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tv   The Big Picture  RT  October 26, 2018 11:00pm-11:31pm EDT

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remember. the headlines the u.s. justice department claims fifty six year old says i say all because the man detained on suspicion of sending mail bombs to leading political figures and critics of donald trump. which the u.s. presidents trade was showing no signs of abating the old photos japan and china are making the best of a bad situation finding new economic deals together. revelations
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that britain's energy minister held private unannounced talks with controversial fracking firms sparking outrage. on this really refuses to back down over its budget plans despite them being rejected by brussels when italian m.e.p. even used his shoe to demonstrate just what he thinks of the e.u.'s response. you can find those stories in full of on our website r.t. dot com i'll be back again with the headlines in an hour's time right now though it's the big picture. on this week's show relentless gun violence in chicago why and why is this no longer new but first bombs and bombast and now the blame game i'm holland cook in washington this is the big picture on our t.v. america. none
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exploded but pipe bombs were sent to the obama's and clintons and former attorney general eric holder billionaire political activist george soros congresswoman maxine waters and cnn's new york headquarters were evacuated broadcasters went live from the sidewalk then similar packages went to joe biden and robert deniro and senator cory booker and former director of national intelligence james clapper by the time you see this show the list may be longer what all of these recent peons have in common they are critical of president trump and or he is critical of them and the dialogue got nasty early during the campaign i mean he so blatantly stupid. he's a punk he's a dog he's a pig he's a con artist mutt who doesn't know what he's talking about doesn't do his homework
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doesn't care to talk so he wants to punch people in the face. i'd like to punch him in the face you see somebody getting ready to throw tomatoes knock the crap out of what you seriously. just know i promise you i will pay for the legal fees i promise i profit a more recent rally the president praised a congressional candidate who pled guilty to assaulting a reporter. but greg is smart and by the way never wrestle him you understand not to in any way that you do it body slam is mike as the it was it was congresswoman waters has encouraged her supporters to publicly confront members of the trumpet ministration and sarah huckabee sanders and mitch mcconnell and ted cruz are among those leaving or asked to leave restaurants after being harassed is this the new
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normal let's ask caesar former democratic florida party chairman who found himself too close for comfort this past week when his congresswoman and neighbor debbie wasserman schultz was the phony return address on those bomb packages mitch have you spoken with her since. actually i have holland i spoke with debbie yesterday were to function together she's not doing any press and she specifically said that she's not going to be bullied or pushed into a corner she's as tough as ever and she's a very tough individual i think as most viewers know and she's not going to be kept out or threatened in any way from her daily schedule of her daily life after nine eleven it seemed like she had least for a while we were all just americans when did our national conversation turn it up to eleven. well it really began probably after the florida
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presidential recount which actually began in my. signature but i think it started to get very very difficult after that probably the next main election which was two thousand and four the joint kerry race and if you remember his strongest positive piece of kerry's was the fact of his war record in vietnam well out came the swift boaters and they basically made fun or said it was a dishonorable type of service he provided not honorable not heroic which of course it was heroic so they took a positive turn to do a negative and i think that laid the groundwork once it was determined that that work that tactic politics got uglier after the pipe bomb packages showed up the president offered these sober words. in these times we have to unify we have to come together. and send one very clear strong and mistake a bill message that acts were threats of political violence of any kind have no
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place in the united states of america. then that same night at a rally mr trump sounded more in character mitch as an attorney tell us if incendiary language like i'll pay for your lawyer could actually get someone in trouble if the speaker wasn't donald trump. i think that's true you know the first amendment is an endless there are limits to it as if when somebody says is fire in a theater that's the classic case there are limitations if it's to incite violence that's the key then it is actionable in free speech in the first amendment stops certainly the president has not only been on battle line but he's gone over it when he attacks women hispanics african-americans gays the list goes on and on that's very incendiary if not outright outrageous and false the problem is also part of
