tv Watching the Hawks RT October 24, 2018 2:30am-3:00am EDT
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like that i got. well the number on the watching the hawks i am i robot and joining me today to discuss how important the disclosure of influences in the media business and other businesses is the professor of journalism at george so you perceive chris chambers chris so it's good to be here on. well i mean i just want to start off just so people get an idea of this is how important is for a kid is it for a consumer of moves to always be aware of the context behind who or what he is reading or what journalist he's listening to or especially in today's age of kind of this bombardment of news every day that we're getting well you know there has to be full disclosure i mean this story you led with with that the intercept broke if the daily beast in a mess and b.c. had just even run you know something on the car you know this guy you know lobbies
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for the u.a.e. i don't think that would've would have made it an aseptic but it would have helped because you have news by pundit these days news by so-called experts and a lot of them are just paid shills for somebody be it with money at the basis or politics i mean back in the day you had a situation where both president bushes had people that were working for the pentagon appearing on t.v. and not disclosing that armstrong williams is a friend of dr ben carson the trouble at the f.c.c. for that. and you know where where are those watchdogs now you cannot have an informed public without knowing who these people are you know it's interesting because in rothkopf case while he is criticizing trump's connections to saudi arabia and trump's kind of fondness for a foreign leader i mean. as he wrote great fondness for foreign leaders even
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despite some no murders and human rights abuses except for you know the outward sees appearing out of like a saying are failing to say that he gets significant money from the united arab emirates which is like you know complete buddies with saudi arabian are going in on the destruction of yemen together which which ok you're criticizing the president which run a good criticism of this president but you yourself got this money so i don't you know like readers need to know these things well that you know and it's not and the host or whoever is doing this is not going to cross that threshold with them because that's not part of the business model it's just to let this person talk they might even be paid pundits by that by that or a news organization which makes it even another level of of of of you know almost chicanery at a certain point you know because let's face it i mean the kingdom has its tentacles in a lot of things and i think nowadays you're going to see people have to having to to
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disclose what their what their their connection is and the kingdom is the king the kingdom is the family the royal family it's not you know the united states of america which could be any number of thousands of officials it's the royal family it's the royal family no one thing is interesting too is this lack of disclosure by news outlets because we're seeing it more and more you mentioned you know back in the bush two era when you had you know the pentagon officials or x. pentagon officials showing up kind of pushing the war ties of it depends on the street you know is is this something and columnists newspaper printed as well is this an outlier in the industry or is this pretty much common practice now the we just have to suspect that most of the pundits we see are the experts from the institutes or whatever they may be might actually have some kind of hypocrisy with the story or was the trail of money behind all this is to do i mean you know because you have people funding these think tanks you have people funding universities all departments i mean you know even my. university georgetown you
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know we have to kind of watch who's giving money but at the same time now you have a situation that i think i'm going to go on a limb and say it's a little strange because you have the kingdom of saudi arabia and these billions of dollars that could that are anywhere from grants for wonderful educational programs to bribes you could call a foundation that somebody sets up they're setting up a foundation with the world bank now and evolve trumps prompting for women entrepreneurs you could say all that's so wonderful but one hundred million dollars of oil money that's been used you know basically to shed blood. is it well let me ask you this as someone who comes on programs do you you know look like ok here's my history teacher i work at georgetown does that factor for how you choose if factors into account for how i choose and you know luckily in a university setting things are pretty transparent but when you're dealing with.
