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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  October 15, 2018 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT

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decision making of the federal reserve. but tragically not for the right reasons sorry ron paul in the fed fans trump was criticizing the fed because it's rolling stone matt taibbi eloquently writes he doesn't want to have to pay interest on the giant sums he will inevitably have to borrow the paper is idiotic tax cuts. remember when i mentioned that bit about politics and money earlier well when standing at the crossroads of money in politics my friends it's best to wear your waiter's and open your umbrella because the lives will be falling in the b.s. rising until you start watching the hawks. it's really. hard to see. what it's like you know that i got. was that we. would.
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welcome everyone to watching the hawks am i relevant are and joining me today is our tease boom bust chilton the host with the most disbarred thank you for coming on today always a pleasure to have you on absolutely love being here so i got to ask you like i mentioned we don't we don't often see a sitting president criticize the probable reserve. and fact i can't think of a time in my lifetime at least when i was cognizant of these things that that's never happened before why is president trump criticizing the fed and what would a trump versus federal reserve battle look like for this country when great questions take half a step back so. the previous federal reserve chair was janet yellen and this was she was an obama era head of the federal reserve and president trump said she did a good job but he wanted somebody else so he picked the older white guy. jay powell
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and who is generally seen as a solid fellow always a traditional republican and so he nominates jay powell gets confirmed by the u.s. senate and then he says the feds crazy so this is his guy first of all who he's criticizing and says is gone loco and the reason he's doing it is because he is a guy coming out of real estate who lights likes interest rates low and thinks that that's such a good thing and as you're an individual consumer you say sure like interest rates low but if interest rates stay low we're going to have all this essentially the federal reserve printing money and the economy will overheat and we'll have a big crash because if the growth doesn't keep up with all of the debt that's out there because of this tax for bill you paid you talked about then the if we did deficit increase increase and create the borrowing gets higher and higher and at
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some point we come off the sugar high and that's when everything crashes we've already seen that we don't do it again we don't want to do that again but it's interesting because this is a republican administration and you hear trump and a lot of the republicans talk about fiscal responsibility in the yellow to the high heavens about the increasing u.s. debt but yet we're seeing that climb you know why oh why is this so threatening to trump the republicans can't they see through this can't they understand labor hey we need to do this a little bit it's politics man they look i mean. republicans have traditionally been pretty good at least in articulating a conservative policy paul ryan mitch mcconnell all these guys on on not spending too much money but the actual last time the federal budget was balanced was bill clinton now he did they did it with a tax increase supported by democrats in the early ninety's but growth was great so the president says well growth would never be good with democrats the bottom line
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is growth was good it was it came at the expense of a tax increase but we are here now where the president really chose to do this tax cut deal spend what was one point five trillion and now the congressional budget office says it's one point eight trillion that it's going to add to the debt over between now and two thousand and twenty eight and ultimately it's going to hurt us i mean economy is now but doing fine but it is on the sugar high tyler and the end game can't be really good. one and one things kind of speaking of this is the kind of quietly under the radar for those not paying attention you know unlike yourself probably you know. is the u.s. treasury borrowed a record breaking four hundred eighty eight billion dollars in the first quarter of twenty eighteen that's biggest i think it's ever been in ten years they borrow that much money biggest ever because that last was in two thousand and ten and at forty three forty three that's right ok so is this kind of borrowing by the u.s.
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dangerous especially as we're for lack of a better term in this trade war with china yeah because china is the one that's holding a lot of that debt and we this gets confusing but me turning a lot of that debt and with this gets confusing but let me try to make sure it's understood so when we say china holds our debt what that means is they are buying u.s. bonds like treasury bonds like back in the day you know my parents bought me a bond and and that was going to make money over over a course of a number of years. china bought u.s. bonds lots of them and they just started selling them today they only sold them three times in fourteen years they sold them twice in the last year they sold three billion dollars worth today so china is saying and not making a lot of money off of selling what china is saying it's exactly to your point total they are saying you know screw us we're not going to hold this debt at
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a cent at the same time where we need people to buy our debt because of the tax cuts and the deficit we're discussing and this is a circle and speaking of politics and money and given the news of the week you can't avoid talking about saudi arabia when it comes to politics and money obviously there in the headlines over the disappearance an impossible murder of journalists. recently we've seen multiple big financial names now drop out of saudi arabia's davos in the desert conference talking money and all that kind of thing and these names include folks like jamie diamond the former you know the head of j.p. morgan former c.e.o. of believing of goldman sachs and then thrive c.e.o. our area huffington also jumped ship yet the united states treasury secretary steve luncheon is still planning on going why is he going to this well there's a couple think there's more richard branson the c.e.o. of the big fund funds out there blackstone blackrock the c.e.o.
