tv News RT October 12, 2018 5:00pm-5:20pm EDT
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facebook will be in the fight against fake news and hundreds of pages and accounts . moscow opens its arms in a warm welcome to the two astronauts who escaped death on an aborted crocodile intended journey in midair as they crash landed in kazakhstan. and this special operation by the crown prince us media reports riyadh the detention of the saudi journalist who disappeared in turkey ten days ago and that american intelligence was aware of the threat.
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is r.t. international and we're broadcasting live from our moscow string to bring you the latest top stories of the day and a day or two to welcome to the program increasingly policing which context days online and which doesn't and it seems they're wasting little time because shut down hundreds of accounts and pages it accuses of being misleading. reports. russian bots trolls tackling fake news the finding american democracy from foreign meddling social media giants have been at this for months what is facebook doing to prevent foreign from interfering in us. are. closest to you have you heard of total information awareness i'm talking about . you know i do know ok would you be comfortable sharing with us.
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this time though it's closer to home more than eight hundred pages by facebook and these are not some fringe accounts conspiracy. some of the plays use have been around for years and have millions of followers. among those to face the pages exposing alleged corruption states of violence and police brutality and facebook have explained the pages broke the rules engaging
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inspire and inauthentic behavior something we've heard before what makes this purge different to previous culls is that this is no secret kremlin bought operation as previously alleged by the media some of the biggest pages of all run by americans in america for americans the accounts removed express the whole spectrum of views both conservative and liberal pro trump and the page owners are scathing facebook page with over two point one million followers has been published along with eight hundred other pages and accounts the purge of old media is upon us i've been memory hold from facebook three hundred fifty thousand followers. there is a dangerous precedent been sat here where the big tech companies have appointed themselves as the gatekeepers our political thought in opinion this intervention comes ahead of crucial midterm elections in the united states it's a sign of social media giants wading even further into the minefield of free speech
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versus fake news and could be seen by many as a sign of meddling in itself. discuss this further with investigative journalist dan dan welcome to the program now and if we look at the facebook bans do you think . it's making the company too involved in politics and should their social media platform even be deciding which information. fake all real. well there is no doubt about this that this is political as i said in that tweet that you read this is clearly a political move when you have these major tech companies appointing themselves as the gate keepers of political thought well that is clearly a political move i was told this was because of spamming. you know we are mass collectively. pushing our information on people or that it was operated from
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a fake account all of these things are true the information that i post or used to post on facebook was information that i produced on my website which goes against the government it goes against the status quo and i think that's what we are dealing with here today is the silencing of any what do you. you know it doesn't even matter left right side of the political spectrum and anybody who goes against the status quo right now seems to be a target and alex jones may have been the first domino to fall but it seems that they are now coming after some of the smaller guys who talk about similar things and i'm checking the locations facebook sent the f.b.i. not to disclose who was behind the attack but political commentator lionel believes that ultimate responsibility lies with the tech giant itself. their main suspect their negligence the fact that they're paying attention far too much to what somebody is saying then to the internal security of their system zehr to blame
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they're the ones you know me to tell me that is the year almost twenty nine they have not figured out how to protect names yet this also screams out for the internet bill of rights all over the world you see that's what facebook should be paying attention to but instead all no no it's worried about shutting down society and pages that nobody would have even known about had they done this. facebook previously went about blocking accounts with alleged links to so-called russian agents and while a growing trend to seem to show off a number of accusations lately foreign minister sergei lavrov says moscow contact them seriously when they're produced in the media are not to diplomatic channels face his american colleague forty three year old nick haig is a colonel in the u.s. air force in his case it was to have been his maiden flight following their ordeal
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when you've got more than hof a million pounds of bunny rocket fuel behind you and a booster that's gone faulty you need to get away and fast the first day soyuz crew that meant relying on an escape system first developed in the one nine hundred sixty s. . each and every soyuz spacecraft is equipped with an emergency escape system that is designed to enable the crew safe escape in case of an emergency on board during blast off and the ascension phase the system has an evacuation capsule and powerful engines attached to it the engines are active fifteen minutes before launch if the flight gets out of control they propel the capsule away from the main body of the rocket sending it away from the danger zone at more than thirteen thousand kilometers per hour that enables the crew to reach a safe distance in about four seconds parachutes then open to slow the capsules
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descent and ensure a safe landing this is the only system of its kind that is so deeply integrated in both the spacecraft and the launch vehicle the emergency system has been deployed eight times over the history of soyuz launches three of them were manned missions and the crew survived every time. i get most difficult of course i want to thank the rescue was and those who designed this cape system thanks to them came back to . us every moment of the brief tends towards being closely watched from the ground to what gas death takes us through what happened. baikonur cosmodrome fourteen forty local time lift off in five four three two one engine and water by doing the engine that lift up. the and she is always the most nerve raking part of the energy and stress involved
