tv Sophie Co RT October 29, 2018 6:30am-7:01am EDT
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speech as an elected president was a change the constitution and defending our democracy and at the same time it's funny that we see the light talk of all the focus he sees he used always he said used to find us to fall out into support oh. sure we. seems most of america. well as a snapshot some the world news stories this that when the funds watch not international it was so much more outside the course. and he said he said in the coming hours for me kevin knowing of a great day. what politicians do so. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or some want to. have to go right to the press this is what the four three of them can't be good that. i'm interested in the
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waters about how. they see it. as a trumpet ministration pulls out of a key arms control agreement nato conducts a massive exercise in the arctic as a new front being opened up and it seems the saudis will get away with murder after all. this is harlan kentucky. poises you could very easily. a ko money since he was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal was the fed. sees people. disappearing
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before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's how it's happened. here manatee maybe on the brink of a leak in the cells of space exploration but i were ready to handle the extraterrestrial boom when it comes to it. to people an astrophysicist and the
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director of the united nations office space affairs. with the rapid pace of progress eclipsing everything we have a possible take no logic is enabling us to dream about today and tomorrow bringing al to space exploration much closer than the distant future as humanity stands on the verge of a new space era how will it money the inevitable cosmic boom space become a hotbed of rivalry mirroring squabbles on the us could it become an environment for peaceful and prosperous cooperation. someone that they both astrophysicist director of the united nations office for outer space affairs welcome to the show great to have you with us today so there's a paper thank you my pleasure they took knowledge is advancing so fast these days groundbreaking change is no longer a generation away with see it happen before our eyes in every field however we haven't come back. to the moon we haven't gone to mars which keep inventing cool
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smartphones and virtual reality glasses and stuff but it seems like space is being neglected is this the calm before a big storm some kind of a huge breakthrough what could that be. i will say that space is really in a very interesting phase right now what we see is there. a least in the in few countries the flourishing of the private sector so commercial activists in the space this is because. certain number of technologists become mature. you see for example in the history of space first telecommunication matter logical saw the lights and now at the base of ation they're becoming more and more. developed towards applications and services for the benefit of human kind on earth and so we hit you see
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a lot of companies really created every day to work on the downstream as we say so on on up location and services how to really can space benefit sustainable development on earth for sure if we look at the inspiration of the moon mars and beyond this is something that governments have to take over and for sure this time is to be done on a global level it must be it competitive and cooperation effort and we have the un together with our member states are working on this baseline trying very early to concede those spaces peroration as the new frontier but you're saying we're seeing our private initiative coming into this space going dominating for so long by governments it will muskies shooting tesla's into space for instance is that that private industry has kept abilities that only governments had just ten years ago
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who will private space exploration eventually take the lead over the government initiatives or to do not scale things you still need to have a nasa scaled budget. the point is that when you have a challenging objective you need to develop new technology is sometimes disruptive sometimes that can ologist dad to where not even for a scene at the beginning because you have to fulfill the objective lens on a on another object to another space object. in the in in the solar system in our solar system or you have to send astronauts back and forth. to the international space station and then in the near future beyond or if you have to develop an outpost for example on the moon where a group of individuals can work and leave and eventually come back on earth
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well in in doing all these you need as i said technologists while in order to really develop better certain fields we can easily see the certain technologies for example to go to the lower target and around four hundred kilometers above our heads and combat yes that is the knowledge available because this technology has been developed thanks to the let's say funds. put forward by by governments all over the world so there are areas that now. he and their printers. can use in they can leverage own in order to develop their own ideas their own projects to go to a lower target and beyond going beyond is not the core logical easy so we will really as a space community we have to work together as i said to bring humanity beyond the
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limits so what about private space tourism how long before a tour of our orbit becomes a thing not just for billionaires. well this is like every other technology at the beginning it costs a lot of money because you needs really to develop a lot i mean this is true in space but this draw in a lot of other fields so for sure i cannot tell you if it is in five ten fifteen years but for sure i see that it's going to space not only for tourism but also for. a man performing scientific research. and really developing and progressing the human species is for sure we will have more and more people going to space but what is important in my opinion run out today or to get better we have to better communicate the importance of space not only. because it's
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silly really inspirational only because this is bringing in the new. the new generations looking at stem education and therefore space is really the inspiration field they should work in but the reality of the fact that space can benefit our day by day life and all of us should be really engaged in understanding for example how many subtle lies we use each of us every day to do what we normally do . and so it's also our burden or our task our duty whether the space community and for sure the u.n. the united nations office without the space affairs to communicate our important is in particular for developing and emerging countries the useful space they by day seven hocking told us that the earth will fail us that we're better think about getting off this rock and going to mars and it'll musk space x.
