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tv   News  RT  October 16, 2018 8:00am-8:30am EDT

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well the plane that crashed. passengers on a flight from london helped to stop the deportation of the migrants who led the somali man is later reported to be a convicted rapist also to come on our t.v. n.b.c. news network misrepresents from our bob u.s. president to make it look like he prays to pro-slavery general they corrected that report two days later but not before polarizing the media we ask new yorkers if they live in a separate news but. i do feel like it's divided we have to be open to listening to different countries different different peoples interests from pa was. incorrect. it's always going to be people living in different universes and the captain of the
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doomed story space rocket that crashed after takeoff spot speaks exclusively to watch t.v. about his dramatic escape. here in moscow he watching international passengers on a flight from london to key have stood up for a man who was being deported from britain the man was apparently shouting and crying resisting that the importation when fellow passengers decided to intervene however saudi's party boy can i explains that was an ugly twist to the story. take them off the plane exactly what they care most of what was taking most of the plane this is the moment the passengers on a flight to istanbul stood up for a man being forcibly removed from the u.k. the home office was attempting to deport you could be ahmed back to his home
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country of somalia which he'd left when he was reportedly a young boy. was a little over the fire. but his screams alerted the other passengers on board to the fact that he was being made to leave the country against his will so fellow passengers leapt to his defense he says whatever it was it was forget exactly what it is you got was told it was minutes later home office officials scored off the plane and back to u.k. jurisdiction. it's now been revealed the passengers helped to keep in the country is a convicted gang rapist in august two thousand and seven he brutally assaulted a sixteen year old girl along with three other men in
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a premeditated attack he was sentenced to nine years in prison and he was released after four one of his fellow gang members has since traveled to syria and died fighting with islamic state terrorists the passengers on the plane are unlikely to have known ahmed's dangerous criminal history and the loss of security was never a. good seal was going to lead to discovery that was very little now thanks to their intervention you have had is thought to be back in a u.k. detention center while government officials tried to place him on another flight his lawyers now have time to appeal the to sit. to deport him the u.k. isn't alone when it comes to citizens disrupting government approved deportations earlier this year in sweden a student activist refused to take a seat on a plane until a failed asylum seeker who was being sent back to afghanistan was taken off the
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flight and she live streamed the entire incident golborne thought they. were. going to get killed it was later reported the man had been sentenced for assault the u.k. home office says that all foreign nationals who were sentenced for a crime and abuse the u.k.'s hospitality should be in no doubt of the government's determination to remove them but the government may not have banked on citizen activists being just as determined to let them stay. reporting what we have asked the u.k. home office for clarification regarding the identity of the suspect earlier we spoke with the former chief executive u.k.'s immigration visor this best and he believes that cases like this should not be decided by the public but by the courts . i think this example shows how wrong people can be although they may have
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sympathy for somebody particularly if they're being manhandled in a rather aggressive manner to get them on an aircraft in order to deport them i can understand where people sympathy might lie a bit of course as we've discovered with this case those sympathies may be very misplaced if they are foreigners want to use the airline for deportation cases then they have to do a balancing act between complying with the legal regulations or look at existing human rights safeguards and to make sure that they are fully articulated in favor of somebody who might otherwise be removed wrongly. meanwhile there are other ways to the port ation can run into hiccups too because france apologized after its police drove into italy and dropped to under command of migrants off in a forest without roman's permission let's get more on the story now from our europe
