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tv   News  RT  October 12, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT

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people have been murdered up here people get raped clear massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money. at seven pm moscow time facebook will be the axe in the fight against fake news and hundreds of pages in the council tell you all about. war welcome to those two astronauts to skate death on thursday that a bolted rocket launch ended the journey mid-air as they crash landed back in the kazakhstan again. all right. three minutes same from where they started into the many speed the quick thinking crew were forced to abandon the functioning spacecraft
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before nailbiting descent but again with a bit of a back and also coming up has special operations by the crime friends u.s. media now reporting planned the detention of the journalist who disappeared in turkey ten days ago and that american intelligence was aware of the threat again we'll tell you all about it coming up. in this morning's kevin knowing what your life marty's main studio h.q. here in moscow and first off the big fight against fake new steps up a gear leak to google briefing earlier this week reveals how the internet giant and others like facebook and twitter are increasingly policing which content stays online and crucially which does not and it seems they're wasting little time in getting about all the up facebook's already shut down hundreds of accounts and pages it accuses of being misleading. reports. russian bots and trolls
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tackling fake news the founding american democracy from foreign meddling social media giants have been at this for months what is facebook doing to prevent foreign actors from interfering in u.s. election do you think we need to system problems to protections for consumers across the entire internet ecosystem have you heard of total information awareness you know i'm talking about. you know i do not ok would you be comfortable sharing with us the name of the hotel you stayed in last if. you. know. this time though it's closer to home more than eight hundred pages by and by facebook and these are not some fringe accounts conspiracy. some of the pages have been around for years and have millions of followers.
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among those to face the pages exposing alleged corruption states a violent police brutality a facebook have explained the pages broke the rules engaging inspire and inauthentic behavior something we've heard before what makes this purge different to previous culls is that this is no secret kremlin bought operation as previously alleged by the media some of the biggest pages of all run by americans in america for americans accounts removed express the whole spectrum of views both conservative and liberal pro trump and the page owners are scathing facebook page
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with over two point one million followers has been published along with eight hundred other pages and accounts the purge of old media is upon us i've been memory hold from facebook three hundred fifty thousand followers prove there is a dangerous precedent being set here where the big tech companies have appointed themselves as the gatekeepers of political thought and opinion this intervention comes ahead of crucial midterm elections in the united states it's a sign of social media giants waiting even further into the minefield of free speech versus fake news and could be seen by many as a sign of meddling in itself. and anyone could be a target we're joined now by r.t. america correspondent rachel blevins whose own facebook account has been banned as well rachel hi there when did you realize your account had been suspended that was to come as a huge surprise. it absolutely was i went to check my news feed yesterday and saw that i was completely locked out i was locked out of my personal account for
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about four hours and then when i finally got back in i saw that my public page which is what i used to share my work had been taken now what are you done over there so controversial there. and you know that i really don't know that the great question this is a page that. i had it for about four years now and it's one that i use to share my work with my followers basically and it's one i've really worked to create a following on as a journalist of an israeli thing you've put in the g three just trying to sleep back about what could have triggered this is whether you think the could have been at all controversial maybe because you work for ought to and that was the trigger what you think it was the catalyst for it. you know i've gotten some comments about that of people saying that maybe it's related to archie i know that in terms of my work i usually try to look at angles that aren't being discussed by the mainstream media and i'm not so much controversial as just looking at other angles that the
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mainstream media really refuses to report on but i also know that i have several friends who have gotten their facebook pages taken down and they had nothing to do with archie or russia or anything like that do you think this is you've been singled out by a ball as it is being some sort of automated thing or do you think it's a. physical person that's being plump and didn't notice what you've been doing and and raise the alarm got it taken off and you know do. you see that's what i'm wondering now whenever i went to check my facebook pages so that it had been taken down for a number of reasons which were that i had been posting from a fake account or that maybe i was misleading users or that i had violated facebook spam policies now i know that my personal account is the only one that is used to post things on that page i also know that i never would go out of my way to mislead users and that everything i post are things that have been researched or bake off
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of facts and they're all news related and in terms of facebook spam policies i mean the only thing that i'm posting is my work you know the things that i create that kind of thing so to say that the spammer that it's coming from other websites simply isn't true of us to facebook to investigate this to try and reinstate you if you had any response. yeah so i submitted an imperial they give you that option basically for you to explain that this was done in error and so i went through that process i haven't heard anything back though it's kind of a vague form that you submit to facebook and they don't give you any guarantee as to whether your page will be reinstated or the timeline on its face book the think it was a not worth bothering with anyway so much as it used to be. you know it doesn't seem that way i know that whenever i first started out facebook was the main place where a lot of journalist and media personalities went to build
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a following it was the place where they could really connect with their followers and it seems like especially in the last year facebook has just changed course and is now stifling a lot of those content creators that it helped out in the first place to see over the of the sort of the poem the. america correspondent sort of having trouble with facebook things telling us about your experience. ok now the other big story today a truck in those two arsenals down there worth with a bit of a bump thanking their lucky stars right now after they successfully escape the felde launch of this soyuz spacecraft the booster rocket motor function just a couple of minutes into their flight causing them to abort. after a dramatic rescue a witness to guess they and then medical tests there is big relief from friends and family as they will welcome back to baikonur.