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of so there's a bunch of folks that are not going but all u.s. government disappearance of this journalist saying this is all a result of mr. disappearance or timely demise untimely demise rather so the bottom line is yes secretary minutia and now secretary pump ale secretary of state are going over there now what larry kudlow who is the top economic adviser for the trump of ministration said yesterday is well you know we haven't decided whether or not the secretary is not going to go but this is about terrorist financing and i'll tell you what i've been to davos it's not about terrorist. if they have a one session or a panel on it fine but there's lots of things they talk about terrorist financing is hardly any of it so they're looking for some sort of camouflage over this it will really tell i think where this administration is all we've seen a little bit today if they actually go on this thing and what we saw today and i know you'll be talking about a little bit but is you know look these were rogue guys that somehow got in to this
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the stamboul to the saudi embassy consulate rather and is then bull or they were tourists that were just there that arrived at three sixteen in the morning and stayed for a few hours so all of this is sort of the height of hypocrisy in my view and if the u.s. can't stand up and say call b.s. on the saudis on this it shows that we really care more about money than about people and just a sad state of affairs well it definitely is and i want to throw this at you let's say the you know we do. for lack of a term divest from our interests with saudi arabia what kind of effect would that have on our economy how intertwined are they into our economy if they're very much into our economy but we don't have to divest everything and stop all that we have to send a strong signal you know to have sanctions on russia we have a trade war with japan and other nations we could say the ambassador has to go home we have to we could say that us will not do business with saudi companies there are
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all sorts of things we can do short of saying we're never going to do business with the saudis they're an important ally and so i'm not saying that you have to just ostracize them one hundred percent but there's administrator is literally saying ha ha we're just going to cover this all up and we saw the first real signals of that today really with the president not but not with his surrogates with the president the united states saying that this was he believed this. cannot malarky crazy and upset ing it is very upsetting as we see all this kind of come come to pass i think it's one of those cases where the chickens are really coming home to roost for the first time because look we've had a lot of you know we we've bathed in saudi money and it's kept us and kept certain structures sections afloat for a very long time especially in the political nature and now when you see all this kind of breaking apart you know it's going to be an interesting world to step forward in. last ask you look really quick got to go soon but what do you predict is the future what's the next move how is this going to play out i think it whether
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or not stephen minucci and pump a zero as secretary if they go to this thing in the desert i think that means business as usual very upsetting if that's the case tyler thank you so much always a pleasure having you think you are to use boom bust thank you so much all right as we go to break caulk watchers i don't want you don't forget to let us know what you think of the top of the government facebook and twitter and see our poll shows that are t.v. dot com coming up conservative commentator the one and only steve malzberg joins the party to discuss the unique history journalist of all because showed you and how that may may or. u.s. ties to saudi arabia and politics here at home stay tuned to watch the hawks. who cannot operate as united nations this is not just about u.n. d.p.
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world health organization and in fact other international organizations like the international committee of the red cross you cannot work in a place like gaza with pragmatic cooperation with the local authorities which are hamas in this case here on or has been for most of the last few years. and you. don't pal. i'm not that. will i. am. in film put in there is a trade in young girls souls into an underground six in the street sometimes but the people they trust the most.
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take a tyranny you too can be disappeared in broad daylight also the fate of a saudi journalist is testing washington's relations with riyadh is the crown prince's rule in doubt and much much more on this edition of crossfire. it has now been nearly two weeks since the mysterious disappearance of prominent saudi author and journalist jamal because shogi showed his unique professional and political background as well as his role as an anti saudi establishment media
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pundit have turned this missing persons case to new and international whodunit of explosive implications officially last seen entering a saudi consulate in turkey could show his whereabouts to this day remain unknown turkey's government claims to have secret audio and video evidence from within the consulate proving his murder at the hands of a visiting team of saudi assassins well saudi arabia has bristled at these accusations insisting that the dissident left the consul or the distance left the consulate shortly after entering and that the entire incident is a set up meanwhile the issue has turned into yet another political football here and go to washington d.c. with democrats taking the opportunity to attack president trump's close ties to the saudi monarchy and much of the mainstream media framing the incident as a startling wakeup call to saudi arabia's abysmal record on human rights after years of puzzling silence of the very same monarchies a brutal campaign of death and devastation wielded upon while the entire population of neighboring yemen so for an update on how this mysterious case has been playing
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out in the mainstream media bubble and foreign policy echo chambers we are joined from new york by political commentators steve malzberg steve always a pleasure thank you for coming on today echo chamber hello. exactly so steve already this week we've seen some reports still as of now officially on verify that the saudi government may be preparing to admit that the show didn't he die inside the consulate but it was an accident and an interrogation gone wrong. what do we what do we make of this back and forth. you know there are so many questions. and let me just say you made a great point we've been aware of what saudi arabia is and what saudi arabia has done forever we were aware of it during the campaign when it was brought up by some people that allegedly hillary clinton or the clinton foundation took money from
