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tv   News  RT  October 27, 2018 9:00pm-9:31pm EDT

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disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the phone lines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's how it's happened. it's. not like. the leaders of russia turkey germany and france me to lay the groundwork for peace in syria but serious differences remain over how to tackle extremist groups in the northwest of the war torn country if radical militants oppose this if they make provocations from inside the it live zone but russia will reserve the right to help the syrian government eliminate this strange and military offensive by the syrian regime and its backers. would have an acceptable security and humanitarian
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consequences. the gunmen bursts into a synagogue in the u.s. state of pennsylvania shooting dead eleven people and wounding six others. and the european court of human rights rules that insulting the prophet muhammad is not protected by freedom of speech upholding a conviction against an austrian woman we get reaction to the decision that we should have free speech and it goes as far as saying in some instances that perfect moment was for your own would become of a low people to use and that produced to become racist demonized a group of people. a very warm welcome you're watching on c.n.n. international with me if you took story this hour the leaders of russia turkey at germany and france have called. syrians to take center stage in their country's
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peace process and stressed the importance of preserving syrian sovereignty the statement came following a summit in istanbul aimed at finding ways of ending the country's devastating seven year long conflict. for. a full sized discussed constitutional reform free elections humanitarian aid and the extremist factions and transition into his comments any of. us from istanbul. but first of all even though we are in november the foreign leaders hope that a committee to draft the syrian new constitution will be even more before the end of this year here's another one of the heads of state did discuss the personal favor of syria's president barbara starr hall assad and now besides this nobody is
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flushing the rights of the syrian people to decide who's going to be in charge of the country next time plus whatever it wants to start firing guns and syria is it the problem with for maids in the area it could explode at any time parts must forget about it and this is the part where things really get tricky damascus once the province under its control and obviously it is allied with russia however currently this place remains the last stronghold of the syrian armed opposition which is backed by turkey and pretty much the rest of the western world obviously that includes france and germany as well and it is still a place where the former news for terrorists and other affiliated groups are still active now all the members of the quartet are saying that the terrorists must be
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out of their ass to who is more likely to be behind a possible escalation in the province and the consequences as well this is where the sides not only don't see why this is where they're making. some rather aggressive warnings the first one came from the russian president vladimir putin and i shoot to him studios because to not be greeks picked turkey to shortly complete his withdrawal of opposition forces and heavy weaponry and military units from the demilitarized zone we see that on turkish partners are doing their best to achieve that however if radical militants oppose this if they make the case ins from inside the it live zone but russia will reserve the right to help the syrian government eliminate these threats and. then just a couple of minutes emmanuel macron who was sitting pretty much one metre away from a lot of our approach and punched back with this a military offensive by the syrian regime and its backers would have an acceptable
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security and humanitarian consequences to our security interests as well as those of turkey and europe are at stake however for now russia and turkey who are backing opposing sides in war able to side a so-called level read them of understanding this is something paris and berlin are counting on to the memorandum could be this magic element which is keeping the whole alive for the removal of jihad is from live and also the continued existence of the demilitarized zone in this is the kind of cell which is patrolled by the military police of russia and turkey without terrorists and without heavy weaponry i just want to point out that all four leaders said that they were looking forward to another summit like this to happen in the near future and also they are open for some of the other international players to be involved in these kind of
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talks on allies and notes despite the sticking points is seems there was some good chemistry between the latest. well so for me you can basta to syria and bahrain for his thoughts on whether the talks will prefer it bill. the the real significance of this meeting is that it was
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held at all and in this format of russia and turkey who have been partners in the agreement. on the one side as it were and france and germany coming together for the first time in this format was also parroting the u.s. position but the very fact that she and my crone attended does give us some hope for the longer they will participate in the recovery of syria once key russia have settled issue as a result of the meeting russia and turkey have drawn closer together. and his position on the future of his wavered over over the years but he said that the future of syria would have to be decided by the syrian people alone so he has
