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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  October 13, 2018 6:30pm-6:57pm EDT

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clinton obama heiress climate change is not even mentioned in the u.s. m.c.a. but seriously even if the trump administration is for the first time admitting i mean it's pretty incredible they are for the first time in meeting with. and good luck people that want out. deep in a five hundred page report last month the trump administration admitted there will be a seven degree rise in global temperatures by twenty one hundred seven degrees is beyond catastrophic it's without a doubt the end of life as we know it so you may think well this is great since it has finally signed on to climate change we can get to work doing something about this that exactly the troubling mystery is you wrote the report to justify president trumps decision to freeze federal fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks built after twenty twenty so this report basically says the world is anyone
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who cares about fuel efficiency. and yes i mean if you know we are destroying our ability to survive it's time to have some fun i think you know. if one room in your house is on fire you don't try and put it out you break out the small or. strip. her right i myself of the gun power and my monster truck with solar panels ground up solar panels that you can pour on me into the gas tank it's amazing is incredible and if i run out of those it also runs on liquefied compost buckets. but let's get back to thrums do trade deal it's worse than just environmental standards it's the us and ca increases the cost of pharmaceutical drugs through intellectual property protections that go significantly beyond nafta finally big pharma gets thrown a bone it's a bad time. it's
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a ballot i don't know about you but i've it just makes me sick watching per do pharmaceutical exacts begging for cigarettes underneath train trestle i'm sick of it ok for the board members of johnson and johnson offering to johnson for it's awkward it's awkward every time every time i see a pfizer c.e.o. boiling a dead rat in a back alley i figure why guy. why do bad eggs happen to good people. are those exact are really suffering but one of the most horrible parts of the t p p trade deal was the trade tribunals that could supersede u.s. law and allow corporations to do what ever the they want these are. tribunals and the new trade deal eliminates them go. read it and when the u.s. m.c.a. reduces the limb and. just of.
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the mother. dies down a little. i'm beginning to think this trade the other drugs and was so wonderful is not so wonderful when he said it was so wonderful. but i don't understand trump does not lie he only speaks. he only speaks the truth which is written for him by someone who was always a liar all right. according to the citizens trace campaigns mexico mexican workers will continue to be horribly exploited american jobs will continue to be outsourced the environment will continue to be degraded and the wages for workers in all three nafta countries will continue to decline oh ok what a relief so you're saying everything stand the same. i was right things are going to change exploitation and degradation we have that down. but. if you're one of the weirdos who still prefers not to be exploited there is
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still time to stop us m.c.a. leaders are expected to sign the deal on december first at the g. twenty meeting then president trump has sixty days to report to congress and congress has to then ratify it but as we saw with brett kavanaugh congress stands up to rape the. corporate head ok ok ok. ok stand up and i think. one of us is one of us coming in from washington d.c. to build the base of the way. a. welcome welcome only can now let's take the
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news from behind let's start off with the hidden truth a little hidden truth about the new supreme court justice and thrice accused sexual assault or brett kavanaugh barack obama's pick for the supreme court who got blocked by republicans was merrick garland and if you recall from the talking boob tube merrick garland was heaven sent he was a god on monk and he was a man among ants he was then and. he was completely different from kavanagh in ways other than how they voted as judges. cavanagh voted ninety three percent of the time with his colleague judge merrick garland when they both heard cases together on a federal appeals court in d.c. this was hardly brought up during kavanagh's hearings except it was mentioned was mentioned by none other then accuse zodiac killer ted. i think i did however
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ted cruz was saying it in the vein of look at how awesome and reasonable judge kavanaugh is but of course the real reason obama's pick and trump's pick are ninety three percent identical is because our presidency and our court system have been captured by the corporate state yet right. that is why how could it be you know they want to believe it's dark vs light evil vs good it's darth vader versus luke skywalker how can that be if they're voting together ninety three percent of the time all right it's not dark versus light it's dark versus a slightly lighter shade of the dark. it's like a mom versus like a red violets are perhaps selfish so a fistful maybe it's a kavanagh never says a cabin the. speaking of justice. to give
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justice last week it came out that authorities in san jose used a fit bit to catch a murderer and when i first heard that of course like you pictured a fit bit running down a street with a broadsword. but that's not it now after a woman was found murdered with a knife authorities spoke to her ninety year old stepfather who said he had been over to her house at three pm but she was fine when he left however the fitbit data showed a significant spike in her heart rate at three twenty pm followed by a rapid slowing the fifth it stopped registering heart rate at three twenty eight pm the same time security cameras showed her stepfather was there now am i glad her murderous father was caught of course but i'd also like to take a moment just just a second to discuss the fact that very pit knows when you're terrified of that terrifying kid no. when you're scared or excited or asleep and can report that to
