tv Redacted Tonight RT October 19, 2018 9:30pm-10:00pm EDT
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hold a guess that has been try you're done then you have another injury i know there is injury. in the eye. another injury in b.o.i. . as you can see it there are still a number of injuries that are coming in every now and then. i mean while the israeli military says it was forced to respond on friday after terrorists in gaza launched several incendiary balloons into israel. a caravan of at least three thousand migrants has attempted to breach of the border from guatemala to mexico on their way to the united states these are the latest pictures from the guatemalan side of the border many of the migrants managed to breach the fence and were arrested by mexican police caravan started out from honduras last week and the migrants say that they are fleeing poverty and insecurity in their own countries u.s. president trump has taken a harsh stance on the migrant character and threatening to shut down the mexican
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week the monsters crushing antiestablishment anti-corporate voices took some steroids injections right in the gonads or the giant ears eight hundred pages were banned from facebook last week without so much as a warning but if you're the mainstream media then you would say these were eight hundred spam a can own the seas are not a real pages but the truth is all of those eight hundred many were legitimate journalistic enterprise us like anti media free thought project police the police and block other pages were just heavily restricted for example the anti censorship social media platform mines dot com can no longer be shared on facebook and if you're even thinking about minds facebook will fill your timeline with photos of your ex's wedding. and images of people exactly ten pounds lighter than you.
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this is a full frontal crushing of dissident voices let's find out let's find out what's going on and let's get it directly from those sources anti media's twitter account said quote oh so i suspended that's where it ok so i village go to editor in chief of anti media kerry whether she's a great writer she's done some really important work. anyway as she boldly stated on her twitter account what did god say it is going on. oh i get it i was like i was going crazy with some sort of conspiracy theory like this is not a theory it's just a conspiracy. facebook conspired with twitter to shut down a large swath of alternative independent media on the same day and because they thought doing that might drive people to other anti-censorship platforms they also banned links to mine dot com oh cool this is like all full on fascist takeover of
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thought but in like a cool new information age you know it so it's fun for the whole kid rocket but let's dig a little deeper what is mark zuckerberg thinking well. there. there's the fact he was clearly thinking of running for president how do i know that well ok think of it what do you need to run for president you need loads of money to buy the presidency jack you need to pretend to be religious oh but zucker berger's an atheist no waits recently he found religion thank goodness it turns out it was right under the couch cushions all along. ok so money jack religion jack you need a good social media presence. i heard he has a strong facebook page. or all of the facebook pages and then finally you need to pretend to give us about the american people that might be
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a little harder always zaka bird went on a year long listening tour in twenty seven to see where he traveled to all fifty states ok but someone who is truly running for president goes to iowa specifically and he didn't always. he toward all it was called. to you visit a real ten candy kitchen chatting with the mayor i'm not sure if they mean the mayor of the candy kitchen or whatever but still if he were really running for president he would still around him with the dip big partisan leeches because the cost of hiring them to soccer burgers like the cost of a pack of skittles oh wait it's just the birds and his wife priscilla chana higher joel benenson a democratic pollster advisor to barack obama and chief strategist of hillary clinton's twenty sixteen campaign the pair also hired david pluff campaign manager
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for obama's two thousand and eight presidential run and amy douglas former communications advisor for center temp cain and ken mehlman who directed george w. bush's two in two thousand for a campaign oh my god it's all rash of all right that is. right. faction is what that is. but wait there's more soon after hiring the hack squat of facebook partner with the atlantic council an offshoot of nato the atlantic council's list of sponsors include war profiteering defense contractors agencies aligned with washington and the pentagon gulf arab tyrants major transnational corporations and such well loved philanthropic brands as carnegie rockefeller and soros. that sounds like a fun party. any time soros and the cox get together things can