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come off his position that it has no future leader. hundreds have gathered for a candlelight vigil in the u.s. city of pittsburgh to commemorate the victims of a mass shooting at a synagogue on saturday police have confirmed that eleven worshippers were killed when a gunman burst injuring morning service and opened fire a further six people were injured including four offices the shooter who is in custody has been identified as forty six year old robert bowers he said to have been carrying multiple filemon think looting a semiautomatic assault rifle. the police who were injured in the attack were shown as there arrived on the scene the atrocities took place on what is traditionally the busiest day of the week for synagogues the tree of life synagogue was founded more than one hundred fifty years ago and merged with another
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pittsburgh congregation in two thousand and ten it holds a number of events in the community including religious ceremonies and book clubs the u.s. attorney general jeff sessions has condemned the attack saying such hatred and violence have no place in american society he added that the justice department would file hate crime charges and that the shooter could face the death penalty president trump has also said the perpetrator should be as executed he's the one thing we. need to get. to the way. everybody. i think. every week we believe that we. have here the former president told
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us in a dog that was that was attacked i spoke to me here at the scene ordered i was getting dressed to go up to services a little before ten o'clock and one of the people the vice president that i work with on facility management here called me from lancaster and he said there's a reporter just an active shooter he works for the city so he has special communications with emergency services and he said get up there and check it out i tried heading up shady avenue to the building and i was entirely blocked off here when a labor rights lawyer down cavalli was in the area when the attack happened and such as the following report from the same. there's people gathered all around here. a lot of people in mourning a lot of parishioners with their heads in their hands people just trying to figure out what has happened here you know it's a very somber situation this is a bedroom community here in pittsburgh and this we don't see these things happen
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very often there's a number of synagogues here in squirrel hill this is a very strong jewish community here still in lockdown it's very hard to get in and out of school build this point and i never seen this many police in one place in pittsburgh i mean it's really a very tense situation and very sad people were very sad. is the latest massacre saying that when they just science in the us and recent years to similar attacks claims the lives of thirty five people. the european court of human rights has ruled defaming the prophet muhammad fulls
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outside the limits of acceptable speech judges unanimously rejected in a pill from an australian woman who had been seeking to overturn a conviction for insulting islam the domestic courts comprehensively assessed the whited context of the applicant statements and carefully balanced a right to freedom of expression with the right of others to have their religious feelings protected and so the legitimate aim of preserving religious peace in austria. the woman identified only as s. hard lead to seminars back in two thousand and nine entitled basic information on islam she allegedly used the classes to characterize the prophet as a paedophile that led to a conviction in twenty eleven for defaming religious doctrines and a fine of four hundred eighty euros her appeal on the grounds of free speech has earlier also been rejected by the austrian courts we put the story of the debate.
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this is about faith of course muslims don't like that their prophet mohammed is being criticized but it should be in this instance you know we should have free speech i'm sorry as a muslim who will come to any sort of dialogue or discussion with any critic of islam as long as it is of all them to sit down and be taught but if somebody actually turns around the abuse and becomes abusive then that's a different kettle of fish it's a cultural discussions it happens in our societies so islam must be ready also to be tackled to be questioned about certain things that are not acceptable that are also legislations now against islamophobia why one people should be free to be islamophobia as some people are anti christian for anti-christian for example so it should be free we should have free speech and it goes as far as saying in some instances that perfect mom it was very wrong you know we cannot allow people to use
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the concept of freedom of speech which i actually i think is a very important. thing to have but be cannot allow people to use and abuse to become racist demonize a group of people and then make him into others and there's not really this value and then promote fascism come on come on anti semitism is racism clearly but islamophobia is against a religion and i can moderate it sorry not sort of in it that is no no you didn't look you are you're you're really you're really hiding behind the fact of the mother is i don't want fascism to come back in the streets of europe there is no violence on the part of europeans to woods to what's muslims they are welcome in europe but they must remain end of private sphere look muslims will come in europe that is there. racist thing to say you know these are people who are part and
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parcel of group i don't say look what you mean no you're you're you're just saying will come of course or work on girder allstream people who are austrian and they've been austrian since two thousand of these are not you know there are six thousand muslims in origin so what you want to say that they don't need you to work on them they belong to austria this is a language of exclusion this language of other than this is exactly what i'm talking about the reality is that we can sort of have sort of one set of rules and laws for one community another one for all the. thousands of environmental activists gathered in western germany on saturday in attempts to save attractive ancient woodland the remains of hamburg forest which is twelve thousand years old could soon be felt by the energy giant r. w. e. which intends to expand its mining operation in the area the bulk of the protesters
