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tv   News  RT  October 20, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT

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for. trying to communicate you know this. you know situation. much better to their security then the. nuclear program. to. subscribe to read people also get. twelve euros fifty per month. saudi arabia. was. the explanation of how he died. and violence laws election day and
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deadly attacks target. during saturday's nationwide parliamentary vote. protesting direct. and pension reform. we asked questions. for the minister has no franks to back up his claim. with sick and tired of. a lie from last year with me. about a warm welcome to the program we're going to start the program with the breaking news now donald trump has announced that the u.s. is withdrawing from a new treaty with russia. the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty or i
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n f has been in force since one thousand nine hundred eighty seven speaking to reporters president trump accused russia of violating the pact he said quote we are going to terminate the agreement and then we are going to develop the weapons in reference to arms that are banned under the treaty trump went on to say that washington will scrap those production plans if a new deal can be negotiated earlier the u.s. national security adviser said that the current treaty limits the country's defense capability. this follows a long running dispute between the u.s. and russia over the expansion of american missile defense systems earlier this year russia a russian defense minister sergei expressed concerns over the situation. nobody doubts that the american missile system is a serious destabilizing factor and it's pushing us into a moment. and we will of course bring you more on that story later this hour.
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calls to hold homs export condemnation outrage those are just some of the reactions after saudi arabia admitted journalist jamal khashoggi was killed in the istanbul consulate two weeks ago we had previously denied any knowledge of the fate now they say a brutal inside diplomatic mission led to his death jacqueline booga takes a closer look on how events unfolded. for two weeks we were told her mom had left the saudi consulate unharmed only accusations and reports in turkey said otherwise but increased international pressure and around the clock media coverage and riyadh changed its narrative on friday saudi officials confirmed in part what the world already knew the journalist died on october the second in the consulate but the kingdom and namely the crown prince are innocent in all of this riyadh says the death was accidental the result of a quarrel between cause and quote suspects that escalated to
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a fist fight now those suspects then apparently work to cover up the murder and dispose of the body eight hundred saudi nationals have been arrested including two high ranking members in the gulf states and of course the investigation continues now this version of events fits rather nicely with a prediction donald trump made days ago sounds to me like this is. and the explanation that those responsible acted without riyadh's knowledge or approval seems good enough for trump it's a very very serious i do do i think it's a very important first step and it happened sooner than people thought it would happen his comments really shouldn't come as a surprise given the fact that trump has been extremely reluctant from the get go to squarely blame saudi arabia he also repeated a number of times that even if involvement was proven he wouldn't wish to sacrifice the billions of dollars worth of weapons sales to punish them saudi arabia has been
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a great ally but i would prefer that we go to retribution canceling one hundred ten billion dollars worth of work they are ordering military equipment everybody in the world one of that order we got it and we got all of it every bit of it i don't like stopping massive amounts of money that's being poured into our country spending one hundred ten billion dollars on military equipment and or things that create jobs like jobs other. as for this country as of yet no evidence has been released to support the saudis version of events and much of the world isn't buying the new narrative it's god it was we're talking about the terrible events in saudi arabia was still nothing but clarify and where of course we demand to know what happened. good of the child will be today we are calling the whole world on duty we want justice for jim all we want to malls murderers to be punished however we want punishment not only for the eighteen men but also for the authority that gave the
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orders. the middle eastern actor of campaigns at amnesty international slam the saudi story as untrustworthy all reporters without borders have called for constant and powerful pressure on riyadh to establish the truth and australia has now joined others and no longer attending an investment summit set for later this month in saudi arabia saying it wouldn't be appropriate given the circumstances even some u.s. lawmakers are making their skepticism of the report known in dissonance with the president's stance now it's possible that without the massive international pressure campaign we've seen over the past two weeks the saudis would have stuck to their original story now riyadh it will be hoping that it's then admission will be enough to appease the world and we all move on not sending a representative to the conference in saudi arabia is one thing it's symbolic it sends a message but actually cutting off arms sales and actually imposing tough sanctions and cutting off regulations that takes it to