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the legal criteria is literally know your audience and when he says these rallies he knows he's joining them up he's no he's getting some folks there kind of crazy and kooky and when he using your example about i'll pay for your legal fees if you punch so in the face that could be interpreted clearly under the law as inciting violence how it affects him as a sitting president has a different constitutional argument but if he was anybody else as you said i think that's absolutely actionable recently fox news made news because for once they didn't cover trump rally and they had always gone live there i got about a minute left grade the news media as regards trump who seems to play the media like a stradivarius what do you think mitch. he's been brilliant in the. playing of the media improve that the campaign proves it more as president i think the
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media is doing the best and i say the mainstream media not to you know take trump's term but i think they're playing it pretty well the problem is this president does not tell the truth he lies and so he has to be fact checked and c.n.n. the other day said as of a couple of days ago since being president he's lied five thousand and one times this isn't only in press and it's damage to the country it's damage to the institution of the presidency i think they're doing the best they can remember this is the same president who said in the last twenty four hours you know these bombings are terrible and they're terrible because they're taking away momentum from from the republican gains in the congressional off year election or donald trump jr who is obviously less sophisticated trying to be like daddy said it's all part of a democratic conspiracy so the media is doing the best it can but when you have c.n.n. emptying out two days in a row they're under their own set of situations and i've talked to people in the media who've covered these rallies that are in the media and so to speak they don't
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feel say oh but they don't thank you mitch caesar and because incendiary rhetoric is an equal opportunity risk here's a view from the right. dr geno louden is a psychologist a parent a pundit a familiar face on my show and you've seen are on fox news and c.n.n. and newsmax t.v. and last thinks giving she knows her forthcoming book med politics keeping your sanity in a world gone crazy now in print and which president trump has touted on twitter and which i to recommend you are a personal friend of the president you're on his twenty twenty campaign media advisory board you hang at mar-a lago you know this guy and the rest of us i think we do after that billy bush tape and all his tweets and given his men or what is the biggest misconception about donald trump i think the president has to faults his primary faults are probably that he is loyal to a fault and he is honest to
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a fault and while you know while he is constantly criticized for both of those things if you boil it all down i'm not sure those are the worst two things to be clumsy about the president's critics often use the term dog whistle meaning speaking in code words that mean one thing to the general population but have a more specific resonance with a certain segment of the population and less pejorative terms your book does translate trump statements like we're going to build a great wall and we're going to say merry christmas again in our them in us culture you explain in your book that we know what he meant so explain to trump critics what those two statements meant to trump supporters. yeah i think the term dog whistle in and of itself hollande is sort of a dog whistle because it's insinuating that there's some secret code language and that the what the president is actually saying is some sort of racist or bigoted
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hey i know the president he is not a racist in fact you may be aware of this but his club mar-a lago he fought very hard here in florida to be able to to admit. and black people to his club when no clubs in florida did that some of the things that they try to insinuate are almost humorous to those of us out there watching this and if you like we get him we know what he meant we understand this president he speaks our language here's the problem the click bait media and i write a lot about this in my book mad politics for this exact reason the clip made bait media has become hungry for eyeballs you know this and i notice the traditional three big networks and a couple big newspapers that people don't subscribe to those anymore so they've lost a lot of money and in so doing they've become very desperate to get eyeballs and so they have used salacious headlines and division and identity politics and political correctness to indict one side against the other and i think it's very dangerous i
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don't like it i don't like the way that the leftist politicians in this country right now are calling off those who are inciting violence i think that we need to look at what happened with steve schoolies look at what happened rand paul and ted cruz and on down the line and we need to make sure that when it's happening in our own party we call them off so i do believe there's a lot more room for civility i also believe the at the citizens out there who's consuming the news needs to call down the salacious headlines that divide us just to get our readership or our viewership dr gina loudon what you've written in mad politics is a very generous very unvarnished telling of your own story too and i recommend the book highly it's mad politics keeping your sanity in a world gone crazy thank you so much holland really appreciate you. coming up gun fire in chicago do we even hear it anymore this is the big picture on r t
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america. make this manufacture to send to the public well. when the ruling class is protect themselves. with the famous merry go round listen to the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. room the real need for.