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blocked a railway line preventing coal from leaving the company's mine tens of others occupied an excavator environmentalists have been locked in a battle to save handbag forest which is owned by r. w. e. for years with many living in a treehouse community there they argue that the woodland qualifies for protection and the e.u. conservation law is home to a recipe she used of it. now a british university has found itself the center of a storm after a student union president called for the removal of one hundred year old memorial honoring soldiers who fought in the first world war artie's undercity a check now has the details. here at the university of southampton a student union president has caused a lot of outrage after she demanded a world war one memorial new movie scrapped the reason it features only white men mark my words who had taken down as a mural white man in say eunice senate drome even if i have to paint orient myself
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the problem is it's not just a random white man on the mural the image was painted in one thousand sixteen and is known to students who fought and died in the first world war without being able to complete their degrees so this remark to get rid of them drew a lot of criticism including from a descendant of the artist the sentiment behind the panting is wonderful it's awful to civil like this putting off on to a taboo as a daughter because that this man is the translation is than don geddis cost. i hope she will reflect on what she has said and realize it has been conducted in poor taste those who know the history of our island are fully aware of and appreciate the involvement of black and asian soldiers against tyranny. the university told us this the comments made by the students union president regarding the rothstein muro are not shared by the university of southampton we have very proud to display the miro which serves as a memorial to all members of british universities who served in the great war this
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is far from the first time you can universities have been rocked with similar scoundrels. will i. i i i. despite an apology from the woman at the center of the controversy a petition to remove her from the post of student union president has been quickly gathering supporters let's find out exactly what students at the university make of it all and we disagree with. all of our opinions there are people who are very enraged because it's like you're touching because you're something i narrated you were writing. and you are writing is sorry you're literally blaming these people died for your country and they couldn't get the degree you have the pleasure to be together they couldn't something real real and that's real i think history is
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something we kind of have to accept it rewriting it's not the right way that's denying i history i can accept that it's happened and maybe it was a right whatever but it's you know you can only write for. many different people for just what many. times everyone here feel like. suppose the white man who is for. the point of writing well well i do hope that more people. on campus will be discussing it in greater depth. the u.s. justice department has charged a man over the recent wave of possible bombs targeting senior political figures officials identified says all say all crime is fingerprints and d.n.a. on one of the envelopes he allegedly sent it since being revealed he had a number of previous convictions the media's been stressing the suspects strong support for donald trump. this is the face police have tied to the anonymous
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explosive devices mailed this week to prominent democrats and apparently mad bomber has been targeting president trump's favorite targets for his invective caesar say are holding a sign this is c.n.n. socks as well as a lot of other nonsense and there he is at a trump rally and the fifty six year old florida resident today was arrested and charged with sending a series of explosive devices fifty six year old say okies indeed known to be a trump supporter and one with a substantial criminal record previously convicted eight times including for car theft if found guilty of the attempted possible bombings he could face up to fifty eight years in jail president trump in turn has condemned the incident we will prosecute them him her whoever it may be to the fullest extent of the law. we must never allow political
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violence to take root in america cannot let it happen and i'm committed to doing everything in my power as president to stop it. the attempted bombings highlights how polarized the us has become a new poll shows eighty percent of americans think their country is greatly divided forty percent of those also believe the situation will only was certain a vast majority of those quizzed say they are dissatisfied with the u.s. politics lawyer and political activist christiane mancera believes the main task now is to bring people together. both sides have to tone it down both the president and the media and other political sectors have to come together and understand that we can now continue sending these inflammatory comments on t.v. and on social media because there are people who take it personally and then they think that they have a way to respond and this is one example now is the republican side that has this
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crazy follower and we also have the democratic extreme left follower a few few months ago when here congressman scully so i think that we have to be very careful because this is becoming a real problem but one media commentator initially suggested that russian operatives might have sent the parcel bombs in an effort to inflame the current tensions i have this fear that it could be some russian operation too in designed to do what's happening now however recent polls are showing there are more people down to the mainstream media's coverage of russia kaleb more pain has more. a while back it might be weeks between any russia related stories in mainstream media but times have changed and now it seems that no matter what the topic mainstream media finds a way to bring russia into it russia harvested american rage to reshape u.s. politics how the russians are trying to turn the tragedy to their advantage to
