tv News RT October 29, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EDT
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to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. subscribe to read people also get a few calls in for just twelve euros fifty per month. to get them out the next cd you party convention in december i will not run for the chair of the party this is the last one for me. i will not be running.
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as party need to after eighteen years in charge. of. military operatives were aware of that from the afternoon after twenty seventh of june on words civilians were being killed. rights groups the french government to relaunch a probe into the nine hundred ninety four genocide video emerges appearing to show france knew more about the slaughter than explained at the time. before you only to you could but during your leave you leave but you will need only pleading videotron with the image combo to make sure the only people you know videotron with the image combo to make sure there's real. it's. here in moscow and you're watching r.t.
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international live from our studio with me in india today welcome to the program. angela merkel says she's stepping down as leader of the christian democratic union after eighteen years at the how the german chancellor also announced she will not stand in the next federal election slated for twenty twenty one. at the next cd you party convention in december i will not run for the chair of the party this fourth term is the last one for me the decision follows her party's disappointing election performance this time in the state of has say where the c.d.u. suffered a double digit loss in its share of the vote with the chancellor admitting the result has been tough to take. the figures that came in overnight from her selection a wholly disappointing and bitter boys but it is politically it can no longer be business as usual for us after this result has after the result of the area after the conflicts between the c.d.u. c.s.u.
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in the summer and after all the difficulties in forming a government coalition as the previous attempts to form one between the c.d.u. c.s.u. f.t.p. and the green party fell through. i believe we should pause for a moment and think i hope we see yesterday's election is a turning point that we put to the task we have sat and done from the last federal election and until this moment that i realized the opportunity for us. i'm glad local says she will remain as chancellor but is stepping down as the leader of the christian democratic union she had in the past said to jobs being the party leader and being chancellor they went hand in hand and you shouldn't separate one of the other this does come as something of a surprise the city you were in well day or a sort of dire straits there's been in for a while but i'm going to work has been at the helm for eighteen years she's such a big part of the the d.l.a. . all of the c.d.u.
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today so for her to say that she's stepping down and somebody else is going to be shaping that party that's that's big news perhaps worth noting that this was probably the most relaxed we've seen angela merkel speaking to the press in months and she lists off the troubles that they faced it's no wonder they find themselves in such a situation in fact as the result started coming in on sunday evening we saw both those within the c.d.u. her own party and her coalition partners already starting to turn on angola merkel and suggesting that there needed to be a change solution to the state of the government isn't acceptable we therefore expect the c.d.u. to take appropriate action wrong with us this evening there was a very mixed message as it wants the christian democratic union to continue leading this state many people have shown during this election that it must be different not in hester. or with the social democrats and the c.d.u. haemorrhaging vote in has said those votes to go somewhere in the beneficiaries
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were the green party who put it at the strong showing of the previously doing well in bavaria and also alternative for germany. and to the parliament and has said for the first time and now it means that they have representation in all sixteen states in germany as well as be represented in the national parliament the bundestag party leadership of the f.d.a. well they were ecstatic at the results with the people's party the f.t. is now represented in every german region after the great success it has but when it comes to angela merkel the christian democratic union in the coalition it's well held together with sticky tape and popsicle sticks at the moment it comes down to popularity and angela merkel's party has been hemorrhaging popularity since she made the decision to welcome with open arms refugees and migrants into germany it was. huge issue in the election in twenty seventeen and will it cause problems for
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them there it caused problems with trying to cobble together a coalition it took one of the best part of seven months to do that and since the coalition government has been in place since march it's never really looked stable it almost fell apart completely this summer with horses for the interior minister threatening to walk out of the cabinet and walk out of the coalition with his christie and social union party he was put catered eventually with promises of of limits on refugees and migrants but it hasn't gone away and the problems that as i said started out in the lead up to the twenty seventeen election they then followed through coalition talks they've now started to impact on local government and the overall impression of the c.d.u. party in that is why until a merkel's deemed it time to go is the head of the party she says she's going to hang on until twenty twenty one as chancellor be looking to see how she well how she gets on to do that depending on who takes over the job she's vacating as head
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of her party. and the pats a professor of comparative politics at the technical university of dresden says merkel stepping down was her only option. measure along political russian ality there is. going to merkel it's not surprising at all because her party was losing. confidence among the electorate and the reason to speak the burden of this party was under merkel herself so it was quite rational for her to leave office as party chairman but they were the less whenever something important happens you usually are surprised by it happening right now and this is my dream was really surprising that angular merkel is so quickly they're stronger consequences out of the disaster still a electoral defeat during the last eight elections and if they aren't and in his. merkel's announcement that she will no longer lead the christian democratic union
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comes after decades at the forefront of german politics she began her political career after the fall of the berlin wall joining the cd in one thousand nine hundred eighty nine ten years later she became the party secretary general and its leader in two thousand by two thousand and five angela merkel made history by becoming germany's first female chancellor since then she has been reelected a further three times. time i remember she was always there i mean i can't really remember a time. like the chancellor and i don't even know who came before. there's
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only but on us. i think she was elected in two thousand and five for the first time i was like she's just been around forever she's always been an average she's going . to be. i've never been an adult without under america governing in two thousand and five she was elected for the first time i was only thirty. years my ear lobes a boy from my school died in a traffic accident. in fukushima the core melted people died. i went to mississippi for a year as an exchange student. black smoke at obama whites mccain barack obama became the first black president.
