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tv   News  RT  October 26, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EDT

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he comes in for just twelve euros fifty a month. in germany.
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this is the first. this is the first written and. it is. welcome to your story. prime minister. and the chinese premier. warm relations. it is the first visit to the country by
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a japanese leader for bilateral talks in nearly seven years and the. territorial dispute. takes a look at what's led to this change of trajectory the japanese prime minister is. smiling. that was him with the chinese premier who was smiling to. so why of course these kind of guys put up a happy face for the cameras during the protocol handshake well sometimes things between countries get so bad that even handshakes can save the day. but it didn't get as nasty as an this one.
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but both leaders surely would have preferred not to stand there together like that just a few years ago the gloves were off between beijing and tokyo because of these tiny islands in the east china sea just to realize how much i hate that land dispute generated have a look at this. i really wouldn't want to be a japanese car owner in china back in the days the two thousand and twelve conflict was spiraling out in all shapes and forms mr mr she didn't even talk on the phone up until may this year today though we're pretty much back to seeing the new un friendship with the chinese state run media telling us this kind of stuff so what happened what kind of magical friendship did the several in the dragon get
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prescribed maybe it was the donald trump pill the world knew mr trump was on a mission to give beijing a real business beating the united states has just announced tariffs on another two hundred billion dollars in chinese made goods china's market distortions. and the way they deal. cannot be tolerated but who knew the president will then take aim at his biggest asia ally joe. penn and his economic bowling well last month the media got a trade war tip off and anyway the steel in alameda tariffs had already kicked in you know how it works now america first but we understand that president trump wants to reduce the trade deficit but i think it's very important for president trump and his administration to find out the root cause of why there is a trade deficit in america i think there's
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a possibility that they do not yet understand why and so the world silver and bronze medalists and g.d.p. are shaking hands smiling and are possibly even ready to team up what will the golden boy have to say one expert on asia pacific relations we spoke to says trump's only got himself to blame if indeed he is on a happy about china and japan cozying up to each other. us did not expect that the other that other countries would be able to set aside their differences and get to get to the table with each other as relatively easily as they have been able to do so but at the end of the day it is the us which has to believe in every chance to which has to carry the blame for this both the countries are frankly facing uni lateral and hostile treat enforcement action from the trumpet ministration china primarily but i would also suggest that part of the
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reason for the coming together is because both countries realize that they are important players in each share and that without speaking to each other the relationship their relationship with each other as well as the larger geopolitical environment in which they operate becomes a little more negative. to germany now i go merkel's hard won grand coalition could be in for a new blow as polls predict low support in the regional election in the state of essay on sunday among the main contenders are the green party allied with other left wing forces though national conservative alternative for germany is projected to strengthen his position as well a peter oliver investigates. the party known for its the immigration stance is said to chalk up another milestone in german politics just over a year since they shocked the country by entering the bundestag for the first time
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polls predict that this sunday alternative for germany will enter the state parliament in head for the first time that will mean that they have representation in all sixteen german states as well as the national parliament head of the vote in her alternative for germany have been campaigning aggressively today but she regrets want this to me moment to moment district. because it's also the wrong people to spin if he. holds a special place for alternative for germany although if it was at a meeting there back in february twenty third team at the party was formed setting themselves out from the get go isn't until establishment group focused on the economy. the parties in the bundestag and bundesrat don't do any politics in the interests all consideration of germany and europe. in the five years since its formation an alternative for germany has been widely criticized by those who
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condemn what they see as its populist and racist stance. in germany has the rhetoric of the one nine hundred twenty s. and we all know where the stuka learned and the continent see evil have a blatant problem with anti semitism the whole of the f.t. is an anti liberal anti civic party and was in the us here. he was here. despite that they have enjoyed steady growth in the polls here in germany at times even coming in as the second largest political group in the country while taking up seats in has so would see them represented in all sixteen of germany states they aren't going to see this as job done or out. they just are ruling.