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print thinking. let's just say the next day your cock will be store. because. it had to be done whether marge zuckerberg wants to run for president twenty twenty or twenty twenty four it doesn't really matter point is he's current. proving himself to the deep state who pull the strings of our puppet president yes. he's saying to them hey guys you're scared of social movements across them for you you're scared of police accountability all across those who reveal police brutality you just let me know what flavor of censorship you prefer some partnership through in facebook in the atlantic council is an attempt to ensure the grip of dominant imperialist powers who feel threatened by the unrestricted flow of information it can't be overstated how powerful facebook has been in the information revolution
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whether you hate facebook or love it the truth is without facebook twitter and you tube there would have been no occupy wall street no black lives matter no fighting for fifteen no bernie sanders movement no distracted boyfriend movement. these these no way can ngs grew because people had social media to spread them and who benefits when these movements grow with occupy if the victims of the big banks with black lives matter it's the victims of police brutality with fight for fifteen it's the countless wage slaves across the country with distracted boyfriend it's the plain looking girlfriends everywhere all right there are plenty of plain looking boyfriends. you know as a gay relationship or i'm a plain looking lesbian whatever whatever it is. but seriously it is the victims of the corporate takeover who benefit from
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a strong and healthy freedom of speech now was the time to stand up against this censorship while simultaneously building up all their platforms like steam and or minds if we don't fight for freedom of speech and privacy now it will be lost forever. one of the other topics was how different was it thank you. they say thanks welcome i'm really can't take the news from behind facebook
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a descendant voices are not the only thing being purged i myself had an eggplant dish last night which. had to be purged i mean the words and plants should never be together is disgusting it's its advertising is that fruit i had once. berries. not good to. put on top of the great facebook purge our nation's voter rolls have also been purged both for the upcoming midterms journalist greg palast has been able to find out how much purging has happened in some areas of the country five hundred ninety one thousand knocked off in georgia four hundred sixty nine thousand kicked off the rolls in in the anna five hundred fifty four thousand in illinois brian kemp who is running for governor down in georgia where the most people have been criminally kicked off the rolls and brian camp also has the job of deciding who gets kicked off the rolls but he has nothing to hide all right greg palast
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asked him about the one in ten per voters mostly people of color asked him to his face and camp kindly took the time to explain the situation. are you removing black voters from the voter rolls they disagree with this election. are you are you heard you voters. are you are you losing ok because you leave the you deserve good or higher truth. jarrah hear you. ask well black people why the black people are being persian part of a white man's grand kids. don't young children here died question they may find out the truth about our frontal into law quickly and what then all right what then they may even learn that racism exists and the higher reason all those white people on on brian kemp's campaign don't allow any black people near them so that their
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children want to see the ugliness of racism. they ban black people so as to not be racist. plus when you watch said video you you may see the corrupt politician of voiding important questions but i see a hard working man all right for example do you know how hard it is to knock all the black people off the rolls when the voter registration doesn't even say whether the person is black or not you have to guesstimate their black gosh city by whether they live in a black area or whether they have a black sounding name it's labor intensive. thank you brian kemp for showing us what hard work really looks like. if you want to find out whether you have been purged check out greg palast dot com he's doing he's doing some real work over there but speaking of hard work it appears we've all been working pretty hard to wipe out all of the insects on the planet earth which is one of my top five
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favorite planets you know i used to like it used to be a number one but now it's gotten kind of crowded. even the corporate media has noticed a new study that shows massive insect loss the washington post said in twenty fourteen an international team of biologists estimated that in the past. thirty five years the abundance the abundance of invertebrates such as beetles and bees has decreased by forty five percent a study last year showed a seventy six percent decrease in flying insects in german nature preserves yes i mean we've all we've all seen it i'm not even a scientist and i noticed the beatles had decreased by fifty percent years ago. but this is probably pesticides probably pesticides but this is serious we need insects to feed to our snakes which we need to feed kellyanne conway all right.