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and i'm. sure. french human rights groups are calling for a probe into the one thousand nine hundred forty one didn't genocide to be reopened after an independent french outlet called media part released a video which appears to show a senior french military officer having knowledge of the slaughter that took place in an area known as the says every hills he allegedly ignored the intelligence so far france has denied any connection to the massacre. before you and you'll need to question your duty but who took you for the only leader you didn't fall with behind me to make somebody to make you feel. the mass killing in rwanda lasted for about a hundred days and left more than hall for million people that artie's correspondent could reports on the case from paris. leading french human rights
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groups called for a reopening of the case on friday trying to get answers from top french military officials about the government's involvement in the one nine hundred ninety four the sesar all massacre in the east african country of rwanda now human rights activists are demanding answers one leader of the organization survey is a plaintiff in the case she says it was too premature to close the case while other lawyers are accusing france were in direct complicity in the genocide lines of inquiry were not sufficiently followed up to allow investigators to determine france's military and political responsibility french military authorities were aware that from the afternoon of twenty seventh of june on words civilians were being killed the survivors opened the case thirteen years ago although back in july it was scrapped due to lack of evidence and lack of convictions but survivors of
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the massacre claim they asked the french military for help on june twenty seventh one thousand nine hundred ninety four but the military only came three days later already after hundreds of people were killed in the massacre and the allegation now is that the french government actually knew what was going on and specifically decided not to intervene the genocide was committed mainly by the hutu government and its backers against the ethnic minority tutsi tribe and allegations of the french government supports for the hutus who carried out most of the slaughter in the genocide have been rough on the french government's relations with the rwandan government for years but the french although they admit that they have made mistakes they say they have no complicity in the genocide that took place there.
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we managed to speak to one of the massacre survive this. and do not leave it here it didn't surprise me i was very happy that media part published the truth we as this virus have known this for a long time but it's important that the french people know what happened back in one thousand nine hundred ninety four when the military was there i only know that france aren't promised to declassify the archives but it didn't work out everything had published was already known the only thing i have to add is that the french people have to know the truth. hundreds of antiwar protesters have gathered in oslo against nato drills in norway it comes after moscow how to turn major trials last
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month. has the details. fifty thousand troops two hundred and fifty aircraft sixty five warships and ten thousand tanks and vehicles that's a pretty straightforward message it is ambitious and it is demanding in recent years europe's security environment has significant it deteriorated nato has been careful not to mention moscow as the boogeyman which the exercise is aimed against but there are no illusions nato jets will be flying i mean two hundred kilometers from the russian border us troops will be learning to fight in cold conditions against a simulated enemy that is and surprisingly exactly as powerful as moscow the
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effect of this activity will increase the tension between norway and russia despite quite clumsy attempts by the representatives of the alliance and its member states to picture such military activity as defensive it's obvious that this fighting capabilities demonstration has a distinct anti russian character tensions now a worse than they've been. in a third of a century both nato and moscow have been go into it streams staging bigger and bigger war games russia's vostok maneuvers the natives trident war games record size for both this year and each blaming each other. demonstrates russia's focus on exercising large scale conflict it fits into a pattern we've seen over some time and more assertive russia significantly increasing its defense budget and its military presence. getting a little carried away there russia's military budget has been decreasing not increasing year after year you would have thought nato intelligence would have
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spotted that now compare moscow's military spending to nato's which is almost a trillion dollars a year it literally accounts for harf the world's military spending i mean there's no competition here in this merger need is military activity at the borders of russia has reached an unprecedented post cold war level bloc countries are engaged in offensive drills the aim of all this is increased capacity to swiftly deploy troops across europe. it's a remarkable cycle nato builds up its forces. responds by building up its own which nato then calls russian aggression and uses it to justify stationing more tanks troops near russia. and repeat it's not really had real i think it's their problem cation isn't it. trying to look back on that typical nato drills we