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over the heads of the people they are doing things well the people don't want me as a police we have to serve to people we have to do what the people want this is not only about the d.d. if you will look. after european countries in whole or in how degree in children already this are our ruling the same in our studio at the f.b.o. . and we see now also italy. and. all those movements all those new products which are behaving the same way like the air each day becoming stronger and stronger and in many countries in europe they are already on the our. f.b.i. has tweeted a special up memo i want to. the handle suspicious packages that's after the agency
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intercepted a total of ten packages containing crude explosive devices although were dressed to leading democrats and trump critics and one was sent to c.n.n. headquarters in new york none of them detonated the mayor of new york has described the incidents which appear to be connected as domestic terror and it all comes with less than two weeks to go before midterm elections in the united states in time president on all trump has called for unity in these times we have to unify we have to come together. and send one very clear strong and mistake a bull message that acts were threats of political violence of any kind have no place in the united states of america tromso message didn't go down well with everyone with critics accusing him of previously inciting violence in response the president lashed out at the media saying that it was responsible for polarizing americans. as part of a larger national effort to bridge the divides and bring people together the media
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also has a responsibility to set a civil tone and to stop the endless hostility and constant negative and often times for also attacks and stories have to do with. i'm not one who sees equal blame spread all around our president cannot escape special scrutiny he is at the head of the hate parade and way too often clearly reading prepared remarks at a rally he seemed not to give a damn i didn't feel to the fire one of the packages reportedly had a more islamic state flag on it bearing the catchphrase of a us comedian known for his routine involving a stereotypical american redneck character seen by some as the typical trump supporter the media speculation about who said the packagers has been right. i have this fear that it could be some russian operation to design to do what's happening
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now they have to bring back the russian specter again or why not get some explosives this time it sounded very plausible to me in fact i immediately thought that molotov himself came back from the dead and made explosives to send to the american politicians when there were people make these accusations they forget the old latin saying that the romans used to have which is born know who benefits you'd have to think that it be someone supporting that them occur. was doing this because first of all to go there sympathy for the democrats and also because this timing is very suspicious given that the mueller report is about to or house being already submitted to the senate and it was as many suspect that a no show. clashes erupted between supporters of mark say and lots to go ahead
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of their teams europa league football match in the french port city on thursday night. i i. i. i police were forced to intervene and used tear gas to separate the french and italian supporters roughly eight hundred fans from each side are said to have been involved three were injured two of them italian local media reported tens of luck so you know founds were dressed in black carrying knives and so the club is known to have a violent far right fringe among its supporters the match ended in a three one victory for last year. a story of a lot and may not be quite his family friendly as disney makes out at least according to parents of pupils at one u.s. school in baltimore county the school drama club canceled its production often a lot in student play because of alleged anti arab and barbaric content.
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it has been brought to our attention the disney's aladdin junior has historically been criticized for its inaccurate negative stereotyping of arabic culture after careful consideration and within per from the perspectives of teachers parents and community members we decided that this production is not the best fit for our community in the play arabs are described as barbaric those are the exact words they used and the actual play was very controversial apparently in the early ninety's. it's not the first time the supposedly barbarism of the latin has provoked anger a year after the release of disney's aloud and the lyrics of the opening song was changed and the original version included a line where they cut off your ear that's was replaced with a neutral description of the desert but not everybody sees the offense in the a lot and story and some parents have criticized the school's cancellation of the play they're saying we're a community but yet they didn't even ask anyone they just made this decision by
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themselves middle east analyst john howard john says people these days are simply too easily offended it seems to me more to be about a love story it's an animated movie it's a disney movie does the you know wants to attract as large an audience as possible so i don't think there's anything in it that's particularly offensive anybody wants to claim victim status you know it to their benefit to the the other side as it risks being you know call the big good or intolerant or hater of some some kind and in everybody has a very low sensitivity to that so really it relies a lot on solve policing for people to say really is this really that offensive is this really doing harm to the group that it's claiming the harm or is it or is it just a you know a very minor matter that should just be overlooked are still to come here on the program on our. strike in yemen results in twenty one more on that and your other
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stores just. the priest who raped me when i was fourteen years of age was no. sexual abuser when he was ordained a priest the church knew about his offending behavior and continued to abuse. right through. this thing about saudi arabia is they oil as a weapon and they get too close to investigating what's going on over there they push the price of oil up. last ten years because of fracking in america america a position to energy independence and no longer. subject to the political pressures
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that could be borne upon the. saudis so we're going to see a real test of this because. all of the litany of horrors coming out of saudi arabia is making people. try to program here were naughty at least fourteen children have been injured in a knife attack at a kindergarten in china according to police a thirty nine year old woman attacked children while they were on the playground and she was arrested by officers at the scene and some reports say that it was motivated by the government there has been a rise in knife attacks in chinese schools and kindergartens over recent years the perpetrators typically had mental health issues or claimed to be taking revenge on
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officials. the un's humanitarian aid agency has confirmed the deaths of twenty one in a saudi airstrike close to the yemeni port city. it's. a fruit and vegetable market hospital chiefs say all the victims all civilians with children among the dead here is one witness account. and at the library i mean. we were washington packaging the okra and the plane came and hit us from above as we were working. on the un calls the yemeni war the worst manmade humanitarian crisis in the world with twenty two million people in dire need of assistance up to fourteen million are facing starvation in the saudi letting coersion in the country began in twenty fifteen with the aim of restoring the ousted government to riyadh has repeatedly denied attacking areas where civilians are present when we did hear from our writer and author abdel bari atwan who think that the international community