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taking the advice actually very seriously and planning it is there a rational component to this idea and when do we really need to go and colonize mars and can we really do that. you know colonizing mance really. go in there and or keep buying something i will prefer to say that the human spaces must become into prana terry which means that we are living in the solar system and for sure we should expand on other on other board this of the solar system i see this as a way of bringing in and developing more technologists new technologies so that we can even. say increase in improve the quality of life on earth so i don't a speck even if we have a lot of issues i don't expect that we need to it's
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a move or from from the earth to another planet this is one of the reasons that the elon musk is is putting forward and it's a question of discussion as usual which is the bill the of of you know the scientific progress there's always been the beauty of the say and if they progress of the bathing and discussing different ideas for sure i believe they're going to them own have a settlement or an outpost on the moon and then going to mars and beyond is something that we should do because this is the way which we can develop technologies which have a lot of advantages on earth just one example if we have to support a crew going to mars or a trail which is a group of individuals or normal people living on mars they have for example to cultivate plants they have to sustain themselves in terms of food but developing technologies for that for this reason can have a lot of influence and they kill
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a lot of advantages on precise agriculture or smart the great culture on on earth so you see mediately the link between what we do in space or. so in terms of planning for human exploration of the solar system and what we can get in terms of then the just for our own sustainable development on earth so more than ten years ago china and russia have drafted a treaty that seeks prevention of arms race in space why hasn't the treaty been adopted until today. indeed this is troll even if this is not something there we deal with that the office without the space affairs this is more geneva business in the office for this armament affairs. what i can tell you from our standpoint is there what we are trying to do a also in cooperation with the office for design moment affairs is still work on
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what we call the transparency and confidence building measures in outer space at the if it is so how we can help member states in becoming more transparent and so in this way building let's say the trust that is absolutely needed in the field and in this respect i would like to mention it tool that we have since since long based on this so-called registration convention this is a registered on the objects launched into outer space which means that all member states in the bay on the basis of this registration convention notify us every time they launch an object in space and so if you go on our website you can find the form portfolio so the form least of all the objects launched into outer space since the beginning of the space era i believe this is quite an important tool is the
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only tricky base tool that the sixty's think in terms of transparency and confidence building and i believe that this is really the right way of doing it so being transparent and promoting international cooperation is the only way to be for users of other space all right we're going to take a short break right now when we're back we'll continue talking to simonetti people asked a physicist director of the united nations office for outer space affairs discussing the challenges of space science is facing today stay with us.
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you know world a big part of newton's laws and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the path and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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with lawmakers manufacture consent to public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. in the final merry go round certainly the one percent. during the whole middle of the room signal. the bomb a really was very european in his approach he would be very well suited is. brussels for example is that doesn't represent america is america for better or worse and i think what we're trying to do here is to let the world see what we're all here.
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and we're back with simone at that the people astrophysicist director of the united nations office for outer space affairs talking about the opportunities space science is offering to us today united states has this mr russian chinese draft as hollow hypocritical a ploy of two nations to gain military advantage what's behind washington's mistrust what do you think i am i'm not commenting on nation al ball this is an approach is what i can tell you is that for example the united states have been. proposers. more than ten years ago close to fifteen years ago although it isn't quite an important make of these i'm in another field but just to make an example. in any it's related to the interoperability of the g.n. s.s.