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had of the thirty's in the eighty's the typical would be that we had ten thousand participants now we've got more than fifty one thousand it's a game of political struggle between the united states and russia are going on all very impressive this far as military escalations go but what with all these war games this propaganda militant rhetoric and collapsing arms treaties one can only wonder how long can we go on like this and much more we can escalate the for a stupid decision or an accident puts a spark to this trillion dollar powder keg. a suicide bomber has injured at least twenty people in tunis your capital eight of them are police officers and one is a civilian a woman blew up in front of a shopping center so far no terrorist group has claimed the attack the area has a strong police presence a number of government buildings are located nearby to is last major terrorist
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attack was in twenty fifteen when thirty eight people were killed at a beach resort. now president trumbull a first lady of keeping things sweet this halloween they've been handing out candy to smiling children at the white house but for the grown ups in america the power brokers on capitol hill are giving them the shivers explains. with halloween fast approaching pollsters are looking into what strikes fear into americans the most now turn on any mainstream t.v. network and they'll have an answer for you efforts to influence the twenty to eighteen mid-term elections the big news and divisive stories and posts caravan of impoverished migrants white nationalists prepared to take to the streets trump administration plan could a race the definition of transgender but according to a new poll conducted by chapman university in california americans actual fears
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don't really line up when given a list of one hundred things to be afraid of including nuclear war zombies and ghosts and other terrors americans list in their primary phobia for the fourth consecutive year as being corrupt politicians. and perhaps this fear isn't exactly baseless we do have a president who's tax returns are still under wraps and he seems to be pretty blatantly doing favors for his next of kin i've heard evolved i've heard how good would be. the fifo that no this is nothing to do with that but does that but i want to tell you the people that know though that he wagner would be done by. then be accused of nepotism if you could believe it right and trump got a lactaid by tearing into his opponent hillary clinton he called her crooked hillary because her reputation for shady deals has been around for years the f.b.i. even looked into her clinton foundation the former secretary of state never shied away from taking big sums from financial heavyweights to do have to be paid six
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hundred seventy five thousand dollars well i don't know that's what they offered. accusations of corruption are abundant in american politics even though they rarely make the legal field in the united states there's all kinds of politicians being accused of insider trading lavish gifts as they say welcome to american politics but it seems that the mainstream media is working overtime. to direct our phobias elsewhere there's no limit to what the russian federation do to undermine american democracy while you know what we have to work on immigration i have a big dairy district a live agriculture a lot of undocumented workers but these things aren't even in the top ten because we have so many of the. things that relate to your life or the future of your kids and things like that not trumped up things like you know terrorism is going to get chu or the bridges are going to fall down or something it's real life things that
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people are worried about a part of it is the economic ones including the corruption of politicians i was interested in the corrupt politician thing being at the top because for a long time people haven't recognized how corrupt their politicians are they think it's thinking in gradually that the whole system really stinks american politicians have learned that playing on people's fears is a big seller but it seems that what scares the americans the most is the very scare mongers trying to manipulate their fears tale of mopp and r.t. new york. has been told by the un that it might be violating human rights by forcing families to return to seven years after a new camp meltdown. i've spoken to several mothers in particular who feel that they are being compelled to return because of financial hardship that their financial assistance that was provided to them after the disaster has been reduced or eliminated however if you look at the actual recommendations what the what the
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b. international bodies say is that they actually do not know what is acceptable dose of radiation for children and women of reproductive age and they urge most caution and a justification of any options one of the unanswered questions that we have regarding fukushima relating to the waste is what they are going to do with the radioactive stored soil that's been stored in large plastic bags around around fukushima and where that will be disposed to date we have no answer for that either. the u.n. says japan ignored recommendations on the safe level of radiation after the twenty eleven disaster the government raised the safety threshold to by a factor of twenty the u.n. report says such levels are potentially dangerous especially for children.