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saudi arabia you know it's it's there's an irony there it's transparent it is it i mean it is there it's transparent in that you know that they are throwing around billions of dollars it isn't in that you don't know where it's gone and how it's channel and how it's laundered even so you know but i think that you know u m s n b c the daily beast did their viewers and and readers a big disservice you know it's interesting too is you mentioned it's kind of more of a it's like news especially with the introduction of cable news become more pundit journalism it's go to this person who's the expert they talk for a minute maybe they battle with this person back of is this kind of. what we're seeing with this deceiving practice of withholding certain elements people black or is that basically because we're become pundit journalism rather than just here's the story make up your own minds rather than have two people at about it because you know you have the circus atmosphere of the two people fighting. you have this
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other kind of business model where you can you can kind of spread the cost around by having people come on either free or for some minor you know honorarium and you know it becomes it's using the basically the sports model the e.s.p.n. model that kind of predated this a little bit where they saw they could get ratings by having you know old old fat x. half wheats come on and talk about how a quarterback that they never played under performed and how they would have done it differently and that generates the ratings and that generates the eyeballs and generates the money is that dangerous for delivering the news and informing people oh yeah i mean i think if you're not vetting people properly or if you're using them basically as props as actors then it becomes and that's pretty much what's going on it's not the story that the vetting i mean on fox they don't necessarily vet the pundits they don't people know who they are it's basically the showmanship aspect of it and the conflict and what's interesting is we're you know we've been
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talking about kingdom money and things like that but we also can't forget you know i think everybody is kind of guilty of this in a certain sense because you also talk about you've got the influence of corporate advertisers here in the u.s. they have a huge influence on who shows up and who says what and what channel you know is bias and moves you know. is that pretty much on avoidable at this point i mean is everybody kind of tainted by some kind of money at this point or or some connections to something that anybody could point to and say yeah it's no good you could be a purist and say you could even trace it to somebody like n.p.r. because they have corporate sponsors but i think that we get into that situation the problem is that there's not enough professionalism in the in the profession to counter that i mean i keep saying and i would say in our t. for years you can have a point of view you just have to be fair and the fairness in the professionalism will help temper the point of view a little bit and we just don't have the the fairness and the professionalism because it doesn't fit the business model i mean even fox news as
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a business model it might be propaganda for the administration but it's still they still they would be doing it unless they would make billions of dollars if they were they could billions of dollars they say with don't trump it to do that because if they were getting the clicks there right now it's not personal it's business how do we how do we roll that back is there anything that you look to and say ok you're you know as a consumer of news how do you do this is it really just every time i see someone on t.v. i go home and look up their background like how does somebody sort through this well i mean you can do that i mean that's part of it i think what what what you need to do though before you do that is get informed of the issues first because that will take care of a lot of that because you can actually sit there and say or i will this woman or this guy is coming from somewhere dangle here that doesn't quite sound right i think that there's enough raw material out there the problem is people just don't have the time to curated it and then who do you trust the person is curating it
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then you know it because mark zuckerberg and then to do it you know people run twitter and then to do it you know be so says the good do it so i mean what do you what are you going to do i mean you have to try to find the source to run news and that is extremely tough because it's hard to do the news gathering with out alone. the institution around you is independent voices. can do it a bit to some extent n.p.r. to some extent other outlets like r t you know and maybe i wouldn't even say the b.b.c. but they're a lot more professional than our three networks and our cable giants but they still have a pretty dead point of view sometimes too so i think you have to have a broad. broad appetite a broad diet and look at r.t. and then look at maybe n.p.r. and look at maybe. you know the b.b.c. and just try to try to eat those in small bites and not go to the cafeteria that's
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selling candy which is going to be fox c.n.n. and the three network fast for the fast food. and what's interesting too is you know we get a little bit of time left but what's interesting too is i never realized i always expected the cable news to a certain extent you know ok they've got to throw these faces up there all day long they've got to have this guy talking of the sky fight but i always assumed a lot more in print journalism that you'd have more disclosure because it's print you have the time and that extra space to put that is what that's what kind of surprised me a little bit and i don't know i'm not going to go as far as say the intercept to say it was something nefarious a lot of times and looks like the daily beast are going to have deadlines and they're going to have they're going to have to beat people to the punch and they're going to recommendations hey just see roscoff last night hey you know who's that ok let's out let's talk to him and a lot of time it's just it's just rush rush rush rush rush and they don't have the budget that the new york times does the york times does something like this then
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yes i would be extremely upset with the beast i don't know i'd be like you know among. us are saying well chris i got to thank you for coming out i was a good conversation. as we go to break card watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered of facebook and twitter and see our full shows at our dot com coming up our old song style discusses the issue of the islamophobia in u.s. politics with former republican candidate for michigan house represented was rob wire and artie's natasha sweet as the latest on facebook's new war room again for the cohen will stay tuned to watching all. the. tracking gave americans
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a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive truck people rushed to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like gold rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here and just slow down so much they lost their jobs that laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and it's a tough reality to deal with. and this unique edition of crossfire we review a new and very important book john mearsheimer the great delusion liberal dreams and international realities it's a real. prosecution.
