tv Cross Talk RT October 17, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EDT
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finish a program here so what would your reaction to my hypothetical situation be go ahead moment. well it's obvious the we would be probably discussing the un security council meeting that would be taking place to condemn iran or perhaps almost any other country in the world but when it comes to saudi arabia the double standards are extraordinary in fact what i would what i think is even the biggest question in fact is that. the saudis have been killing hundreds of thousands of people in yemen through starvation and disease and tens of thousands of people through warfare they've bombed weddings they bombed schools they bombed funerals they bombed hospitals they bombed the buses just again i think yesterday or the couple a while back they they bombed another bus and there's i think seventeen people were killed and there's no real reaction so when poor jemaah those killed
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suddenly there is this outrage which it seems to be behind this but when all these other people are killed. i think the issue with jamal is that the mohamed bin samon was didn't recognize that mohamed jamal it was too well connected he knew too many people he was friends with too many people thanks to the saudis for for many years the saudis had funded him he knew everyone he didn't bite people to saudi arabia he you know people felt they couldn't be quiet after he went missing because they would look like fools and then on and then i think in addition to that the divisions in the united states made it even worse for mohamed bin salamone because many people are attacking trump and they're using one have been sounding more in order to attack exactly so i think if there was a different president we wouldn't have this situation you know sharmeen i mean
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a it's a really obvious thing to to address here i mean might pump a. as i understand is now in riyadh now the crown prince is the nominal leader of the country or i should say the family of the royal family. if he was involved and had knowledge of this then he was involved in a murder if he didn't know well then it's just as bad so he has rogue elements in his security forces i mean i don't see any way real explanation for this whatsoever we need to know and then the turks chime in here they say they have all the forensic evidence we want we waiting to see that there but i mean i don't see any logical way out of explaining the fate of this man here but i'm sure mike pompei o because it's all about oil and power there's going to be some kind of resolution and i think all of us will say hypocrisy go ahead sharmeen in beirut.
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it's true you know in the first reports started to come out and i was astonished that the western mainstream media jumped on the story and took it where they did and because he would have this because of the way i don't they think it's about yemen you know but it was because of the washington post i think that was the reason why i keep going go ahead. yes you know. one just assumed. that jamal was killed and you know dismembered that's the news that was coming out but then very quickly you saw that what was coming out from unknown or unnamed turkish sources was not being reflected in what official. turkish officials and aired on were saying on the record so mediately you could see there was a leverage game yet being played out here and. you started to see that hang on wait a second maybe there's a larger picture here maybe turkey and qatar are going to sort of squeeze the
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saudis down as much as they can to get some concessions or a calf. out of the saudis. where there is concessions and cash to be made trump is never going to be far from that. negotiation and so of course now pompei is taking the lead. to try to you know to frame what happened but i don't think he's going to be successful i think there's just been too many stories and and the feeling has turned you know i agree with you that's a that's why i love that you try to frame it in a certain way and i ended my question to you is the word with the word hypocrisy ali let me go to you in washington i mean it's seems to me that when we heard that there was a joint turkish saudi investigation the first thing that went to my mind was you know this isn't a good this is not an investigation this is a negotiation exactly what sharmeen had to say how they're going to resolve it and
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i'm sure everyone in qatar they have a huge faith smile across their face i mean they are getting concessions would be very interesting but they are go ahead ali. yes i agree with chatter means assessment that's my assessment as well that there is you know there was talk of releasing the audio. you know this shows that. shows the exact. murder and who was involved and the details and everything but it was withheld. to negotiate a settlement and the settlement will be that i was nationalist at the moment the u.s. army said. it was not them to ask about. is the way out to say how much are we getting what's our cut and cut that is i think part of this as well because we have reports that their job it was just last night. to