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a higher level and i don't think you're going to see that you know you'll see some sanctions against individuals from the united states but you're not going to see complete shutdown of relations with the saudis. at least twenty eight have been killed and over one hundred injured in several blasts that rocked the afghan capital two in saturday's parliamentary election local journalists will tell pfizer has the details in a couple. it was quite tense day for afghan security because of provinces. they were highly attacked and there have been. one thousand eight hundred security threats many of them have been prevented by afghan security forces two hundred and ninety two attacks carried out by militants across the country that killed dozens of people including civilians and police forces also afghan national army members
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the deadliest was in kabul as well as in north and battle on province in kabul a suicide bomber targeted at polling center in north part of the city and killed over a dozen people including police forces more stuff the attacks were actually not very very big they were magnetic bombs planted explosives especially a gate or nearby the polling stations and taliban did claim responsibility saying that they have carried out all their four hundred attacks across the country and they have been saying that the afghan government is not an illegitimate government so they do not recognize the afghan government as a legitimate government that's why they claim that this is a puppet government and people should not. justify to empower
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the process that is according to the taleban is an american or a western process we still have to wait and see what will happen next because the election process has been extended by the independent election commission for the next day which is tomorrow people were hopeful. and they had a very big turnout early in the morning became an hour before the election started but later after a couple of hours when there was a delay there were several technically shows and the presents of the. election. staff were not visible. many hours in many polling stations that's why. during the large time we witnessed that many people actually went home. around fifteen hundred ballots in place officers have
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called in sick on mass there protesting having to work extra hours caused by staff shortages as well as reforms to their pensions. to the police to the police motorcycle users from the comfort of brussels as reinforcements to the your view somebody should feel guilty that all of them called in disabled obviously as we found out the prime minister even had along with the army he still. will do this in the field in the police or severely understaffed field and we've
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been talking about that for many months now the interior minister is also in mulling reforms that break economically be an attack on the status of police officers the. just recently another police officer was killed in the. last week you were badly injured in a shootout people didn't hesitate open. we ask questions but we don't get. they say we're lazy and believe that the minister has moved back to back. that time and we're sick inside.
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the central london now where over six hundred thousand dollars he brags that protesters have gathered to demand a second referendum vote march was organized by the people's a vote campaign who say this protest could be the biggest bragg's it action yet some people have traveled from all around the country to take part in the rally a separate program that rally has held it was held in her in the north of england led by former leader nigel farrar british prime minister tres m a has dismissed calls for a second referendum on bragg's it however some m.p.'s have voiced support for the protests the u.k. voted to leave the e.u. by a narrow margin and twenty sixteen with the deadline for london's official divorce from brussels set for march next year. crimea is still trying to come to terms with the deadly mass shooting at
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a college there that story and more after this break. you know world big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. when lawmakers manufacture consensus to the public will. when the
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ruling classes project themselves. in the prime of their ego realm lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room signal. the real new real world. welcome back to the program in crimea grieving friends and relatives have sent their final goodbyes to the twenty fifth tims of a gunman who opened fire on fellow students at a college in the city of carriage but amid the pain stories of have emerged of heroic quick thinking actions which prevented more deaths.