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saudi arabia which you know being gay or homosexual in saudi arabia is against the law you could be stoned to death in certain instances rape victims are often put on trial just as much as their perpetrator the person who allegedly raped them i mean there's all kinds of crazy things that go on horrific things that go on in saudi arabia and have for a long long time i think this is a story because it involves a journalist and because the media is looking to bury donald trump with his reaction whether it's good enough not good enough harsh enough not harsh enough so i think that's why they're concentrating on it but you know they have been to published reports in recent days one from a right leaning german newspaper that says that. you know he was a journalist kind yeah but for years and years and years he's been a high level saudi intelligence operative and you know that's what i wanted to have it actually that's what i want to get into with you right now as you know we've we've discussed this case at length on the show that it's fascinating and like you
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said it's sad to see a death turned into a political football. but we've also covered some of these background that has gone largely unnoticed by many in the mainstream media you know steve you mentioned the german publication what are some details from his past the kind of coming out you know do we know what's verified what's not verified and it's making this entire kind of mystery even more complicated is that none of it is and it would really be if more people were like you guys here are watching the hawks and talking about it but the mainstream media in this country certainly is not for instance said and this said think has been verified he's interview. bin ladin in the past you know years ago now the german papers saying that he's very close to bin laden there is saying that he was this intelligence officer for saudi arabia and that he made of known too much they're saying that the spectator wrote a piece saying that he was a member of the muslim brotherhood now the muslim brotherhood of the arch enemy of
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the saudis they'd like to see the kingdom overthrown they'd like to see a strict islamist government put in there so the saudis fear the muslim brotherhood and a lot of other arab countries are no fans of the muslim brotherhood remember morsi and egypt so there's all kinds of speculation here but again you know we're presented with a he was a journalist he was working in america for the washington post and we should react accordingly there's got to be more to his background i mean he was a big supporter of the kingdom for decades before he allegedly objected and went into self-imposed exile over the prince's crackdown. about a year ago so you know inquiring minds want to know and question more and that's what that's what you're doing right here one of the interesting things as many of the mainstream media you know to show viewers of american permanent resident but there are questions as well about how you actually obtained his green green card you know obviously he has ties to the bin laden family as
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a journalist like to study interviewed osama bin laden and he's you know served as an advisor to saudi arabia's former head of intelligence this is just throwing out the possibilities because you've got to ask the questions is it possible that the show he was easily able to obtain an american green card because he was somehow affiliated with the u.s. intelligence himself a journalist working in foreign countries sounds like some of the intelligence community might want to have on the payroll or on the roster at least. i mean again i think that might be smart intelligent smart move on our part if he was not criticizing it if that were the case but i'd have to feel that you'd see a. reaction from the administration kind of and i'd have to feel that again if the saudis found out about it i don't think that their answer would be to kill him specially since we've gotten so close to the saudis over the years under donald trump more specifically who views saudi arabia as a big ally in the fight against terror and in the fight against
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a common enemy which is iran and you know and this this war in yemen which we can discuss if you like i mean basically that's a fight against the iranian proxy who forced the yemeni president into exile and they launch rockets they've launched rockets from yemen with. iranian rockets to riyadh towards riyadh so you know it's a complicated situation but that's why we're close with saudi arabia i think strategically more so than oil these days to be honest with you well you know it's interesting because ever since the disappearance once again the media's has covered the story extensively and many pundits of use the opportunity to call in the white house to distance itself from saudi arabia and specifically its war in yemen but for years now the very same saudi government has effectively this can't be denied regardless of rockets being shot towards riyadh has effectively imposed a humanitarian crisis on yemen and has recently gone so far as bombing civilian
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targets like mark of some school buses and as tragic as it is how is this one missing person's case worse than what we've seen committed by saudi arabia over the years in yemen right now that see that's the whole thing i mean you know just as well as i do tyrrell that it it's selective reporting it's it's fake news by omission what they're doing now is fake news by omission they don't list everything hey hey this is the latest folks but here's what saudi arabia has done over the years that we have shut up about it and here's why were ticked off about this what they can't even get away with saying these. one of our own if they wanted to but they don't they just make it sound like this is it well now we know saudis are bad and now we know what saudis do look at the way like i said they treat gays and have they treated women over the years and and if you want to bring in yemen certainly there's a humanitarian crisis there i mean there's a whole pandora's box you could open not to mention nine eleven which i still have
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lots of questions about and many americans do or should but look there's a lot of questions here i mean you know turkey current what roles turkey playing in this they released our pastor in the midst of all this they claim that they have video and audio proof of what happened to shogi where is it that nobody has seen it i mean what role and era do want is no fan of the saudis so what role is he playing in all this is a lot more beneath the surface here than just what what we're being presented in there were in the mainstream media the dollar agree with you and steve we agree and disagree i can agree and disagree with you about you know i knew about iran and what i feel about you know our intentions towards them but you know one thing that's interesting about all this is the trumpet ministration has aligned itself closely with the saudis going over there you visit the you know especially crown prince mohammed bin psalm and they are now providing the white house with