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where you push us on this thread to find. somebody to see do i mean me. political pressure on the finally main conclusion of the clue security industry knows where the new bundled up business models used by american corporations. he's sold on could be mental diseases you need to use. your solution. in association. as i noted when he saw it is just some really good deleted data an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy.
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seemed wrong. role just all. to me that is yet to shape out these days to come to advocate and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground. kentucky. police you go to st danny's leave. a co money since he was no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal mines are said at. last that these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened
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to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened. in the ongoing contests death the battle of one controversy to rule them all the galactic first amendment insanity surrounding facebook censorship is definitely taking a leap into the pole position in the last few months starting with mark zuckerberg is hilarious display of tech millionaire explaining how twenty first century communication works to the ancient in age in mind u.s. congress to the recent free speech be asco surrounding the censorship of over eight hundred profiles facebook has been taking shots from outside lately so naturally
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their next step is to build a bunker well actually a war room yes facebook has built a war room just ahead of the twenty eight ten midterms to handle the alleged big news and to keep reminding us all that we are not allowed to read our own news speeds and think for ourselves artesian the tosh are sweet as more. according to facebook there are new. war room is designed to prevent election meddling both in the u.s. and brazil the results at least one point three billion accounts have been removed while the company says these were all fake accounts some facebook users are questioning to help here these were done actions are but nonetheless the war room is a major part of facebook wanting to repair itself a technology utilizes artificial intelligence facebook says has been sent to behavior we have actually made huge advances in artificial intelligence and machine learning and we've been able to block in the recent six month period one point
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three billion fake accounts from for me in addition to the there are some twenty teams working to shut down fake accounts and other abuses on facebook this includes fact checkers than even members of the associated press so internally we're monitoring things such as reports from users of election related content that either violates our community standards such as heat speech or voter suppression interestingly enough in addition to the u.s. mid-term elections on november sixth brazil's second round of presidential elections takes place on october twenty eighth was brought to our attention that an english translation of this post in portuguese initially both candidates only reveals one name. to facebook regarding this post yesterday as of news time today they have not responded to our inquiry no final word if they spokes war room will be made permanent katie harper says it's
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a constant arms race and that quotes this is our new normal in los angeles and tweets are. tragically in the game of politics the strategy of fear as lord bramber go to move for those who seek power but don't have the patience afforded to earn it paying off irrational playing off the rational fears and dumbing down complex issues into simple. blame games is the bread and butter of this new politics of fear and nowhere is that more apparent than in the islamophobia that is but on parade throughout the current us political landscape according to a recent study by muslim advocates a legal advocacy advocacy group there has been a sharp increase in anti muslim writer rick from election campaigns in the state and local levels watching the hawks on sean stone recently sat down with former republican candidate for the michigan house of representatives rod wire to discuss the islamophobia if you have seen him state and local lecture. split
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there are those in the republican party that are very accepting of muslims in islam and in fact one of my there was a person that was actually a district chair in my state who mentioned that he has several muslims in his family so yes the republican party. is accepting of those over at the islamic faith and muslims but then you also have those on the other side that that want to spread false hatred false information for their own personal gain. so tell us a bit more about that i mean what if you experience directly and. frankly what has been called islam a phobia and the spreading of that mentality. well. in the end part of the party here there's a couple organizations and i don't want to name names because i don't want to give them any publicity but they have been worked very hard to try to silence my voice
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in fact my campaign in my district was sabotaged by this group to try to make sure that i did not win the seat in my district i didn't make it past the primary. but these people they know the truth i have actually given the. historical evidence as well as verses in the qur'an the counter addict some of their around their hatred and their misinformation that they continue to go ahead and spread misinformation and hate across members of the party for their own personal gain. to my understanding some of the refugees that had come over from the civil war in syria that the tourists lee had you know support for some of the various groups that are operating against the assad government coming from you know the obama administration and from the u.s. and other countries basically facilitating those those parties in the war but it