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chicago state street that great street and affluent areas north of the loop are a world away from black and latino neighborhoods south and west sides where gun violence is the new normal joining us from chicago are eric russell director tree of life justice league of illinois and the reverend gregory seale livingston president and c.e.o. coalition for a new chicago and from boston we welcome tio hardiman the founder of violence interrupt ours former democratic candidate for governor of illinois reverend livingston violence is the effect let's talk because what animates gang members to be gang members is that despair no hope for a bright future. well thank you first of all for having me on and
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appreciate you wanted to address causes as opposed to just effects of symptoms one of the great causes of the violence in chicago is chicago's legacy of segregation were. of the things that we've been working on all summer with the lakeshore drive shut down with the o'hare shut down is this tale of two cities it is because you have segments of the city the cities that have been segregated from resources and everything else that they create illegitimate economies alternative economies have access to our people have through legitimate economies and the currency of these illegitimate economies is violence and the tool is the good and one of the things that i've been really trying to preach and to push is that once we take the prohibition off of resources in the challenge and this is advantage areas come through the legacy of segregation we will see this violence reduced to that point to tio hardiman your group violence interrupt yours is credited with talking
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gangsters out of fifteen murder plots so same question what makes these troubled young people tick. was not a peer pressure misplaced emotions a lot of people in a concrete jungle you know it's all about you know i need to get you before you get me and my staff to their credit we've mediated around thirty conflicts on the funny in where somebody wanted to you know kill somebody but we talk them down that's very important but let me say this the police have not been trained to stop killings on the front in the police they're trained to respond to the crime was a crime has been committed that's a big problem here and i will and to train police officers on how to detect and prevent suicide on the funny and so that's what it's all about a lot easier on me and i just the gang bang and all social media a lot of misunderstand is out there in believe it or not is not always money or drug related a lot these guys are just gang banger because it's just a way of life in chicago right now status well about police eric russell the
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chicago p.d. is the usa second largest and it suffers the distrust of african-americans so crimes go unsolved witnesses are tightlipped some wounded would rather drive themselves to the hospital and call nine one one eric how did things get this way and how do we fix it. well there are a lot of contributing factors there are there is a clear connection between poverty and violence but when we talk of gains to prevailing opinion. in chicago in a black and brown communities that chicago police is considered a gang within themselves so there are police crimes there are a lot of contributing factor in order to solve it i think number one we must find a way to reset the moral compass and by that we must steal a certain reverence for life and i think once you can't get there spiritually then
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there's the economic factor because we say nothing stops a bullet like a job wow eric those of us who don't live there probably don't know about the chicago police consent decree in a nutshell and in layman's terms what is it. in a nutshell the department of justice they came out with its gave a report highlighting chicago's long history of institutional racism system it corruption and the federal government cited that the chicago police is in desperate need of oversight and modern to prevent further corruption in reform so it is a federal decree and a contract to oversee the chicago police hopefully to bring in reform transparency
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and accountability which is lacking and desperately needed well eric that's words on paper how's it going so far. we're the we're cautiously optimistic because for the first time only in america the city of chicago. we had a plaintiff and a defendant. the tourney general of the city of chicago and city of chicago was the plaintiff so the first time in legal history we had a plain of the defendant standing all stays together doing a press conference saying that they're going to work everything out so the consent to curry has been little more than a back room deal but tween the. the attorney general and the mayor of the city of chicago and a lot of us in the activist community the tree of life justice lee we filed a class action lawsuit as a part of the campbell. consent decree cassation lawsuit and when it came to the
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formulation of the consent decree we were not invited to the table so we're cautiously optimistic. about the consent decree so we're just holding our breath at this point because right now it seems to be business as usual reverend livingston a minute ago you described chicago land as a tale of two cities and you have work to provoke dialogue between folks north of the loop and people who live south and west how's that going. well it's a process you know when i say oh folks that you know rosa parks out on the bus or december first one nine hundred fifty five it was ten years later that we got the voting rights act it takes time but we're building the infrastructure of power and infrastructure that can count with this negative death culture you know to quote to your heart of black death as a hustle it is a hole in the city you know and so you have situations where communities and challenge areas here in the city have an unemployment percentage of over twenty
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percent that means that one fifth of the people there are unemployed would you. human beings who don't have access to work and many folk one reason we went up north when we went to o'hare phil was a lip people know who say well aren't you tired of protesting only those who don't feel denied get tired of protesting those who have are being denied they never get tired so it's a matter of letting and redistributing the pain the anguish and the dormant hope and letting others know we're human just like you we're here incarnate in the flesh touch me talk to me you'll understand that what i'm saying is not so outrageous but the history of this city and the history of this country is such that it's not just a democracy but it's also a pigment ocracy and the color taco see you know you talk about police and black community the quam mcdonnell jason van dyke they're both important but they also some symbolize black chicago versus the chicago police department and in
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a national context black americans versus law enforcement the all that is real is documented which is why we had to have the federal government come in just like they did in kings day when you had george wallace king says with his lips dripping with the words of into position to know if occasion we have the same thing happening now where they want to disappear rights versus human rights a common thread and what all three of you are saying is communication and t.l. back in his day tip o'neill reckoned that all politics is local lately we wonder given president trump's often toxic tone has that exacerbated chicago's woes. no not at all we've had woes in chicago for many many decades now understand for the people worldwide black death as a whole so in chicago everybody's been a fitting of the black death the police have to work more over time you have all
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these community organizations they come after the fact they say they need twenty million thirty million dollars people that have already been shot and killed become numbers for. people's grants and their programs we have to change the narrative been chicago turn it around from the tale of two cities and make it one complete city with everybody floors in it's a cargo and everybody have an opportunity at success that was going to trump has no impact on chicago at all and i would like to dispel the myth that because of all the protests and demonstrations that's police have kind of flats up in regard to their work that's not true because we had a lot of motives in the ninety's and in eighty's the ninety's and this used back then we have a homicide clearance rate that's around swale to fourteen percent which means people can see they get away with committing the act of homicide the key is to stop the killings on the front end and that's with violence and what to do all the time but it's not as newsworthy with somebody is shot and killed already not a big circus comes around everybody wants to get on t.v.
