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tv   Cross Talk  RT  October 22, 2018 3:30am-4:01am EDT

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he died in the saudi consulate in turkey on october second the person or persons responsible for his death is yet to be determined but one thing is certain this tragic story is far from old. ross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest here in moscow mark marks will build a he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have dimitri bobbitt he's a political analyst with make international and we have glenn these and he is a professor at the higher school of economics as well as author of the decay of western civilization and resurgence of russia origin across liberals in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate it glenn in the future we're going to do a review of your book but we're going to stick with this story here mark who are the winners who are the losers here and where do you think this is going to go. well the ultimate loser is of course the journalists
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intelligence affiliates jamal. regime dissident insider yeah i mean he's he's been a fervent member of the muslim brotherhood something that if you mention you are part of the right wing whisper smear campaign against against him he was a real threat later he was able to play area he was involved with the cia and former saudi intelligence vice he was opposed to the most recent he was the protege of the former intelligence official of saudi arabia the head of their intelligence and since the fall of the saudi arabia's fallout with the muslim brotherhood during the arab spring he has since been excised from power and became an actual dissident against the saudi government he was also affiliated with the cia obviously the u.s. is losing here israel doesn't want to see him go the the big beneficiaries that i see. turkey which is in
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a type of rivalry for new autumn influence in the arab world with right with saudi arabia it's kind of the non-market monarchist political islamicists turkey the muslim brotherhood against the wall harvest absolutists and also by being defacto allied with turkey to now against saudi arabia qatar benefits and i think you could say that russia and iran are sitting in the backward laughing. i would definitely agree with mark that turkey would be probably the biggest winner so far and. been stumbling around for the last couple of years and making mistake after mistake but in this instance i think to play their cards quite well and improve relations with the united states in the process one would could say the release of that pastor yes and then. i guess but at the same time putting the united states in a bit of
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a difficult position. they deliberately began leaking this quite slowly you know first giving you enough time for the saudis driven. giving enough time for the saudis to say that no no we actually left the consulate and leaving enough time for trying to. leave the saudis and then the next information comes out where they actually will set up to have the audiotapes and the saudi has to change just or it tramples to tell again that i believe the new story as well so it was holding it was pulling every one of their noses with this narrative here. you know but this isn't over yet because there are a lot of players i mean it's also become a domestic issue to some degree in the united states where you have members of congress that just because they were opposed to donald trump are going to be take a hard line on saudi arabia here go ahead. the mind of yours actually of their cooperation between the united states and saudi regime. el wart. came to power
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a bomb or bumped money and into saudi arabia for years well i mean it's always sensed in the second world war if you ask me who is the we know our understanding or of the western system and or with disabilities itself with slugs and murderous our understanding is is that we because actually i just love this explore nation that bought. the consulate and he got into a brawl into a condo over getting fifteen guys here with you know getting three of. almost bodyguards and just had my video of during them why did that on them why then demonstrations which of where in fact there are three american and best of us are all to left of the new york times writing keep in mind that mr young. no wonder that the demonstrators wanted to be impatient they forgot to add the patient
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demonstrators killed two policemen right and later on they called it a peaceful transfer of power well i think you have a good point our understanding of how it works i think that's a really good point here but i think never before has been there's so much spotlight on saudi arabia they don't like it i've always said in american media say very little about israel and never say anything about saudi arabia and now they're talking about a lot the other big loser out of all of this is the western mainstream media hacks and i think tanks that are funded by saudi arabia that dominate washington. for years now for over a well over a year for starting in the obama and the end of the obama administration are moving into day the western mainstream media has gosh that about the liberal reformer mohammad bin salman i think thomas friedman great literally love with him and wanted to see something. he's sticking by his dreams into theater which i've seen
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recently and now you know not one of them can really admit that they were wrong in their their serve on al you know white washing of muhammad bin solomon in saudi arabia i mean we're talking about a country that regularly they behead people like every day they cut the heads off of women they claim are witches and dissidents all over the place they conduct assassinations of dissidents all over the world and we're suddenly going to act shocked because they. the interesting thing for me clint is that you know. on this program we have talked about the nature of the saudi regime quite openly and regularly particularly when we were discussing syria over the last years. but it seems that only belatedly. because the river years in the spotlight the people begin to talk a little bit more about yemen which we've profiled very often here you know if i only took this internal squabble. or you characterize it so be it
