tv Keiser Report RT November 1, 2018 4:30pm-5:00pm EDT
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in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it still war here. spilling into the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen . those who took part in this today over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i
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am ask eyes are welcome because a report thirteen hundred yeah i know i look pretty spiffy that's because we're shooting gonzo american pilgrimage yeah we're back on the road soon to be artsy first ep episode airing in the summer it's going to be awesome we've been shooting all day in the desert red rock thing is basic yes we're in las vegas those are the mountains behind us i think the sierra nevada red rocks certainly and you know of course it was las vegas where we saw the last great tragedy of a mass shooting dozens and dozens of people killed of course while we've been on this journey there been more mass shootings more mail bombings or at least fake mail bombings and it's been a pretty horrific journey while where in the past few weeks in american history i'm trying to decide whether the craziness factor is ratcheting up or whether it's
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staying somewhat concept to me it seems like things are getting crazier every week every month and i can't even keep track of all these shootings and and fake mail bombings and everything is kind of bleeding into one another and it just seems like a parallel life out there but i know everyone's really kind of nervous i know the security analysts vegas is very high there are checkpoints everywhere there's all kinds of double duty cops and there's we had i guess my mike pence was here earlier visiting and there was a huge security detail for him so just as greater lines everywhere and so you just you know up feeling like you're in this very very very long line is always a long line and how much longer can the lines get before things just totally break down i don't know but it feels like if either we're being descents has ties to all these mass shootings or it's like nonstop p.t.s.d. it's just it's it's it's horrifying to. look at. so we're going to turn to some
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financial news because that's what we cover chis report market finance scandal and it's perhaps just says. it's a little bit light relief i think as why i think that ugly october in stocks was just a preamble crybabies on wall street are already clamoring for the powell puts allegedly you know markets are down there been falling in october a while we've been traveling across the country i didn't even really notice this but. you know market participants are once again very terrified very scared calling for the fed to put put put a put another they're going to help us with more free money we can't stand taking actual risk we're bankers we just like profit we like risk to do is leave everybody you know at the same time i saw barack obama is campaigning on the stump and he's like this great economic recovery in stock markets all due to my efforts which of course is false just to correct the record barack obama printed about sixteen to
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seventeen trillion dollars for his banking buddies with the help of timothy geithner and he simply glossed over the problems and made it possible for the wealth and income gap to skyrocket so now you have the greatest concentration of billionaire wealth ever that's thanks to barack obama bailing out the banks instead of the actual debtors so we had to suffer in this enormous dislocation in the economy getting back to the top of the show you talk about all the violence emerging coast to coast and i have a lot to do with the fact that many people america millions of people feel disenfranchised thanks to barack obama's policy of bailing out i mean it's not like . well i think it's just like you know science ability it just happens upon cheney asleep and happened or it happened because a george w. bush happened because of ronald reagan and bill clinton. makes a decision not to balance the debtor's and make historic unprecedented move to bail out the creditors but it was the slippery slope to what we have today ok but in the
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u.k. they also did that and they don't have mass shootings there so there is like disconnect there's something going on here and that's another story but i want to talk about what's going on in terms of the markets falling just to put it into context because the bankers themselves are acting very extreme and they're all scared and they're asking the fed to help them out the dow was actually well behaved in october f.-l. about three percent for the entire week and is about flat year to date nothing special the dow is only eight point four. went off its peak and compared to a year ago it is still up five point four percent is not a crime for stocks the flat year to date stocks might actually be down for the year and they might be down for years but people have forgotten and younger people have never experienced that in their life after a decade of blatant market manipulation by central banks they have created the centrally planned everything bubble that is now gradually deflating it oust rick lot of the show from gold money he spoke about the credit cycle turning interest