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target almost every major american social movement there's russian bots still pushing divisive past tags apparently accounts on social media even now so with stories of big bad russia playing round the clock on their television screens you would think that people living in western countries would be in a state of anti russian hysteria except they aren't according to a poll conducted by the french institute for public opinion it turns out that nearly half of americans and europeans don't buy into the russian coverage in the mainstream press france takes the lead when it comes to being wary of mainstream media russia reporting however across the pond people are slightly more trusting yet forty three percent of the u.s. public is wary of the russian coverage around the clock so why are people less trusting well lately the russian coverage has gotten a little bit weird russia is being blamed for the controversy around football players kneeling during the national anthem rush is being encouraged of having
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stars like emma watson used in memes in order to troll teenagers russia is even being blamed for criticism of the last jet i star wars movie was a great disturbance in the force says millions of voices suddenly cried out to the sun the sun so we decided to show these headlines to new yorkers let's see if they can spot the fake one our russian selling weaves on instagram. maybe it could be true but some say it sounds great but let's hear the other kremlin backed trolls use stars like emma watson to spread discord in the west. really that sounds. more real that some real deal the russian bots promote guns after florida school shooting. but yeah true that sounds great does sound real. for the last jet i was actually spread by russian troll. fake i don't know until i think the last jet is not
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a true headline trick question they're all headlines are all real and what you make of it. ok that's crazy you tricked me i could believe the real headlines that doesn't mean they're real down to control the whole thing the media is a little hysterical want to talk about this stuff yes i think so clearly according to those headlines i think so good trying to get a reaction out of. me just trying to you know stir up some sort of. breeze sure some americans buy it but a lot of others don't skepticism is everywhere it seems that rather than forming an anti russian mob a lot of americans have decided to question more cable mopp and r.t. new york one of the major stars of n.b.c. has found herself also would after a televised discussion about what is and what isn't and i accept it will cost you to affect how we. play what is racist because because this is truly what you do get in trouble if you
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are a white person who puts on a lefty halloween or a black person who puts out a white face yeah we like that crap as a kid that was ok as long as you were dressing up like a character and. i defended the idea saying as long as it was as it was respectful and part of the hollowing costume it seemed ok well i was wrong and i am sorry. to not know historical significance of that she said something stupid she said something indefensible she owes a bigger apology to the. the folks of color around the country people don't get to decide what's racist if i point you to decide if it hurts or not do you there has never been a time in that in her forty seven years that blackface has been acceptable.
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where is a man oh man i really. don't want to be married and guess what not a lot of black fulfillments you know. when they say is true in the words of the old me as spiritual i have gone black. and i can't go back. there sometime a night paul will look over the sky and say what the hell's all on up there you are full of on other planets for the whole like eighty. well if you already are a pro-forma liberal with left wing views there's no reason to fire you they didn't have something that they wanted to get rid of for say jimmy fallon or jimmy kimmel
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the late night comedy talk show host who both in the last ten years have been seen on television dressed as black people famous black people including black makeup on their faces nobody in the american entertainment is has been dented by their occasional forays into blackface except making kelly who was not liberal enough and got punished for exactly that's the way n.b.c. and most american media does business liberalism first common sense way later. well we'd love to know your thoughts so do get in touch by following us on social media and leave your comments there we'll be back at the top of the hour with the latest see them.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics or business i'm showbusiness i'll see that. trump has been coming up with a lot of statements saying that the arab states of the gulf should take care of the middle east or other we're still committed to the middle east so there's there's a lot of incoherence there but i think saudi arabia is hugely important to the united states and i think trump and stance that and this is this is exactly what was driving his kind of commentary on the. killing i think that's at the end of the day it's not going to change the status quo of america's policy because of you know . they purify. libya you could see to say future not going to show many pretty good.
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hansei coup switching but i'll be honest you. want to mayo's he was as was he. you know who said i want to do bottom of those you sees it. is keep us. safe i don't know if we do but also. keep a. moment. edith exact coolies echo i think julia really preach paveway yeah. it did tell a shuttle generally treat your lady i bet you did well at cannes like sure could use up all posy good you've got mental jet seats and your teacher she you hate the new clothes she. shoots yet they cook i love you very equal she like you take it that i understand this is actually the abuse that i'm he told exactly top.


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