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was called civil war. as syria's descent into this violence and chaos refugees have been accepted into. parts of michigan how has that how is the reaction been let's say from the political side of things do you find a lot of rhetoric against you know refugees from countries like syria is that a very hot topic issue. you know a few years ago it was it's kind of cooled down a little bit but actually i will say this our republican governor governor rick snyder was actually very accepting for the syrian refugees in fact he wanted to bring in more syrian refugees i've personally firsthand i've seen what the syrian refugees have done in the city of detroit proper for saying they've taken neighborhoods that were completely rundown but you wouldn't feel safe walking down the sidewalk on in the middle of the day into bright vibrant neighborhoods the the
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homes that well maybe were it's worth two thousand dollars and it was said you could buy a house for two thousand dollars now are selling for one hundred thirty to one hundred seventy thousand dollars you could walk down those streets at three am in the morning and not have to worry about anything so i think people are starting to see the positive impact that syrians and even other refugees in the middle east are bringing here to the metro detroit region which by the way has one of the largest arabic populations in the country as an insider with the republican party i mean i'm not a say an insider but someone who is a republican. what is your take then on trump's sort of rhetoric and how much has he stoked the overall let's say racism against arabs in other. cities including latins of mexicans and also stoked you know fears of islam has that have you seen a change since he has been running and come into. power. well you know that's
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a good question but you know he i think was pandering to a particular group and i think he was working to get the groups. their groups support it's a fringe christian group that kind of controls some of the politics of the republican side and you know it would. be a great secret dom an expose here you know that fringe extremist christian side has pushed out good catholics and has pushed out muslims because my background is as catholicism and the catholics have gone to the democrat party muslims have gone to the democrat party but it's odd because if you look at the party platform about family life and and freedom of religion and limited government and just being able to be who would want to be. and practice your own faith that is the republican platform that fits what catholics and muslims believe in but there is
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a push to keep muslims and catholics out of the republican party and kind of leave them without a voice because the democrat party doesn't technically represent muslims or catholics either because they're not the party they're they don't believe in religion in they believe government is god so there is a group huge group of people that just don't seem to have a place that they can call home and one of the things that i'm working with a shot of i'm getting involved in interfaith here in metro detroit fact i was at an interfaith organization yesterday meeting that was a well. attended by several hundred people have we had catholic priests and we had a mobs from the local mosques here and the local churches here talk about how we can get together and how we can break bread and get to better know one another and coming from a catholic background of being a historian studying islam i've seen how close catholicism and islam are to one
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another and mean it's amazing how close. we are today about with a vision but a sound hawk watchers take a listen. haunting spruiking maybe some call soul what we are actually listening to was the sound of the ross ice shelf in adding arctic winds whip across that snow do waves and of surface vibrations are created the sound was actually discovered by at birkbeck scientists by accident when they noticed that the top snow layer on the shelf was by braiding all the time when. these almost nonstop seismic tones play at a frequency that actually isn't a lot of the human ears at around five hertz. to the installation of thirty four seismic sensors on the ross ice shelf from twenty fourteen to twenty seventeen we
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can now hear the end of the earth. at the ends of the earth truly sound like you know it's amazing watchers it's amazing just what you may hear if you stop to listen that was one of the most strangest sounds i've ever heard but neat and made sure that's the sound of a major so listen up sometimes. all right everybody that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are told to. tell you all i love you i am i robot turf. keep watching those hawks all have a great day and by the. brunt
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getting. depletion. a couple so kind of b.s. get. up. after world war two we ruled the world we have the most gold we have the sound this currency we have low interest rates. and we were american century ready to go. like the lottery winner that blows here we are. having kind of. cranking gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money like
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me twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive truck people who rushed to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like gold rush is very very similar to. this beautiful story and with pollution and of a station a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here anymore just slow down so much they lost their jobs got laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. it's a tough reality to deal with. that's . not. what it was. her. birthday about it's
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got to go. up. top stories right here were naughty international donald trump dubs the coverup of the mode of a dissidents to quote the worst in history but then stresses the importance of pushing on with weapons sales to. ecuador announces it will no. good negotiate with the u.k. authorities over the fate of wiki leaks founder julian assange as i could also former president tells r.t. his country is obliged to protect him. now these. people who don't seem to say so what the.
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