tv Documentary RT October 28, 2018 8:30am-9:01am EDT
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oil soon flows freely and news spreads the wildfire for the ones left behind by the crisis of two thousand and eight relisted seems like their last chance for you in life with an unemployment rate of zero percent and wages it three or four times more than the national average the promise of prosperity and desperate times is too great to ignore children by a common hope thousands of men and women throw themselves once again into a desperate rush towards the mythical american tree and at any cost. history repeats itself in the midst of his new album no doubt the most impressive and u.s. history. they need there's more work out here than they got able to do it. i don't believe. i still believe there's a dream where you can still believe. it's like a gold rush it is very very similar to a gold rush. all
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there is fresh out of cincinnati in two thousand and twelve after being unemployed for months he hears about the boom happening in willis to. think. at first he works for an oil company but soon his desire for independence takes over and he sets up his own service company. bought the company and we had a sweeper truck and the situation well as time went from a manageable situation where i would get like some sleep at night and i could like keep up with like daily activities like taking showers every day to like an all out sprint trying to like keep up with so much work it was amazing go from one job. to
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the next to the next to the next to the next as it is now i have not right now i have not taken a full day off in over nine months and i'm very thankful i'm here i'm not complaining one bit very thankful for the money an opportunity was like someone who had been starving for years for like money like all of a sudden there's like. all you can eat. buffet and all you have to do is go out there and get the work done and people give you money to do it was amazing this year i'm probably going to be making around two hundred fifty thousand dollars there's a lot of work involved a lot of work it's twenty four hours a day seven days a week. well i guess i should get back to work. here in an inhospitable handful of contrasts before the boom willison was a small conservative agricultural town and in many ways this aspect seems untouched everything has its own place including boredom emptiness and silence the streets
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are practically deserted it's a town that has motion this within its history and past. then you have another town the one that needs to welcome this new wave of residence oil company settling down a large numbers with the goal of extracting at least a million barrels of oil a day. this is the one we unpacked like a raft gift and a real without so growing up with a kind of uniformity copy and paste prefabricated never custom made. investors are right in that everything based upon a population that should be multiplied by for. the first came up in the spring of two thousand ford saying i work there are neighbors they did a hydraulic fracturing and i was looking at how much it will not cost me to stay somewhere you know if i was just going to stand wholesale it was like one hundred dollars and i was an ok hundred dollars a day seven days a week that's seven hundred dollars of course a whole week and. so i just came to the conclusion you know what i get me
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a van fix it up so you know i can be comfortable in it it makes financial sense because i get to keep the majority of my money versus just just on the way on housing and stuff like this. is my first and then. it works. and that's the biggest. cherry cannot survive very long in his van where winter temperatures sometimes drop of the minus twenty. for the time being he is ready everything has happened so quickly it's very hard to find a place to. make shift housing known as man camps lined up by the hundreds on the edge of town or close to drilling sites. these dormitory towns built by necessity on empty lots offer respect one hundred and one hundred fifty dollars a night to meals included. by two thousand and twelve the population living in
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these men camps was estimated to be over ten thousand guys phone and now to florida nevada. cleveland you name it i've seen the license plate. every week you know this is the best thing for single men you know i mean that's what i mean as far as wages and. to the everything you know the whole country should be this way. because. this place will put like a stress on you know put away that you'll be carrying around on you and you're really realizing and when i went home i came back i noticed that weight pressure.
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whatever you want to call it it builds up over time for me and. you you wouldn't come up here unless there's some reason for you to come up here you know nobody was moving up here in two thousand and two thousand and one i was moving up here in two thousand and one or two thousand and two it wasn't until ok i can gain something financially i can i can improve my situation i can better my status my situation or on the level that i met in life now and that's that's what the whole fill up here really brought to a lot of people who were smart about it and save their money. because i'm telling you man i was asking a lot of. there's not much help here to do to keep you busy focused on something you know you know keep your time occupied you know is really allowed me to save all of my money and i'm in a position where you know i can go back home and your house. i just like the sound
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of it i could go back home by your house take a house not a car not a car but a house. all around with just in the lease it's footprints on the landscape the fast as it please your coverage through could buy these horses for as far as the eye can see sweeney slowly to extract the black calls from the subtree in temps. to build surely highways all around town in order to accommodate the lines of trucks transporting all kinds of pipes beeves sand and water easy tracking. nothing was planted in france everything was done in a hurry because of the immediacy of the work and the enormous influx of workers investors and the unemployed chasing neutrino to grab the pieces of.