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make some arrangements and the talks are actually go. a lot of investments from the saudis they needed at this time so yes there is settlement been made to give saudi arabia it out and everybody else is going to make money to get concessions from the saudis so. faith is going to be basically headed and they will they will frame it in certain ways. absolutely and i think it will be blamed on the rogue elements they already said that they are questioning the fifty's saudis who were in turkey during the time jamal went missing ok mohamed i just want to make it clear for the record here the initial response of saudi arabia is that jamal left the consulate safe and sound there was no evidence of that no c.c.t.v. footage then the next part of their story official story is that they want to
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change their story we don't know exactly what that is right now i want to set the record straight that there is the saudi side to all of this mom and why would saudi security services want to kill him why i mean if they want the they had him and i'm just being hypothetical here i mean he was in the consulate they could have abducted him seem ice i'm sure i assume they probably could have got him out of the country why if he is dead why would they want to kill him go ahead. you know that's a that's a very good question and i think under normal circumstances and for normal people it would make sense the question that would be the first thing that comes to mind how foolish could they be in doing committing such a crime in such a way but you have we have we all have to remember that this is the same person who last year had this davos in the desert in the ritz and then a week later after all these investors left they made turned it into a prison for
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a billionaires and princes to drive away any hope for any investment then we had of course the yemeni war which he's lost and he won't let go and i think with what's happened to it's going to empower the yemenis by the way i think this is going to make. the situation in yemen much worse for the saudis because it's they're going to have. a stronger hand at the negotiating table when when this all finally ends but then we also have the kidnapping of the lebanese prime minister that doesn't make sense none of these things make sense and then we had of course as well and the stupidity of the saudis with the canadians none of this makes sense and i think probably the best explanation that i can think of at least is that mohamed bin solomon is this billionaire son of a billionaire he's spoiled he's sort of like the day the eldest son of saddam hussein out of control and i think no one really around him dares to tell him that
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his ideas are foolish they're all yes men they want to keep their status and they don't want to have a. fate like that of moms so you know it doesn't make sense what they do but this is mohamed bin some on and this is what we've seen over the past year year and a half it's none of a lot of what he does doesn't make sense ok let me go to show me before we go to the break here i wouldn't put it beyond doubt that it will be some kind of purge in the saudi security forces because of course. that's how it wasn't quite about my fault it was that there fault you see something like that happening a purge go ahead sharmeen in beirut. when we don't know what the end result is how they're going to frame this who they're going to blame it on how they're going to sweep it under the rug. i like i said earlier i i think it's too far gone i think mohammed bin solomon is baked i don't think anyone's going to see him in a different light you know no amount of p.r. is going to put him in another light again is going to resuscitate his emmet and i
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mean this guy has created so many problems in saudi arabia as you know we have ten fingers and thumbs we don't have enough fingers to put in the dikes you know all the water that's spilling out of saudi arabia you know from from yemen to syria to even iraq to domestic things to that around cairo the failed around co i.p.o. and then. you know saudi arabia is running out of money there is you know these kind of domestic disputes and imprisonments etc going on and i mean i think you know i hope after we made you can have a chance right let me jump in here we're going to go to a hard break and after that break we'll continue our discussion on saudi arabia state with arkie.
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what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to press. you to do i would be interested to see what the four three of them or ten people that i'm interested always in the water use in the hottest. question. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be all for rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars.
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china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember of one one business shows you can afford to miss the one and only boom box . cuts. when all make this manufacture consent instead of public wealth. when the running clubs isn't protect themselves. when the fame and larry go around them lifts only the one percent job. doing the whole middle of the room signals. doing the rounds.
