tv Politicking RT October 18, 2018 10:30pm-11:01pm EDT
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a car pull service run by the internet giant cow protesters marched through central seoul accusing the company of stealing their jobs the use of personal vehicles for commercial services is illegal in south korea but cow was able to get its new apple proved by classing it as a carpool service operating only in commuting hours to offset a shortage of toxins. of a dozen for male got the headlines of the top of the hour you are watching our team . over the last decade russia's foreign policy has been deeply related to the united states approach it the war when the american political reality became stranger than fiction once the bilateral relations to give thanks to normalcy.
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is dollops from providing cover for the saudi government over a missing journalist we'll take a look at that on this edition of. politicking on larry king the trump administration said this week that it's not providing cover for the saudi government over the nereus disappearance of generals john walters shogi many people around the world however do not believe that's the whole truth so what happens now with the investigation into the disappearance and how the trump administration response to it going forward let's start then with our political panel there jose ariz diminuendo former deputy national press secretary of the democratic party and c.e.o. of the noun strategies. consulting firm he said. as the now
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co-host of the p.b.s. show in brazil and a former staffer to senate majority leader bill frist who gave those it will start with you the administration says it is not providing cover for the saudi government over this mess what do you make of it well look we have to remember that the president it's a businessman and i think it's looking at the bottom line and the fact of the matter is that anything any possible things that he does with saudis you know it could affect. their bottom line it can affect them it can affect the country economically and i'm referring to to selling weapons to to saudi arabia so now you know whether it's a cover up or not it's hard to tell at this point but what he should have done though it instead of trying to throw excuses on twitter he should have said the united states is going to get involved in this investigation we're going to get to the bottom of this and i know they said that they're going to wait until the saudis
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finish their internal investigation but i don't think that's you know i think we should move now and we should move quickly amy. well in fact we are moving now the president he dispatched his. he dispatch mike pompei o. to saudi arabia immediately to meet with the saudi royals and to hear their version of events i think the saudis they're trying to provide diplomatic cover for themselves because they're getting so much criticism from the united states from you know foreign policy experts who follow these things closely and of course turkey that has an interest in stirring things up and being aggressive when it comes to saudi arabia so that they have these tapes tapes of the journalist you know screaming in agony as he's being dismembered alive if that's true will certainly i have to believe that our cia has a copy of those tapes they're analyzing it to try to authenticate it and we're seeing in the business world and i'm happy to see this a lot of business leaders are dropping out of what was supposed to be billed as
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davos in the desert in saudi arabia where saudi arabia is trying to attract foreign business investment from the united states and around the world so a lot of things are being done again as i say we have to authenticate whether or not those turkish tapes are real and then the saudis they're going have to come up with an explanation the one that they seem to be floating at the moment after previously denying any knowledge or that anything like this happened is that maybe it was a different faction within the saudi government so they're scrambling because they need this story themselves jose said to lindsey graham said this week that saudi crown prince muhammad bin solomon has to go lindsey graham has long been a defender of saudi arabia what do you make of that turn around while i think the evidence speaks for itself i think that this point it's safe to say that we know that this this reporter from the washington from the washington post was brutally murdered i agree with amy and i'm and i'm also glad to see that there's
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a lot of business in the years who said that they would rule from the conference in saudi arabia that's a good step in the right direction. but that's not enough and the fact that demonstration from our side is going to saudi arabia to hear the their side of the story of the saudis i mean we already know the story we know what happened we need more evidence yes but it's clear that he was murdered he was murdered in the consulate of saudi arabia and we must do more we must do more i think at the beginning we we know the saudis they lie they say they they they they knew nothing of this and now all of a sudden they do so we know we're dealing with and i think again i think the president to take this very seriously in the. conference j. morgan chase ford motor car domestic car but u.s. treasury secretary steve munson is to attend surely. well i think that's a matter of you know u.s. diplomacy and depending on what we hear from the saudis in terms of you know this
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dreadful dreadful thing i'm not necessarily sure that he should go to this ministration they need to you know have a sort of a clear line once they are satisfied with the information of what happened what would happen they're rewarding the saudis with the trip by our u.s. treasury secretary would not i don't nestlé think would be a great idea but i want to get back to lindsey graham i must say though that his remark really surprised me in part because the united states has no power to overthrow or to push aside the crown prince so i was surprised by that and perhaps it was in a moment you know a deep anger and irritation and letting the saudis know that you know we're not going to tolerate this graham goes back and forth supporting the president not supporting the president engine cia i know lindsey. other areas jose donald trump said he's not to blame is the g.o.p.