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talk about what they're doing and i would like to recommend this to the media outlets out there if a person cannot tell you the last time they stop to kill and they shouldn't be in a few if approached they cannot tell you the last time they taken a gun off the streets they said not the interview because we're dealing with real life here in chicago and we need a calm and not just speaking for myself it's a lot of good groups out there doing work but black has become a hustle in chicago it is sobering to hear you talk about the crisis there being productize and i'm glad you mentioned the media coverage eric grade local and national media coverage of chicago gun violence. well the of the national media coverage of the gun violence is just absolutely dismal we are in a time now where we don't even have any real investigative journalists expensively here in chicago the vast majority of journalism is i have to say our yellow
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journalists. as it relates to the police police accountability allston when the police when there are police involved. schilling's. the journalists are so quick just to potential weight and there they have the police so so you can just imagine even when we have unjustified shootings where there are no weapons and the police then a just an absolutely ridiculous narrative. there are very little officers that are being indicted and convicted. and so the national. the lack of quality the lack of quality coverage from the media is something that really flames to flames of the violence and inequity of the coverage and it villainize is the victims and it goes a long way for communities shaming victim blaming the media is definitely part of
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the problem for those of us who don't see the local chicago media eric is would you characterize their coverage of gun violence as either too matter of fact or too sensational or right word should be in the middle. well i will say. this to matter of fact. they have they have participated in our nesa sizing the violence to make a commonplace we can have violent weekend but the only thing we get is the death toll so we get to the point where the media they just presented us with what the numbers on monday are cargo forty nine people were shot twelve of them was fatal but there is no you know it's just day they become bored and kinds of death hold to your analogy the numbers tell bored hey i got about thirty seconds left but
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reverend livingston. i got to ask you to tell our viewers. as what you tell your flock on sunday preach to us what can help. looking opus first of all on the standing that we're all valuable every person no matter your education your background what you have in your bank account your pedigree we're all god's children and if that be the case and to speak even to erick's point we have to be careful and be a voice for the voiceless until the media stop depersonalizing this violence stop depersonalizing this humanity this is a beaut brutality because these are people flesh and blood people and the scary thing is that you're trying to contain a fire of trying to put it out thank god if the wind blows you go to catch on fire to thank you reverend gregory livingston coalition for a new chicago eric russell tree of life justice league of illinois and tio hardiman violence interrupt us and thank you for watching the big picture if you're watching
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us somewhere else you can also find our team america and direct t.v. channel three two one and dish two eight zero are on demand at youtube dot com slash the big picture are to watch any show any time any place i'm any t.v. ice i'm holland cook in washington and at holland cook on twitter if you follow me i'll follow you question more. prosecution. please show. where you push. this thread you'll find. somebody on the scene doing the. political pressure on the. security jenison knows what kind of business models used by american corporations. these mental disease has.
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seen. since. he's up to this is he to she. could he saw as it is just somebody closer to getting. an investigative documentary . ghost deal. with. her brother from. right remember her from.
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a low. this is a class report that's right you got the place right now time to get educated. max we're going to talk about dead meat walking this is sears you and i have to talk about this for many years because eddie lampert a hedge fund manager bought sears many years ago when he turned it into a hedge fund basically a private equity fund in which he extracted equity from sears for many years sears used to be one of the biggest manufacturer retail outlets in america perhaps the biggest for a while and now it is going to be no more dead meat walking why sirius will be liquidated bankruptcy can only restructure debts it can't.


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