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after all of being from i wonder the big appetite the crew arrived earlier at the star city training center in they're here to moscow up to his roof an ocean was the
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. star c.t.s. vose nigga joke in russian is where a russian cosmonaut aleksei of cine has been training for months and months preparing for his second mission to the international space station now he and another crew member and american astronaut and nique hague right now here are off today a lot of key escape as they call it the emergency landing in kazakhstan they will be checked here for the next forty eight hours we hear from the doctors that both space men feel very well right now both physically and psychologically but the product will require is that they their health conditions are mourning for the next two days we know that some family members are also here of course every very warm welcome. but the question many now want to know the answer to is exactly what happened on thursday a criminal case was launched and as paschal high profile state commission was also
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formed to shed the light on the cause of the incident on thursday we hear that they had open nasa and the european space agency already offered their assistance help in the investigation we expect the first results spiked over twenty five but already now we hear that separation system all function might be cause of collision again this is just preliminary suggestion they had of men programs the russian space agency ross cos most mr critical of provided more on what is happening right now on. the commission history its work the first rocket programs have already been found and the results are expected by the twentieth of october our systems will help analyze the reasons for what happened. until the exact cause of these student is found all the space flights must be suspended but
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a very good news for both alex if seen in the hague we hear from the head of russian ross coarseness that they will fly to the international space station next spring already where american stars city these guys will fly we plan for their flight to be in the spring of next year while the incident became a real shock for people involved in space industries and both sides of the atlantic to it is very important right now to be careful in best to gating and in answering the question exactly what caused this incident. or look you know from above us all this unfolded the crew on board the u.s.s. the space station of more than a bird's eye view it turned out what happened there in the right place at the right time to capture the moment on camera these images were taken by the current space station commander alexander gerson focus in the in just see the white streaks of smoke from the rockets gerson his team were readying to welcome their colleagues on board but of course as fate turned out they couldn't watch helplessly as events all
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the astronauts incredible as they fell back down their worth again course even four hundred kilometers up where they were going to give them a warm welcome but it didn't turn out that way command a good relief was palpable i'm glad that our friends are fine thanks to more than a thousand rescue workers this day has again shown how great the so you see is this by the fall start the group was safely brought back to earth space travel is stuff but we must go on for the benefit of humanity. and of course the other thing is when you've got more than half a million pounds a burning rocket feel right behind you on a boost of his gum folding you need to get out of there and fast so for thursday so you screw that meant relying on an escape system that was first developed way back in the one nine hundred sixty s. .
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it's a very dangerous situation and it's. im impressed of. about the design of how they built the scape system that it works so very well but you're in a very volatile situation with lots of rocket propellant around you going very very fast very very high so things could have done much much worse and it's just great that the escape system works so well every moment of a brief tense flight was being closely watched from the ground to orgasm of takes us through what happened. baikonur cosmodrome fourteen forty local time lift off in five four three two one engine and longer by doing the engine the next lift up.