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something significant losses in the midterms however we all know it's this g.o.p. does not something significant losses he will take the credit when you make and that's nathan and jose he's not to blame he's not he's not to blame when things are going wrong and he has any you know he's victorious when things are going his way that's donald trump or you i think part of this larry. we don't know the facts i mean we know that donald trump he oversees he represents the g.o.p. he represents the republican party whether he wants to or not i have documents or whether he's even a republican but going back to your point absolutely he should take the blame or the victor if the g.o.p. those well what we have seen i think in the last two years or so is that every time you try to support candidates our republican candidates number one be either try to distance. themselves from the president and if they allowed him to get close then they stop or in the polls i think we're going to start to look at that in florida.
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there governor's race to be exact. this on tuesday was running against andrew gholam he's he's a supporter of the president and he's invited the president to come to florida and you know polls are still we know we're still a little bit under twenty something days before the election but from what i've seen every time the president tries to get involved with any candidate for the most part they don't do so well in any where do you think well as they say success has a thousand handmaidens and failure is an orphan so donald trump what would he be doing to being a politician and we remember back and the previous administration that president obama didn't necessarily want to take blame or credit pretend you know depending on your point of view this huge losses in his first midterm election over sixty seats that were lost by democrats in the house i should add that president trump has come out and said that that a.p. headline is fake news. so you get overly was getting criticism and republicans
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don't necessarily want the president states to be broadcasting the possibility that this election is not going to go well your sister you know kind of be cheering and rooting for your team right and right and up until the end. all right jose on your side of the ledger going into his iowa win south carolina joe biden when cory booker and senate come all of her us a piece on politico wednesday says that send the howlers team has identified a clear path to the nomination for her can kill mala her win the nomination do you think jose impala barack obama. it's way too early to tell him i think we ought to get to get past the definition like i'm in a business member before we get talking about twenty twenty but look what i would say is this i am optimistic about the lineup of talent that we have in the democratic party i think come our harris will be a tremendous choice i mean we have caused or was that he's going to make
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a decision right after the midterms and many others i think nobody will be a phenomenal president so we have a lot of a lot of choices and i think that's part of the democracy i think we're going to we're going to lead the american people decide time will tell any so what do you make of senator wong was that stumbling a bit when some clue apparently proves her native american going back six nations yes she actually proved that she was ninety nine point nine percent european it's this is a huge debacle for senator warren she's been criticised and mocked across the board including by me i mean i saw all of this and i thought you know elizabeth warren is native american as i'm related to the queen of england and my nana was british this is ridiculous and it also underscores her that she has a bit of a tin ear it seems when it comes to this issue donald trump clearly was got under her skin and goading her and she felt that she had to finally respond but the way
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that she did as if she was unveiling you know extraordinary fact of native american heritage was just completely bizarre i do think there are still questions and need to be asked in terms of. did she try to benefit professionally or economically from making this claim harvard still has not released the full employment file for senator warren for her professorship there so there are still going to be a lot of questions people pushing but you saw you saw criticism of this across the board and i have to believe that a lot of democratic potential primary contenders were just laughing and sharpening their knives so any someone said that the president or do a classy thing and donate a million dollars to the i'm a native american movement. i'm not sure in terms of what that means in the native american movement i mean you have whatever it is. you know all across the country i think it would be. gesture kasi gesture i think it got what he wanted out of which
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as elizabeth warren falling flat on her face jose there are reports out this week the special counsel robert molo will issue some finding into the alleged collusion between trump of the russians shortly after the midterms will be making that it's going to be interesting i think a man i can both agree that we want we know we want this whole investigation to come to an end we want we want to get to the bottom of this and find out what what mueller has mueller has been very good at keeping a lot of the evidence to himself and his team and they slowly they find out new information they release it so i want to see what i want to see what he has to show the american people off the mid terms i mean someone told me he had a date of last time robert muller spoke was on my show on c.n.n. . but he has not spoken right. well of course it's not to you larry as the king. naturally he is that you know
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he's a private person he's very highly regarded as we know but there is the possibility that his report could be kept private that will be a private submission to congressional leaders and i think that would be a great detriment after two years of you know being dragged through all of this and all of these questions so i would prefer that his report be laid bare for the american people to be able to you know read for themselves and draw their own conclusions thank you both very much always great having you with us thank you larry jose i mean more politicking after the break with ken's will be right back.