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gotta get those to kellyanne conway she's a very finicky eater. but not to worry this insect loss is only happening in germany writes well actually this week a new study in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences shows that this startling loss of insect abundance extends to the americas the study's authors implicate climate change in the loss of tropical invertebrates because this means we are the same as germany and that is not true we we are very funny the germans have no sense of humor whatsoever also since world war two the germans ever fused to go to war we want to go on a war we love war so much we are pants every time we walk inside the store targets . and. germans love soccer and they often or at least sometimes when the world cup we suck in the world cup even the
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u.s. soccer team doesn't admit they play soccer. where little bow ties and tell people their cleats or tap shoes. in hopes of one day getting laid but apparently the study is right it's not just the germans who have lost three quarters oh. all there insects it's us too high washington post do you have a video that could explain what's going on and also treat us like we're four years old you do. remember being in the car as a kid and watching after get squashed on the windshield this happens less often these days turns out might be because there are some you were bad in twenty six and researchers found a great. percent were flying insects by weight in germany tourism and there were ninety nine births
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a lot of missing is that exact go away we need to save the bugs so we can watch their little colorful bodies explode on our when she. was apparently the only example that woman could come up with. what bugs used to do. they also pollinate our food dispose of our ways to act as a food stores for many larger animals and racially. and basically keep the entire cycle of life going on this planet but mainly they cover your car's windshield in a brown or should goo making family vacations quite dreary. using that as an example of what bugs are is like saying hey son do you remember that woman who used to yell at you when you spill your milk on the floor you called her mama yeah well a new report says there's been a hundred percent decrease in her because she found a guy who appreciates her more than i do. notice is when she gets.
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but yes this is serious because when the bugs die we die and according to the study the bugs are dying because of climate change for those of you wondering what climate change is given to you like the washington post what do you remember when. you were younger and the planet was not as hides and now you're sick to your life more often. that's called hotter and multiple reports now say we have eleven years to severely change our societies or else our goose is cooked and by goose i mean geese and by geese i mean us. even though. thank you for your moderately reluctant clapping. even the mainstream media has begun to notice that huge reduction is in mediating our essential tool void dangerous climate change these consumption needs to fall by ninety percent and be
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replaced by five times more beans and pulses one story short our ecosystems on this planet are failing and we need to completely alter our societies to keep growing such as you do not thank you. if we don't not only do we die but the insects die and then what we watch splashed across the way. we have to go to a quick break but i have live coverage shows come to thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you to. the gruesome plot thickens the saudis now admit jamal khashoggi died in their custody after an interrogation that went wrong turkish media claim they have
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evidence of intentional murder nonetheless trump declares he's not going to walk away from saudi arabia will there ever be justice for jamal khashoggi. to green reaper at the bond market has appeared with this with this guy he's looking at the global bond market he's got. and it's a bomb apocalypse it's a tsunami that paper and it's. going to be the greatest financial collapse ever love. song in the world. underwater. to the room that. we're not even the owner. oh your ego to.
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move for you. know. ok the national park service is considering new restrictions for protesters in d.c. including charging fees for events you remember the i have a dream speech well now m.l.k. would have had to put some of the dream on layaway here for more our protests protester naomi you're about it. doesn't doesn't this go against the basic tenets of american freedom of speech well lead to ok and cheaper any more now there will be a protest permit application fee and face it american tradition has changed if you want to make a point now send in the drones. not only will we get over the new white
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house sidewalk closures but also the government will know that you mean what you say about peace in the middle east. also you'll probably get shot in the face while you're still welcome to come to d.c. and raise your fists in solidarity with minimum wage workers as long as there is a visa or master. oh if you charge for protesting that robs the poor of speech or even the middle class of speech and therefore citizenship and humanity we have approached an era where only those with money have a say it's really. cash or credit for that speech really. so there's a detected going. socialist in their bitcoins of course we do the president is so unpopular now that the national park service
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can afford to cater to all the angry people the fees will cover the barricades the park service over time planting new grass fertilizer for the grass the grooming of the grass ruthlessly ravaged by environmentalists birkenstocks. over there and fascism comes to america it will come in the name of landscaping all right. don't worry leave the bill of rights will now be replaced with the turf management plan handled by the national park service founding fathers don't worry. sing with me once we. cover char. protesters or corporate sponsored events the opposite it's not only american grass that has a stake here ok the park service intends to establish restricted zones at the memorials on the national mall to preserve an atmosphere of contemplation i need my
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full mental capacity to get a selfie lincoln squatch and so does the man taking pictures of women's crotches there which a judge ruled was within his rights step sitters including judy hannah say they're shocked by the ruling jokingly calling it a lesson in protecting your personal privacy the moral of the story is always wear pants that is the sad statement where we turn the a.c.l.u. really don't get your panties in a bunch because then that guy will photograph them. this a.c.l.u. actually agrees with the proposed maximum permit period of thirty days for vigils and demonstrations because well they have never organized protests and if you can sing a war to and then go home and choose a more important cause like one mower accidents honor those brave men and women who cut themselves for their beautiful grasslands i salute citizen knowing.