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a steady stream of infrastructure investments in arms deals ahead of the midterm elections. can we really expect trump to handle this fairly good we really expect the administration to be alive well we're going to hold them to task. well i think you may find this answer crazy but i think we could expect him to treat it more fairly and tell it like it is at and consider it in its totality based on previous behavior and break based on a whole picture then someone else who is just looking to play politics it would be reactionary and say we have to condemn the we've got to pull out our investments we have to i'm not i'm not saying i'm saying some politicians are like this not all we have to take action we get because that's an overreaction he was not an american citizen we don't know who what he was doing we still don't know what happened i
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mean to be fair if turkey has pictures i'd love to see them so he's said he talked to the king who denies any knowledge of it and we do have a big stake in saudi arabia yes the billions for the hardware they're buying but also strategically i can't stress enough strategically in their acceptance now to a great extent strategically to cooperate with israel in the fight against iran and terror and other strategic areas so i think trumps measured approach which is being blasted by the media and democrats i think that's the way to go i really do i don't i don't mind taking a measured approach but i will say steve at the end of the day i do think that it's time for us to start looking at cutting our ties with saudi arabia in the region in a realistic way because if we're going to do this right you mean not because of it because of everything the whole picture not because of one thing because when you really break it down at the end of the day you know how can we criticize iran
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without critics you know with when our ally in the region i think is just as bad if not worse at the end of the day and when. it comes to human rights violations and all that and i'm sure we could go round and round on that statement as we always do you know but i mean do you do you agree at least that we need to looking at the whole picture we need to start thinking about walking away from that partnership. well again then then you're giving a rand then you're saying to iran go ahead take saudi arabia but iran is not going to tell you saudi arabia at the end of the day there iran wants to be i here's my personal take we have been lead iran for a very long time since george bush going all the way back to carter going all the way back to when we installed the dictator there in the one nine hundred fifty s. i think they have a little bit of a right to be angry with us. ok yeah i mean at and you're entitled to your opinion that i love about coming out with you we could go back and forth and always be friends and shake hands but i disagree i think you're going to give an open door to iran that the biggest finances of terrorism around the world and you can't you
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can't let them play in that backyard or we will not even allow that to what this rule is greta because the greens steve with those one of reasons i love how and thank you so much always steve moment of leisure any time. before the iconic one small step for man there were hundreds if not thousands of steps both small and large to bring us to the one great moment for all mankind and one of the biggest steps in getting us there was the historic flight of apollo seven which celebrated its fiftieth anniversary this past october eleventh born from the tragedy of apollo one that saw four crew members killed after an electrical fire broke out during a rehearsal test apollo seven launch the first apollo mission crew in the space less than a year before the alarm song took that famous first step from the ladder of the from the ladder of the lander to the surface of the moon crewed by command module
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pilot donahue soul command commander walter shearer and lunar module pilot walter cunningham the upon. also brought the world into space for the first time by conducting a live television broadcast from inside the spacecraft. so from all of us here watching the hawks we want to say happy fiftieth birthday to apollo seven we always need to keep reaching for the stars while we're here on earth because that kind of inspiration is what keeps pushing us into the future and ladies and gentlemen that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved. tell you all i love. for watching.
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obama codified the worst tendencies of wall street institutionalized the kleptocracy turn a blind eye to the excesses of the really don't the wraps on on on financed in america who are still frank with impunity and this is draining the swamp unfortunately i must say that it does mean that interest rates are going to start going higher and this is for the first time in thirty two years the bond market bull rally we've had thirty years or longer this looks like it's coming to an end and that is a fundamental shift huge change in the economy for the world and for the united states going forward so that will be the big story of the next twenty four months.
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president i don't have faith in the system. the system designed for people like me. as bloodless. defend the poor here for different reasons lost a job lost a home. most people in philadelphia ballot two paychecks away from homelessness. pranking gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars
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a year truck so i chose to drive a truck people rush to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like the gold rush is very very similar to. this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here and just slow down so much they lost jobs that laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and that's a tough reality to deal with. so tell them that. cut i. cut
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. angela merkel says voters have lost confidence in politicians after the chancellor's key ally stuff as an upset in various regional elections. turkish investigators search this sound a consulate in istanbul other claims that a journalist was murdered by a hit squad inside the building riyadh denies that all accusations. and school say it's close to julian a song confirms on t.v. that he's been given instructions on how to behave online the having his internet access actually restored by the ecuadorian embassy. for the latest on these stories you can head to r.t. dot com coming up next the u.n. aid.


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