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germany austria-hungary i'm italian american and my rifles just in case i need to kill someone. most americans have guns in their house. and at the foot of my bed is a bible. most of my adult life was spent in universities doing teaching a research i went to the university of maine and got several degrees there in agricultural engineering information systems then i worked for mit on the human genome project. there came a time when there was a recession there was high unemployment i spent a lot of time reading the news on the internet and i kept reading about the williston the oil boom the bokken shale. i wasn't doing anything i was going into debt so i decided to go from an area that had almost ten percent unemployment to an
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area that had less than one percent unemployment so. i came looking for work but i didn't know what kind of work to take. so i fell into wireline it was very difficult at the beginning i had. accidents while pulling a trailer i could have been killed there were explosives in the trailer and it's three hundred sixty degrees and the explosives came out the back. but my boss didn't fire me they gave me another chance. after the first year i was very pliable i had a marketable skill. it pleases me that i had a hand a small hand but nevertheless i changed my career late in life and involved myself in american energy independence. weaning this country of our foreign oil dependency. america would sell its own mother for energy.
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i live in st george utah. my family's down there i needed to come up here to make some money to pay off debt and stuff were getting there. i went to school and became a teach school elementary school i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year and drove a truck so i chose to drive truck. i were usually twelve to fourteen hours to get my truck around eight o'clock in the morning and i were till eight o'clock at night you know somewhere between me and i
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developing more technology new technology so that we can even land. increase and improve. on our. start to bomb a really was very european in his approach he would be very well suited is the key in brussels for example he doesn't represent america is america for better or worse and i think what we're trying to do here is to let the world see here. rather in a room trying to find a job and work here there and it's not a good life. my children have had. some problems sore spent a lot of money and my children. cumulated debt so. the
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original plan was to come up here for six months. and get out of debt but as their team made money off some bills there were other things. the birth. six six stitches yes. well i'm glad you're feeling better celestial. well i mean. i love you to. party in the morning. of you and. i usually park the truck come back to the trailer here it a frozen meal. throw in microwave sit down to need it and.
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if we're not too tired. my roommate niall have a bowl of ice cream and and watch part of a d.v.d. on the laughter. but most of the time it and go to sleep i don't take a shower every night because we don't shower well there's a shower in the trailer but there's no running water. she. just has not solely attract unoiled workers. it was an opportunity for people like jeff and constance to change their lives to open a spa business. and before i moved to boston i was in the health care industry and then a hospital administrator for several years in kansas. my project was going to go
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live and i wanted to be with my family first and i remember talking to some people was talking about wilson and about north dakota and this oil boom there's a lot of oil out here and there's a lot of jobs you know lot of opportunity for business willesden seemed to have the best opportunities for us and my family and so we drove up to the local and we realized immediately there was a huge opportunity out here so many people out here there must have been at least thirty thousand people going through here and there were only five restaurants at the time and then we looked a little bit closer and said ok what skill sets do we have that would be a good system and we thought that maybe you don't shop for so many other businesses have done here in the old timers they all think that foreigners coming here to take their money and go back home they don't think we're like that and i think that's one of the reasons we don't since it's not just. a business for us we are part of
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the community if we were embraced by the community the supported us the deathly didn't he helped us out. we are current of it and we're always contributed. to be a good day to day. a lot of kids are going to be really excited to have go it's. we came here they didn't have a donut shop they haven't had one for over. eight years most of these kids never had a girlfriend till four and. they come into my shop all as i was wow go go nuts. there are more families that are coming to my list and now i go pick up the land and school and i see other kids you know on the aging kids african hispanic you know it's
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a good sign that the community is growing. healthy with me you know we need to. create lives in bozeman montana a small town six hundred miles away. he is right out of options in his home town it was decided to set up for willis and he knows he will not see his wife and two kids for several weeks. long hours behind the wheel with the hope that he will find work when he arrives when i leave my family like this i usually feel you know pretty lousy at times there was one incident years ago where my daughter was just in tears as i was leaving and it's like it's hard it's it's not fun it's hard but it's what has to be done. they're getting better at it they're getting used to it i'm getting used to it but i still like a brother be home. from. craig is the