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they were right and they were right thank you very courageous going bankrupt legal reasons are more complicated than you think to break this down let's go to redacted correspondent john a foregone. sears the one hundred twenty five year old iconic american business the retail giant that survived the great depression and two world wars has filed for bankruptcy now. now where am i going to get all the stuff i already don't buy from seeing where my going to get a craftsman tool made up a seven tools i don't know how to use which makes me feel like a tool screw you for my inadequacies six years. i'm sorry i was not cool tens of thousands of hard working people are going to lose
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their jobs and that sucks the truth is sears has been losing billions of dollars in closing hundreds of stores for a number of years now so beyond the rise of amazon and e-commerce what exactly happened according to the sears c.e.o. retiree pensions are killing us not online shopping. blame it on the retiring class seem. you know the folks who gave decades of their lives to your company pretending to be excited about selling nonstick pans that dough faced suburbanites or whatever now these workers have the audacity to now want to be impoverished in their seventy's. hey is there a fiery anti-establishment economist who can see through this bull so when she has been played in the media is you know we've been too generous with these working people the past politicians were too good hearted and gave you what there was no
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good heart about this was a negotiation in which the employees gave up wage increases to get to the pension thanks for that professor richard wolfe i've never been so terrified of somebody i completely agree with oh by the way the guy steering the ship it's yours is a little lampard he just stepped down as c.e.o. and became the chairman but everybody knows he's been calling the shots for years and will continue to do so luckily his background is doing mergers virg goldman sachs so i'm sure he's been running the. we need quite sensibly radically different really any much more and kind of like a hedge fund instead of an integrated model where you know all the different divisions are special work together and i'm going to. look like autonomy. like a hedge fund each division is like an autonomous business which means he's purposefully structured the company in such
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a way that facilitates selling off its most valuable assets at the expense of running the business of distantly you see in two thousand and five lampard merged sears with kmart loaded both up with day and used some of the debt on stock buybacks to pump up the share price and enrich shareholders notably himself and his age one. leverage hedge fund also became a prime lender to see yours making money off of commissions and interest charges as well as being a prime shareholder. the strategy ensures that the fall and its beneficiaries including lebron himself get rich even if they run seers into the ground. the mirror scene the producers where the premise is it's more profitable to create a flop than a hit that's what's going on here this sears bankruptcy has become springtime for
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hitler if vulture capitalist eddie lampert was hitler and springtime was it overly aggressive make up counter situation ok maybe that analogy isn't perfect but i understand lampard has maliciously financially engineered the company to the poorly where bankruptcy most likely doesn't mean a chance at restructuring it means liquidation with him and his hedge fund first in line to snatch up the assets i mean we all see that playing conflict of interest there writes it's crazy this is like the world. first remake of the producers ever reporting from a soon to be a bed in sears jonna for don their tactics. here are your headlines from the future three weeks from now you'll learn wall street celebrates this new numbers show us wage slavery an all time high. and this coming
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breaking news here on our international saudi arabia journalist who went missing more than two weeks ago. in the saudi consulate. the russian woman charged in the u.s. for allegedly trying to meddle in the upcoming midterm elections through social media. and feels are held in crimea for some of the twenty people shot and killed by a student at a technical college. we call that tragic death. of. the mother.
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