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correspondent shot at the bins he joins us live good afternoon to charlotte just tell us what spain italy is a reaction to this. well it's really cool it's french police counterparts red handed in the last few days after a french police van was as you say seen over the border in italy near the ski resort of club here as a result they saw two men of african origin who were immigrants being ushered out of the van and then the police officers actually fleeing the scene they started an investigation and as you can imagine italy is furious about this latest incident the interior minister matthew sylvania gave this city any theorist response to what happened in italy in the last few days abandoning immigrants in an italian forest can't be considered an era when accident why does france talk about policemen who did not move the way if the return to its country at great speed and without
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hesitation we will go all the way we are facing an international dishonor mr comprehend we do not accept the apology. well as you can imagine as you see that italy is furious about this and french authorities have admitted that the incident took place but say that it was an error and the police officers involved didn't know the area very well. as part of a repeat tradition of illegal immigrants mission french police crossed the french italian border in the direction of clive year italy without any authorisation from the italian police. well as you can imagine this is not the first time they have been tensions on this french italian border in the alpine region earlier this year. summoned france's ambassador over an incident where french customs officers actually crossed the border and forced an italian citizen to take a urine test because they suspected him of having the drugs ingested in his system
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completely out of their jurisdiction now give them the president has said many time and criticize the response that we've had from the interior ministry all of it's really over the situation room my goods they've complained many times about the burden of migration and how they feel that they are shouldering the burden across the european union he said that countries like that which don't show solidarity for the e.u. project could be kicked out of the shang an area so it's pretty rich when actually what we see is french police officers being caught red handed in the clothes couldn't go operation and actually deporting migrants directly to its neighbor italy. ok thank you show the shoulder to the reporting for us there from paris thank you. the u.s. news network n.b.c. is on the fire after sharing remarks by donald trump on the american civil war out of context making it look like he was actually praising a pro-slavery confederate general corrected this report two days later it is kind
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of more often looks at how the us media is becoming ever more polarized in the liberal side of american media donald trump was in hot water they had him on video praising robert e. lee the pro-slavery confederate general during the us civil war they even had video evidence for their claim of obvious racism it also gave you. a general. who was incredible he drank a little bit too much. you know what i'm talking about. so robert e. lee was a great general. but it turns out that n.b.c. misrepresented the comment the general the trunk called incredible was actually ulysses s. grant the general of the union army now grant was anything but a racist in fact after he became president he even sent troops to fight the ku klux klan years after the civil war was over and b.c. had to run a retraction and show the full soundbite
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a general. who was incredible he drank a little bit too much. and his name was green general gray. anti drum faction smelled blood and went into overdrive they ran all kinds of headlines about trump praising the confederate general even said he was a big fan of general lee they even quoted distant descendants of lee denouncing the president and yet again our president is lying and showing us his true colors he is showing us that he supports an idol of white supremacy and hatred robert the least for the continued in. our bodies but the pro trump crowd was watching a completely different movie the news in right field was that trump was innocent victimized by scheming liberals so folks in the anti trump camp got confirmation that the donald is a racist meanwhile those in the pro trump bubble got confirmation that the liberal
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press is out to slander him and that's just one example of how americans seem to live almost in two different realities with loyal audiences getting sucked in by different narratives but i am and i trying to decide if the temp of ministration is more sinister our more incompetent well let me relieve you of your burden. next time you can say that it's both incompetent and cynicism i think it's fair for black americans to say you know what i could consider the trump agenda may. in america make america great again so we're here in the liberal new york city and we're going to see if average new yorkers have even heard some of the headlines that are all the rage among conservatives. did you hear about the controversy regarding the the movie about the moon landing and donald trump didn't know but did not one controversy i haven't heard about no no i haven't. did you hear about trump praising robert e.