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there are some russian. you know world of big partisan through the blogs and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bad shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks.
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reform's russian deadline it's. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. the back to politicking robin muller's investigation into alleged collusion between the trunk campaign and the russian government as consume much of the media headlines over the last two years but before mulla it was ken starr and his multi-year luggin to bill and hillary clinton's dealings real estate and otherwise
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and that grew in time to encompass president clinton's relationship with a white house intern starr's final report led to the house impeachment of bill clinton in one nine hundred ninety nine but the president's son by the impeach with attempt served out his term and remains a usually popular world figure ken starr has recently completed a book on his investigation entitle to accept a memoir of the clinton investigation and he stopped by to talk about it with me we got into mullahs probe and a lot of other politics too here is the end of you watch before we get to the book ken what do you make of this ongoing. well i think bob muller who i know from my service alongside bob in the administration of president bush forty one is an honorable guy i know him to be a person of integrity so i think he's an extremely important work thus far
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obviously he's had some criminal convictions that's a sign of progress and a sign that he knows what he's doing also and this gets less attention larry that i think it should the two indictments or term of the grand jury against the russian nationals in the russian areas aisha's i think is very important in providing us with very real information real insight into how the russians tried to sow discord and rancor and they certainly been doing a pretty good job of that among the american people he's a he's a good man so you don't i guess agree with the president calling it a witch hunt. you know with all respect to the president of the league and i've heard those words before i heard them from president clinton and certainly president clinton's surrogates it's all witch hunt and that is you know larry because you were there you covered so much of this we had fourteen i don't brag
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about this but it's just the fact fourteen criminal convictions in arkansas including the sitting governor of the state i guess most relevantly james and susan mcdougal who are the president of the first lady's business partners and very importantly they were hillary's clients. should the president sit down with miller . all larry that's a tough one. there are two perspectives there probably more than two the first perspective is that of the criminal defense lawyer in the instinct is no don't do it the perspective i have is that of the president being the president states sworn to uphold the law and i believe there is a moral duty on the part of the president to cooperate with the investigation of the clinton said they were cooperating with my investigation and sometimes they did but frequently they did not ironically the president president trump for all that
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appears has been cooperating with the investigation but at the same time he's tweeting and saying very naughty things about bob muller in the investigation so there's kind of a two track process going on larry as i see it cooperation on the one hand and yelling at the prosecutor on the other hand ten you said that the president would be well advised to read your book why. well i think it has a lot to. tell us in light of the echoes for one thing we don't know of course where what's going to happen in the midterm elections but there are calls for the a peach of the president i think it does is really something that. the people around the president i think will argue pretty effectively is that the two presidential page months we have had did not go well andrew johnson back a long time ago right after the civil war and then of course to close out the
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twentieth century way of jefferson clinton i think that there are mechanisms for the congress to express its disapproval or does approbation of what the president has done short of an impeachment so my book in part is essentially larry a note of caution be careful don't take the country through this very divisive process unless you're confident that you have a supermajority of the american people not a majority a supermajority of the american people saying yes the president should go why did you write contempt what is one my say why are we looking at this again and i know in a lot of new thing is a revealed why why now you know. for one thing larry we were coming up on the twentieth anniversary and i've been urged for years to write the book of there's so much that was untold or serious consideration of presenting indictment against
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hillary to the low rock grand jury before it expires in may of one nine hundred ninety eight my reflections on the death of benson foster jr and then of course most famously the entire lewinsky phase what happened on that fateful day when she told her mother that he wanted her to cooperate with their investigation that she was not going to bring down this and she is a. very explosive f. bomb words this president down and so i think we have a number of things that were really hidden from view people weren't hiding them but they just weren't in the public domain but it also seemed to me the right time in light of our history in light of the continuing rank order and the like that it would be good if we could to even if we oppose the president's policies and i'm speaking that so many people to oppose the president's policies that somehow we
