tv Sophie Co RT October 12, 2018 9:30am-9:57am EDT
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oh. well i am really relieved that there was an agreement for it i was very among those who have very very concern for the three million civilians in need lip and i think what russia and turkey did was was really bringing the glimmer of hope to syria and showing that diplomacy can win. but it's a pity we didn't have the same kind of agreements in aleppo and history and elsewhere but we got it in it to hopefully it will hold it's still not over in italy so pretty as deals with rebels provide it those who do not wish to reconcile with a chance to be bussed to italy does that mean that it is now home to the most concise i will of rebels you know i mean some of those be added guyse are pretty. pretty pretty extreme and indeed it's i'm glad you mention this because indeed what
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russian diplomats and others did was to negotiate. deals with these groups so that they left the south east england and elsewhere ended up in its lip now i times here no we don't negotiate with terrorists we never negotiate with terrorists well there was already a deal with these groups hopefully they can be also deals to ended peacefully with all of the groups it's not all if one is going to fight dos. this is out international sort of break into a shadow programs they've been watching for you will take you to it russia's permanent representative to the international chemical weapons watchdog the o.p.c. w. about to make a statement they examine these children expected to comment on those claims made by the you can bust the netherlands you spoke about an alleged hacking attempt on the
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o.p.c. big news there were he would he says the allegation was it was the russia's military intelligence agency that did it let's listen and. if you are experiencing problems don't try to put them on someone else's shoulder don't blame others for what you've done. or are you case galaxy one thing but in reality it's the opposite yes. we think that the fact finding mission. in syria. doesn't live up to the expectations we criticize this mission for failing to comply with the most basic principles of the see that all you see does not following the norms adopted by the organization of the op c.w. it doesn't. feel the obligation in terms of the chain of custody preserving all the evidence they do not go to the sites of incidence they
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carry out all the investigation remotely from a distance relying on the information they receive from the arm to position and different politically motivated groups from that region. and i mean the notorious wide helmets. nor should by view k. itself. many times with has been talking about this raising this issue no one has been following. these are the drawbacks of this mission they are real they revealed themselves most clearly during the investigation into the alleged use of chemical weapons in duma in. sorry not in doman hampshire whom in april two thousand and seventeen. that
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in fact was established that was airing was used to limit the weapon and use model of the mission was revealed to determine how zarin got there in the first place you . will remember the. hole in the the ground. or could both we're going to be left out pieces of the emission which exploded and around this blaze there were members of the position so we see the remnants of an ammo can you know it's a huge evidence but the fact finding mission failed to find these evidence maybe they do want to find out at all and one more important thing we all remember that. those photos of children. as the opposition said were poisoned was there and they all had there are. violated the
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experts do everyone's attention to the fact that it was very odd very strange because they're having is not. making that kind of thing happen to the eyes of people know it on the contrary treeing sleepy a pole so we been discussing this for days. we published a number of information pieces from all of them and the presented number of things nor was the year had a good in. everything but they are. with the no. dilated pupils among the symptoms we were asking to go to the brits had it back then the fact by the mission into this instance how could you explain that we asked them if they were you could say nothing really and what they couldn't say anything to look good and they and they said these voters to us are
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no evidence but i was that possible all these voters you could nikki haley was waving her hands with these voters. and they're going to go and she was all permit for them to pull united states for the year and these photos were given to president trump and donald trump was so. sharp that immediately ordered to strike the shiraz air base in syria and then they say they cannot see them as a piece of evidence this is just one example of all our attempts to bring order to the mission in terms of the experts who comprises and i should make this clear there are many from the western countries on this team most of them belong to the countries who are opposed syria much of the u.k. the offices of the top the mission. to move