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lee. every lead is i think i have yes i heard. do you feel like americans are divided and that like those who listen to protract media hear one side of the story and those who hear anti trump stuff hear another side part of your question i definitely feel like the country is divided by believe that some follow was follow incorrect maybe fake is. but i don't i'm not a term follower i believe the media i do feel like it's divided we have to be open to listening to different countries different different peoples interests as long as there is a divide between. ethnicities and cultures in no line of respect between these of them there's always going to be a divide and there's always going to be people living in different universes to some donald trump is a heroic champion making american great again to others he's a power mad fascist inciting bigotry no matter what you think of donald trump it's
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pretty obvious that americans are more deeply polarized than ever before and warring media narratives are deepening that division cable mop and r.t. new york. well donald trump has branded n.b.c.'s coverage dishonest claim that the channel deliberately tried to make him look bad he discussed the situation with the festive gymnast and he says that americans are being left none the wiser by the news coverage point worth making about fox and m s n b c is that their formula is to cover a very narrow range of topics so if you watch these networks you probably aren't going to know much about what's happening outside of american horse race politics so no matter which network you're watching you are going to wind up less informed unless you're completely concerned with the different policy intrigues going on in washington that's why a lot of americans are turning to alternative media as well as foreign media and
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why foreign media is under threat in the u.s. why this network for example has been forced to register as a foreign agent it's pretty apparent that the national security state in the u.s. doesn't want to americans to be particularly well informed about foreign policy and what's happening on the ground in yemen or in palestine or latin america. that the captain of the doomed space rocket that crashed after takeoff spoke exclusively to r.t. about his dramatic escape and next of kin and was forced to abort the mission two minutes into the flight along with american national make hay and gave a firsthand account to what happened to. dump. we had. a couple of moments when we saw that the capsule's you were in was shaking heavily and the signal was there was a disruption in the signal was this the exactly the time when you realize when
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everything goes according to plan when the first stage is detached there is always this kind of vibration that you can see on the video images that's normal but after the first stage detached we felt those vibrations continue and then immediately there was the emergency signal going off this was a heavy loss. for us and for your family well my family members after having gone through the situation the next time it will be more difficult for them to let me go on such a spaceflight because obviously they've been given a fright but on the other hand they are confident in our equipment and what we're prepared for anything can happen but this is our job we can't stop what we've done we need to move on your mother. baikonur when you landed what was the first thing you told her i told her not to worry i said i was ok i said my health was in good shape i said look at me i'm walking and nothing is broken so don't be frightened you know and after she saw me with her own eyes she calmed down so that's how it was for this was his maiden flight did you discuss it with him i mean not just the
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technical professional discussion but to discuss it from personal point of view nick did very well throughout our one thousand minute flight from liftoff to landing he did very well you acted in a professional manner and i believe our crew works very well together and i would like to take my next flight with nic you've been trained to ensure six or seven g. or what can you compare it with the gravity forces can go in various directions usually you feel the pressure on your chest and your back and you could compare it to a block of concrete put on your chest with seven g. it's a block seven times your weight if you were ninety kilograms it would be a weight seven times bigger lying on your chest. it is an amazing story isn't it and you can hear that interview in full on our. channel. what you ought say we've got plenty more to come this hour including the met a small french time waging war on the fast food joint mcdonald's but his anti big
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mac campaign isn't going down too well with the locals that will have a look at why just off the break. whole existence to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or some want to be. that you'd like to be close this is what it looks like three in the morning can't be good get. interested in the water out. there should. seem wrong. just don't call. me. yet to say
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proud just to become educated and engaged equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. again now ecuador has agreed to partially restore internet access for we can expand it using the sun jafta being denied it since march sources close to him have told r.t. that he's been given guidelines to you on how to act online but ecuador also wants to be on his best behavior offline to you and keep the place tidy.