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rates were going down for more than thirty five years he postulates that interest rates are starting to go up that means that we're not just heading into a situation where the fed can bail out stocks because the situ in a situation of five or ten or years or more of rising interest rates like the seventy's where you had year over year declines of stocks for a whole decade practically number one number two to say that the stock market is not overvalued to begin with is erroneous because if you strip out all the stock buybacks with all the free money given by the fed and if you were to strip out all of the kind of financial engineering that again isn't enabled by the fed and if you strip out the four or five technology stocks that make up the bulk ninety percent of all these games for the last ten years if you take away the top ten performing technology stocks and the stock buybacks the stock market would not have made any move at all for ten years at all for ten years that's all been artificial it's all
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been lubricated by free money and by the old compositionally ny state's economy by amazon apple facebook that have destroyed the better of playing field and open the groundwork for what we're seeing now which is total and utter collapse well it's not our collapse yet that's what will for sure assumes that it's going to fall by the way michelle also said on his blog that you know markets can have another five to ten years going down now and this is this could just be the beginning. but in particular wolf looks at one sector that. really went. boom boom boom be under trump the trump you know explosion and stock markets was the property and the building sector so he looks at that in particular and looks at how bad that has done in october especially as the rhetoric meets reality that the free money isn't actually coming because remember they all bet on that one point five trillion dollar spending plan infrastructure spending plan he talked about on the campaign
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trail but that never actually happened so building in construction stocks surged by fifty percent after the election and hopes for a mega construction boom based on the story of a one point five trillion dollar infrastructure plan much of that one point five trillion would be distributed to these companies that was the height when markets realized that this was a head fake these stocks started to crash so he takes a look at the power shares dynamic building construction e.t.f. which is plunged thirty percent since january twenty third and is back to where it had been right after the election this shows the trump bump and operation soaring on wall street hype and crashing on reality there is the hype and there is the reality right construction stocks and housing stocks are hyper inflated but is it going to be like the subprime crisis that ignited the two thousand and eight crisis no probably is going to come from something like the student crisis student loan crisis one point five trillion in student loans non-recourse loans are going to
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start defaulting on mass corporate debt defaulting on massive junk bonds defaulting on mass tunnel set off the next global financial crisis the extension of the two thousand and eight global financial crisis the global financial crisis was the beginning of a global economy that was kept to alive through transfusions of cash administered to an economic corpse the global economy has been dead since two thousand and eight and through the transfusion of a lot of money it's been animated and kept alive and looked like something was going on there but now there's transfusions of cash. are ending because interest rates are going to start ticking up so now the rotten stinking corpse of the global economy is going to start smelling really bad people are going to start bailing out of stocks technology stocks housing stock. semiconductor stock yeah right this is like sell sell sell sell sell sell sell and then of course you could have market down twenty thirty forty fifty sixty percent and then it'll still be in a long term bull market that stock market can drop sixty percent and the long term multi hundred year trend would still be bullish you could still have
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a sixty percent drop and still have a bull trend going back one hundred years keep that in mind many in the audience watching this many participants in the stock market via you know retail apps ordinary investor. listening to people like you and alistair macleod or peter schiff or michelle a lot the older guys who remember some of what a bond market with rising interest rates looks like twenty down if there was a bond move down had a bond collapse in ninety four and it was a bomb ass massacre in ninety four the financial crisis in the late one nine hundred ninety s. you had of course dot com as of two thousand you had this awkward crash which i remember well because i was working on wall street one hundred eighty seven and we're overdue for a major crash the only question is where it's going to come from is probably going over the junk bond market the corporate bond market that will crash horribly and that was set in motion the contagion will see a major bank probably going to bank declare bankruptcy the fact is most people don't believe this is ever going to happen because. you guys have warned that this
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is what it will look like but nobody has a memory of that nobody has a memory of what it could possibly look like because they do believe in the greenspan put the bernanke he put the janet yellen put and now the power they do believe that the fed can come to the rescue because that has happened over and over because you mentioned the things that have happened like the one thousand nine hundred four bond market sell off and then what happened the fed came to the rescue didn't they because things resumed interest rates resumed down you could always roll over your debt you could always accumulate more debt and remember that mantra is always that it doesn't matter how much debt we all have because it's our servicing how much it costs a service that debt and that servicing the debt keeps on going down other than for the u.s. government remember we showed that a few weeks ago where because they accumulate so much debt even despite low interest rates they're servicing costs are going up every airline servicing cars for us just a half a trillion and rising and if their interest rates rise by one or two percent then
