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tv   News  RT  October 20, 2018 8:00pm-8:31pm EDT

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president says the u.s. is pulling out of the i.m.f. a treaty with russia which requires both sides to eliminate medium range nuclear missiles. russia has violated the agreement they've been violating for many years we're not going to let them violate a nuclear agreement so we're going to terminate the agreement we're going to. saudi arabia claims that missing journalist. was killed in a fight inside consulate in a. new series of the deadly bombings that target polling stations across afghanistan overshadowing the country's parliamentary.
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broadcasting. international and thomas certainly glad to have you with us are we start with breaking news this hour the u.s. is pulling out of a nuclear missile pact with russia intermediate range nuclear forces treaty requires both countries to eliminate their short and medium range atomic missiles president trump accused moscow of failing to uphold its side of the deal. russia has violated the agreement they've been violating here for many years and i don't know why president obama didn't negotiate for full out. and we're not going to let them violate a nuclear agreement and go out and do weapons and we're not allowed to we're the ones that have stayed in the agreement and we've honored the agreement but russia
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has not one fortunately onto the agreement so we're going to terminate the agreement we're going to pull out we're not only hearing donald trump say that the usa will haul out of the i.n.f. treaty but we're also hearing that there is plans to begin production of missiles that are not allowed now donald trump did say however if a new agreement can be reached they will scrap those plans for production let's review his additional comments unless russia comes to us and china comes to us and they will come to us and they say let's really get smart and let's none of us develop those weapons but if russia is doing it and of china's doing it and we're adhering to the agreement that some excepted so we have a tremendous amount of money to play with the nonmilitary seven hundred plus seven hundred sixty billion this refers to the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty this was signed in one thousand nine hundred eighty seven and it was viewed as a key moment in deescalating essentially ending the cold war now the treaty
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essentially outlaws any nuclear missiles between the range of one thousand kilometers and five thousand kilometers now repeatedly russia has been accused of violating the i.n.f. treaty now we have heard a response of russia's president vladimir putin says that if the usa does indeed withdraw from the treaty and begin production there would be a mirror like response from russia let's leave look at what putin has said he says and united see. if our american partners the agreement will give an immediate and reciprocal response we've complied with the agreement and we will continue to do so as long as opponents do the same. now if indeed the united states scraps the treaty this will be a dramatic shift a break from what has been standard operating procedure in washington regarding its agreements with russia and trump may face opposition from within the state department and within his own cabinet. or to discuss this further we're now joined
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by. b. who is a former advisor to iran's nuclear negotiating team so you have some unique experience with this topic. so both russia and the u.s. have accused each other of failing to uphold the i.n.f. treaty. so does this move from trump actually change anything. yes of course it sends a very significant negative signal diminishes the relations between washington and moscow at a very perilous time and potentially also damages us is relations with europe because if president trump acts on this threat and they go ahead and develop the new intermediate missiles the only place to put them of course is in the nato countries in proximity to to russia which will be a very destabilizing factor and we just heard from president putin promising
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response is the danger of action reaction dynamic that will be a giant leap backwards to the cold war era and in my opinion is really unnecessary to correct what your reporter said there and have treaty that is not touched. and see launched missiles intermediate missiles and is limited to only ground launched missiles and that's one of its basic limitations and of limitation of course is that u.s. is also engaged in the arms race with china in you know in the pacific ocean and china has a whole bunch of those those missiles that are not cover and maybe a well come improvement in the arms treaties negotiations would be to bring in china to default and would have you know a comprehensive negotiation that perhaps even india has some of them as well so we
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probably need a global perspective on this because bilateral negotiations between russia and the u.s. when there are the nuclear probably freighters iran has its own limitations well about that so if the united states is going to go ahead and start building more mid range nuclear weapons like trump says he wants to is this occurrence a concern for other countries i mean let's take for example iran. yes of course because in if you recall u.s. has used the threat of iran's ballistic missiles to install its ages launches in romania and is plans for poland as well and russia has said that they are posing threats to its own national security so you know whenever you have
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destabilizing initiatives such as this it has wide ranging ramifications and in was other countries that are also rattled by it and it affects their national security calculations and unfortunately now we are witnessing a president in the white house who openly embraces arms race and recall his tweet last december when you know he said that we should strengthen our nuclear capabilities and so on and he has promised to outlast and match their rivals is a very wrong approach to these problems and destabilizes the global order and you know nuclear weapons are very dangerous thing to play with and mr trump should have a more studied reaction to it why hasn't to add that the timing of this announcement a week before national security advisor board transcript too to moscow also raises questions because maybe this is something that the toying with in terms of getting
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some more concessions from brush and so on because it's one thing to say that they are planning and other to give a six months suspension notice as called for by the article over the i.n.f. treaty well so president vladimir putin he recently gave his views on the risk of a nuclear strike against russia let's take a listen to what he had to say and then we'll talk about it on the other side. is the easiest solution is inevitable he will be destroyed and we victims of aggression we like motors will go. i haven't and they will just drop that well it's certain to say that donald trump has his own style but so does what amir putin clearly the president of russia was not really being serious there do you think that it's a good sign that at least one of the leaders involved here is maintaining some sense of joviality being a light hearted about it. well you know for
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public relations purposes yes but you know we are dealing with you know a serious arms race issues that require very you know serious approach toward it just as you know president reagan and gorbachev had when they signed i.n.f. treaty in one nine hundred eighty seven and fortunately we do not see that kind of . you know inclination under part of a republican president who's now to destroy reagan's legacy after having targeted obama's legacy with the iran nuclear deal and you know this reflects you know a president who has a withdrawal seem symptom and has withdrawn from so many international agreements and you know we saw that with the one nine hundred fifty five iran i meet a treaty just a couple of weeks ago after the ruling by the hague court against the u.s. and so on and so forth so the u.s.