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but wiki leaks is now actually published the nine page protocol for more on the story his. sources close to judy in the sons of told r.t. that the ecuadorian embassy impose a new protocol that covers the day to day aspects of mr sanders life inside the ecuadorian embassy in regulating it really they cover things like how his visits are managed and any visitors who wish to go and see the former editor of wiki leaks
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will have to make an official inquiry via email and also how he communicates with the world we know that six months ago his internet access was cut off it will now be reestablished albeit part partially and also things like his medical treatment how he's treated medically that will be covered within the framework of that memo and also it prohibits him from doing or saying anything which is deemed as interfering in the inside of affairs of other countries and of course six months ago when his into that access was caught it was a result of the various statements he was making with regard to the independence referendum in cuts alone and as a result of that of course having his internet access cut off they've now prohibited him from making any statements that are considered to be political meddling now in september mr sound was forced to resign as editor of wiki leaks he
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was replaced by kristinn hrafnsson an investigative journalist from iceland and wiki leaks releasing a statement saying that it was due to the extraordinary circumstances that he had been placed within the ecuadorian embassy which is why he had been made to stand down now of course it remains to be seen exactly how this sets of rules impacts mr sanders life inside the embassy and also remains to be seen exactly when he will finally be able to leave the embassy. you know the news today dozens of palestinians have been injured after the israeli army five from the police and to gas and students and officials who are protesting the closure of the palestinian school teaches in the west bank the closure means that five hundred children will no longer receive an education that. i.
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gotta tell you about the israeli army is firing tear gas bullets and sound bombs at our children why just because the palestinian students come here to live your creation authorities do not see even the right to education. to look a little. better we knew we brought our children to this school because we wanted to study just like other kids all over the world the decision to close the school violates their rights to education and we reject. all the israeli army says that the reason for the school closures that some of the students there have been throwing stones from its grounds claiming that the facility has produced acts of terror the i.d.f. has now declared the school a closed military zone meanwhile aid agencies warned today that there are at least sixty one schools in the west bank that are under threat of demolition from israel
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they see it is a violation of children's basic rights to an education the editor of the news website palestine chronicle but i'm sorry but rude says the demolitions are actually a pretext for seizing more territory for illegal israeli settlements. the need land and the need the land of the need there are other villages and this is why the targeting of these of these areas so basically it usually starts with the confiscation of palestinian land then the targeting of anyone in the studio who does protests then declaring more and more palestinian lands to be closed off military military zone and even sure these closed off areas are joined by or are added to the settlements that are in constant expansion this is a story that's really goes to the heart of israel even the no solution of the west bank this is about building settlements and of course that would point every
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article of pretense in order for them to put the blame on the palestinians who are fighting for their wife and they are five for their freedom. finally this hour the met a small french town on an island off the country's atlantic coast is waging war on the fast food giant mcdonald's which hopes to open a branch there last in which just last a second legal case resulting in fines for his anti big mac campaign that he does about to fight on won't locals are divided. and they were elected because he ran on a platform of ecological and social transition the model promised by this kind of company runs counter to the fact he did nothing to the stock market. with the goal of big big big banks today cause the big maybe if you've.
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got a few people can eat whatever they want to charge but we were elected on this platform so we have an alternative to this more. scary i think on the island such as ours statement instead encourage french businesses there is another way to create jobs if you think about what it's well we all know nice what ality only issue with fuel there is this kind of ecological extremism islay now today mcdonalds means creating more jobs reviving the town c.c. muscle to washing out international thanks be company to soften a time to get they we've got plenty of stories at our website and you can find that
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. you know world big partners. a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bat. shouting past each of its targets for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. with no make this manufactured consent instant to the public well. when the ruling class isn't protect themselves. when the final merry go
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round lifts only the one percent. to ignore middle of the room signal. to leave the room for the real news is really. good. news in the world. around the world. total around. a little money we did not know. oh you ought to go to zero zero zero move for you.
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i know my t.l. don't count i. am not bound by a known time to time john paul enough and mike was outnumbered by my own but i'm in the full. time in my junk i love my dad's moment with. me not by. com. am.
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officially getting rich. trade investment and tourism have all increased over the last few years. but this is a country that's still in recovery from the genocide by the committee rouge in the one nine hundred seventy s. . millions live in extreme poverty survive the on little more than a dollar a day. homelessness is a constant threat and children are especially vulnerable. unicef
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estimate that a third of the country's sex workers are under eighteen. zero zero. zero zero. zero. the late. night in midtown lovely. fountain to google on my mo when someone two mile when my brain i will walk with you but the pago pago wait are you.


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