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the problem of they were. making the investigation go in the desired way the way they wanted to see them so we've been critical about the work of the fact finding mission to. the world but we never put any obstacles on the way investigation on the way of its work of word of the obviously their value x. puts and inspectors on the contrary when the experts were on the ground but even in duma. in a damascus that was the russian military police that was ensuring their safety their security protecting them in every way. because. you know as for the u.k. they act differently. from. one example where they see. them
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all brits perfectly needle in damascus it was expecting a number of oh b.t.w. experts in relation to the incident which took place on the south of april the press release was issued by the secretary of the. nevertheless the u.k. france and the us carried out a massive missile strike on the military and civil infrastructure of syria they did it could just our surprise. to the arrival of. to the side can you say that this means caring about their safety safety of the obviously the only personell if you could of the could with just a limited bit of a mistake or me sheriff and their smart me would have. had one of that mission to go with them so again. don't blame others don't bow mound
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and ground that trees ations i've told you. today who really cares about the hassle and all the procedures of the op see their value in the work of the mission and who just imposing its will on everyone but one more thing to which the u.k. you know is not obviously known because of their care about the white hellman's they the white helmet has been supplying. the world with voters and boteach we. will show you that the dumas fake stage act was truly a fake we brought the syrians from that place and that's little boy you hoe you testified and showed everyone in plain sight that that was a provocation staged by the white helmets and their sponsors their donors and now
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we've seen more information arrives which. will show that after the success of the syrian army the white helmet is now being leaving syria being evacuated. in the do the question ace we pretty much always going to welcome them. and one peculiar thing all. the western countries sponsors of the white helms who are financing them caring for them covering them now do not want to welcome them on their territory. they know their records they know their profile they know now who those why the helmets are it's a very very sad situation. we'll look into so i think that our clarifications are explanations just proof of the. absolutely unfounded character
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of the. u.k.'s accusations u.k. should think about what they are doing what they were doing this is one thing. ball. the second ball. or a couple removed. the conditions in the middle of the division. between. these days in the old rules and the eighty nine session of the obvious e.w. being taken place it started because of that i made the many. countries chanting. first and foremost u.k. neverland's. chanting accusations against russia. with every saying that you go to russia. computer is to be blamed.
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for the preparations to cyber attack the overseas devil you know we in our statement gave our assessment of the situation responding to these accusations refuting them. because these accusations are unfounded. that is all. they are provoking as they are trying to corner us. as they try to punish us for being so active. in preventing further politicize a. of the work of the obviously their value. because we work against imposing duty and. your powers on the technique of cornering russia because the rest or a number of your the committee there were not happy with russia and the way want to
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go about doing business need said that they should talk to russia direct and not everybody else to try and sort this mess out it's four forty six moscow time we thought we'd bring you that back after the break with more the day's news to. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be to limit death penalty just because they think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying those just move the present and then we want even many of the families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's
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what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in saying. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. this is cruel. soon they need to actually physically hold it out of the ground you would have well well well well well. there's a lot of money with the oil and with that comes. a lot of a lot of people from all over the country. if you don't make a hundred thousand dollars a year. as a minimum there's an issue. here in india. they were told
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sixty dollars a day it's hard work for the workers not used to work and so they want to relieve their stress of how do they relieve their stress these men move back out like he's a man that comfort these many. people have been murdered up here people been raped there are massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money. i get a group of women working in israeli high tech companies are staged a flush morgan central tel aviv posing with a cardboard cutout of the german chancellor mark a group photo of a meeting with an all male group of israeli text posters a few days earlier women also hope to highlight the gender imbalance within the tech industry.