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is elegance i think fighting amongst themselves and then and we will wait for the purge ok and who's going to come out on top of these and you know what i want to keep it there is a human issue i mean it is getting a little bit more of a spotlight because you are talking about the ones mishaps over the years and foreign policy well the crown prince of saudi arabia the same thing has been happening to him and gross mishaps under his nominal rule go ahead well you could to the list of possible winners are so well given that they're finally decided. i think this could do well depending on what happens then the whole of this saudi arabia could reduce some pressure because there's a lot of people moving now against saudi arabia within the u.s. and we talked about before that there's the if you were toric well that depends who is some i think. mr graham i think it's i mean i think i think you have rand paul
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you know here i think you have much more fun and that's authoritative it was a big moment for me here at lindsey graham say that he wants the same question the hell out of saudi arabia i was like why not the old car versus what have the game. i mean let me go all decided to go by almost freidman a ball there are some arab spring please don't. do that because i mean there's no this is this is political political but go ahead so much freedom was one old but i have followed in halls where you dearest reformist ideas coming from the lead over an arab state so he couldn't stand it for more than twelve dollars you know. and so will have been solid he he said let me let me just called it again you should be a. for to cross these prints but you should be a fool not to root for him or did for him because as you wrote down we humans would
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be driving us women would be driving and he would be killing and this is exactly what almost friedman was a routine for in his article in the house which is his future he's wounded which was going to happen. i guess the best decision for the saudi family would be to get rid of him especially make him the fall guy here because so far they try to get rid of a couple of top officials you know. brush the whole issue under the rug so i don't think that's going to happen so at the end of the. it depends how much you know whether or not they're able to or willing to push him aside if you know lindsey lindsey graham thing i thought was kind of interesting because. the the american intelligence community had other candidates and i think that lindsey you know i think tucker carlson to the new and improved lindsey graham these would be the. hearings but now lindsey is back with his neo con ideas and i think that is it's
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not because of the tragedy in in this case i'm going to lose because something clumsy exists that they're embarrassed by by now their relationship with saudi arabia and that's what's bothering them more than the death of. i think they would be happy to see. and replaced with mohamed bin i-f. the former crown prince who was the kind of the cia's man and so i really have been openly said that he wanted he wanted to go well you know john and the boys have to do it you know we're going to do the man's name here but i think that if saudi or if the king sticks by his guns and refuses to remove his son then they will quietly be paypal that it papered over i don't expect u.s. support in yemen to decrease i don't expect the u.s. or european arm sales to decrease i do expect the fury from the washington press corps to increase though because why they are so outraged the way they weren't
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about the men and they weren't going anywhere it's one of their is he was one of their and he has you know paid the price for be included in that circle and that is the course of their fury we had some eleven twelve journalists and media workers killed in post my don puts ukraine not a word said about them because they want their journey second to see no i don't expect a new reaction a new substantial action against muhammad b'tselem because we have a precedent. of the former president of georgia this week he was accused with proof by the georgian prosecutor's office or in the last of my did the killing of his political opponent. back in two thousand and eight before that strangely i knew he was on the main political opponent di. if you really knew the meaning meaning it's going to be swept there he's still chilling with an external book i couldn't find the same god i believe and yet we've got it already break out after
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our short break we'll continue our discussion of the real news. imax kaiser with more of my guide to financial survival this is on a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these has flaws are simply not accountable and we're just getting more and more to the. destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get informed because. when else seemed wrong. why don't we all just don't hold. me. to shape out these days
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to come out ahead and engagement because betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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welcome back across like we're all things are considered i'm peter lavelle to remind you we're discussing some real news. ok let me go back to glenn here let's finish up on the story with saudi arabia now i just want to point out. it's fun to mock friedman for his somewhat absurd article but this is not something you don't have the statement uses the king of
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understatement if you if you if you look at for example in new york times or other publications through the decades since the fifty's and sixty's have been making apologies for not just apologise for saudi arabia but they've been also calling them reformers for it for about seventy years now it's. it's gone on for a while they're always equally enthusiastic. it kind of goes back to the other four united states saudi arabia is a very important ally for many reasons oil let's put that on top. but it's also there in the barest meant so you need that little bit of propaganda to bridge the difference between who they are i mean why do you really begs the question in people have looked at authoritarian totalitarian societies attempting to reform them. does the entire system itself here i mean the house of saud is that it's based on my hobbies and i don't see in the light into a hard business or something like that i don't. want to belittle the masses i
