tv News RT October 16, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm EDT
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that's not what it used to be. it's a tough reality to deal with. the point that. hostages on a flight from london help prevent deportation. later transpires the somali man is said to be a convicted rapist also to come n.b.c. news misrepresents trump making it seem like in price the price. it took two days before the report was corrected in that time the media became polarized we asked new yorkers on whether they live in separate news but. i feel like it's divided we have to be open to listening to different countries different different people's interests was. maybe this is always going to be people living in different universes. do. have to be abandoned shortly after
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takeoff speaks exclusively about his dramatic escape. when everything goes according to plan the first stage is to turn there is always this kind of see on the video that's normal but after the first stage detached we felt those vibrations continue. there was the emergency. hello there are seven pm here in moscow you're watching the international passengers on a flight from london to turkey have stood up for a man who was being deported from britain the man was apparently shouting and crying when fellow passengers decided to intervene however. explains there is an ugly twist to the story take him off the plane. they can also apply to take him off the. this is the moment that passengers on a flight to istanbul stood up for
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a man being forcibly removed from the u.k. the home office was attempting to deport you could be ahmed back to his home country of somalia which he'd left when he was reportedly a young boy. for the letter of the buyer. but his screams alerted the other passengers on board to the fact that he was being made to leave the country against his will so fellow passengers leapt to his defense he says the only family was it was ok forget exactly what it is you got was told it was minutes later home office officials scored off the plane and back to you kate jurisdiction. it's now been revealed the passengers helped to keep in the country is
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a convicted gang rapist in august two thousand and seven he brutally assaulted a sixteen year old girl along with three other men in a premeditated attack he was sentenced to nine years in prison and he was released after four one of his fellow gang members has since traveled to syria and died fighting with islamic state terrorists the passengers on the plane are unlikely to have known ahmed's dangerous criminal history and the loss of security was never to see it was. good to see it was going to lead to discovery that was very little now thanks to their intervention you have made it is thought to be back in a u.k. detention center while government officials tried to place him on another flight his lawyers now have time to appeal the decision to deport him the u.k. isn't alone when it comes to citizens disrupting go. to prove deportations earlier
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this year in sweden a student activist refused to take a seat on a plane until a failed asylum seeker who was being sent back to afghanistan was taken off the flight and she live streamed the entire incident golborne thought it was so hard to get. it was later reported the man had been sentenced for assault the u.k. home office says that all foreign nationals who were sentenced for a crime and abuse the u.k.'s hospitality should be in no doubt of the government's determination to remove them but the government may not have banked on citizen activists being just as determined to let them stay. reporting there we asked u.k. home office for clarification regarding the identity of the suspects and earlier we spoke with the former chief executive of the u.k.'s immigration advisory service keith best and he believes that courts should decide such cases not the public. i
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think this example shows how wrong people can be although they may have sympathy for somebody particularly if they're being manhandled in a rather aggressive manner to get them on an aircraft in order to deport them i can understand where people sympathy might lie a bit of course as we've discovered with this case those sympathies may be very misplaced if they are thorough is want to use that line for deportation cases then they have to do a balancing act between complying with the legal regulations or look at existing human rights safeguards and to make sure that they are fully articulated in favor of somebody who might otherwise be removed wrongly. meanwhile french police have dropped off to one documented migrants in the forest without rome's consent later acknowledging the wrongdoing will make sure he says
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incidents do not take place again we'll have an inquiry it was next downtown that are to shut it devinsky now reports on the italian reaction to the incident. as you can imagine pretty fear is this idea that the french offices oversee that their authority went into italy and effectively dumped two undocumented migrants on italian ground before fleeing now and there are many questions about did they knew that they were in italy well as some questions that you could raise about that did they not notice the italian flag which often flies in the resort town of club here which this happened very need to arm those they were speeding back across the border into france did they not see the sign that welcomed the back to france now it's elisa interior minister material so really is serious about this and he's gone as far as describing president michael of france as being an international
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embarrassment abandoning migrants and italian first cannot be considered an error or an accident what happened is a number president a defense against our country we are facing an international embarrassment. cannot pretend otherwise we will not accept any apologies well so far there hasn't been any official word from the palace that the office of president might go on here in france and this is not the first time that they have been tensions between the two countries over that a buddha area just a few months ago actually summoned the french ambassador over an incident where two french customs officers actually went on to italian soil and actually try to apprehend the tali and citizen who they tried to force to take a drug test far out of their jurisdiction and they have been other issues in regards to the the migrant crisis and how italy is responded to it just a few weeks ago the interior minister actually said that he would be prepared to
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close down all of the airports in italy after it was announced that germany might try and deport undocumented migrants back to italy it seems that wherever we go this issue of undocumented migration in this migration christ. it's continuing these once neighboring countries apart and it doesn't look like. anything to bury the subject. now the u.s. news network n.b.c. is under fire after showing out of context remarks by president trump about the american civil war his comments made it seem like he was praising a pro-slavery confederate general that only corrected its report two days later kind of more pain looks now at how the us media is becoming more polarized in the liberal side of american media donald trump was in hot water they had him on video praising robert e. lee the pro-slavery confederate general during the us civil war they even had video