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america technically is insolvent and block a man the predictions of a bond market collapse you know for last three or four years and so when peter for myself or others say bonds or by the collapse they don't collapse you know people are saying they're you know desensitized to this information and they don't believe it's ever going to happen but the thing about the fed is that can only control short rates they can't control long rates and here's the difference between this crisis of the previous crisis is that it's going to be a u.s. dollar crisis and when i mean by that is people around the world like china russia and others are going to lose confidence in the u.s. dollar the u.s. dollar once it loses confidence by these other countries the u.s. dollar will crash and that will be something that the humpty dumpty won't be able to be put back together again because china and russia have been buying gold hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of tons of gold and raiding and they're preparing for a u.s. dollar collapse and loss of confidence in the u.s. dollar and the fed can't do anything about that and they can't do anything about ten year twenty or thirty year rates they're completely impotent when it comes to managing a long rates and if the cycle has turned and credit cycle is go. going to go
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negative there's absolutely nothing you can do it's like spitting into the ocean you can't stop the tonic plates of financial market mr market will always prevail mr market always prevails it could just be power whatever the fed chairman's name is robert powell her own pastoral powell you know he is he has nothing he can't stop it we have pointed out here in port or at least many of our gas have is that one thing that will be different when this next crash comes and it does come because we only do boom and bust now. they get more and more compressed but the thing is that the central banks have always coordinated together and to respond to a financial crisis so i think perhaps you know with china emerging as such a giant economic force and an economic power whether or not that they considering how much gold they have and we don't know nobody knows for sure how much gold they
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have they might just be happy for it all to disappear is chinese population been purged by gold yet they're waiting for the dollar collapse and under trump administration there is no cooperation most central banks now he's dick lobel ization yes and he's written a zero mercantile ization and there's going to be no cooperation to me all for against all right and the u.s. dollar is sitting there with like shooting blanks that the u.s. dollar is like bang bang bang nothing coming up with confetti and china and russia they're like. we've got all the gold. well much more coming your way after the break don't go away stay right there. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy going from station let it be an arms race into his own also a scary dramatic development the only really going to resist. i don't see how that
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strategy will be successful very critical. to sit down and talk. to people as i live the good feel confident. leave no. need to. be done. and we have many things in this world sounds this is it you know for everyone and why some people's also take our things all the power just for themselves and that is the mother.
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welcome back to the kaiser report max kaiser time not to go to bill barr id's the c.e.o. of. bill thanks for coming up my pleasure thanks for having me yeah all right here in los angeles and behind us is los angeles you're here in los angeles and average as a wallet right if you're trying to wallets just describe usually the product to the people yeah so average is really easy to use crypto while it's meant for the retail
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investor we have users in like a hundred countries around the u.s. but spreading quickly throughout the world allows you to hold up to thirty crypto currencies as investment contracts and the apps like invest in ripple. white korean recording cash. g. all of them basically all the big ones anyway through the af you can exchange between them in real time you can use your bank account to get money in and out of the app and dozens of countries u.s. europe singapore canada etc. and the number of countries we support for bank united growing all the time and now we're working on adding more investment classes to the app so the first thing that we're focusing on is index products yeah so this is a new product and this is this thing because this product is kind of been developed in parallel as folks have been trying to launch an e.t.f. on wall street's right and i know you are scheduled to do a talk recently called w.t.f. the s.c.c.a. or something to that effect in other words it's all full steam ahead it's kind of