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the authorities whacked. i mean everyone seems to think this is just totally cool but when they feel the same if it wasn't some high tech device what if instead it was just your lawn maintenance guy right. like i found out last week that my guy dare all scene here has been updating the authorities on when i'm frightened when i'm excited when i'm staring into the middle distance and crying he's been telling them what but once i found out that was going on i threw them off by screaming and puking every time brian williams came on t.v. . and then orgasm ing whenever the microwave bell went off. now i have them right where i was right where i was found. you don't know me you don't go. through the brian way of that before but still point is sure i'm happy this murderer was caught but we also have to consider the incredible invasion
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of privacy by devices that can see and hear our every move either we need to address these questions or we need to make sure sure that every time your about to kill someone you strap their bid to a squirrel and send it off into the woods. for middle bowing. some people are taking steps to protect our privacy though one is certainly berners lee he's known best for inventing a small trinket called the internet initially designed as a place for people to post cat videos and gravity defying and gravity defying pornographic positions but nowadays kin tin used to be used for mainly that so berger's way is unveiling something called solid solid is meant to change the current model where users have to hand over personal data or data to. digital
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giants in exchange for perceived value solid is how we evolve the web in order to restore balance by giving every one of us complete control over data personal or not in a revolutionary way and that my friends is the entirety of what i understood in that article all right. but the point is the guy who invented the internet is going to save us from the internet. we got it you know you got to try firefox for five years or. so somehow this hippie night service serving manly thinks thinks he can have an information revolution that is not exploited for immense profit by the four horsemen of the apocalypse google facebook amazon and ad see yes big ass sees privacy abuses have gotten so bad that the moment you show up on the site it will try and sell you a crochet doily with your name on it how do you know my backstage those guys you
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know you are in for acting. or if you have a very fit bit it will try to sell you a doily that says sorry to hear about your low sperm count. it's true. i own three of those meanwhile corporations continue to fight for their privacy because that's the only sacrosanct precious kind of privacy google doesn't seem to care much that google plus revealed the private data of half a million users they knew about that months ago but didn't tell anyone however they do care about their own privacy finding out google's algorithm would require a mission impossible strategy that inevitably ended and you get someone's eyeball in order to pass a retinal scan. why does every movie have someone with a stick like why and how close are we to the eyeball sickle era you know. that
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said coming soon anyway i can't believe google is shutting down google plus how could they do that when it's so popular. or. or not google said ninety first cent of google plus user sessions are less than five seconds. that means the average visit to google plus consists of oh god i have a google plus. the entirety of it but i'm actually i am i have avid google plus user i go there whenever i want to be left alone. ironically i use google blogs to finally get some privacy. where am i going to go now yes i'll just have to head over to facebook. and just to wrap up here small piece of nothing news the us voted today or yesterday against a un resolution condemning gay sex death penalties joining countries like iraq and
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saudi arabia so to clarify us representatives voted against stopping executions of gay people for consensual sex. but i'm sure we only did it in an effort to retake the moral high ground alright look we used to be on the moral high ground right now we're down here at the bottom because we do things like torture and imprison a giant number of our population and bomb school buses of children so what do we do to get back up there on the moral high moral high ground some say you got to go back up the mountain by behaving morally but dad says it's very tiring and time consuming all right so there is another option you did even deeper. the moral low ground thereby causing the high ground to collapse. and then you're the one you miss the well thank you so that is
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why we voted to execute gay people it was the moral thing to do. we have to go to a quick break but check out my free weekly podcast common sense or when i do that. thank you thank you very much ok. this is crude oil. so they need to actually physically pump it out of the ground he would have well well well well well well. there's a lot of money with the oil and with that comes. a lot of
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a lot of people from all over the country. if you don't make a hundred thousand dollars a year. as a minimum there's an issue. here in india. they were told sixteen hours a day it's hard work will work it's not easy work and so they want to relieve their stress and how do they relieve their stress these and then move back out like these men that comfort these many. people have been murdered up here people been raped there are massive drug issues up here you have a boom you have everything else that comes along with money. join me everything on the i like simon chill and i'll be speaking to guest of the world the politics school business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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i think it was government official of president the f.c.c. the system i see so i'm just the broke the system that sets aside for people like. different people different reasons to go see job. most people in philadelphia are only a ballot two paychecks away from homelessness. welcome
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i'm still only camp i can't think of any other three letters that strike more fear in americans hearts than the letters i.r.s. . maybe c.n.n. n.b.c. and fox. but thanks to i.r.s. budget cuts the only ones not shaking with fear are america's wealthy business owners including our own president who we recently discovered of baited taxes on four hundred million dollars of his inherited wealth for more on this we go to our certified pubic accounting now and again. and i wish they change it in the phone book already so i'd stop getting calls asking if they could write off each of their. ok i just got it from millington