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the japanese are trying to move the situation back to a status quo as it was before the nuclear disaster as quickly as possible and in many ways that's to be commended but there also may be a possibility in this is why we're concerned that the japanese government is moving too quickly and perhaps not ensuring a night a quick level of safety in particular for vulnerable groups such as pregnant women and children. the japanese foreign ministry says the u.n. report is based on one sided information and could cause unnecessary fears apart from question. now all people in syria work to rebuild their homes after years of cultural life is returning to normal as well in damascus the national museum has opened its doors to public for the first time since twenty twelve when it was closed to prevent damage to its collections.
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however there is less positive news in iraq or over four thousand five hundred artifacts stolen by to harvest from that city's museum according to syrian officials antiquities were also taken from the palmira dara and homs museums. you can it be company suspending its operations at a fracking well in northern england after one after another trauma in the area drilling began at the site two weeks ago on october the twenty fourth mine a seismic activity was detected but operations continued and it wasn't until a stronger china on october the twenty sixth but operations were halted for eighteen hours with the drilling being sporadically caught on and off has once again hit the pause button however the company defended its activity and said it poses no danger to locals. micro seismic events such as these result in tiny
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movements that are way below anything that would be felt its surface much less cause any harm or damage without the sophisticated monitoring in place it could drill or they would not be detected. a campaigner for the talk fracking group says quote jenna's operations could have dangerous consequences on an already weak plant site. with fracking at the moment it's a worrying situation and it seems to be going very slowly and cautiously as they should. if you if you then put that over. ground or terrain that's already been historically weakened significantly by historic coal extraction. consequences could be very devastating. and that effectively covers the entire. half of the. in this country those who are the real problem. take
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a giant google is and the pressure after reports of a former senior executive receiving a multi-million dollar exit package he was accused of sexual misconduct by a colleague and then trying to silence the claims that go back to twenty forty or. reports the era of need to has been celebrated as a turning point no more it seemed to could sexual harassers get away with it it to me to lead to me to be to be to me to meet all. but as some perpetrators were ostracized and ruined for life others apparently were covered and protected this is the claim made in a new york times article about the man who fathered the android mobile operating system allegedly the google big short coerced and other employee into intercourse at a hotel an accusation andy rubin denies specifically i never coerced
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a woman to have sex in a hotel room these false allegations are part of a smear campaign by my ex-wife. but the misconduct story is only part of the scandal according to the paper google's big hitters reportedly knew of the allegations but there was no big outing for rubin no public shaming no kavanah scale investigation what happened instead a discreet resignation letter filed by the executive a goodbye golden handshake of a staggering ninety million dollars and a pat on the back from the big boss i want to wish and the all the best with what's next with android he created something truly remarkable with a billion plus happy users and the irony is that it's google one of the champions of the me two movement in supported by actions like creating. project with this catching heat map for the hash tag and note that we did not edit this in any way including the music.
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when the paper published its investigation google retorted by flaunting its record of layoffs over such accusations in the last two years forty eight people have been terminated for sexual harassment including thirteen who were c.d.o. managers and above and from we've learned so far this scandal looks pretty black and white good going the new york times against potentially bad guy google but the irony actually goes deeper here the new york times is amidst a very similar scandal itself back in two thousand and seventeen their white house correspondent glenn thrush was accused of inappropriate sexual behavior the paper did punish him by not allowing him to cover white house events anymore because yeah that'll show him those who are preaching the loudest about things like tolerance or things like you know taking moral high ground are often those who don't hold themselves to that same accountability because i don't think for them it's
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necessarily a more ality or even you know a principle of theirs i think it's more about politics to them so then when it's convenient for them to say they espouse the me too movement for political pragmatism or for you know sometimes i think click for click baits things like that that's very different from when it hits them personally the need to phenomenon had a lot of women inspired and empowered to giving them hope that maybe they don't have to be afraid to speak out anymore and while this message could not be more true it's hypocrites within the ranks that are stealing the hope from the victims. run of the news for now i'll be back at the top of the hour but don't forget to follow all our stories on our web site that's r.t. dot com next up here on out international time for a documentary called run a song.
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