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could move back to an era a little bit more of an era of good feeling the kind of era that ronald reagan i served in his administration was able as you well know larry to sit down with the speaker of the house of representatives from another political party a very partisan democrat tip o'neill and the two of them could get along with one of the disagree but they didn't have to yell and scream at one another you write the bill and hillary will quote fundamentally designs contempt jews of law and process. does trump mask in the year that do you. i think there's some serious issues i just dislike it profoundly when the president any president starts assailing federal judges you know judges are not above criticism i understand that. but i do think that there needs to be a respect for law for the legal process and i think it needs to be shown at all
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times i don't think the president has shown bruce specked for the legal process and his attacks on the attorney general and jeff sessions where you agree with jeff sessions or you don't disagree with with him i wrote it editorial larry over a year ago and the headline was pretty was pretty accurate cut it out mr president now i voted for the president and i want him to succeed but i think that some of the things he does isn't just erodes the rule of law and i rule of law guy. would you have written contempt of hillary clinton or president. it would be a harder call erick one of the reasons that i did write it is that she lost the election and my personal circumstances are such that i had more freedom to step back and remember this but i want my president to succeed i may not agree with the president who has a b.
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in power there are many things about president obama that i very much disagreed with but i want my president to succeed i want to country to succeed so i don't know if i would have said ok you need to now write this story when she was the be the duly elected president of a harder call larry you mentioned brett kavanaugh several times in the book describing him as a guy he member in chief wordsmiths them with the independent counsel brain trusts some people would taken aback by his behavior before the committee tell me about cavanaugh what it what is he like what do you think of him as a journalist. he's almost like has to me or perhaps. a younger brother he's fifty three years old but i am old enough to be as father brett kavanaugh as a person of integrity and i know these are serious charges that dr ford made i've worked with brett since he was coming off the clerkship with justice kennedy not
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since he's been a judge of course and larry he's an honest guy he's a good person and honest and good people can do bad things but he said any emphatically denied that he was the assailant the person high school who did this horrible horrible thing and having worked with him day in and day out and in year in and year out and also just watching him in the office there is not a hint of impropriety of some sort of harvey weinstein kind kind of action or bill cosby kind of a just a gentleman a real gentleman and so i've my heart went out to everyone involved in this but i believe brad kavanagh that he's going to be a great justice do you think if the democrats get the house they my bio impeachment proceedings against trump. well larry there's a lot of talk about that but i'm very thankful that some of the wise
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and more experienced folks in the party are saying no we're not just i going to go there so. i hope not in my book larry is really as i said a few minutes ago is is really in effect on now use the term a cautionary tale our nation does not like impeaching the president united states we just don't we don't like overturning elections so have a full and fair election we're going to have midterms then in two thousand and twenty we'll have an election of or perhaps if president trump runs the you'll have the opportunity to pass judgment on it but i think that's one of the things the founding generation felt strongly about as we want stability in our government and therefore the requirement of a two thirds majority larry for removing the president it's always example majority as we all know to impeach but it takes
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a supermajority to actually remove the president i think what the founding generation was telling us we want to national consensus in order to remove a president from office all sides in the political spectrum by way of praise this book the book is contempt a memoir of the clinton investigation ken thank you so much for your time today. thank you larry thank you for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my facebook page or tweet me at kings things don't forget use the politicking hash tag that's all for this edition of politicking.
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aeroflot russian airlines. you know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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the crimean city of courage observes a period of mourning after a massacre at a technical college in which twenty one people died. promises severe consequences over this us a nation of saudi journalists who jamal khashoggi who the u.s. president now believes is dead turkey claims the saudi government was behind the killing but riad denies those accusations. twitter releases a vast number of tweets supposedly generated by moscow trolls meddling in u.s. politics even though most of them were written in russian. for the latest on the stories you can head to art.
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