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tv   News  RT  October 29, 2018 10:00am-10:31am EDT

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the. most. often these and when a spectacular kids and fast food out the next huge huge party convention to samba i will not run the charts party secondly this falls tom is the last one for me. the german chancellor says she's stepping down in twenty twenty one and confirmed counts to quit as late as a party off eighteen years isn't going to make us hits with
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a series of setbacks at the house. party will tend to fetch him and. also this hour nato war games to a protest in norway as troops conducts the biggest trails since the cold war. sounds as families will tend to focus. of violating human rights with the u.n. concerned people are being forced to live in areas where radiation levels remain unsafe. but i've spoken to several mothers in particular who feel that they are being compelled to return because of financial hardships. is just ten five pm head moscow via watching international good to have you with us . breaking news from germany angela merkel has confirmed that she is stepping down as party leader. christian democratic union after almost two decades in the job it
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follows another disappointing election performance this time in the state of her say where the c.d.u. suffered a slump in its share of the votes the move now throws open the race for who will succeed her c.d.u. leader she intends to stay on this german chancellor and her fourth term runs until twenty twenty years since. fastball at the next you do you party convention in december i will not run for the chair of the party secondly this fourth is the last one for me i will not run for chancellor during the twenty twenty one election nor will i seek a seat in the parliament. live now to bear lenin our europe correspondent peter oliver so merkel's stepping down as leader of her party what more can you tell us. or big changes are afoot here in germany and german politics. says she
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won't run for the position of party chair again she will remain as chancellor though how that works out well that old could depend on who takes over from her party chair if it's somebody from the right of the party the more traditional conservatives with their party we can't really see her lasting too long as chancellor when she's beholden to them if it was somebody from her own center asst part and the part that she made her own of a party or perhaps she could but then would the rest of the party want to continue on that same route especially when it's a route that led them to this position they're in now the vote on sunday well the results coming in on sunday evening from hester they really seem to have been the final nail in the coffin the the straw that broke the camel's back the the thousandth of the death by a thousand cuts as it were it was a nother double digit double digit drop i beg your pardon for the christian
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democratic union they lost around ten to eleven percent in that election then as the the votes was coming in as the result of a cardinal coming in we started to hear well criticism strong criticism coming from both those within our own party coalition partners. state of the government isn't acceptable we therefore expect this city you to take appropriate action and that's how it is evening there was a very mixed message has there once the christian democratic union to continue leading this state many people have shown during this election that it must be different not in house. well this was as i said the straw that broke the camel's back we did hear the chancellor speaking all monday she basically outlined where she sees the state of play right now. the things that came in overnight from her selection of a wholly disappointing and better choice and what he does politically it can no
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longer be business as usual for us after this result has after the result and the area after the conflict between the c.d.u. and the c.s.u. in summer and after all the difficulties in forming a government coalition as the previous attempts to form one between the c.d.u. c.s.u. f.t.p. and the green party all fell through. i believe we should pause for a moment and think i hope we see yesterday's election is a turning point that we put to the task we have sat and done from the last federal election and until this moment there in lies the opportunity for us. mrs merkel there are saying essentially the book stops with her christian democratic union hemorrhaged votes in the local elections there but while they hemorrhage votes those votes were picked up by the center left green party as well as the right wing populist anti migrant party alternative for germany they picked
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up thirteen percent of the vote that sees them into the local parliament and for the first time it means that they are now represented in all sixteen of germany states as well as the national parliament the bundestag here in berlin they will make up any kind of decision making group within the forward government i beg your pardon all of the other parties have said they they will work with them there however the fact that they've got over this milestone and are now represented in all german states well that resulted in party leadership being incredibly happy. with the people's party the f.t. is now represented in every german region after the great success it has. but the question is just where did it all start to go wrong for and the loom urkel . this result in hessen may be the one that forced her to to make the announcement
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that she won't be running again or won't be running for reelection as the the party chair but it's been a rough ride since the elections last year last september it took over six months to put together a functional coalition government nice a functional in the loose a sense of the terms there was fall outs with the free democrats trying to find a coalition between themselves the so it c.d.u. and the greens that didn't work out they went with this grand coalition and it's hardly looked grand since it's been in place that coalition with the social democrats because of injury not coalition the c.d.u. they hit an twelve year low in the popularity stakes in the summer we saw horse offered the firebrand from bavaria of the c.s.u. the c.d.u. sister party saying that he was going to walk out and quit over refugee totals that were being allowed into the country and he didn t.