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didn't mean to say that they're actually reforming i think it's politically expedient to portray it as you're being in the process of reforming and the. saudi consulate is a good example of reform thirty seconds we're going to move on to another topic let me remind our viewers there their medical press actually has sided with the harm and been sold one in march this year when trump started talking about coming out of syria remember where coming out of syria very very still and let the other people take care of it then the mainstream media praise to mohamed bin someone for urging the united states to fulfill their duty and stay in syria so tell me who your enemy is and i'll tell you who you are with the any more harm and been solved maybe. that is bashar assad is not such a bad man. but this is something that the mainstream media just doesn't mention who did barter a lot of have to fight the people who kill their citizens in the consulates it's
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very very good point i want to move on here guys donald trump has just recently announced that the united states i guess unilaterally is going to be leaving the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty the what's known as the i fear for me that's a very. sad and depressing moment here. that coming from the president because we're running the nonproliferation regime that has been pushed for decades is coming rapidly to an end i mean with so what i find even more disappointing is that there is not even the overture to sit down and negotiate it if both sides have issues with it but no mark you're just going to walk away from it and i think john bolton's name fingerprints all over this to you i mean this is just the latest in the autumn raveling of cold war rules you're getting any kind of withdrawal syndrome yeah i mean the u.s. pulled unilaterally out of the anti-ballistic missile treaty which has direct
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repertoire sions on russia's position on the i.n.f. treaty today that conventional armed forces in europe treaty and the nato russia founding have been ignored by the west as it moves forces closer to russia's borders we we see new start is about to expire and now this let's be frank it's likely that both countries as they accuse each other are in small violations of the immediate range nuclear forces treaty neither the u.s. or russia benefited from this treaty in the modern strategic contents because countries like china the u.k. france are not excluded from having intermediate range nuclear weapons during the cold war this was a treaty that protected europe that kept the u.s. and russian missiles pointed long range at each other rather than short range it would mean the devastation of europe so that one of the big losers out of this is actually europe i think it could actually be to russia's position if the u.s. pulls out of this to renegotiate it and to get china and the e.u. countries the u.k.
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included whether they are not in a read negotiated i.n.f. treaty that might even be able to return to the usual of ballistic missile defense that's not even on the table and that's and i think that's where that's a that's a reasonable rational way to go but it's not who has the i.n.f. treaty is since the year. first pulled out of the anti-ballistic missile treaty those treaties are not so much in our interest in europe's interest at least at the moment but that's because you didn't have the same restrictions so we can interpret this in different ways i think for trump it fits within a pattern of what has been doing lately in terms of ripping off all this international agreements and saying he will negotiate better ones. however but it's not all on trumped up because this i know of treaty has been there's been fears that the number of links for quite a few years and it really dates back to bush when in two thousand and one he decided to withdraw the united states from. the a.b.m.
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treaty and this was. disrupted a lot because for russia they really needed to. develop a new a new weapons as well because for the west or for nato they keep saying that the a.b.m. treaty and other. missile defense shield are building is simply to you know intercept this non-existent missiles from iran but it's. become more evident this targeting russia russian these are countered somehow but also this is an interceptor missiles can be converted into this intermediate range nuclear missiles so they can actually be used to target russia so russia already warned us market point out all of it in two thousand and seven put in that. treaty would have to be reconsidered because they can't live with it anymore because the with the senator what is this other believing these are controlled agreements. is that. mean we're going to have
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a new arms race believe that inclusion here means where it is now which would preferable near where i want to have something war us we're going to have caves because let me remind our viewers what that i never treaty is it was signed in the end of one thousand nine hundred seventeen by reagan and gorbachev when the warsaw treaty was still in existence and no one could do with dream. or. store near one hundred kilometers from st petersburg actually hostile to to russia and even american troops and british troops on their territory no one could imagine that paul and would be a horse stage you know because basically let's call associating america to they call russia a hostile nation him or let's face it you know look at the rhetoric of the polish leaders of the baltic leaders these are not simply not friends these are basically indians between us and they want to build for and trump and this and this was signed in one thousand nine hundred seven under completely different circumstances
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and now the americans are seen russians are doing something wrong they're researching and developing well there are but that's fair we're going. into our end of treaty you can research and develop you just can't deploy and the second there are actually three arguments that of russia can use to its advantage first it's a new situation no one expected baltic understand board and ruling in be any miss second what glenn just said the so-called anti-ballistic missiles can be used as an intermediate range missiles against russia and third we basically have the whole system of control destroyed and see if the treaty is no longer valid not because of lost but because see if we treated was again signed when was treaty was in existence so a lot of tear no not even larger it was not even mentioned warrant in the czech republic and slovakia are mentioned in c.