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birch is a quiet place a small seaside town kind of place where the neighborhoods everyone knows everyone it is one of the last places in the world where you would expect a school or college shooting or thought they did but some hatreds evidently buried too deep because i stalk a few it's so common music a common tragedy our town is really small everyone knows each other the blast and the following rampage with catastrophic injuring and killing dozens upon dozens. of people sparking panic and styria as teenagers and stuff fled for their lives. in that chaos heroes when they just just my friend meaning feen was there
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he helped his friend corner who was injured in the blast he covered him to shield him from the bullets they're both in hospital now has a shopping wound and winning team is paralyzed nobody knows whether he will be able to walk again but from the horrors of this massacre some good has emerged selflessness sacrifice courage and bravery teenagers barely older than children acted as few adults ever called it about the good of course if you're going to they were personally is students when this happened these guys were thrown rocks. they were trying to distract him because behind his back there was a group of kids mostly girls trying to escape so the boys decided to divert the suit is the time some to help the girls these four boys are dead no you're. sitting. my cern girl i knew him on the wounded i tried to save her i carried her to the ambulance i left her there and went to help the others i saw
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a lot of people bleeding land on benches it was awful. about. immutability mines i saw a guy being attacked i try to help him but it was too late then i saw my friend something was wrong with his looks he couldn't walk so i tracked him all the way to the ponce. the mushy it is now you will never know every accept heroism and kindness that took place last now in the confusion the adrenaline the modesty and in death but it wasn't just the students it was also bystanders volunteers and good samaritans. who said i work nearby when i heard what happened i came here to help anyone i could see there were people without limbs just lying on the street everyone tried to help more so. to get more of. when the wounded began to overwhelm local
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clinics the medical students jumped in to help. them but when it happened we were at our medical college we were in class when a teacher stormed in and said they need people to help with the injured so we rushed to the hospital we had no time to even put our lab coats on we started to take people out of the ambulances for emergency help people just kept on coming for several hours it's fair to say that when the killer struck the stuff the students were utterly unprepared it's also fair to say that no amount of readiness in the world would prepare any sort of school for an explosion that size in the cafeteria or mania blitzing through the car doors but even stalled. confusion. fear. set aside preservation in order
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to help others. again. syria is urging the u.n. to investigate u.s. led coalition airstrikes in the country what that reportedly killed dozens of civilians two bombing raids of hit villages in the dairies or province since thursday syrian media say sixty two people were killed and on wednesday u.s. jets reportedly hit and allied kurdish unit killing six fighters the u.s. military says it's investigating that incident. the director of a british think conquer focusing on the syrian crisis believes though the u.s. is unlikely to change its tactics in syria. of the day someone is taking decision someone is making the decision or giving the go ahead for an operation that is attacking a mosque in
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a village probably the only mosque in the village. for the time prayers. what were they thinking obviously everybody knows that a lot of people pretty much civilians would be gathered in that mosque so i don't think this is a mistake. a year and a half ago almost or a little bit more the american warplanes did pretty much the same thing in every dish called jean in northwest syria and again the mosque was targeted you know repeating what had been the year and a half ago in genie probably the american has a story a mystery we move on. back to our top story now the u.s. is pulling out of the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty with russia speaking to reporters president trump accused russia of violating the pact he said quote we're going to terminate the agreement and then we're going to develop the weapons in reference to arms that are banned under the i.n.f.
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treaty trouble went on to say that washington will scrap those production plans if a new deal can be negotiated the treaty has been enforced since at nineteen eighty seven under the pact russia and the us required to eliminate nuclear missiles with a range of one thousand to five thousand five hundred kilometers but the deal does not include sea launched missiles it has been seen as a key pile stone in ending the cold war. russia has repeatedly said it will keep observing the i.n.f. treaty as long as the u.s. does however russian president vladimir putin said last year that any withdrawal from washington would see an immediate and near alike response from moscow and we are closely following the story and we'll bring you the details as soon as we get them. don't forget to check online dot com i'll be back at the top of the hour but first a long t. international is going underground.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guests of the world of politics sport that's less i'm show business i'll see you then. tax rises financial survival guide stacey let's learn a salad fill out let's say i'm the strike at any earthly andris of the fight well street spot thank you for something. on the story that's right. that's labor a. new you know a low. down there were
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a. total room go to. not mean we didn't know no. oh you ought to go to the post pizza to move for you. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime stamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need
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to remember one one does not show you can afford to miss the one and only boom bust . i'm after a time to do what you're going underground on the seventh anniversary of the nato backed killing of more margaret duffy coming up on the show who is to raise a major talk about human rights in the case of jamal khashoggi a lifelong friend of a saudi dissident and fight for the liberation of palestine as i'm telling me on crimes against humanity and up to juries amazement surveillance was found in eagle by your of what now for bugging of your phone we go to san antonio in texas to talk to award winning x. convict better brown hounded by the f.b.i.