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manage to come to some kind of agreement whereby he would stay but popularity remained incredibly low migration has remained a factor in chipping away yet. who before twenty fifteen was polling incredibly highly both her party and herself personally were polling incredibly early it was then that she announced that germany would welcome with open arms refugees and migrants from across the world in conflict zones and that has really well it's really impacted upon her coalition upon her government and it's when that started to impact upon local elections and the party and general in the c.d.u. as a party not just angela merkel well that is when she's deemed that she needs to step down so she will step down as chair of the party says that she will remain. chancellor says she wants to see it out till twenty twenty one whether she lost that far i guess that all depends on who takes over from her as the new party chair which we should find out in december. europe correspondent pates all of
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a thanks for bringing us up to date. jim annoyer and pundits maximillian cross has a change is needed in the cd party but that will only happen if a critic of merkel is appointed leader. there is a change taking place is needed i guess so to me it's a very optimistic nears what future do you see for the cd party without mikel. i mean she remains the chancellor of the. city run t.v. they lose her as a chancellor. she's a member of to see you. i do think that so much would change if american say were it would become the popular leader everything would change if america becomes king leader because the end of the party could start to promote critics into political office so that.
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very uncomfortable. but it all i don't think that the party would only oppose merkel so you could have more american critics and political positions but to see you as a very very submissive quality towards the chancellor and be very siloed you as a member of critics takes over and. it would. give development it gives merkel but not the revolution there is to see the use of the told to do is make sort of in no way mickelson that cement the she will no longer lead the christian democratic union comes off the decades at the forefront of german politics she began her political kray off to the fall of the bettin wall joining the cd you in one thousand nine hundred nine ten years later she became the party secretary general and its leader in two thousand by two thousand and five and
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a miracle made history by becoming germany's first female chancellor since then she has been reelected to fair the three times meaning nicholas being the nation's leader finale a generation. the time i remember she was always there i mean i can remember a time i sure wasn't like the chancellor and i don't even know who came before her and i miss knew until i met us as only met on us that the longer the makeover said so i think she was elected in two thousand and five for the rest time out like seven she's just been around for ever she's always been an average she's been in
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power a long time i think there's a piece of it is content don't have the titles. i've never seen an adult without governing. in two thousand and five she was elected for the first time i was only thirteen. i pierced my ear lobe. a boy from my school died in a traffic accident. in fukushima the core melted people died. i went to mississippi for a year as an exchange student. black smoke did obama whites mccain barack obama became the first black president. and i'm all that. america. may thing on now and hundreds of antiwar protesters have gathered in against nato
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trails in norway the lion says flexing its muscle in the biggest emitter exercises since the cold war it comes off to moscow how this major trails last month. they have. fifty thousand troops two hundred and fifty aircraft sixty five warships and ten thousand tanks and vehicles it's a pretty straightforward message it is ambitious and it is only in recent years europe's security environment how significant would need to has been careful not to mention moscow as the boogeyman which the exercise is aimed against but there are no illusions nato jets will be flying i mean two hundred kilometers from
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the russian border us troops will be learning to fight in cold conditions against a simulated enemy that is and surprisingly exactly as powerful as moscow. the effect of this activity will increase the tension between norway and russia despite quite clumsy attempts by the representatives of the alliance and its member states to picture such military activity as defensive it's obvious that this fighting capabilities demonstration has a distinct anti russian character tensions now a worse than they've been in a third of a century both nato and moscow have been going to extract them staging bigger and bigger war games russia's vostok maneuvers native's trident war games record size for both this year and each blaming each other. demonstrates russia's focus on exercising large scale conflict it fits into a pattern we've seen over some time and more assertive russia significantly
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increasing its defense budget and its military presence. wait wait wait getting a little carried away there russia's military budget has been decreasing not increasing year after year you'd have thought nato intelligence would have spotted that now compare moscow's military spending to nato's which is almost a trillion dollars a year it literally accounts for harf the world's military spending i mean there is no competition here in this the need to use military activity at the borders of russia has reached an unprecedented post cold war level bloc countries are engaged in offensive drills the aim of all this is increased capacity to swiftly deploy troops across europe. it's a remarkable cycle nato builds up its forces. responds by building up its own which nato then calls russian aggression and uses it to justify stationing more
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tanks more troops near russia. and repeat it's not really had real i think it's their problem cation isn't it. trying to look back on that typical nato drills we had of the thirty's in the eighty's the typical would be that we had ten thousand participants now we got more than fifty one thousand is to give a political struggle between the united states and russia are going on all very impressive this far as military escalations go but what with all these war games this propaganda militant rhetoric and collapsing arms treaties one can only wonder how long can we go on like this and much more we can escalate the for a stupid decision or an accident puts a spark to this trillion dollar powder keg. still to come on our japan fund a fire from the u.n. to relocating families in the fukushima radiation saying the details up next.