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the colossal rise of the respects and dangers at this time everything proceeding as intended for today's quite near the two minute mark the first stage boosters begin to separate something the crew goes wrong. all right and i cheated and there's no time to wait think of one hundred twenty one seconds and merge and see protocols engage will dramatically the mission is compromised they're on their way in milliseconds to get the crew away up with. the families of the crew with the heads of course morse and nasa watch on as the jackson system jettisons the crew module away from the rocket boosters the for the tons of high explosive fuel detonate and we have plenty of scape tower for this is
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now jettisoned the ballistic trajectory they're all in is rougher than anticipated the crew is shaken and battered but stay conscious with room for a little humor. sixty. three minutes in emergency systems function as intended they begin their descent back to earth within minutes as search and rescue operation is underway helicopters are soon borne powering towards the landing site is wealth a mixed families crazy. ways of creating reusability this was good i think that's. what you got to keep the safety yeah i mean that's the key isn't it and lucky escape for the two those thank you rick thomason of the space frontier foundation for coming on to r.t. and talking to us. the mystery surrounding the disappearance of
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a society journalist in turkey has taken a twist as reports suggest riyadh was planning to detain him jamal khashoggi vanished ten days ago after entering the saudi consulate in istanbul and hasn't been seen since u.s. media says washington has come into possession of intelligence that a special operation was ordered by the saudi crown prince saudi arabia denies any involvement earlier i discussed this with my colleague jacqueline. looks like the u.s. may have been aware of an imminent threat to the journalist well initially the trumpet ministration was rather slow in responding to the disappearance and this really may indicate why earlier in the week reports surface that the u.s. had intercepts of saudi officials discussing a plot to lure him back to saudi arabia and detained him there now he's of course been living in the u.s. for about a year now at this point and he writes for the washington post he's a journalist and
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a lot of his articles are rather critical of the saudi government now it's unclear when the u.s. may have intercepted this intelligence and if they may have acted on it but it does raise quite a few questions not least of which being whether or not they had a responsibility to warn the journalist that his life might be in danger in some way shape or form now on wednesday a state department official did come out saying that they did not have any prior knowledge of the incident though. i can see the united states had no advance knowledge of the show his disappearance. so while these reports are based on you know again unnamed sources more than one says to have confirmed them at this point and then one has to wonder whether or not this is a situation where the left hand just doesn't know what the right is doing then in the u.s. government because at the same time we have a group of almost two dozen senators who are up in arms about the situation if we find out that they were complicit or the rest of the city play. the allegedly
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program this is serious and i think it's important in this situation that we we don't overreact or the react we need to get the facts and i know that's a startling proposition for the united states congress that we should get the facts before we act it decided it happened it is increasingly likely that something bad happened to this man at the hands of the saudi government has contempt for us. disrespectful to so there we have calls for an investigation the word sanctions has already been brought up and there's even been a bipartisan movement to stop arms sales to the kingdom which would be a huge blow to ties between the two powers of course but that's something that apparently trump is not willing to consider as of yet i don't like stopping massive amounts of money that's being poured into our country oh and i know they're talking about different kinds of sanctions but they're spending one hundred ten billion
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dollars on military equipment and things that create jobs like. others for this country so he did go on to say that u.s. investigators are looking into this situation but left it at that conflicting reaction there on the what kind of investigation should we expect jacki well on thursday a turkish presidential aide did come out saying that there is going to be an engine a joint investigation with turkey and saudi arabia and reports say that a delegation from riyadh has already landed in turkey but it's a. clear how well that's going to work given the harsh accusations that we've had coming from the turkish side it's been alleged that turkey actually has audio and visual recordings of the incident that prove their claims that he was killed inside the consulate on october the second and certain articles quote people with quote unquote knowledge of the recordings recording saying that you can hear him being tortured and question interrogated and then killed but these recordings have yet to
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be released previously turkey had claimed that there was a fifteen man a hit group that murdered and dismembered the journalist while he was in the consulate and then removed his body from the site now there has been no concrete evidence of that yet and that's something that doesn't need to be stressed this point and saudi arabia does flat out deny all the accusations saying that they are baseless their position remains that he left the consulate unharmed later that day as your top stories the silent next it's politicking so do stay with us.
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is china not russia the two threat to us elections the administration says yes we'll explore that topic on this edition of politic. while going to politicking on larry king on wednesday homeland security secretary kirsten nielsen and f.b.i. director christopher ray said that china is engaged in an unprecedented influence campaign leading into the midterms and the twenty twenty presidential elections what have a new russia is meddling is this a new and legitimate threat or a diversion from the russian invest. the political panel there john went back republican strategist former chairman of the republican party of virginia he's in
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lansdown virginia and in chattanooga tennessee brian joyce host of the brian joyce show on talk radio on w g o w f.m. john what do you make of this warning is about china. you know i look any any serious threat to our election system needs to be taken seriously and i think in terms of the question of whether it's a diversion there's been so much news lately if you haven't noticed i'm not sure that anything's going to be a diversion at this point there's just too much going on i mean the kavanaugh story and whatnot so i don't know whether it's a diversion from the rest investigation the rest of us to geisha his way in the back burner anyway so i think some we should take seriously like we should any threat to our election system right. i think john's probably right about that knowing the trumpet ministration i'm sure it's a combination of both i'm sure it's probably a legitimate threat i'm sure a lot of this is also smoke and mirrors but to john's point really at this point in
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