tv News RT October 14, 2018 6:00am-6:24am EDT
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well we were at the launch site doing live coverage of so i use m s ten's blast off into the cosmos we saw the rocket go into the sky the tourists that were watching friends and family other journalists they were taking pictures smiling clapping congratulating the crew on their successful blast off into the sky but then we started getting signs that something was wrong because minot aleksei off chin in and astronaut nick cage had to make an emergency landing emergency services arrived
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at the scene within ninety minutes of their landing for something that hasn't happened in over thirty years it's really a miracle that these two came out on injured and alive donald corder r.t. baikonur alexi of truth in his forty seven years old and holds the rank of reserve lieutenant colonel in the russian air force opposed to his flight was supposed to have been his second journey to space his american colleague forty three year old nick haig is a code on the u.s. air force and his case it was to have been his maiden flight and when you've got more than half a million pounds of burning rocket fuel right behind you in a booster that's gone faulty you need to get away and get away fast experts on national go so well ultimately applauding the escape system that propelled the path to safety.
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thank you thank you but of course i want to thank the rescuers and those who designed these keep systems thanks to them our guy scheme back to earth safely it's a very dangerous situation and it's. him impressive. about the design of how they built the escape system that it works so very well but you're in a very volatile situation with lots of rocket propellant around you going very very fast very very high so things could have gone much much worse and it's just great that the escape system works so well i flew on to the space station aboard a sleaze rocket myself came back in the soyuz capsule on my fourth mission and so you know it kind of brought me back to what it's like being in that vehicle and imagining going through this kind of emergency aboard but as you heard again from
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the transmissions the crew was very calm very professional and they did everything's actually right the crew onboard the international space station had more than a bird's eye view of what happened and captured the moment on camera and we can show you these images taken by the current space station commander alexander you can just about make out the white streaks of smoke from the rockets. and his team are readying to welcome that colleagues on board and then could only watch helplessly as they sold the ash and also incredible escape shortly after commander jumped on to twitter to express his relief. i'm glad that our friends are fine thanks to more than a thousand rescue workers this day has again shown how great the still uses despite a false start the crew was safely brought back to earth space travel is tough but we must go on for the benefit of humanity alex is doing well i have some contacts there's some gas in the sage and he's in a good shape he's not at all afraid he trusts into the so use as he did in the past
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so therefore now he will he might or he might have to stay a little bit longer in the stations and plant there is no change of plans so we are looking forwards to not only using soyuz for the next asked amounts but also her some of our economics so we do not see there is a change in plan. still no major breakthrough in the case of the prominent saudi journalist who vanished almost two weeks ago. was last seen entering the saudi consulate in istanbul this right here on october the second no one has heard from him since turkey has not officially accused riyadh of being involved but some reports claim its intelligence services have evidence that not only was because we have your chief kidnapped it's also reportedly tortured and killed now meantime saudi arabia strongly denies the accusations and has offered to help in
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investigating this case now of course the lack of information on a sensitive topic like this certainly prompted multiple media reports some news outlets allege that the u.s. intercepted saudi discussion of a plan to capture the journalist claiming the saudi crown prince ordered an operation to lure and detained house georgie others say that turkish officials have an audio recording of the journalists murder said to have been recorded on his smartwatch though some say this is unlikely if you're trying to investigates. where is journalist demolish agin. what happened to him. for an entire week nobody has been able to answer that question and vesta gaiters on the ground who might be the closest to solving the riddle believe he could have been brutally murdered behind the walls of the saudi consulate and its stamboul alleged details of how it was done and clued sending over a fifteen man hit squad from the kingdom to make sure the man's dead anchor was
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shocked something so horrendous could have happened in istanbul prosecutor in istanbul is investigating the issue there is both a security investigation and an intelligence one it is extremely thorough the news that this incident took place in the country i knew to move through a long time so i still hold out hope good willing we will not find ourselves in a situation we do not want and still riyadh says it's got nothing to do with it all the claims are absolute blogs and official at the consulate general of the kingdom of saudi arabia in istanbul dismissed the report by reuters which cited turkish officials the saudi citizen jamal khashoggi was killed in the consulate in istanbul the official strongly denounced these baseless allegations and expressed his down to that they came from turkish officials they were informed of the investigation or authorized to comment on the issue the saudi kingdom is