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the law and she is always the most nerve raking part of the energy and stress involved the colossal rise of the risks and dangers of this time everything proceeding as intended for today's plight near the two minute mark the first stage boosters begin to separate something goes wrong. all right and i cheated and there's no time to wait or think that one hundred twenty one seconds and merge and see protocols engage automatically the mission is compromised there are milliseconds to get the crew away with. the families of the crude the heads of course morse and nasa watch on as the ejection system jettisons the crew module away from the rocket boosters before the tons of high explosive fuel detonate and we have lift gate tower for this really is
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now jettisoned the ballistic trajectory they're on is rougher than anticipated the crew is shaken and battered but stay conscious with room for a little humor. sixty. three minutes in emergency systems function as intended they begin their descent back to earth within minutes as search and rescue operation is underway helicopters as soon airborne powering towards the landing site while a mixed families craig. and who. fast i watched the launch in t.v. but at a certain point i turned it off you can understand my feelings at the time there's no telling what medical condition the crew are in what we might call luck others would call professionalism the crew trained for years for this the technicians who
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engineer the safety overrides the rescuers and medics who arrived in record time ross kos-mos nasa teams it wasn't a miracle but it was the next best thing when it comes through space nothing is left to chance there's contingencies for everything sales safes protocols and provisions there's checks double checks triple checks and so is a track record the best in the world proves it's as safe as can be but that only gets you so far space is after all the final frontier. before where former astronauts who spoke to always cause the crew are always mentally prepared for such merge in cities like these but they went on to heap praise on the chin in the hague for their quick thinking actions yesterday. i flew out to the space station aboard a soyuz rocket myself came back at us or use capsule on my fourth mission and so
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you know kind of brought me back to what it's like being in that vehicle and imagining going through this kind of emergency aboard but as you heard yeah from the transmissions the crew was very calm very professional and they did everything's actually right and so first and foremost of course we're all very pleased that the crew is safe and healthy they're able to walk away from the from the landing site and now it's just a matter of the investigation determined what happened what corrective action needs to be taken in and then recertifying the vehicles for launch just this was a situation that the crew a very well prepared for often it's almost impossible to believe that everything will go however most of the time everything does go very well but we are prepared mentally things not going the way they're intended in this sort of event when there's no normally during the launch the crew reacted as they would in a simulator they practice their reactions multiple times in the simulator so they don't ask what's happening what do do we. right ahead here evidence is reportedly
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mounting against the saudis over the disappearance of a journalist in istanbul we'll tell you more as we know it after the break. mats geysers financial survival guide liquid assets not those that you can convert is exasperated easily. to keep in mind now as a tremendous place of. record. join me every day on the alex simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see if. it's been too many times when i'm sitting in davos to see each city's
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hospitals. since the. terrorists you know it. said millions has been terrible really a more hopeful now than i was a few months back and the deal was a glimmer of hope in this. state media's reporting that a saudi delegation arrived in turkey for talks over the mysterious disappearance of the dissident journalist the man went missing over a week ago and was last seen entering the saudi consulate in istanbul earlier discussed it with a colleague jacqueline who. getting more and more mysterious isn't it yeah accusations and denials have been flying since all this started and the majority of the information that we have is all based on these unnamed sources anonymous
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officials once again and according to media reports turkey has actually said that they have audio and video recording supporting the conclusions that the journalist was killed in the consulate according to articles written about this they haven't publicly released these what would be really damning recordings due to fears that it would reveal how they spy on foreign entities in their country but certain articles quoting people who have a parent listen to the recordings say that it says that you can hear how the journalist was interrogated tortured and then murder and that he was beaten while in the consulate so that would of course be extremely damaging evidence if that did come to live you know of course mr he was in the u.s. for twelve months before his disappearance in the u.s. . very close allies what is the u.s. saying publicly about this you know all eyes really are on the u.s.
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because of their ties to saudi arabia and a group of almost two dozen senators have already put forward calls for an investigation and already are discussing the idea of sanctions if saudi arabia is found to be culpable for this but at the same time there's also been bipartisan calls to stop arms sales to riyadh because of course u.s. is the u.s. is one of the biggest sellers of weapons to the kingdom but that's something that trump has not been ready to discuss yet let's take a listen to what he had to say i don't like stopping massive amounts of money that's being poured into our country and i know they're talking about different kinds of sanctions but they're spending one hundred ten billion dollars on the military what they. thing is they create. jobs. others for this country now the president has said that u.s. investigators are looking into the situation but that right reasons further concerns and questions due to news that hit on thursday saying that the u.s.