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if the treaty as elyse or the soviet union which means of russia one sorry who wants this new start treaty expires this two thousand and twenty one i think here there's actually no more. control over me no not going to control the century you can have just develop as many nuclear weapons you want because this is the first time. pretty significantly when you look at the tension between the united states and russia in the tensions in europe this is the worst possible way to not see how long you can always remember what was said when you're sending arms race the previous arms race was in the framework of an arms control system that this it was was created in the early seventy's so it was with a system now we have an arms race with of onsite thirteen times richer than the other. system along to control this is much more dangerous ok i want to i want to talk about the molar investigation seems to be wrapping up here mark miller doesn't
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need it we there's no assurance that the his report will even be made public he gives it to the deputy director at the. d.o.j. rod rosenstein rumor is there's nothing there and that's what we've been saying for seventeen months the murder investigation is still going on and i hadn't even. you know of course it won't be released you know the results or interim results because i don't expect it to be closed down and won't be released to laughter the midterms when the democrats are expected to take back control of the house and i think everything will just be rejuvenated on their side that they will relaunch no investigation it is a different direction well yeah i mean. mueller investigation went nowhere they will try to find new holes to creep into against trump which is really what mueller did anyway going after man of florence without taxes and so i might my theory glenn
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is this is that this whole thing was a show from the beginning is to keep the focus away from these and in the f.b.i. and in the department of justice they they peddled a very different narrative here if the democrats come back and take over the house all of the g.o.p.'s investigations they'll be squashed shut down. they'll disappear and as mark said they'll find new rabbit holes down to dig into and so all of what we've seen for seventeen months will just as if it didn't happen. yeah i think that's been the main purpose they're going to really matter if they find anything at the end of the day which the apparently did don't end of the day simply having delegations there having the investigation this. this is a been obstructing trumps foreign policy do you remember back from his campaign he is such a was lashing out at everyone who was from his own party that opposition foreign leaders everyone was a target except russia because he seemed to be very much like steven and recognize
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that maybe they shouldn't have spoiled the opportunity to actually read policy because we're going through all. that was one is a big push to recognize the cold war is over it's the main challenges are coming from asia china and this in america's interest to make peace with russia but because it was so close he was pushing so hard this line which is essentially goes against. the democrats and the republicans i think that this was going to be their main target so essentially he's a stooge of the kremlin they're going to need the what he's been he's surrounded and probably become a neo column in outlook and his campaign promises are in tatters right now the deep state is one that's all the time we have gentlemen many thanks my guess is here in moscow and thanks to our viewers for watching us here don't you see you next time and remember.
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fragging gave americans a large job opportunity i needed to come up here to make some money twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher. or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year girl truck so i chose to drive truck people rush to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like gold rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here anymore just slowed down too much they lost their jobs got laid off and the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and it's a tough reality and. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s.
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has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to the rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one does not show you can afford to miss the one and only. prosecution will need to become almost. designed to take over you know. the stress of fines. by the number going to seem to i mean yeah i mean i mean political pressure on the. security dimension and bundled up
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business models used by american corporations. he's sold them. to use. the solution. in. i knew going he was it is just really how he would do anything he did an investigative documentary. on. the.
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president hawkish at national security advisor john bolton is in moscow the usa says it's dropping a landmark nuclear arms treaty with russia. also coming up on the program oil i'm troubled spell bar night in new york as a coven of witches performer cursing ritual on supreme court judge brett kavanaugh the event is met with protesters condemning black magic. in the u.k. to protest fracking the british government's pressing ahead with a controversial gallop six struction process after a seven year suspension states are.


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