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evidence for their claim of obvious racism it also gave you. a general. who was incredible he drank a little bit too much. you know one draft. so robert e. lee was a great general but it turns out that n.b.c. misrepresented the comment the general the trunk called incredible was actually ulysses s. grant the general of the union army now grant was anything but a racist in fact after he became president he even sent troops to fight the ku klux klan years after the civil war was over and b.c. had to run a retraction and show the full sound by a general. who was incredible he drank a little bit too much. and his name was green general graham. anti trump faction smelled blood and went into overdrive they ran all kinds of
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headlines about trump praising the confederate general even said he was a big fan of general lee they even quoted distant descendants of lee denouncing the president and yet again our president is lying and showing us his true colors he is showing us that he supports an idol of white supremacy and hatred robert the least for the continued. black bodies but the pro trump crowd was watching a completely different movie the news in right field was that trump was innocent victimized by scheming liberals so folks in the anti trump camp got confirmation that the donald is a racist meanwhile those in the pro trump bubble got confirmation that the liberal press is out to slander him and that's just one example of how americans seem to live almost in two different realities with loyal audiences getting sucked in by different narratives but i am better and i turn to decide if the temp of ministration is more sinister our more incompetent well let me relieve you of your burden would you go to sleep next time you could say that it's both incompetent and
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cynicism i think it's fair for black americans to say you know what i could consider the trump agenda made in america make america great again so we're here in liberal new york city and we're going to see if average new yorkers have even heard some of the headlines that are all the rage among conservatives. did you hear about the controversy regarding their the movie about the moon landing and donald trump didn't know but did not one controversy i haven't heard about no no i haven't . did you hear about trump praising robert e. lee. every day lou yes i think i have yes i heard. do you feel like americans are divided and that like those who listen to protract media hear one side of the story and those who hear anti trump stuff hear another side part of your question i definitely feel like the country is divided by believe
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the triumph i was follow incorrect maybe fake is. but i don't i'm out of time follower i believe the media i do feel like it's divided we have to be open to listening to different countries different different peoples interests as long as there is a divide between. ethnicities and cultures in no line of respect between nice of them there's always going to be a divide and there's always going to be people living in different universes to some donald trump is a heroic champion making american great again to others he's a power mad fascist inciting bigotry no matter what you think of donald trump it's pretty obvious that americans are more deeply polarized than ever before and warring media narratives are deepening that division cable mop and r.t. new york or donald trump has branded n.b.c.'s coverage is dishonest claiming the channel deliberately made him look bad best to give jim this max blumenthal feel was that news coverage is leaving people in the. point worth making about fox and m
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s n b c is that their formula is to cover a very narrow range of topics so if you watch these networks you probably aren't going to know much about what's happening outside of american horse race politics so no matter which network you're watching you are going to wind up less informed unless you're completely concerned with the different palace intrigues going on in washington that's why a lot of americans are turning to alternative media as well as foreign media and why foreign media is under threat in the u.s. why this network for example has been forced to register as a foreign agent it's pretty apparent that the national security state in the u.s. doesn't want to americans to be particularly well informed about foreign policy and what's happening on the ground in yemen or in palestine or latin america.
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the camps you know of the do space rocket failed after takeoff a spoken exclusively to r.t. about his dramatic escape and actually of jenin was forced to abort the mission just minutes into the flight along with the american national to make a gave a firsthand account of what happened to be done. i mean that's that's a double we saw moments inside the capsule when you or she can have a look at that and there was a disruption on the signal was that the exact moment when you realize something had gone wrong when everything goes according to plan in the first stages detached or there is always this kind of vibration that i can see on the video images and that's normal but after the first stage detached we felt those vibrations continue and then immediately there was the emergency signal going off for us bill you know there was a tough test for you and your family as well but my family members after having gone through the situation the next time it would be more difficult for them to let me go on such a space flight because obviously they've been given
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a fright but on the other hand they are confident in our equipment and what we're prepared for anything but can happen but this is our job with that and we can't stop what we've done we need to move on your mother met you had baikonur when you landed what was the first thing you told her what did you say to all of us on the i told you not to worry but i said i was ok i said my health was in good shape i said look at me i'm walking as well nothing is broken or so don't be frightened i mean you know and after she saw me with her own eyes she calmed down so that's how it was she will for any case it was his maiden flight do you discuss it with him from a personal point of view it did very well throughout on one thousand minute flight from liftoff to landing a lot of he did very well he acted in a professional manner and i believe our crew works very well together and i would like to take my next flight with the computer because he's been trained to endure the pressure of seven g. acceleration schoolgirl what does that feel like to know what can you compare that to. the gravity forces can go in various directions usually you feel the pressure on your chest and your back i guess you could compare it to
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a block of concrete put on your chest with seven g. it's a block seven times your weight is a goal if you weigh ninety kilograms it would be a weight seven times bigger lying on your chest models at all it is an incredible story and you can watch that interview in full on a change channel. still to come this hour the ecuadorian embassy pocky restores cheating the songes internet access but only if he follows certain rules well have a look at what those are just off the back. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy for and let it be an arms race. very dramatic to follow only loosely i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit
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down and talk. you know world of big partners. lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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welcome back to r.t. now ecuador has agreed to partially restore internet access to the wiki leaks chief today in the sun she's been holed up in its london embassy for six years it is claimed he's been handed guidelines on how best to act online but ecuador's also asked to improve his behavior offline to with better housekeeping. and we can actually publish that nine page protocol to with more on this story.