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like an a.t.m. tell us about it yeah so the average ins i'm getting investment exposure to eighty percent of the cryptocurrency market in one token using bitcoin to do that contract for me and that includes all of the top ten kryptos in partnership with a company called bit wise bit wise is creating effectively what looks like an e.t.f. for institutional investors large accredited investors average took their investor methodology. and applied it to our retail contract so it rebalances every month you get all the benefits of what they're doing but with as low as five dollars investment in the after app and you can even take some of your ripple for example and convert it to the index corner you can take some of your index corney convert it back to big court and say it's not quite is the year of account that's right for ambra and everything amber does so you're already well down the path of hyper bitcoin is ation we have no plan b. we are all in on the current average right this idea a way into the future now you know everyone is a big client space is quite fascinated by how the old line mainstream economists
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are freaking out and i saw you recently on pound nuria roubini and you know he occasionally starts becoming outraged and he's like a rageaholic or something seems unhedged well you know and i you're on stage with them and you're just making an eminent sense just going over the basics there what is going on with people like nouriel roubini and paul krugman what why are they having these breakdowns well i think first of all you've got to put it in context right i mean he's an old school economist who's trying to have an up to date modern brit so by attaching him to the crypto space which is not an expert in and being being the naysayer it allows him to have a modern brand which he propagates on social media unfortunately and that having been said some of the points he makes about where because it is from a scalability perspective i think you could actually have if you wanted to an intelligent conversation about those things be chooses not to do that he just uses nonsense in earth because there are areas that are you can be critical ah but he chooses not to focus on any of those and he instead he goes with his broad strokes
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on areas that are completely off base right nor does he understand or make the case that all technology improves exponentially over time right because it at its core is simply software and of course the software is going to be radically better ten years from now just like it's better now taking from ten years ago right here nobody in his world seems to appreciate that just like ruben didn't appreciate that the internet itself was going to scale up better to. years later they did when he was comparing to a fax machine yeah exactly roubini completely missed the significance of the answer not just like paul krugman completely missed the significance of the era now also the east columnist tend to be fall in the category kings eons where they love to spend other people's money they're not really advocates of hard money right and they are accountability and reason with when it is the hardest money ever occur according to safety now most of his book his book the big point standard of it's
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a task but yet he calls it the hardest money ever so yeah speak about that well because i think that's something that's very important these days of hyper inflated deficits and fragility to the global economy right i use this concept in my talks about why it's time for a new commodity standard globally right it is specially if you look at what q.e. one two and three have done to the hyperinflation of the u.s. dollar and you compare that to the hyperinflation of currencies that have been hyper inflated out of existence right like the venezuelan both of our i mean i have to say that those charts look eerily similar right now my saying that i guarantee that the u.s. dollar is going to go away imminently but it's not looking good i mean you can only hyper inflate your currency so far before people realize hey you could create ten x. where the what used to have something in theory it should be worth ten x. less than what it used to be and that's what we're blindly doing with the u.s. dollar it makes no sense at some point right paul krugman argues that well the sea
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agrees the dollars not backed by anything except the pentagon right and but that trick doesn't work all the time eventually run out of countries to bomb iran to a country that you don't really don't want to bomb could be a russia for example or china where they might reject the idea of being bombed just support the oh i don't think our government sees the dollar as hard money i think they see this as the same. point for a managed economy right now it's even worse because to me what are the ethics of passing on debt to great grandkids who aren't even born yet so if you want to call it the center of a marriage economy what it's like hartley nobody in their right mind can call the u.s. dollar in government got money hard money right so if that's the case who gets the side with the ethics are a passing aren't trillions or whether in the next hundreds of trillions of debt on to people who aren't born yet should be right they don't say and give that any thought not that they're just the data stacking up so in crypto you have two things