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welcome back to cross talk where all things considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing the saudi arabian crisis. ok let me go back to ali in washington charmaine brought up on the first part of the program the crown prince for two years has been on a charm offensive i think it's probably safe to assume a very very maybe the most expensive charm offensive in p.r. terms ever. is it in tatters now i mean if the story if they if i guess we should call framing this program if they frame it in a certain way that is not credible that is not believe a bull shark sharmeen went through all of the issues and so did professor marandi
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of what's gone wrong under this man's reign i mean is there any way he can recover from it and what i take a little bit of pleasure in this if there's anything you see all these think tanks and people that take all this money to essentially read the script that they're given i mean there's a lot of red faced people right now and then and they deserve it ok and i hope it stays that way because you have to start looking at the the realities in a principled way in the middle east and what's going on now is just nonsense go ahead ali. there are still people trying to whitewash and just said that day you know the gentleman from princeton somebody i know was saying that you have a medicine man is not the political performer but he's definitely a socially economically afford but he let twelve men drive oh that's important i guess but he can kill thousands of children and them and. journalist and take hostages and that's ok because he said he let women. dr there is continuing to
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be whitewashing from the business and in the prepaid think tank and thomas friedman is of of the wall. for this dictator and they have done it before to two other saudi leaders so we would that will never go away i think it would be hard to sell him as such and action that that that happened here in america after the disappearance and murder has been that good at latest i have seen i've known about in terms of a medic and the action to anything related to saudi arabia and its selective diffidently because it does not extend to the to the yemeni to the murders in yemen and i think the m.b.'s will continue to be the leader and he's not going to come to washington anytime soon but he will continue to be the leader because he's just
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simply the guy in charge and no one can dislodge him regardless of what some americans are starting to administration or let's bring back his cousin oh his cousin is not any better than then he is maybe after he's better than his cousin who was. back or the whole let me go to my home and i mean again you know this deal colonial attitude maybe we should bring back his brother what they've learned anything of how boris regime change around the world there mohamed one of the things i found fascinating and really quite saddening if not disgusting is that the american media angle about it is weapons and jobs i mean it's jamal's fate is almost the you know an epiphenomenon to all of this here and seeing to and to be to be honest with our viewers here all these arms deals are just they're memorandums of understanding it's actually worth thinking about buying newsworthy about so when you this the way it's not as far along is everybody thinks and i i'm really kind of
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stunned by donald trump's reaction to it all because he's walking into a trap set by his enemies here you'll see go ahead muhammad. well trump is is you know he's no different from previous presidents he's he has no. i don't think there's no issue of more ality for him but previous presidents were a bit more hypocritical the americans i mean brennan for example the former cia director has been speaking about how awful mohammed bin sound money is but things were all right when they were funding isis things were all right when turkey and saudi arabia were cooperating together in funding isis have helping. it was fine when they were massacring people in yemen during the previous u.s. administration and obama this is just sheer hypocrisy and one of the most hypocritical things is how for example just i think the other day in that land tick
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someone wrote that you know the united states is no longer supporting what's right the united states never was supporting what's right they are the problem in this region they are there i mean if it wasn't for the united states the saudis wouldn't be able to wouldn't have been in been able to do all this horrible stuff it sort of and it sort of reminds me of what happened when iraq invaded kuwait before saddam hussein invaded kuwait there was nothing in that the american said nothing about chemical weapons and i remember as soon as he went into kuwait george bush the father went on t.v. and said this monster he gassed his own people and he gassed the iranians whereas george bush knew quite well that his own government that he was one of the people involved in giving and in enabling saddam hussein to acquire chemical weapons and to use those chemical weapons against the iranians and against his own those people so you know this is sheer hypocrisy some and some again pundits they say you know
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they sort of try to say like mohammad pencilled mind is like putin or he's like iran no. no there is no moral equivalence saddam. saudi arabia has created great evil in this region they've created i says they've destroyed syria and western countries are equally guilty of all this and the reason why the united states or the u.s. government and trump is supporting mohammad. right now even is because of the because of israel israelis want him to remain in power because of the so-called deal of the century and it's because of syria and it's because of iran so the united states is you know they say we have shared interests now but not shared value well no the united states has shared values with saudi arabia we saw it in yemen we saw it in syria we saw it in libya we saw it in iraq and we saw it in afghanistan and now we see it with poor jamal if you recall last year on this show