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sources close to julian a son of told r.t. that the ecuadorian embassy impose a new protocol that covers the day to day aspects of mr sanders life inside the ecuadorian embassy in regulating it really they cover things like how his visits are managed and any visitors who wish to go and see the former editor of wiki leaks will have to make an official inquiry via email and also how he communicates with the world we know that six months ago his internet access was cut off it will now be reestablished albeit part partially and also things like his medical treatment how he's treated medically that will be covered within the framework of that memo and also it prohibits him from doing or saying anything which is deemed as interfering in the internal affairs of other countries and of course six months ago when his into that access was caught it was a result of the various statements he was making with regard to the independence
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referendum in cuts alone and as a result of that of course having his internet access cut off they've now prohibited him from making any statements that are considered to be political meddling now in september mr sound was forced to resign as editor of wiki leaks he was replaced by a kristinn hrafnsson an investigative journalist from iceland and wiki leaks releasing a statement saying that it was due to the extraordinary circumstances that he had been placed within the ecuadorian embassy which is why he had been made to stand down now of course it remains to be seen exactly how this sets of rules impacts mr sanders life inside the embassy and also remains to be seen exactly when he will finally be able to leave the embassy. in other news tonight a canadian transgender athletes is facing a backlash after winning the cycling world championship. mackinnon was born male
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and came first in the race most angeline's on sunday becoming the first ever transgender woman to win gold in the competition but it wasn't just the pool was that created who achieve it. unfair advantage and not to be celebrated look at the difference in size and muscle mass of course you were going to win imagine being the woman who came forth knowing that you should have a place on the podium amazing i was so infused that reading this i went out and challenged two eight year olds to a one hundred meter race guess what i only went and won first time running in an eight year old's race two or mackinnon denies the accusations they're saying that she was forced to suppress her testosterone levels in accordance with the rules on transgender athletes we put the issue up for debate. what i find strange is the hue and cry being raised over transgender athletes but not over other athletes who
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clearly have certain advantages over fellow competitors i think the way in which transgender athletes are being singled out is very very unfair and wrong now of course we do need to look at whether transgender athletes do have an advantage which is unfair and gives them an advantage over others but i don't think the research really substantiate that at the moment the female athletes themselves fear feel that there are some particular disadvantage in competing in somebody who's gender has been. in some cases changed you know there have been cases in the past so i mean the most celebrated. american tennis player really richards who was a man was a useful player. and then our underwent transgender. and competed as a woman and reached the following all of the double this of the u.s.
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open tennis championships you know one of the four grand slams one of the most important in the world as a singles player ended up growing twentieth and this was at the age of forty four when she reached that level and you would look at that cage some say well would it really richards as a man ever been able to reach those sorts of heights as a man and that is of course extremely doubtful there are all kinds of advantages that athletes have for sprinters having fast twitch muscle fibers definitely gives you an advantage it isn't just this issue it's a whole range of issues about where genetic and other bother factors may give a particular athlete the edge over. i certainly think there should be as far as trying to gender intersect situations. going further them
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out i think would be an enormous task. quite god proportions hopefully there would be some kind of consensus and we could establish a regime for all sports where. typically athletes who are transgender and intersex but also those who perhaps have other special unique physical attributes or biological or genetic up tributes they could be included. and finally this hour a mayor of a small french town is waging war on mcdonald's which wants to open a branch there is just last there a second legal case and faces hefty fines too but is it bad to fight on locals though are divided. i. think. i will make the call
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you were elected because you ran on a platform look at what you do in social transition the model to practice by this kind of company in the bronze counts it's about you do nothing to the stock market . the to. the goal of big money next big bank today cause the big money to keep them out of touch. i. think these people can eat whatever they want to charge but we were elected on this platform so we have an alternative to this more. scary i think online and such as we should instead encourage french businesses there's another way to create jobs if you think about what it says well we don't
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please you know where the. top of the room go to. or not he didn't know. oh. oh good move for you. cranking gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year and drove
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a truck so i chose to drive truck people who rushed to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like the gold rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here and just slow down so much they lost jobs that laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and it's a tough reality until. i know my till some talent. come up out of maine on such a time john pointed out and my close family knows. i.
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but this is a country that's still in recovery from the genocide by the committee rouge in the one nine hundred seventy s. . millions live in extreme poverty survive the own little more than a dollar a day. homelessness is a constant threat and children are especially vulnerable. unicef estimate that a third of the country's sex workers are under eighteen.
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