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instead of standing by should instead stand up against the military attacks on yemen. well i believe that there's a community now is concentrating on that that journalist. this actually. a crime in itself should. make the international community concentrate on that they don't want the bigger muscle which is taking place in yemen in more than thirty years and a half until now it is absolutely. unbelievable it is hypocrisy of them to understand community why they are silent is it because saudi is there is it because they can't make money by sending weapons especially you know european countries and united states i don't believe this kind of hypocrisy is should continue there should be as than a strong stand against this intervention in yemen to put down in. italy
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has ruled out changes to his twenty nine thousand budget plan which was rejected by brussels the e.u. commission has given rome three weeks to rewrite it claiming revisions are needed quote in the interests of italy and donald quarter breaks it down. brussels is sharpening its knife in preparation for a new battle with rome for the first time the e.u. has flat out rejected a member state's budget demanding a resubmission for the first time as a commission is obliged to a. country that it was off budget to be blunt. but we seen no alternative to. it all and to do so it is in. the interest of the whole. the e.u. claims that italy's debt situation is out of control and that salvini is government needs to tighten its purse strings and fulfill its obligations the euro skeptics say it doesn't have anything to do with money since there are other states with
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bloated budgets that have never felt such a heavy hand from brussels this is the first italian budget the e.u. doesn't like no surprise this is the first italian budget written in rome not in brussels. the italian economy is healthy and this is an economic move that will give italy to stability it needs we won't change one comma in this document to. be you know to go into the we are not. that. on. the future. it spain belgium portugal and slovenia have all been in violation of the e.u. agreements in the past and for years france has broken the three percent deficit threshold imposed on it by the e.u. as for debt it's been in the red since two thousand and two and only this year the second largest european economy received
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a carefully worded letter in response asking all very politely to reduce its debts . we thank you for sending the front twenty nineteen draft budget that we received on october fifteenth we would like to ask you for more details the commission's preliminary assessment also indicates that the growth rate for france does not respect the reference rate of digits reduction in twenty nineteen so italy refused to be taken to heel by this double standard.
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except the e.u. commissioner in charge of budgets didn't seem to find the stunt very funny even connecting the italian shushan and against to a potential quick path to fascism the episode of the made in italy shoe is grotesque at first you smile and we trivialize it because it's ridiculous but then we start getting used to this kind of muted symbolic violence and one day we wake up with fascism stay alert democracy is a fragile treasure well the draft budget would have seen over five hundred million dollars worth of cuts to defense spending while putting more money towards social welfare and tax cuts not exactly a sound way to revive fascism and certainly not a good way to be a shoo in with the new donald quarter r.t. . thanks for sharing your time with us here at r.t. international for the friday program and many more of a worldwide story still to come your way you can join us in about half an hour.
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while give easy val find this us. for union. rational. desire for love thief.
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more than it. actually. did. exist says harlan kentucky. overall in this room boyce's you can walk very fine museum only. a coal mining city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the
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polarizer should. live to see these people the survivors of disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that is anything ever happened to the coal mines here and that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's happened it's happened. tracking gave americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year truck so i chose to drive truck people who rushed to a small town in north dakota was among the employment rate of zero percent like the gold rush is very very similar to. this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here and just slow down
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so much they lost their jobs got laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and it's a tough reality and the. cops are almost two years of office many still question whether donald trump has a coherent foreign policy the same cannot be said about the president's national security adviser john bolton when you think of bolton the word subtlety and diplomacy don't come to mind so is there no bolton doc. see.
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my . explosive devices said two former presidents a former cia director members of congress a former attorney general and myo place c.n.n. is the president's campaign rhetoric to blame tough question we'll take a look at it on this edition of politic. politicking i'm larry king the one common aspect of what we know so far about the intended targets of what looks like an act of domesticity terrorism is that they
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have been heavily criticized by the president. the obama's the clinton's former attorney general eric holder former cia director john brennan democratic congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz and maxine waters business when george soros and cnn's new york bureau all apparent targets of explosive devices and all targets of double drums anger campaign rhetoric and negative tweets has an unconventional president's words contributed in any way to these criminal acts tough question. it was asian of a wall is going on it's worth asking we start there with the group panel they are john wood back in lansdown ten. he's a republican strategist former kim of the republican party of virginia and in
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boston jake mccabe jake worked in the obama administration a former officials the chief speechwriter rather for tony general eric holder will start with jake which is a take on all of this jake. i mean your first reaction is gratitude to the extraordinary men and women in law enforcement who put their lives in line every day and prevent and prevent these tragedies from becoming even bigger tragedies but you're absolutely right look this is a this is a tragic circumstance. but it's also infuriating this is not an act of god this doesn't come out of nowhere the reality is that you know the tone gets set at the top of the fish rots from the head down and when you've got a a president of the united states who talks about democrats as being the enemy instead of the opposition who calls them violent and evil who says that the the press are the enemy.


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