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system gen s.s. stands for global navigation so the lie systems currently in the world that we have four of them. from the chinese developed by the chinese one is from the russians blown us. the for the first one is galileo from the europeans and the fourth one is the g.p.s. from the united states so the idea is to have regular meetings on the of this so called i c g four were. each weed the officer at this base affairs serve as the executive secretary it's so they the providers the four that i mentioned plus other coming to the table they regularly meet discuss and so in this way. the use of the genesis system all over the world by everyone in the world. is really becoming that
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a parable which means. that is the open transparency everyone is discussing about their own systems and this is done for the benefit of everyone everywhere i believe this is a very good role model for how we should do cooperation in space donald trump wants united states to be dominant in space and is even planning to create a space force to protect united states assets in space so is this a space marine talk real can that happen. as i said i'm not commenting on on nation oppositions what i can tell you is that. in under the umbrella of the committee on the peaceful uses of our space we had several years of discussions under the working group. on the long term sustainability of other space that if it is where for sure the united states but also the other main countries have been actively participating and in june this year they approved a set of guidelines that they are already applying which means that clearly there
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ranging from. i mean the different topics under the umbrella of the long term sustainability but this is said under the umbrella of course in the u.n. they are really competitive in international cooperation is that it's really the best. neil de grasse tyson reacting to this space for say idea has sat better severin nation has a right to protect its assets including assets in outer space do you agree with his logic i mean we all use the ocean it's a common resource but then most countries have navies and we're doing ok isn't space kind of the same thing. as i said again i cannot comment. on national position but just the idea of you know dividing space what do you think of that how how is that should be done i mean this is this is not i'm in the discussion or in the umbrella of the un and in the world i can tell you is there we
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always mention in any possible presentation situation meeting events etc that space is to become see the as a global commons and we have to work together to preserve it for the future generations fighting a war in space or using space is not great but what if we need to place some kind of a giant came in to shoot down some kind of an asteroid had it strayed into our planet and sooner or later we might need that won't we. oh we're working a lot to with member states provide that protection and on perimeter of the fence two topics which are becoming more and more important in our portfolio and we have established two international working groups that we are serving one of them. in particular that is one is a sort of a network. which is there to prepare for him in
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how to communicate for example an asteroid is the is on the subject a really let's say the wrong to object already towards the earth so how we have to communicate it and then that is also what we call sampai two which is a group of a space agencies which are discussing within them with this report of the office without the space affairs how to prepare for this in this possibility and which kind of measures can be taken in order to deflect the asteroid what is currently the say top in the least is really how to find a way of deflecting the asteroid so not destroying the asteroid or doing anything like that because of can be very very dangerous but just putting the asteroid in a different trajectory so it's not any more dangerous for the earth that you called space the internet off tomorrow meaning that countries that don't have access to it
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will be left behind but space exploration is expensive and so if you are a country that has no money for it should someone else be floating the bills well the concept we have is that space exploration is really developed allowing a country participating to develop new technologies which can be very helpful then honor for them so for their own development and for sure in the merchant country on a developing country cannot participate or cannot have. emission to two to the solar system alone what we can do however is to think in an open and inclusive way so that we develop all together in open architecture where we have the key elements that are needed and where everyone can participate the pending on their own requirements and their own financial means and also their own technical
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skills and in this way want we do we implement what we call the triangle out approach where through the un the un as the accumulation point toward the center of gravity if you want we can put together developed and developing countries and so in this way we create this triangular approach and we have been proving recently away in small projects that this is working quite well and i have to say that in professional unit space plus fifty one of the main of the magic priority on which member states worked hard is the so-called space exploration innovation. demanded priority and on these we have the participation of a lot of emerging and developing countries. because they see the added value of participating in this frontier technology development for debt on sustainable development on earth right now so i am quite confident that with this approach we can really be open and inclusive so that no one is left behind to our hopes that
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someday your agency will be leading humanity's outer space activities that it will be something like you know starfleet command from star trek for instance ira or are you only concerned about here and now well being an astrophysicist and. being you know in the space business since now mordantly that kate's. this is a field where you can not only think about tomorrow you have to think about tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and always on the medium long term that's the way in which we think. what i can tell you is that the u.n. and in particular the office for outer space affairs but they in general the un we are ria here the real. the service of member states we are here to serve the needs so member states and we are here also to offer the technical skills for them to take the best informed decision i believe that the
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office without the space affairs is really quite so sex will in this and is and able and for sure the more countries we have on the table the committee on the peaceful uses of all the space the more we can see this approach becoming open and inclusive as i was mentioning before we have a lot to do we have a lot to communicate and and the more we do it the more we see the result of that so step by step by having let's see a along to our vision having a lot of vision we have step by step going there thank you so much for this wonderful insight we're talking to someone and that the people astrophysicist director of the united nations office for outer space affairs discussing how we can make the best of the opportunities space is presenting to us that is it for this edition of sophia and co i will see you next time.
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a massive exercise in the arctic as a new front to beam opened up and it seems the saudis will get away with murder after all. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the us of the rich one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes have to teach this. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only.
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business is holland kentucky. we've all moved them places you've already agreed fanny's lemole need. a co money city with almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the coal was said that there was a lot of these people the survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and its house and its. and. was. was.
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just. was. germany's and team of gratian f.t. party isis best seats in the state of giving it's a place in every regional parliament it's yet another election by the chance of a medical this reportedly planning to quit as leader of the christian democrats off to eighteen is. nato will game straw protests in norway has troops conduct that
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