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merkel was here last week she met with future leaders was the name of the group and really it was a meeting about innovation and and future developments and she commented during the meeting on the fact there was not a single woman in the room. a photograph from that meeting that was released to the world media immediately after showed her standing in the middle of a group of about twenty five men now while we thought that in response to that the thing to do was to simply stage an alternative photograph well in return the israeli foreign ministry said the choice of who to send to the meeting was done of the companies involved apologize that the black woman wasn't picked up during preparations for the of it. we are sorry for that and are committed to doing the
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best we can together with other partners to prevent such cases in the future and to ensure the appropriate representation of women i receive the apology from the foreign ministry and i have spoken personally to the people involved i was told that it was an intentional that you know it's not acceptable to us that in two thousand and eighteen almost two thousand and nineteen people should not notice that there's not a single woman in the room how can you not notice that half the population isn't represented. a controversial self-styled syrian rescue group the white helmets to focus at the closed the united nations meeting on thursday about it diplomats are said to be divided over the group's possible removal of post-war syria the white helmets of often accused long been accused of links to extremists working alongside the elmers return or is group it's something they deny though insisting they are
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a civil rescue group only an associate editor from the news site twenty first century wired dot com visited the group's age queue in syria for nurse of billy's going to lay out in full what she found firsthand on saturday's edition of going underground right here on this channel. we entered a functioning white helmet center now what was interesting is the presumption by those white helmets was that because i was british i was sympathetic to that course so the conversation immediately turned to their funding the fact that made a rescue. the head of the white helmet said turned off the funding to this group in the last six months funding previously by the way that each individual working for the white home its received one hundred fifty dollars a month that was information was given to me and white home and with the special expedition and by. led by israel uncrossed three taken a security fence into the occupy syrian territory of the golan heights so into
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israeli occupied territory and then on to jordan is what i was told around fifty percent were actually terrorist leaders no surprise leaders and isis fighters coming in from the on the race and all of these of course some have been resettled now in the u.k. there is huge secrecy over those that have entered pay and where they are being resettled they told me that while they were not affiliated to us or front despite the fact that their center was actually in a nasra front complex the notes from front headquarters were directly next door to the white house at center that i visited they told those that while they had no if any ation to the store front it was very likely that every other white holik group in syria did have affiliation to us were from were led by no sort of front militants but of course they had no for the ation and that. they should be considered for funding and financing by the british government.
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don't trumps keeping india in suspense off the countryside a massive weapons deal with russia is deciding whether or not to punish new delhi no for buying russian s four hundred a defense system all. or to give a presidential waiver either way he's keeping his cards really close to his chest for now we've got so transient great you are going to india is going to earth day. you'll see sooner than you think russia is currently india's biggest supplier and the meeting earlier this month between the two countries leaders saw them boast that even further strike you five billion dollar deal to supply india with the s four hundred anti missile defense system technically it's one of the world's most sophisticated surface to air weapons systems got a range of four hundred kilometers it can shoot up to eighty targets simple tale the asli sides india russia has for hundreds of been purchased by countries including china algeria better roofs and we got views from international affairs
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professor restroom chillier about this he believes trump's threat there was less about politics more business leverage. i think that this is more posturing and it trumps bargaining starting to interviews uncertainty and unpredictability and then you know drive a deal and that. to keep the other party turned to hooks and then to say ok i'm willing to reconsider this buyer what will you give me in return so this is part of his transactional diplomacy and i think he's looking at india buying more u.s. defense equipment for example he may also be looking at you know india opening market access to civilian american exports because there's also as you know family a trade war that's been going on so the auctions i mean he will forefeet a lot of influence and leverage in this country if he does the unthinkable and
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actually slap sanctions on us. keep abreast of all the new stories as they happen by downloading are out that will take the headlines straight to mobile device that it is paying free of charge one cultural thing to download a great thing why not try it out our website has got all our news plus so much more as well talking away with more in four minutes time from now here on out international. when gold may just manufacture consent to instant of public wealth. when the roman clauses protect themselves. with the famous merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room signals. to the real news is.
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the re clinton so civility can only return when the democrats are back in power former obama a.g. eric holder has coined a new phrase when they go low we kick them without a doubt both statements can be dismissed as political banter as the midterms loom but it would seem no one can claim much virtue and civility in this environment. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer and it means when the death penalty just because they think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying news just mooned of hasn't been that we're even many of the dems families want the death
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penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. crossing. the road a simple they want to become lost and i want to ask some just about what if many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides of the drifter used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities the best person as they are. most needed more no. question that one that.
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they have watched as their options to stay in the country with donald trump in the white house. both of you what is the who beat up to the. offense it struggles of many couples. the pushkin food impulse response both of you up of a few of hope of the. truths seem wrong. when old rules just don't call. me. yet to shape out this day become advocates and indeed from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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