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for rejecting a brave new world that's all coming up in the show but first today's seventy is since the leader of africa's richest defacto nation was killed with u.k. backing here was the reaction of the woman who could right now be president of the usa we came we saw he died. clinton nato nation media and to resume support of the end of libya's government even as they profess to love this towering african hero no got dogs. so what. they hit there is no reason whatsoever. why and it has. there are. rights as. in south africa but if the tories and liberals helped kill mandela's comrade in arms seven years ago today that all
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appears forgotten in today's house of commons aside from bracks it though one m.p. did feel that u.k. armed israeli oppression this week should be condemned by tourism a pm cuse well the prime minister make it clear to the prime minister of israel this is occupied territory to refute g.'s protected people whose forcible rape removal would be as the united nations have stated constitute a water trade carmichael didn't mention u.k. backing injuries and majorly said nothing about this week's gaza dead preferring to question one particular settlement once again call on the israeli government not to go ahead with its planned demolished village including its school and displace its residents just a bit of displacement there not more than two hundred dead since the great return much began no mention of u.k. arms sales to israel that reached a record high just before prince william's visit to israel joining me now is palestinian born journalist as i am to mimi he was good friends with jamal
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khashoggi and spoke to him hours before he was allegedly killed and dismembered in the saudi consulate in turkey thanks for coming on the washington post publish what they purportedly said was the last column of your friend and then focus his attention on the muted response to the deaths of journalists in the middle east isn't he related we have a point in the sense that you can us back countries of been killing journalists for years what makes your friends his death different atrocities have been committed by humans throughout history. that atrocities and to be condoned but some of our cities. have a special. status jamal's know the. has to several factors that make a treaty different from anything else the fact that he was said that this was a set up the fact that it happened in
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a consulate these things don't usually happen i mean if you want john to murder a critic you hire an assassin or do it much more cleanly for it to happen inside the consulate for it to happen in a consulate in istanbul. turkey and saudi arabia on not on very good terms for it to happen someone who writes a column in the washington post that column which has damaged. and when someone is a conference of so they are damaged is end of or to create to present himself as a reformer because. he was telling the world that this was not a reformer this was a brutal dictators and one caller managed to defeat the millions of dollars of prominence and man was was being the brutality the dismembering of of
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this. betrayed friend of ours. collectively it makes a difference the fact that he is a journalist the world of journalism has been on its feet since then saying this should not be tolerated there should be no cover up and that's why trump is under a lot of pressure not to not to be involved in a cover up or although he would love to. crown prince more than someone obviously denies any any allegation like that here but my point is israel has killed journalists. as we've seen them on camera and american citizens like rachel corrie have been killed by say other countries in the middle east israel it can't just be that he was a great journalist and he wrote for the washington post some suggest because he's a journalists the world of journalism is what generates pressure on policymakers i mean look at the withdrawals now by businesses by politicians from the investment
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conference in saudi arabia this would not have happened had it not been for the media the media is actually. we thing to see how these people are behaving and they're going to have to have a go at them and when we talk about. israel is a is an occupation power and it's a brutal occupation or occupiers are brutal by nature they will not tolerate anyone seeking freedom from their occupation. but at the same time there is the creation of the western world. if the last colonial project that we have tell me about the man himself he was a hero was previously close to the saudi royal family. and he was a good friend of osama bin laden's well as our beloved and was a good friend of so many people he was a good friend of the americans he was a good friend of the family context is very important here because when osama bin laden went.


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