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going on in this i think listen a lot of people got technology and economics right and there's a revolution in both simultaneously right that's where we get lost because you have critics on both sides who are misinformed and they get lost in the middle so you came to the space really did you come to the space oh god i've been working in this kind of world for thirty years i was a cryptographer at the cia i was a quantico woman and i worked on what a fixed income stuff which helped me at abbey road to design the kind of a synthetic currency using recording i worked on certificate authority projects at netscape in the mid ninety's when we created s.s.l. rights only jump in there for science you know people say oh you know the internet was born when the netscape moment that skate went public and suddenly the browser was born and all that code that was part of that it gave became that i'm going to bolt has big point had that netscape moment is agora that that netscape moment is the extraordinarily easy apple you know wallet you can get in the crypto wallet are kind of like to the crypto what browsers are the internet is your gateway into yet
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is this is this going to be that the gateway to take us into that netscape moment the admiral while i hope so let me give you two perspectives on that one is ease of use of course but the second is what is because in its core relative to how people are going to use hard money in the future i see big corners t.c.p.-ip for money a lot of the types of investments in banking applications that people will do with average three four years from now. they won't even know they're using because right so they're going to make payments invest in stocks commodities even whole you know not hard money like dollars all using because so the netscape moment will come when there's easy to use apps that hide the complexity of private public keys to the consumer in the background and enable really simple retail basing applications brocker said something interesting that big quiet it's the protocol versus the internet works we're really bunch of apps writing on the protocol what they call in
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the protocol is leading the revolution chase it became first right i mean in one thousand menu one you had to install it the c.p.p. the stack and windows computer in order to use the internet so you had to know something about it today nobody knows what they're using it and i think that's what's going to happen a big point over time right so becomes imbedded and you're really unaware of it and it's running the iranian economy institutional investors will still drive liquidity right which is what we need for absolute average we need to be liquid in one hundred fifty countries for amber to work correctly but the consumer doesn't have to understand that they just know that it works in our app store an investment contract in a stock or in dollars or whatever asset they're holding now here at the headquarters of the kaiser pari now we're doing a special project we're traveling across the country a project called gonzo and we are spreading the word of crypto and we're spreading kind of the word of hard money and we're taking a look at the america what makes it tick the you know the the freaks the charlottes and the geniuses the flim flam man you know is donald trump an aberration or is he
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actually a reflection of who america for it is right. now we need we need we're going to be looking for folks to come on board and gamble give us a little bit of a sponsorship we'd love to have aggregate come on board it would you consider that absolutely look i mean i think that part of my job as c.e.o. right is to evangelize the fact that we need a new commodity. standard to manage the next generation of stored value investing hard earned money or wealth in some way the average public doesn't understand that money is money is a government managed economy it is not a hard money in any sense of the word if we can educate the next generation consumer that this opportunity exists right that is something that we want to be a part of i'm dedicating a big chunk of my life around to evangelizing wisconsin yeah we're in the room i got my attention evangelizing white student there you go here that's
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a problem with this and to push this hard money message on the streets anywhere i can go amen brother get it out there to convert people now have to be on the journey but you may have to double up because you're a small close area like pumping gas and stuff like never whatever it takes help you know what the catering i've got to start as i speak to floors so it's all good excellent well bill bar i saw the app is after app you can do the apple store own app store logical place to or right at the top the charts and banking it's doing really well so it's easy to find yeah yeah that's true download write it down load and sign up yeah yeah actually you can start using the app without even providing any your personal details you can deposit because if you have it doesn't even ask you who you are and so you want to your bank details call and then so the product the new product is the i ten or the get ten that bit ten so you get it because it's the top exposure to eighty percent of the entire market
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with a one a one investment one vestas like an index and just a bit ten so while that sounds pretty awesome we're going to try to get as many people and address possible i call you get you one hundred thousand new users thank you what's doing about that i think is fantastic all right well that we got to run a nice mankinds report our pleasure all right that's super well and that's it for this edition of the kaiser a part of me max has and stacy herman like to thank our guest bill farai he's the c.e.o. of abba joining us. on twitter reported you know. join me every week on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to the world of politics sport i'm sure. i'll see of that.
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