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cannot continue on this trend particularly since it in you know a couple of years the time the timing for the start treaty expires and if this threat to exit the i.n.f. treaty is materialized that be a big star for the longevity and the future prospects of a start treaty which is in some sense even more important than this one. be back to you know one nine hundred seventy s. and full scare arms race at a very dangerous time certainly something that we don't want to go back to very interesting to get your unique perspective on this cover of a c.r.-v. was a former advisor to iran's nuclear negotiator in fact to bring with us here on r.t. international my pleasure. all right now trump's decision to scrap the i.n.f. nuclear arms treaty with russia has caused some public concern in the u.s. we asked people on the streets of new york for their reaction it sounds like
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a terrible idea it sounds. crazy like crazy is and. i think disconnecting from the world is a really bad thing and it's one of many many bad things that are in the process of destroying our democracy in this country crazy simply crazy. switching gears now turkey has pledged to reveal the full details of the journalists inside the saudi consulate in istanbul says jamal khashoggi was murdered in early october but saudi arabia claims he died in a fistfight or two juggling vodka takes a closer look at the case and the global shock waves for two weeks we were told jamal khashoggi had left the saudi consulate unharmed only accusations and reports in turkey said otherwise but increased international pressure and around the clock media coverage and riyadh change its narrative on friday saudi officials confirmed in part what the world already knew the journalist died on october the second in
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the consulate but the kingdom and namely the crown prince are innocent in all of this riyadh says the death was accidental the result of a quarrel between shoghi and quote suspects that escalated to a fistfight now those suspects then apparently work to cover up the murder and dispose of the body eight hundred saudi nationals have been arrested including two high ranking members in the gulf state and of course the investigation continues now this version of events fits rather nicely with a prediction donald trump made days ago sounds to me like this is. true and the explanation that those responsible acted without riyadh's knowledge or approval seems good enough for trunk it is very very serious i do do at. it's a very important first step and it happened sooner than people thought it would happen his comments really shouldn't come as a surprise given the fact that trump has been extremely reluctant from the get go
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to squarely blame saudi arabia he also repeated a number of times that even if involvement was proven he wouldn't wish to sacrifice the billions of dollars worth of weapons sales to punish them saudi arabia has been a great ally but i would prefer that we go to israel. canceling one hundred ten billion dollars worth of work they are ordering military equipment everybody in the world one of that order we got it and we got all of it every bit of it i don't like stopping massive amounts of money that's being poured into our country spending one hundred ten billion dollars on military what i don't think is that create jobs like jobs and others for this country as of yet no evidence has been released to support the saudis version of events and much of the world isn't buying the new narrative it's god it was we're talking about the terrible events in saudi arabia was doing nothing and clarify and when of course we demand to know what happened to be
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a good idea to do we are calling the whole world on duty we want justice for jim all we want to malls murderers to be punished however we want punishment not only for the eighteen men but also for the authority that gave the orders. the middle eastern actor of campaigns at amnesty international slam the saudi story as untrustworthy all reporters without borders have called for constant and powerful pressure on riyadh to establish the truth and australia has now joined others and no longer attending an investment summit set for later this month and saudi arabia saying it wouldn't be appropriate given the circumstances even some u.s. lawmakers are making their skepticism of the report known in dissonance with the president's stance now it's possible that without the massive international pressure campaign we've seen over the past two weeks. the saudis would have stuck to their original story now riyadh will be hoping that their mission will be enough to appease the world and we all moved on not sending a representative to the conference in saudi arabia is one thing it's symbolic it
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sends a message but actually cutting off arms sales and actually imposing tough sanctions and cutting off or allay sions that takes it to a higher level and i don't think you're going to see that you know you'll see some sanctions against individuals from the united states but you're not going to see complete shutdown of relations with the saudis or crimea is still trying to come to terms with a deadly mass shooting at a college the story much more after a short break you're watching our two international.
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what holds us do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to go right to the press as it wasn't before three in the morning can't be good that i'm interested in the waters of my house. first suit. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy for indication let it be an arms race is on all fronts very dramatic to follow the only closely i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk.