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live. i would prefer to say. the human space is must become into the ground and terry wish me instead so we are leaving in the solar system. and for sure we should
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expand on our own other all this of the solar system i see this is a way of bringing in and developing more technologists new technologies so that we can even learn to say increase and in improve the quality of life on earth. welcome back to r.t. the french government is coming on to increase pressure to rear pennon investigation into the rwandan genocide back in one thousand nine hundred ninety four the central african country accuses france of being complicit in the massacre that left more than half a million people that now an independent french out that called media parts has released video alleging to show a senior french military officer appearing to have knowledge of the slaughter that
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took place in an area known as the b. says a room hailed but apparently ignored the intelligence. before you know what you know only too could push you to do you but you could go to a new and only quote you know you don't control with the one who makes homebody i did make sure to push it all be able to. live now to paris and correspondent on quarter to on relations between rwanda and france have been for decades already what's the latest on the school to reopen the investigation. wellhead nisha leading french human rights groups here in france have been calling for they called for the reopening of the investigation on friday they were trying to get a response from senior french military officials about the government's involvement in the one nine hundred ninety four basous or a massacre in the east african country of rwanda now the case itself was launched back in september but it was cancelled due to lack of evidence and lack of
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convictions now france admits having made mistakes throughout the genocide but it denies any complicity in the atrocities that took place but the survivors of the massacre say that on june twenty seventh one thousand nine hundred ninety four they asked the french government for help and but the french military only came three days later and after hundreds had already been killed now on thursday the french investigative site media port released a video in which a senior military military officer was allegedly ignoring reports that massacres were going on in the process or over hills it's believed the video was taken on june twenty eighth one thousand nine hundred ninety four and is now archived in the french defense ministry.
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japan's been told by the un that it might be violating human rights by forcing families to return to fukushima seven years after a nuclear plant meltdown rent in the area uninhabitable the japanese government insists that some areas and now safe but the u.n. special records her on how to substances says many failed they were forced to return. i've spoken to several mothers in particular who feel that they are being compelled to return because of financial hardship their financial assistance that was provided to them after the disaster has been reduced or eliminated however if you look at the actual recommendations what the what the international bodies say is that they actually do not know what is acceptable dose of radiation for children
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and women of reproductive age and they urge most caution justification of any options one of the unanswered questions that we have regarding. relating to the waste is what they're going to do with the. radioactive stored soil that's been stored in large plastic bags around around fukushima and where that will be disposed to date we have no answer for that either. the u.n. says it's disappointed that japan think north recommendations as to what constituted a safe level of radiation off of the nuclear disaster in twenty eleven the government's race the safety threshold twenty times the un report says such levels pose a significant danger as public health especially children. the
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japanese are trying to move the situation back to a status quo as it was before the nuclear disaster as quickly as possible and in many ways that's to be commended but there also may be a possibility and this is why we're concerned that the japanese government is moving too quickly and perhaps not insuring and not a quick level of safety in particular for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and children. the japanese foreign ministry says the un's for poetess based on one sided information which could cause unnecessary fares about for. for more details on any of us story so you can visit. i'll be back in half an hour's time with the latest top stories.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world the politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. you know world of big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. have been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s.
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has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long for the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one to one business show you can't afford to miss the one and only. as a trumpet ministration pulls out of a key arms control. nato conducts a massive exercise in the arctic as a new front being opened up and it seems the saudis will get away with murder after all. start to bomb
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a really was very european and his approaching would be very well suited is there any in brussels for example doesn't represent america trump is america for better or worse and i think what we're trying to do here is to let the world see what we're all about here. while give easy evolve find this us. and. for union. south. rational south and. desire for love need the feel. that the new doc was on the. up by
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people in the zuma. should slip to the system and he. is a small fortune in that into your. fortune for the automobile of a boat is more than a financial. he . exists is hotter than kentucky. overall in this room places you could want. fanny's. a co money since she was almost no coal mines left. the jobs are gone all the goal
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was to show. that. these people are survivors of a world disappearing before their eyes. i remember thinking when i was younger that if anything ever happened to the coal mines here that it would become a ghost town but i never thought in a million years i would see that and it's how it's happened. now that i want that god. was going to go. oh oh oh must be.
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vulcan too so same cohen says he shevardnadze humanity may be on the brink of a leak in the cells of space exploration but i we were ready to handle the extraterrestrial boom when it comes to it i asked him a message to people an astrophysicist and the director of the united nations office of outer space affairs. with the rapid pace of progress eclipsing everything we have a thought possible taken all the g.'s enabling us to dream about today and not tomorrow bring el to space exploration. much closer than the distant future as humanity stands on the verge of a new space era money. with outer space become a hotbed of rivalry mirroring squabbles on. could it become an environment for
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peaceful and prosperous cooperation. someone that the astrophysicist director of the united nations office for outer space affairs welcome to the show great to have you with us today so this is a paper thank you my pleasure they took knowledge is advancing so fast these days groundbreaking change is no longer a generation away we see it happen before our eyes in every field however we haven't come back to the moon we haven't gone to mars would keep inventing cool smartphones and virtual reality glasses and stuff but it seems like space is being neglected is this the calm before a big storm some kind of a huge breakthrough or what could that be. i will say that space is really in a very interesting phase right now what we see is they have the least in the in few come to this the flourishing all for us.


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