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transparency record has been poor to say the least but in a rare display of openness there officials even invited warders on a tour around the consulate. g. lives and works in the u.s. but to obtain a license to get married he had to see saudi officials is definitely been to the consulate twice on september the twenty eighth and when he disappeared now here's what's crucial mr has shoddy writes about the saudi government and its not. ackley glowing actually had been worried something bad could happen to him before the second visit to the consulate the journalists left his cell phone with his fiance with instructions on what to do if he didn't come out soon the woman called turkish police four hours later when jamal was nowhere to be seen saudi officials say his stay at the compound was very short they were sure the journalist vanished once he
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stepped outside now they're looking for him to mr his fiance is full of hope he's not been killed but kidnapped rather the story's been picked up by media all over the world one of the newspapers jamal wrote for the washington post came out with a blank column where they were supposed to print his piece but that hasn't helped there's been no trace of the man washington says it's worried about the incident however it was not the u.s. president who voiced concern some u.s. senators are urging tough action if indeed involvement is confirmed. if we find that they were complicit or directed simply the way. the relationship like. this is serious we need to get the facts and i know that's a startling proposition for the united states congress that we should get the facts before we act if this did happen and this increase in the likelihood that something
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bad happened to this man at the hands of the saudi government has contempt for us. disrespectful to. meanwhile a president on a trumpet's promise to punish saudi officials if their involvement is proven but also stressed his desire to protect america's multi-billion dollar business with the gulf kingdom terrible the disgusting about that if that were the case so we're going to have to see we're going to get to the bottom of it and there will be severe punishment we don't like it and we don't like it even a little bit but as to whether or not we should stop one hundred ten billion dollars from being spent in this country knowing they have four or five alternatives two very good alternatives that would not be acceptable to be. tromped is. he you know his attitude is as business when i think it affects a little bit relationship between the united states and so would you i've done it both pop it doesn't affect what i do well because the problem is that now americans
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want to do something against russia and iran and turkey in the middle east and they need. to be on the gulf countries and do you need some money and despite i think it you know doesn't change anything. is very important to the u.s. in terms of the reserve status of the dollar in terms of the petro dollar is very they're tied in there tied in hand in glove with them i really don't think anything is going nothing is going to happen the maybe people will be calling for something to happen nothing is going to happen. in germany now where bavaria is holding local elections that could have national significance by weakening the country's ruling coalition. reports from both areas. well the polls and now a pen and the various sets of former regional governments by the end of the day sister party to angela merkel c.d.u. the c.s.u.
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pre-election polls show us that the c.s.d. are expected to suffer losses so voters are thought to be leaving towards the end day the alternative for germany party that is set to make their debut with around ten percent of the phase but those who don't like the strong rhetoric of the f.d.a. are tending towards the left towards the greens who are expected to make around twenty percent of the votes this is very well known among the journalists and also among the. kind of copying our program is the losing massive losing the people we've got the big part or four of their electorates. will be shoestring voters they're also thought. to be punishing the c.s.u. of issues such as immigration has pushed the c.d.u. atmosphere to breaking point and the c.f.c.'s top party candidate thinks he knows
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who's to blame these are all numbers that are heavily influenced by burl in politics i do not want to sell situation in the but there in state parliaments internal disputes hurt no matter what causes them i admit that things can get better in berlin but if you let your own personal ambition take over it becomes impossible to govern so if the pre-election polls are anything to gain by voters attending away from the centrist parties and this is could be a worrying sign for merkel but let's look at also what the status of area except for pfizer is one of the states that held the lowest rate of unemployment is also the hub of the car manufacturer at b.m.w. but at the brink of the economic crisis it took in the second highest number of migrants across germany but people do say that the area is the backbone of the german economy but later we'll wait to see if when the votes come in tonight to see if the c.s.u. can hold on to its majority all it will be forced to go into a coalition which could rattle german politics but also though the u.s.
