they go low you. know. they go low we keep it right. and some sectors of the us public are pretty clearly ready for battle.
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i was going. to be. worried because. some republicans are now warning that the chaos could turn deadly i fear that there's going to be an assassination i really worry that somebody is going to be too and that those who are ratcheting up the conversation they have to realize they bear some responsibility if this and a face to violence after the senator's personal information was released online his family is on edge you know i felt incredibly threatened and frightened i had been frightened when rand left for d.c. that monday because you know if the new messages get in their face get in people's face but republicans are also out for blood to do. separate to extreme too
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dangerous to govern they've gone wacko. matchups join arsonists and you don't give power to an angry left wing mob and that's what the democrats are. so civility just forget it it's likely that even after the midterm elections americans aren't just going to get over it divisions are getting deeper and aren't seeing new york we spoke to former u.s. congressman ron paul he believes beyond the war of words republicans and democrats agree on much more than they think the policies are very very similar and we who work in the free to move in the libertarian movement have said there is that there's a lot of bipartisanship when it comes to passing legislation like running up the deficits getting involved in. it didn't in foreign wars and being involved like this is there very much the same but i think the disagreement
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is more of a cultural thing and there's a difference is. philosophy is not so much and we would like we as libertarians would like to see the discussion about you know like our federal reserve system and spending and deficits and personal liberties and civil liberties but there seems to be too much agreement there but right now there's no doubt there's a lot of hostility between the two groups never very very angry more friday afternoon news in ninety seconds. hillary clinton says civility can only return when the democrats are back in power former obama a.g. eric holder has coined a new phrase. we kick them without a doubt both statements can be dismissed as political banter as the midterms but it
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would seem no one can play much virtue in civility in this environment. you need to let the audience you need to let people decide what is relevant to them you don't need to filter he said. himself he believes he knew better he believes you do the work the needs were of these folks and that's self-censorship which is and this is completely wrong and this is why we have been sleepwalking into the next financial crisis how john author has been a. journalist have you been a proper. journalist how do you how do you not self centered himself as this next crisis unfolds people would be better prepared to deal with it but they won't be because the failure of fake journalists like the author. is keeping india in suspense for the country sunda must have weapons to go with
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moscow deciding whether to punish new delhi for buying russian s four hundred defense systems or to give a presidential waiver either way he's keeping his cards close to his chest but we're. going to find. you'll see sooner than you think russia is currently india's biggest arms supplier a meeting earlier this month between the two countries' leaders sold them even further striking a five billion dollar deal to supply india with the s four hundred missile defense system well that is one of the world's most sophisticated surface to weapons. system has a range of four hundred kilometers can shoot on up to eighty targets symbol taney asli on the sides india russian s four hundred something purchased by countries including china algeria about the recent turkey international affairs professor surely it believes trumps thread is less about politics than business leverage. i
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think this is more like. trump's bargaining starting to interviews uncertainty and i'm predictability and you know drive you know a deal. to keep the other party down to hooks and then to see. i'm willing to reconsider this but i want to return to this part of his transactional. and i do use looking good buying more u.s. defense a good example he may also be looking at you know. opening market access to civilian american exports because there's also as you know family a trade war that's been going on so the actions i mean he will force feed tomorrow for influence and leverage in this country if he does the unthinkable and actually slap sanctions on us. the controversial self-styled syrian rescue group the white helmets drew focus on
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a close united nations meeting on thursday diplomats are said to be divided over the group's possible removal from post-war syria the white helmets have been accused of links to extremists working alongside the al nusra a terrorist group they deny the claims insisting there instead a civil rescue group an associate editor from the new side twenty first century wired dot com visited the group's headquarters in syria but nessa billy will lay out in full what she found on saturday's edition of going underground here r.t. . we entered a functioning white helmets now what was interesting is the presumption by those white helmets was that because i was british i was sympathetic to that course say the conversation immediately turned to that funding and the fact that made a rescue. the head of the white house had turned off the funding to this group in the last six months funding previously by the way that each individual working for the white house it's received one hundred fifty dollars a month that was. nation was given to me why the home of. the special expedition by
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. led by israel uncrossed three. security fence into the occupy syrian territory of the golan heights so into israeli occupied territory and then on to jordan is what i was told around fifty percent were actually terrorist leaders no real product leaders and isis fighters coming in from the race and all of these of course some have been resettled now in the u.k. there is huge secrecy over those that have to pay and where they are being resettled they told me that while they were not affiliated to us for front despite the fact that their center was actually in a no sort of front complex the notes from front headquarters were directly next door to the white house center that i visited they told while they had no affiliation to the store front it was very likely that every other white holik
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group in syria did have affiliations in us were from were led by no sort of militants but of course they had no for the nation and that. they should be considered for funding and financing by the british government. poland is to investigate three teenage girls who cause widespread offense softer posting a picture online of the making nutsy gestures at the former i switch concentration camp the leader removed the photo but not before museum stop took a screenshot and he said he reports now on how it's highlighting fears that far right sympathies are on the right. shocking and painful these are the words seized by museum officials describe the at's of three young polish teenagers who made a nazi salute at a form of concentration camp in poland when museum officials discovered the photo on instagram they were quick to axe polish officials. now searching for the
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propagating fascism in poland is illegal and faces up to three years behind bars. we never again. we all understand that there's a huge gap between far right the nazi isn't surprised if nationalist sentiments in poland house be making headlines just look at the far right protests held in poland on independence day last year sixty thousand people took part in far right to be one of the largest in europe so far. oh and then there are there is pushing the boundaries even with a number of scandals shaking up the country.
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we will crack down on. activity and it must be eradicated. there was also outcry across the globe when poland's made as a criminal offense to accuse it of complicity in nazi war crimes particularly from israel. we have no tolerance for the distortion of the truth in history. as the human soul know and the law was decriminalised what was intended to defend the good name of poland will now be a civil not criminal offense and. kevin is here after some more great our t.v. programs. with the big news stories. you may be.
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most people think just stand out in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest race in truth to stand losing business is just the right questions and demand the right answer.
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the. question. it's been too many times when i've seen you know us dob to see each city's hospitals. civilians being terrorists you know attacking civilians has been terrible really a more hopeful now than i was a few months back and they had little deal was a glimmer of hope when in all of this. during his years serving his region is chief executioner jerry would hear in the swear they were innocent. when you.


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