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our welcome back his r.t. international so crimea is grieving for the twenty victims of a bombing and a mass shooting at a technical college in the city of carriage but amid the pain stories have emerged of heroic quick thinking actions which prevented more deaths. is a quiet place a small seaside town kind of place. in the neighborhoods everyone knows everyone it is one of the last places in the world where you would expect a school or college shooting or thought they did but some hatreds evidently buried too deep because i stalk a few it's so common music a common tragedy our town is really small everyone knows each other the blast and
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the following rampage were catastrophic injury and killing dozens upon dozens. of people sparking panic and his styria as teenagers and stuff fled for their lives . in that chaos heroes when they just just my friend when scene was there he helped his friend corner who was injured in the blast he covered him to shield him from the bullets they're both in hospital now has a shopping wound and winning team is paralyzed nobody knows whether he will be able to walk again but from the horrors of this massacre some good has emerged selflessness sacrifice courage and bravery where teenagers barely older than children acted as few adults ever call it about the good of course if you're going to they were first the is students when this happened these guys were throwing
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rocks and. they were trying to distract him because behind his back there was a group of kids mostly girls trying to escape so the boys decided to divert the should to time some to help the girls these four boys are dead now which are. so many here i sir girl i knew them on the wounded i tried to save her i carried her to the ambulance i left her there and went to help the others i saw a lot of people bleeding land on benches it was awful. i know for. a mere fifteen months i saw a guy being. attacked i try to help him but it was too late then i saw my friend something was wrong with his legs he couldn't walk so i dragged him all the way to the ponce. the mushy it is now you will never know every x. of heroism and kindness that took place last now in the confusion the adrenaline the modesty and in death but it wasn't just the students it was also bystanders
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volunteers and good samaritans. i work nearby when i heard what happened i came here to help anyone i could see there were people without limbs just lying on the street everyone tried to help more so. when the wounded began to overwhelm local clinics the medical students jumped in to help. them but when it happened we were at our medical college we were in class when a teacher stormed in and said they need people to help with the injured so we rushed to the hospital we had no time to even put our lab coats on we started to take people out of the ambulances for emergency help people just kept on coming for several hours it's fair to say that when the killer struck the stuff the students
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were utterly unprepared it's also fair to say that no amount of readiness in the world would prepare any sort of school for an explosion that size in the cafeteria or mania blitzing through the car doors but even amidst all the confusion the panic the fear there were those who set aside self-preservation in order to help others risking life and limb. once again even in acts of overall well. evil there is space for good. a series of bombings have killed at least twenty people and polling stations across afghanistan marring the country's parliamentary election local journalist assault on five easy as details and. it was quite tense day for
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afghan security because of provinces. they were highly attacked and there have been. one thousand eight hundred security threats many of them have been prevented by afghan security forces two hundred and ninety two attacks carried out by militants across the country that killed dozens of people including civilians and police forces also afghan national army members the deadliest was in kabul as well as in north and battle on province in kabul a suicide bomber targeted a polling center in north part of the city and killed over a dozen people including police forces more stuff the attacks were actually not very very big they were magnetic bombs planted
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explosives especially a gate or nearby the polling stations and taliban did claim responsibility saying that they have carried out over four hundred attacks across the country and they have been saying that the afghan government is not an illegitimate government so they do not recognize the afghan government as a legitimate government dusts why they claim that this is a puppet government and people should not. justify to empower the process. that is according to the taleban is an american or a western process we still have to wait and see what will happen next because the election process house has been extended by the independent election commission for the next day which is tomorrow people were hopeful and they had a very big turnout early in the morning became an hour before the election started
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but later after a couple of hours when there was a delay there were several technical issues and the presents off the. election. stuff were not visible. many hours in many polling stations that's why. you know during the large time we witnessed that many people actually went home and that has a from i'll be back in thirty five and a half minutes with a full of news who are watching our international. join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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need to know more. on what our. total around us. would not mean we didn't know. oh you ought to go to the post piece is the move for you. in a world of big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now
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for watching closely watching the hawks. cranking gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year driven truck so i chose to drive truck people rush to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like gold rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here in the mountains just slow down so much they lost their jobs that laid off america. trina's change is not what it used to be. and it's a tough reality to deal. with.
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north korea's history of this through the seventeen years we are one of the only few countries that has seventy years of history of diplomatic relationship with them we are. nuclear free status country this policy is working for us and we're trying to communicate you know this denuclearized you know situation may contribute much bitzer to their security then the. nuclear you know progress. was made and. measurable these days you see go from me.
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i. have faith in this government i don't. know a face i love president. oh i have faith in the system. i'm going to pull the system stuff aside for people like me.
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a sociology professor. who was much present thought in local. hall when he when he's ready became while it. i got tired so i shot him of his nature. kill. a committee go. cause if i killed him in broad daylight. ten years in prison for that.
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it is a. so. i said i've got it set up. the guys are i've got it right i'm not. running this call alexander fifty one years old and i'm homeless in new york city since two thousand and eight there is a r.'s a dollar there are. going to have a lot of that to us this is the dollar subject on a good day at the big three hundred but this is a see ourselves up into eighteen hours straight up and down up and down on my feet .


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