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jamal was really trying to defend saudi arabia and he was this person last year on your show was trying to defend so you would be and i and i understand that you can't you can't even go back to your own country you have to remember and that's why i have you in sharmeen on the program because you're mean was also with us here i mean let me i want you and i want to chime in here go ahead i want to go ahead. was was was to the end of his life was a defender of the monarchy he just criticize mohamed of his money and he thought of my work and other dissidents work as garbage and he even said bad things about us so he was a defender the only reason that they killed him because he was for decades where was their defender and when he started turning against him they said we don't want any defections so we need to make an example of this guy who thinks he can defect and only absolute loyalty is acceptable to us that's why this happened in this sort
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of way to mean that you know i've come across this what we just heard from ali here i mean one of the first things i came across when people analyzing. i mean not in the lame stream stupid western media but i mean actual analysts of the region is that one reason for all this is exactly for what ali had to say is that jamal was an example a very horrific example if indeed he's dead we cannot say that on this program because we don't have the but instead i have to be very careful in using evidence that we know but if indeed he was killed was that the ultimate message to dissent inside and outside of the kingdom go ahead show me well we know that mohamed bin sell mine does actually think that way that he is persona in the saudi regime that believes in punishing people and there was this piece written this week by ben rhodes visor to former president obama and you know he sort of launches
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into this anecdote where during obama's last trip and april two thousand and sixteen to the kingdom of saudi arabia there were you know american officials were lined up on one side of the room saudi officials on the other side seated while king solomon and obama had some words about shared shared objectives goals and then obama brought up the forty seven saudis who had been executed recently including the prominent shia cleric them around them or and just completely randomly mohammed bin someone who's sitting half way down the saudi row and this never never happens in these kind of meetings only the principals in gauge with each other he sort of stands up and says you don't understand he says this to obama he says you don't understand saudi justice the saudis demand vengeance ok they demand vengeance and these people need to be killed for the security of saudi arabia so this man is predisposed to this kind of thinking which is why i really
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want to underline i do not think he's going to get away from with this i'm not saying tomorrow he'll be kicked out but there are. he has plenty of enemies within the kingdom he has now you know split and in effect the us political stablished that's always been pro saudi because half of them really want to take trump down with this as well. but you know something really important i need to say about mohammad been some money he's not this young new generation guy who just popped up on the scene mohamed bin sunline is part of a project in the in the persian gulf and it's a project initiated by mohammed been ziad to be the crown prince of abu dhabi who wanted basically to bring this guy up the ranks because he knew he could control him he could get this guy with his his simmering rage and their you know their common views on iran and the muslim brotherhood and you know their right to dominate the region to sort of set him loose with saudi money paying for all of it
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and as we see in the u.a.e. now i mean yes sorry and yemen now the u.a.e. is colonizing parts of of yemen which is not what the saudis want so you know they have different agendas but mohammad been summoned was brought in basically up the ranks by mohamed bin in abu dhabi and jared kirshner kind of midway. so it's a really good we're not going to you know let me give ali the last word in the program ali the crown prince. many in washington say he may be an s.o.b. but he's our s.o.b. that's why he will ride it out twenty seconds go ahead. exactly just said it and this is the american policy if he's out of he can do whatever he was and you can see today this miles between saudi and b.s. . of the united states just tells you that are going to continue to support him
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they supported king abdullah before the abuses his own daughters but he's called though for tomorrow will not be and so this is nothing new we have heard this before. but i have to say this is the strongest america that actually do anything that's to do with saudi arabia and i give credit for speaking out obama didn't say that and he did they continue to say it's a silent same price clinton did i mean to jump in here we're going to time it's this really at the end of the day it's the the death of outrage unfortunately many thanks to my guests in washington beirut and in turn and thanks to our viewers for watching us here at r.t.c. next time and remember crosstalk tools. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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you know world of big part of the law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. in the war. on the water. total. money we did not know. you are going to go to.
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people in philadelphia ballot two paychecks away from home. pranking gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money like me twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive truck people who rush to a small town in north dakota was among the employment rate of zero percent like the gold rush is very very similar to. this beautiful story and with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here anymore slow down so much they lost jobs got laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and it's a tough reality to. feel
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