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way it is usually go anywhere from about four weeks to this last i was eight weeks early. we didn't see him for about eight weeks and then home from home for about a week or so i think it's been hard for the kids because. they were told me that they feel like it's a broken home you know it's almost like we're divorced because we see so little of each other so it's just been really hard for them this is very similar to living out a ship or being a boat you're gone for months and see you come back and you see the family for short periods of time and then take off on your ship again you're it's a great analogy it's exactly where it's like. we've all talked about this and i think we could do with a little less so that he could spend more time with us and be more of a family. so i think i would rather have that happy family over
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here some of the stuff that we he transferred died for us that watching my kids grow up it's difficult to do and it's almost five years now there's no doubt about it but it's just it's what we have to do. adam who just lost his job and it will business when he met jeff and constance the couple was charged by the courage to power of this young man ready to do anything to save his family from misery. since then adam spends all his nights eating donuts . and doing three jobs right now working every day. trying to get some money i want to relocate my family you. are good to grows two daughters i want something better form where we live in southern
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california is not a very nice place to live so it's about a crime. gangsters and browns. the north dakota a be a better place to raise a family. there's a lot of resources here and you've got the salvation army and they beat you here at the methodist church over it lutheran church down there. but i get food from work too at the donuts trying to send all my money home for my wife to pay the bills and rent it's enough to get by you know it's either a you know a one hundred a week or big ice and you understand i have a family. you want to say one hundred twenty five but if you drop it down to a hundred a week. the
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american dream or some you can always chase i really believe that even during a recession to still opportunities for each is going to look for you got to be over willing to move to change that to get going and go go chase go to it. now a lot of people won't do that but the ones they do with usually come out headlong. because our country is never the stable across the whole world it's very rare to have all fifty states doing well it's also rare to have all fifty states to poorly so we're always moving on that's part of our national character it's always find new opportunities wherever they may be. what i do here pretty much is remodelling homes and handyman work fixing other people's mistakes and other people's problems mostly for homeowners residential it keeps me real busy. i bill out usually about sixty hours a week i can easily put in a twelve hour day no promise you have to run you know my go to bank post office go
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see clients check on supplies orders stuff lot of running around to do i love to work how i am a workaholic there's no doubt about it the money's nice but i like to work just the way my family is. these are some of the old cattle pens in corrals here some of the fallen apart completely by this is where they bring in the cattle to brando and have the calves have the vats work on them and stuff but now i can see it i don't use it anymore. it was kind of a tough life i mean you lose cattle they die and the winners and so on the hot summers and you know drought is just i was going to happens gamble every day never made a lot of money doing that most or ranchers and farmers but they really don't have to do that anymore because they've got the pumps down there that they can make money off of and the oils put a lot a lot of money into their pockets so now they can do what they want you know take
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it easy work whatever they want to do so it's not as risky life's not as risky as you used to be. it literate. you don't meet many people that are from. what i'm talking to a bunch of people i don't know and they say were you from i say here they go what. most people have lived here then they were dismayed to see this many people coming lot of people made a lot of money so i mean they like that the older folks that lived here on
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a fixed income renting an apartment they went from three hundred a month two thousand a month and rent so they're gone. i remember the first time i drove out to poison it's a. thousand miles about and i counted fifty or oil rigs that i could see from the road and that's when it started getting crazy i thought you know the oil companies for the most part they're good until we start thinking that they can all right over here because they're big and powerful. one thing they do do and i asked them when they came out the first time they always found a woman along with the initial group to come joe and i asked him straight out i sort of that because we will shoot a woman and he said yeah. we never walk the house now i go take all the time my pickup relock the house we have
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alarm system in the house it changes just about everything. to get my mail. now or yet more and more neighbors. it's not the country anymore like it used to be a lot of these are people who moved in with the oil. there was no place to buy in town they bought a lot so what here probably three four acres watch and build out here. prosecution will need to be close in place sure. and that the takeover you push. the stretch of finds. by the number one place you do i mean.
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political pressure on the. conclusion to secure region is finance with the new kind of business models used by american corporations doubtless was incomplete please sold including the tendency to use. citron shows see a man who was not on the scene and the solution. lies up in association with the potato. a little can he saw as it is just simply his ability to maintain an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy. and this us.
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. able to. help people come to this center we have more money than anybody else by far we'll build it up in the stories that shape the way the president trying to try. a new arms race with russia and china as he looks to pull out of a major cold war nuclear agreement causing further divisions with his e.u. partners. a gunman burst into a synagogue in the u.s. state of pennsylvania shooting dead eleven people and wounding six others.
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