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profile but what kind of message does this set. to americans when the only people we've seen busted for tax evasion are michael cohen and paul mann of ford don't get caught. come on it's not that hard to slip by when the i.r.s. cuts more corners than spirit airlines. right now nothing strikes more fear into my heart than hearing the captain say i hope everyone peed before you boarded. but the russian republicans have slashed staffs and twenty eleven and the rate at which the agency audits tax returns to find a vision has plummeted by forty two percent were cohen and manna for it went wrong was associating with the one man who thinks the take a penny leave a penny tray of the gas station is a piggy bank. everyone else is fine if they just stay low. a limit anything of the very people who can target the insanely wealthy is shady that the government loses hundreds of billions of dollars
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a year because the rich hide money in places like offshore account yet i am there giving some of it back because the iris allowed americans will foreign accounts to the little terror only disclose them and see a smaller penalty you know for those rich business owners who experience the unfamiliar tingling sensation of honesty and ethics oh yeah sure that although huge dent in the trillions american stash overseas the best of the i.r.s. can offer since they do nothing with a now eight year old foreign account tax compliance act which required banks with american account holders to report info to the us plus i.r.s. agents don't even like tax evasion in fact a research associate at catholic university who spent twenty five years with the i.r.s. and interview thirty former agents said agents love to ponzi scheme cases because there was a real victim in. something like that something like this. so
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we should expand the pyramid schemes because every girl i went to high school with tries to recruit me to sell their ugly ass. the only way you can get paid is to recruit others when this is the merchandise or what. anyone sells should be a criminal act but congress. is the reason that for in a lot of the foreign accounts laws is useless i mean they cripple the i.r.s. from punishing business owners who corrupt lawmakers with corporate cash in the first place but congress is more than happy to have the i.r.s. shake us down for tax money yet the wealthiest americans get tax cuts while avoiding business tax of course they avoid them tax paperwork is hard and anyone of us can get up in fact i can prove it which is why. i got your tax return.
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how did you get to think the real question is why you don't lock your doors during the day it's time. that's the. ok you know what most of this is just write off for face raisers and pleather jacket some. way you. know that you. didn't really got to much for the real thing hidden truth behind our government's motives in syria for more on this here's correspondent they only care of bonnie what the raging controversy. internal documents reveal that between twenty and eleven in two thousand and sixteen the u.s. opposed the burgeoning democratic movement in syria in favor of radical islamic groups look i'm not saying it's good news either if the us is claiming to bring
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democracy to your cunt. because the us has its own special brand of democracy delivering. the seventy years syrian civil war looks like it's coming to an end as the sons' forces are retaking the province but several months earlier the u.s. had already given up on the overthrow of assad in syria that musta been a un security council meeting for ambassador nikki haley we welcome the opportunity to discuss the prospects for a diplomatic solution in syria. and money. diag the us foreign policy establishment didn't being democracy would replace assad military intelligence documents said the opposition in syria does not yet have the numbers organization or capabilities overall to overwhelm the regime force the more probable threat the regime will be facing will come from within in the form of an
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attempt by high ranking military and business elite of the regime to mount a coup against assad intelligence was hoping for many who you know nothing too fancy according to the wiki leaks documents if president bashar al assad was overthrown. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. crossing the most. simple someone. but if many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides the drifter used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities are the best person to ask than call mom. most needed more don't have it up on i get i'm in a lot of class and i want to. watch their options to stay in the country with
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donald trump in the white house. about to do. a fifth. move both of you have a few with both of. you need to let the audience you need to let people decide what is the relevance of them you don't need to filter he said. himself he believes he knew better he believes you do what the needs are of these folks and that self-censorship which is such a step in this is completely wrong and this is why we have been sleepwalking into the next financial crisis how john author's been a gonzo journalist i've been a proper new age journalist how do you how do you not self centered himself as this next crisis unfolds people would be better prepared to deal with it but they won't be because of the failure of fake journalist like the author.
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and your own pal. coming up out of a gun type of time talking point enough. to know. why you don't need. him from put in there is a trade in young girls. souls into an underground six in the street sometimes but the people they trust the most.
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ah ah ah ah. ah ah. ah ah. ah ah ah. ah us president donald trump vows to punish saudi arabia alleged involvement in the disappearance of a dissident journalist with business brains on in washington trump said his stolen protecting the billions of dollars at stake when it comes to. as to whether or not we should stop one hundred ten billion dollars from being spent in this country knowing that they have four or five alternatives two very good alternatives that
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would not be acceptable but. historic results could be about to shake the german state of bavaria as residents prepared to take to the polls on sunday with the alternative for germany party on the verge of breaking new ground in the country.


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