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you cannot operate as united nations this is not just wouldn't but u.n. d.p. world health organization and other international organizations like the international committee of the red cross you cannot work in a place like. pragmatic cooperation with the local authorities which are in this case here on or has been for most of the last few years. if you joined us today the united states midterm elections are now less than a month away with both the democrats and republicans appearing to growing increasingly animated and outspoken and there is a lot at stake though polls this week show only a six percent gap and support between the two parties the democrats currently leading at forty seven percent. and look at how campaign protocol's been torn up in this current political climate. i may not agree with what you say but i shall
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defend to the death your right to say it now that used to be the favorite quotation of americans but not anymore civility is passe just ask hillary clinton you cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for what you care about if we are fortunate enough to win back the house and or the senate that's when civility can start again remember back when everyone hailed this motto when they go low we go high. well now barack obama's former attorney general has adjusted it just a little machine says that you know when they go low. no. they go low. and some sectors of the u.s. public are pretty clearly ready for battle.
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will receive an appropriate legal system both clubs are looking into time in eighteen these players contracts they're just looking at the contracts whether this domination is possible but let's not forget if they are found guilty if they're charged and found guilty off of these misdemeanors they could face up to two years in prison each they operate in the tories for their misdemeanors got caught and was caught several times reckless driving in moscow his bentley there he was pictured in the south a sense your wedding firing off pistols in the of course all that pales in comparison to what they did this last weekend and it's absolutely no chance that they will scape any sort of punishment from that it has been a busy week for well white headlines thank you for sharing your time and joining us with a weekly here now is the international news sunday program the top of the hour hope you can join us then.
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you know world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bathroom and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. oh if it was government official of president of the f.c.c. the system i swear to god it's all right i'm too liberal the system is not decide for people like me who move. as bloodlust.
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different people are here for different reasons the o.c. job we also have. most people in philadelphia are only about two paychecks away from homelessness. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy for him to let it be an arms race in his own off and spearing dramatic development only mostly i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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all. her. clothes welcome twelve apart there was never any love lost between the soviet union or russia on the one hand and they tell on another but over the last couple of years that animosity hasn't once again transformed into the main policy. determinant of the block mentality of our style blocking relations in the larger europe of the stuff that i'm now joined by the fun of a lot of professor at the tree asking a verse fourteen in telling professor to tell to thank you very much for your time
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we are recording this interview right after your public talk about how the western containment policy against the soviet union has now been replaced by russia's efforts to contain nato and i wonder if in the case of russia it's really containment as much as let's say the effort to simply keep nato away first of all it's interesting from the historical point of view to see how the this where the containment was exploited to the right after the second world war by the united states to you need to contain the potential expansion of the soviet union towards the eastern side of europe and at that moment containment became more or less one of the pillars of the foreign policy of the united states in it was one of the tool of the containment not the only one but in europe need to was for sure the most important tool to try to contain the soviet union it's interesting russia is
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doing the same to nato now because as you pointed out i think the russian policy is much less multilayered than what you describe think that in in one sense of russia was waiting to see how far need to go how much need to cool insurance in deformities soviet republics because we had the explosion of soviet union and many new independent counties but they remain in may you piñon what the french called to do men the result of the we should mean a privilege of interaction between the former soviet republic we may understand that for instance in some of the counties. as in the baltic states there will not always a huge of friendship between some part of those population and there are also natural economic ties that sustain not only russia but i understand many in the baltics the correct and not only economic ties but also a common you often way of thinking
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a common way of having multiple relations it is a because of the history and even though the ballot extent they can of course concede that in the past there were other troubles they were independent between the two world wars and then the worrying clued in the soviet union at the beginning of the second world war. but with ardor former soviet republic such as crane georgia well may need a crane or crane or russia they have a common history they have come i would say cultural and religious but let's discuss does indeed tells when let me press here once more do you think russia current policy reserve in nato could really be described as containment i do consider that what i've been in in the very recent months sure is that russia on
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