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may have earlier gained intercepts of saudi officials discussing ways to possibly more question gee to saudi arabia and detain him it's not clear whether or not the u.s. acted on that information when they obtain that information but it does add a rather sinister twist to the story because what that could mean a. new survey is revealed some europeans are starting to doubt the necessity of the you nearly two thirds of the people that responded to the poll say things wouldn't be any worse without the block little good while in brussels brussels based think tank be on the survey also found that forty nine percent consider the european union irrelevant the findings go on to indicate the u. citizens want more transparency the divided over the primary role of it all those in power in brussels of course see it that way the us foreign policy chief for instance said recently the world wouldn't survive without the twenty eight you.
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close your eyes and imagine for one moment the european union disappears from the global scene right now let us say for a month or a week even for a few days the world will simply collapse. while the center of it all is going to brussels lou rivers their independent journalist this is going to go down well where you are seems almost two out of every three europeans believe that the this unit isn't so good in the world would survive without it ouch. well the last story of europeans with europe is coming to an end i mean my generation after the war was brought up with the european ideal as as the as essential and we all agreed and we still agree we love europe as a second as a second identity we are first germans or french shores spaniards or italians and we are europeans as well i'd say and in the fifty's sixty's you had people bigger than life like the goal like on the top of the in order in germany and you know it
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was something important europe but now it is much less so one are going to bring realized there will never be the yes there will never be the united states of europe it's not america you know in america there is one language everywhere you can move easily in europe not so and we have seen that with the balkan standout activant things like that the european commission is made really terrible mistakes letting truck drivers from poland got to come and take jobs away from people here and in the west so it's really that the last story is come to an end it came with the with the story of no referendum on turkey joining europe your need for sort of impose they fix up to sort of idea of a referendum about the time change you know winter time summer time but they don't want europeans to to give their opinion on migration and for the last four or five years nothing has been done so people are really getting angry is what is really
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the essence is that you know what is most obvious moderately in co failed to win over hearts and minds is that they've got enough time. well you know it's complicated to explain but that people still feel europeans find but it's second reads not very important and they don't realize that all directors all their own legislation in their own country comes from brussels through the direct is produced by the european commission and approved by the european parliament so it is it is a strange situation into which europe is very important for european citizens but they don't perceive it you know and they they they prefer their national identity they keep their nationality they day now want the borders back because they see that european borders don't function after four years of problems so that's the situation now and mrs morgan any can say whatever she she wants to say but she's not
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a hero for the europeans it's briggs' it really just twenty seconds or so the thin end of the wedge then you think. what is a perfect example of that they could be all the countries in the future that want to leave because i mean for brics it probably the british citizens who voted for leaving europe they looked at what happened in turkey in the agency in all these markets arriving to germany they said we don't want that these people cannot manage europe so they wanted out they laid out that's the reality and many of the nations have the same impression look at it really now look we're going to leave it there thank you for your time and your thoughts on where it may or may not go preach independent journalist in brussels thank you for your time to sway some of the world to stories looking so far this friday for me kevin and your moscow folks what should we do today here in thirty minutes.
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when the whole make this manufacture come sentenced to the public well. when the room in close is a project of themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent so. we can all middle of the room signals. the real news is really. hillary clinton so civility can only return when the democrats are back in power former obama a.g. eric holder has coined a new phrase when they go low we kick them without a doubt both statements can be dismissed as political banter as the midterms loom but it would seem no one can play much virtue in civility in this environment.
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and your own pal. coming up that. time told. him from palin there is a trade in young girls souls into an underground sex in the street sometimes but the people they trust the most. please. this is boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of
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business and finance and the impact upon all of us i'm part children in washington thank you for being on board we appreciate it coming up today as markets around the world are reeling from yesterday and today's terrible tumbles we are joined by professor of economics of marriage is at the university of massachusetts ambers rich.


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